Python on Visual Studio Error - python

Can somebody help me identify the error here? I am using Python on Visual Studio, and I have copied the code from another source. When I paste the code into a playground like, the program runs without issue. Only when I paste into visual studio do I get an error. The error is in the last two lines of code that begin with "print". This is probably a huge noob question, but I am a beginner. Help!
import hashlib as hasher
import datetime as date
# Define what a Snakecoin block is
class Block:
def __init__(self, index, timestamp, data, previous_hash):
self.index = index
self.timestamp = timestamp = data
self.previous_hash = previous_hash
self.hash = self.hash_block()
def hash_block(self):
sha = hasher.sha256()
sha.update(str(self.index) + str(self.timestamp) + str( + str(self.previous_hash))
return sha.hexdigest()
# Generate genesis block
def create_genesis_block():
# Manually construct a block with
# index zero and arbitrary previous hash
return Block(0,, "Genesis Block", "0")
# Generate all later blocks in the blockchain
def next_block(last_block):
this_index = last_block.index + 1
this_timestamp =
this_data = "Hey! I'm block " + str(this_index)
this_hash = last_block.hash
return Block(this_index, this_timestamp, this_data, this_hash)
# Create the blockchain and add the genesis block
blockchain = [create_genesis_block()]
previous_block = blockchain[0]
# How many blocks should we add to the chain
# after the genesis block
num_of_blocks_to_add = 20
# Add blocks to the chain
for i in range(0, num_of_blocks_to_add):
block_to_add = next_block(previous_block)
previous_block = block_to_add
# Tell everyone about it!
print "Block #{} has been added to the blockchain!".format(block_to_add.index)
print "Hash: {}\n".format(block_to_add.hash)

In visual studio and most other editors, they are updated to the most recent python, also meaning that you have to place parentheses after the print statement.
For example:

Visual Studio runs Python 3.x.x, so, you have to write the print sentences on this way:
print('String to print')
Because in Python 3 print is a function, not a reserved word like in Python 2.


I followed the code in my Python guide book yet running it through Visual Code Studios, the code will not perform at all

from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256 as SHA
class myDES():
def __init__(self, keytext, ivtext):
hash =
key = hash.digest()
iv = hash.digest()
def enc(self, plaintext):
des3 =,DES3.MODE_CBC,self.iv)
encmsg = des3.encrypt(plaintext.encode())
return encmsg
def dec(self, ciphertext):
des3 =,DES3.MODE_CBC,self.iv)
decmsg = des3.decrypt(ciphertext)
return decmsg
def main():
keytext = 'samsjang'
ivtext = '1234'
msg = 'python3x'
myCipher = myDES(keytext, ivtext)
ciphered = myCipher.enc(msg)
deciphered = myCipher.dec(ciphered)
print('ORIGINAL: %s' % msg)
print('CIPHERED: %s' % ciphered)
print('DECIPHERED: %s' % deciphered)
This is the current code that I am trying to run through Visual Code Studios. I have a guidebook about learning information about Cryptology through Python, and I followed the book as it told me to write some codes. Most were successful, but this particular code did not run for some reason. It doesn't even show an error, just saying 'PS C:\doit> & C:/Users/ksm97/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe c:/doit/' while not performing any action. Can somebody please help me? I am quite new to coding btw, so please take note of that.

python selenium, slow xpath 'all elements'. add timeout

I need to get all the elements on a page and iterate through them to search each element.
currently I am using, driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#*]')
However, there can be a delay in completing the line of code above on larger pages. Is there a way to retrieve the results in increments of 100 elements? Or at least add a timeout?
Terminating driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#*]') inside a multithread is the only why I currently think I can solve this.
I need to find all elements on a page that contain certain strings. For example. elem.get_attribute('outerHTML').find('type="submit"') != -1 … and so on and so forth … I also need their proximity to each other to compare index positions
import Globalz ###### globals import is an empty .py file
import threading
import time
import ctypes
def find_xpath():
for i in range(5):
Globalz.curr_value = 'DONE!'
### this is where the xpath retrieval goes (ABOVE loop is for example purposes only)
def stopwatch(info):
curr_time = 0
failed = False
Globalz.curr_value = ''
thread1 = threading.Thread(target=info['function'])
while thread1.is_alive() is True:
if curr_time >= info['timeout']: failed = True; ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(thread1.ident), ctypes.py_object(SystemExit))
curr_time += 1; time.sleep(1)
if failed is True: return info['failed_returns']
if failed is False: return Globalz.curr_value
betty = stopwatch({'function': find_xpath, 'timeout': 10, 'failed_returns': 'failed'})
If anyone is interested here is a solution. I've created a wrapper called stopwatch()

py2exe SytaxError: invalid syntax (, line22) [duplicate]

This command works fine on my personal computer but keeps giving me this error on my work PC. What could be going on? I can run the script directly in Powershell without a problem.
error: compiling 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\jinja2\' failed
SyntaxError: invalid syntax (, line 22)
My file looks like:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
setup (console=[''])
My file looks like:
import xlwings as xw
from win32com.client import constants as c
import win32api
Important Notes: Header row has to be the first row. No columns without a header row. If you need/want a blank column, just place a random placeholder
header value in the first row.
Product_Article_Number column is used to determine the number of rows. It must be populated for every row.
#functions, hooray!
def setRange(columnDict, columnHeader):
column = columnDict[columnHeader]
rngForFormatting = xw.Range((2,column), (bttm, column))
cellReference = xw.Range((2,column)).get_address(False, False)
return rngForFormatting, cellReference
def msg_box(message):
win32api.MessageBox(, message)
#Character limits for fields in Hybris
CharLimits_Fields = {"alerts":500, "certifications":255, "productTitle":300,
"teaserText":450 , "includes":1000, "compliance":255, "disclaimers":9000,
"ecommDescription100":100, "ecommDescription240":240,
"internalKeyword":1000, "metaKeywords":1000, "metaDescription":1000,
"productFeatures":7500, "productLongDescription":1500,"requires":500,
"servicePlan":255, "skuDifferentiatorText":255, "storage":255,
"techDetailsAndRefs":12000, "warranty":1000}
# Fields for which a break tag is problematic.
BreakTagNotAllowed = ["ecommDescription100", "ecommDescription240", "productTitle",
app =
wb = xw.Book(r'C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\Import File.xlsx')
#identifies the blanket range of interest
firstCell = xw.Range('A1')
lstcolumn = firstCell.end("right").column
headers_Row = xw.Range((1,1), (1, lstcolumn)).value
columnDict = {}
for column in range(1, len(headers_Row) + 1):
header = headers_Row[column - 1]
columnDict[header] = column
articleColumn = columnDict["Product_Article_Number"]
articleColumn = columnDict["Family_Article_Number"]
firstCell = xw.Range((1,articleColumn))
bttm = firstCell.end("down").row
wholeRange = xw.Range((1,1),(bttm, lstcolumn))
wholeRangeVal = wholeRange.value
#Sets the font and deletes previous conditional formatting
wholeRange.api.Font.Name = "Arial Unicode MS"
for columnHeader in columnDict.keys():
if columnHeader in CharLimits_Fields.keys():
rng, cellRef = setRange(columnDict, columnHeader)
rng.api.FormatConditions.Add(2,3, "=len(" + cellRef + ") >=" + str(CharLimits_Fields[columnHeader]))
rng.api.FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
if columnHeader in BreakTagNotAllowed:
rng, cellRef = setRange(columnDict, columnHeader)
rng.api.FormatConditions.Add(2,3, '=OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("<br>",' + cellRef + ')), ISNUMBER(SEARCH("<br/>",' + cellRef + ")))")
rng.api.FormatConditions(2).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
searchResults = wholeRange.api.Find("~\"")
if searchResults is not None:
msg_box("There's a double quote in this spreadsheet")
msg_box("There are no double quotes in this spreadsheet")
# app.api.FindFormat.Clear
# app.api.FindFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 3
# foundRed = wholeRange.api.Find("*", SearchFormat=True)
# if foundRed is None:
# msg_box("There are no values exceeding character limits")
# else:
# msg_box("There are values exceeding character limits")
# app.api.FindFormat.Clear
# app.api.FindFormat.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
# foundYellow = wholeRange.api.Find("*", SearchFormat=True)
# if foundYellow is None:
# msg_box("There are no break tags in this spreadsheet")
# else:
# msg_box("There are break tags in this spreadsheet")
If you are reading this, I would try Santiago's solution first.
The issue:
Looking at what is likely at line 22 on the github package:
async def concat_async(async_gen):
This is making use of the async keyword which was added in python 3.5, however py2exe only supports up to python 3.4. Now jinja looks to be extending the python language in some way (perhaps during runtime?) to support this async keyword in earlier versions of python. py2exe cannot account for this language extension.
The Fix:
async support was added in jinja2 version 2.9 according to the documentation. So I tried installing an earlier version of jinja (version 2.8) which I downloaded here.
I made a backup of my current jinja installation by moving the contents of %PYTHONHOME%\Lib\site-packages\jinja2 to some other place.
extract the previously downloaded tar.gz file and install the package via pip:
cd .\Downloads\dist\Jinja2-2.8 # or wherever you extracted jinja2.8
python install
As a side note, I also had to increase my recursion limit because py2exe was reaching the default limit.
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys
setup (console=[''])
If whatever it is you are using relies on the latest version of jinja2, then this might fail or have unintended side effects when actually running your code. I was compiling a very simple script.
I had the same trouble coding in python3.7. I fixed that adding the excludes part to my py2exe file:
a = Analysis([''],
I took that from:

Unpack ValueError in Python

I was making a site component scanner with Python. Unfortunately, something goes wrong when I added another value to my script. This is my script:
import sys
import urllib2
import re
import time
import httplib
import random
# Color Console
W = '\033[0m' # white (default)
R = '\033[31m' # red
G = '\033[1;32m' # green bold
O = '\033[33m' # orange
B = '\033[34m' # blue
P = '\033[35m' # purple
C = '\033[36m' # cyan
GR = '\033[37m' # gray
#Bad HTTP Responses
BAD_RESP = [400,401,404]
def main(path):
print "[+] Testing:",host.split("/",1)[1]+path
h = httplib.HTTP(host.split("/",1)[0])
h.putrequest("HEAD", "/"+host.split("/",1)[1]+path)
h.putheader("Host", host.split("/",1)[0])
resp, reason, headers = h.getreply()
return resp, reason, headers.get("Server")
except(), msg:
print "Error Occurred:",msg
def timer():
now = time.localtime(time.time())
return time.asctime(now)
def slowprint(s):
for c in s + '\n':
sys.stdout.flush() # defeat buffering
print G+"\n\t Whats My Site Component Scanner"
coms = { "index.php?option=com_artforms" : "com_artforms" + "link1","index.php?option=com_fabrik" : "com_fabrik" + "ink"}
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "\nUsage: python <site>"
print "Example: python\n"
host = sys.argv[1].replace("http://","").rsplit("/",1)[0]
if host[-1] != "/":
host = host+"/"
print "\n[+] Site:",host
print "[+] Loaded:",len(coms)
print "\n[+] Scanning Components\n"
for com,nme,expl in coms.items():
resp,reason,server = main(com)
if resp not in BAD_RESP:
print ""
print G+"\t[+] Result:",resp, reason
print G+"\t[+] Com:",nme
print G+"\t[+] Link:",expl
print W
print ""
print R+"\t[-] Result:",resp, reason
print W
print "\n[-] Done\n"
And this is the error message that comes up:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 69, in <module>
for com,nme,expl in xpls.items():
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
I already tried changing the 2 value into 3 or 1, but it doesn't seem to work.
xpls.items returns a tuple of two items, you're trying to unpack it into three. You initialize the dict yourself with two pairs of key:value:
coms = { "index.php?option=com_artforms" : "com_artforms" + "link1","index.php?option=com_fabrik" : "com_fabrik" + "ink"}
besides, the traceback seems to be from another script - the dict is called xpls there, and coms in the code you posted...
you can try
for (xpl, poc) in xpls.items():
because dict.items will return you tuple with 2 values.
You have all the information you need. As with any bug, the best place to start is the traceback. Let's:
for com,poc,expl in xpls.items():
ValueError: need more than 2 values to unpack
Python throws ValueError when a given object is of correct type but has an incorrect value. In this case, this tells us that xpls.items is an iterable an thus can be unpacked, but the attempt failed.
The description of the exception narrows down the problem: xpls has 2 items, but more were required. By looking at the quoted line, we can see that "more" is 3.
In short: xpls was supposed to have 3 items, but has 2.
Note that I never read the rest of the code. Debugging this was possible using only those 2 lines.
Learning to read tracebacks is vital. When you encounter an error such as this one again, devote at least 10 minutes to try to work with this information. You'll be repayed tenfold for your effort.
As already mentioned, dict.items() returns a tuple with two values. If you use a list of strings as dictionary values instead of a string, which should be split anyways afterwards, you can go with this syntax:
coms = { "index.php?option=com_artforms" : ["com_artforms", "link1"],
"index.php?option=com_fabrik" : ["com_fabrik", "ink"]}
for com, (name, expl) in coms.items():
print com, name, expl
>>> index.php?option=com_artforms com_artforms link1
>>> index.php?option=com_fabrik com_fabrik ink

How do I gather performance metrics for GDI and user Objects using python

Think this is my first question I have asked on here normally find all the answers I need (so thanks in advance)
ok my problem I have written a python program that will in threads monitor a process and output the results to a csv file for later. This code is working great I am using win32pdhutil for the counters and WMI, Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process for the CPU %time. I have now been asked to monitor a WPF application and specifically monitor User objects and GDI objects.
This is where I have a problem, it is that i can't seem to find any python support for gathering metrics on these two counters. these two counters are easily available in the task manager I find it odd that there is very little information on these two counters. I am specifically looking at gathering these to see if we have a memory leak, I don't want to install anything else on the system other than python that is already installed. Please can you peeps help with finding a solution.
I am using python 3.3.1, this will be running on a windows platform (mainly win7 and win8)
This is the code i am using to gather the data
def gatherIt(self,whoIt,whatIt,type,wiggle,process_info2):
#this is the data gathering function thing
if type=="counter":
#gather data according to the attibutes
data = win32pdhutil.FindPerformanceAttributesByName(whoIt, counter=whatIt)
#a problem occoured with process not being there not being there....
elif type=="cpu":
process_info={}#used in the gather CPU bassed on service
for x in range(2):
for procP in wiggle.Win32_PerfRawData_PerfProc_Process(name=whoIt):
n1 = int(procP.PercentProcessorTime)
d1 = int(procP.Timestamp_Sys100NS)
#need to get the process id to change per cpu look...
n0, d0 = process_info.get (whoIt, (0, 0))
percent_processor_time = (float (n1 - n0) / float (d1 - d0)) *100.0
#print whoIt, percent_processor_time
except ZeroDivisionError:
percent_processor_time = 0.0
# pass back the n0 and d0
process_info[whoIt] = (n1, d1)
#end for loop (this should take into account multiple cpu's)
# end for range to allow for a current cpu time rather that cpu percent over sampleint
if percent_processor_time==0.0:
#we have done something wrong so data =0
if data == "[]":
if data == "" :
if data == " ":
if data1!="wobble" and data==0.0:
#we have not got the result we were expecting so add a n/a
return data
edited for correct cpu timings issue if anyone tried to run it :D
so after a long search i was able to mash something together that gets me the info needed.
import time
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
import win32pdh
# with help from here
# the following has been mashed together to get the info needed
def GetProcessID(name):
object = "Process"
items, instances = win32pdh.EnumObjectItems(None, None, object, win32pdh.PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD)
val = None
if name in instances :
tenQuery = win32pdh.OpenQuery()
tenarray = [ ]
item = "ID Process"
path = win32pdh.MakeCounterPath( ( None, object, name, None, 0, item ) )
tenarray.append( win32pdh.AddCounter( tenQuery, path ) )
win32pdh.CollectQueryData( tenQuery )
time.sleep( 0.01 )
win32pdh.CollectQueryData( tenQuery )
for tencounter in tenarray:
type, val = win32pdh.GetFormattedCounterValue( tencounter, win32pdh.PDH_FMT_LONG )
win32pdh.RemoveCounter( tencounter )
win32pdh.CloseQuery( tenQuery )
return val
processIDs = GetProcessID('OUTLOOK') # Remember this is case sensitive
PQI = 0x400
#open a handle on to the process so that we can query it
OpenProcessHandle = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PQI, 0, processIDs)
# OK so now we have opened the process now we want to query it
print(windll.user32.GetGuiResources(OpenProcessHandle, GR_GDIOBJECTS))
print(windll.user32.GetGuiResources(OpenProcessHandle, GR_USEROBJECTS))
#so we have what we want we now close the process handle
hope that helps
For GDI count, I think a simpler, cleaner monitoring script is as follows:
import time, psutil
from ctypes import *
def getPID(processName):
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
if processName.lower() in
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return None;
def getGDIcount(PID):
PH = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x400, 0, PID)
GDIcount = windll.user32.GetGuiResources(PH, 0)
return GDIcount
PID = getPID('Outlook')
while True:
GDIcount = getGDIcount(PID)
print(f"{time.ctime()}, {GDIcount}")
