Producing multiple plots for multiple timestep values - python

I am aiming to show the accuracy of a numerical solution and how this varies with the value of timestep chosen. The numerical solution is produced using the following code:
def f(te3):
y3 = -r3*(te3 - te_surr) #y is the derivative
return y3
for i in range(1, len(t3)):
te3[i] = te3[i-1] + f(te3[i-1])*dt
These numerical solutions are then plotted:
Originally, dt was chosen to be 0.1. I am trying to show the various plots produced for different values of timesteps: 0.05, 0.01, etc. However I am unsure how to implement this into my code other than manually typing out each value of dt,
dt2 = 0.05
dt3 = 0.025
dt4 = 0.01
dt5 = 0.005
dt6 = 0.001
then changing the code shown above for each dt value and so forth. Is there a way I can store these values as a list or an array and use this to plot the values?

Maybe you can use a dictionary to hold te3 for each dt. For example:
dt_values = [0.05, 0.025, 0.1, 0.05, 0.001]
my_te3 = {0.05:[1,2,3], 0.025:[1,2,3]}
for i, dt in zip(range(1, len(my_te3[0.05])), dt_values):
my_te3[dt][i] = my_te3[dt][i-1] + f(my_te3[dt][i-1])*dt
Then, to plot, you just need to loop the keys:
for te3 in my_te3.itervalues():
Note that itervalues only works in Python 2.7. For Python 3, use .values instead.


How to bin an image tensor so that each pixel value is binned/bucketed into 1 of 10 values in tensorflow

I have a dataset of pictures as tensors with each pixel having a value between 0 and 1, and I have a set of "bins."
bins = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95]
I want to return a tensor with each pixel value being its nearest bin. As in, if a pixel is 0.03 it will turn into 0.05, if a pixel is 0.79 it will turn into 0.75.
I want this to be done with tensors not numpy.
Here is it working in numpy... tensor flow however seems to be a whole different beast when it comes to iterating. I have tried tf.map_fn and tf.scan to iterate through but I couldn't get it to work.
def valueQuant(picture, splitSize):
#This is the Picture that will be returned
Quant_Pic = np.zeros((picture.shape[0], picture.shape[1]))
#go through each pixel of the image
for y_col in range(picture.shape[0]):
for x_row in range(picture.shape[1]):
#isolate regions based on value
for i in range(splitSize):
#low and high values to isolate
lowFloatRange = float((1/splitSize)*i)
highFloatRange = float((1/splitSize)*(i+1))
#value to turn entire clustor
midRange = lowFloatRange + ((highFloatRange - lowFloatRange)/2)
#current value of current pixel
curVal = picture[y_col][x_row]
#if the current value is within the range of interest
if(curVal >= lowFloatRange and curVal <= highFloatRange):
Quant_Pic[y_col][x_row] = midRange
return Quant_Pic
I was able to figure out an element wise method using only tensor flow methods.
def quant_val(current_input):
bins = tf.constant([0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95])
dist = tf.tile(current_input, [10])
dist = tf.math.subtract(bins, current_input)
absDist = tf.math.abs(dist)
idx = tf.math.argmin(absDist)
output = bins[idx]
output = tf.expand_dims(output, 0)
print("output", output)
return output
current_input = tf.constant([0.53])
This is able to return the right answer for a tensor with a single value, but I am unsure how to extrapolate this to the larger image tensor structure. Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thank you oh kind wise ones.
Round approach:
This is very simple and easy, but some .5 values are round up, others down. If this is not a problem:
def quant_val(images): #0 to 1
images = (images - 0.05) * 10 #-0.5 to 9.5
bins = tf.round(images) #0 to 9
bins = tf.clip_by_value(bins, 0, 9) #possible -1 and 10 due to the remark on top
return (bins/10) + 0.05 #0.05 to 0.95

Python merge datasets X1(t), X2(t) -> X1(X2)

I have some datasets (lets stay at 2 here) which are dependent on a common variable t, like X1(t) and X2(t). However X1(t) and X2(t) don't have to share the same t values or even have the same amount of datapoints.
For example they could look like:
t1 = [2,6,7,8,10,13,14,16,17]
X1 = [10,10,10,20,20,20,30,30,30]
t2 = [3,4,5,6,8,10,11,14,15,16]
X2 = [95,100,100,105,158,150,142,196,200,204]
I am trying to create a new dataset YNew(XNew) (=X2(X1)) such that both datasets are linked without the shared variable t.
In this case it should look like:
XNew = [10,20,30]
YNew = [100,150,200]
where to every occuring X1-value a corresponding X2-value (a mean value) is assigned.
Is there an easy already known way to achieve this(maybe with pandas)?
My first guess would be to find all t-values for a certain X1-value (in the example case the X1-value 10 would lie in the range 2,...,7) and then look for all X2-values in that range and get their mean value. Then you should be able to assign YNew(XNew).
Thanks for every advice!
I added a graph, so maybe my intentions are a bit more clear. I want to assign the mean X2-value to the corresponding X1-value in the marked regions (where the same X1-values occur).
graph corresponding to example lists
alright, I just tried to implement what I mentioned and it works as I liked it.
Although I think that some things are still a little clumsy...
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# datasets to treat
t1 = [2,6,7,8,10,13,14,16,17]
X1 = [10,10,10,20,20,20,30,30,30]
t2 = [3,4,5,6,8,10,11,14,15,16]
X2 = [95,100,100,105,158,150,142,196,200,204]
X1Series = pd.Series(X1, index = t1)
X2Series = pd.Series(X2, index = t2)
X1Values = X1Series.drop_duplicates().values #returns all occuring values of X1 without duplicates as array
# lists for results
XNew = []
YNew = []
#find for every occuring value X1 the mean value of X2 in the range of X1
for value in X1Values:
indexpos = X1Series[X1Series == value].index.values
max_t = indexpos[indexpos.argmax()] # get max and min index of the range of X1
min_t =indexpos[indexpos.argmin()]
print("X1 = "+str(value)+" occurs in range from "+str(min_t)+" to "+str(max_t))
slicedX2 = X2Series[(X2Series.index >= min_t) & (X2Series.index <= max_t)] # select range of X2
print("in this range there are following values of X2:")
mean = slicedX2.mean() #calculate mean value of selection and append extracted values
print("with the mean value of: " + str(mean))
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax1.plot(t1, X1,'ro-',label='X1(t)')
ax1.plot(t2, X2,'bo',label='X2(t)')

Kurtosis,Skewness of a bar graph? - Python

What is an efficient method for determining the skew/kurtosis of a bar graph in python? Considering that bar graphs are not binned (unlike histograms) this question would not make a lot of sense but what I am trying to do is to determine the symmetry of a graph's height vs distance (rather than frequency vs bins). In other words, given a value of heights(y) measured along distance(x) i.e.
y = [6.18, 10.23, 33.15, 55.25, 84.19, 91.09, 106.6, 105.63, 114.26, 134.24, 137.44, 144.61, 143.14, 150.73, 156.44, 155.71, 145.88, 120.77, 99.81, 85.81, 55.81, 49.81, 37.81, 25.81, 5.81]
x = [0.03, 0.08, 0.14, 0.2, 0.25, 0.31, 0.36, 0.42, 0.48, 0.53, 0.59, 0.64, 0.7, 0.76, 0.81, 0.87, 0.92, 0.98, 1.04, 1.09, 1.15, 1.2, 1.26, 1.32, 1.37]
What is the symmetry of that height(y) distribution (skewness) and peakness (kurtosis) as measured over distance(x)? Are skewness/kurtosis appropriate measurements for determining the normal distribution of real values? Or does scipy/numpy offer something similar for that type of measurement?
I can achieve a skew/kurtosis estimate of height(y) frequency values binned along distance(x) by the following
freq=list(chain(*[[x_v]*int(round(y_v)) for x_v,y_v in zip(x,y)]))
x.extend([x[-1:][0]+x[0]]) #add one extra bin edge
ylabel("Height Frequency")
xlabel("Distance(km) Bins")
print "Skewness,","Kurtosis:",stats.describe(freq)[4:]
Skewness, Kurtosis: (-0.019354300509997705, -0.7447085398785758)
In this case the height distribution is symmetrical (skew 0.02) around the midpoint distance and characterized by a platykurtic (-0.74 kurtosis i.e. broad) distribution.
Considering that I multiply each occurrence of x value by their height y to create a frequency, the size of the result list can sometimes get very large. I was wondering if there was a better method to approach this problem? I suppose that I could always try to normalize dataset y to a range of perhaps 0 - 100 without loosing too much information on the datasets skew/kurtosis.
This isn't a python question, nor is it really a programming question but the answer is simple nonetheless. Instead of skew and kurtosis, let's first consider the easier values based off the lower moments, the mean and standard deviation. To make it concrete, and to fit with your question, let's assume your data looks like:
X = 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7 = x1, x2, x3 ....
Which would give a "bar graph" that looks like:
{3:2, 5:3, 7:1} = {k1:p1, k2:p2, k3:p3}
The mean, u, is given by
E[X] = (1/N) * (x1 + x2 + x3 + ...) = (1/N) * (3 + 3 + 5 + ...)
Our data, however, has repeated values, so this can be rewritten as
E[X] = (1/N) * (p1*k1 + p2*k2 + ...) = (1/N) * (3*2 + 5*3 + 7*1)
The next term, the standard dev., s, is simply
sqrt(E[(X-u)^2]) = sqrt((1/N)*( (x1-u)^2 + (x2-u)^3 + ...))
But we can apply the same reduction to the E[(X-u)^2] term and write it as
E[(X-u)^2] = (1/N)*( p1*(k1-u)^2 + p2*(k2-u)^2 + ... )
= (1/6)*( 2*(3-u)^2 + 3*(5-u)^2 + 1*(7-u)^2 )
Which means we don't have to have a multiple copy of each data item to do the sum as you indicated in your question.
The skew and kurtosis are quite simple as this point:
skew = E[(x-u)^3] / (E[(x-u)^2])^(3/2)
kurtosis = ( E[(x-u)^4] / (E[(x-u)^2])^2 ) - 3

IDL's INT_TABULATE - SciPy equivalent?

I am working on moving some code from IDL into python. One IDL call is to INT_TABULATE which performs integration on a fixed range.
The INT_TABULATED function integrates a tabulated set of data { xi , fi } on the closed interval [MIN(x) , MAX(x)], using a five-point Newton-Cotes integration formula.
Result = INT_TABULATED( X, F [, /DOUBLE] [, /SORT] )
Where result is the area under the curve.
My question is, does Numpy/SciPy offer a similar form of integration? I see that [scipy.integrate.newton_cotes] exists, but it appears to return "weights and error coefficient for Newton-Cotes integration instead of area".
Scipy does not provide such a high order integrator for tabulated data by default. The closest you have available without coding it yourself is scipy.integrate.simps, which uses a 3 point Newton-Cotes method.
If you simply want to get comparable integration precision, you could split your x and f arrays into 5 point chunks and integrate them one at a time, using the weights returned by scipy.integrate.newton_cotes doing something along the lines of:
def idl_tabulate(x, f, p=5) :
def newton_cotes(x, f) :
if x.shape[0] < 2 :
return 0
rn = (x.shape[0] - 1) * (x - x[0]) / (x[-1] - x[0])
weights = scipy.integrate.newton_cotes(rn)[0]
return (x[-1] - x[0]) / (x.shape[0] - 1) *, f)
ret = 0
for idx in xrange(0, x.shape[0], p - 1) :
ret += newton_cotes(x[idx:idx + p], f[idx:idx + p])
return ret
This does 5-point Newton-Cotes on all intervals, except perhaps the last, where it will do a Newton-Cotes of the number of points remaining. Unfortunately, this will not give you the same results as IDL_TABULATE because the internal methods are different:
Scipy calculates the weights for points not equally spaced using what seems like a least-sqaures fit, I don't fully understand what is going on, but the code is pure python, you can find it in your Scipy installation in file scipy\integrate\
INT_TABULATED always performs 5-point Newton-Cotes on equispaced data. If the data are not equispaced, it builds an equispaced grid, using a cubic spline to interpolate the values at those points. You can check the code here.
For the example in the INT_TABULATED docstring, which is suppossed to return 1.6271 using the original code, and have an exact solution of 1.6405, the above function returns:
>>> x = np.array([0.0, 0.12, 0.22, 0.32, 0.36, 0.40, 0.44, 0.54, 0.64,
... 0.70, 0.80])
>>> f = np.array([0.200000, 1.30973, 1.30524, 1.74339, 2.07490, 2.45600,
... 2.84299, 3.50730, 3.18194, 2.36302, 0.231964])
>>> idl_tabulate(x, f)

Python: how to make an histogram with equally *sized* bins

I have a set of data, and want to make an histogram of it. I need the bins to have the same size, by which I mean that they must contain the same number of objects, rather than the more common (numpy.histogram) problem of having equally spaced bins.
This will naturally come at the expenses of the bins widths, which can - and in general will - be different.
I will specify the number of desired bins and the data set, obtaining the bins edges in return.
data = numpy.array([1., 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.12])
bins_edges = somefunc(data, nbins=3)
>> [1.,1.3,2.1,2.12]
So the bins all contain 2 points, but their widths (0.3, 0.8, 0.02) are different.
There are two limitations:
- if a group of data is identical, the bin containing them could be bigger.
- if there are N data and M bins are requested, there will be N/M bins plus one if N%M is not 0.
This piece of code is some cruft I've written, which worked nicely for small data sets. What if I have 10**9+ points and want to speed up the process?
1 import numpy as np
3 def def_equbin(in_distr, binsize=None, bin_num=None):
5 try:
7 distr_size = len(in_distr)
9 bin_size = distr_size / bin_num
10 odd_bin_size = distr_size % bin_num
12 args = in_distr.argsort()
14 hist = np.zeros((bin_num, bin_size))
16 for i in range(bin_num):
17 hist[i, :] = in_distr[args[i * bin_size: (i + 1) * bin_size]]
19 if odd_bin_size == 0:
20 odd_bin = None
21 bins_limits = np.arange(bin_num) * bin_size
22 bins_limits = args[bins_limits]
23 bins_limits = np.concatenate((in_distr[bins_limits],
24 [in_distr[args[-1]]]))
25 else:
26 odd_bin = in_distr[args[bin_num * bin_size:]]
27 bins_limits = np.arange(bin_num + 1) * bin_size
28 bins_limits = args[bins_limits]
29 bins_limits = in_distr[bins_limits]
30 bins_limits = np.concatenate((bins_limits, [in_distr[args[-1]]]))
32 return (hist, odd_bin, bins_limits)
Using your example case (bins of 2 points, 6 total data points):
from scipy import stats
bin_edges = stats.mstats.mquantiles(data, [0, 2./6, 4./6, 1])
>> array([1. , 1.24666667, 2.05333333, 2.12])
I would like to mention also the existence of pandas.qcut, which does equi-populated binning in quite an efficient way. In your case it would work something like
data = np.array([1., 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.12])
# parameter q specifies the number of bins
qc = pd.qcut(data, q=3, precision=1)
# bin definition
bins = qc.categories
>> Index(['[1, 1.3]', '(1.3, 2.03]', '(2.03, 2.1]'], dtype='object')
# bin corresponding to each point in data
codes =
>> array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], dtype=int8)
Update for skewed distributions :
I came across the same problem as #astabada, wanting to create bins each containing an equal number of samples. When applying the solution proposed #aganders3, I found that it didn't work particularly well for skewed distributions. In the case of skewed data (for example something with a whole lot of zeros), stats.mstats.mquantiles for a predefined number of quantiles will not guarantee an equal number of samples in each bin. You will get bin edges that look like this :
[0. 0. 4. 9.]
In which case the first bin will be empty.
In order to deal with skewed cases, I created a function that calls stats.mstats.mquantiles and then dynamically modifies the number of bins if samples are not equal within a certain tolerance (30% of the smallest sample size in the example code). If samples are not equal between bins, the code reduces the number of equally-spaced quantiles by 1 and calls stats.mstats.mquantiles again until sample sizes are equal or only one bin exists.
I hard coded the tolerance in the example, but this could be modified to a keyword argument if desired.
I also prefer giving the number of equally spaced quantiles as an argument to my function instead of giving user defined quantiles to stats.mstats.mquantiles in order to reduce accidental errors (i.e. something like [0., 0.25, 0.7, 1.]).
Here's the code :
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
def equibins(dat, binnum, **kwargs):
numin = binnum
while numin>1.:
qtls = np.linspace(0.,1.0,num=numin,endpoint=False)
ebins =stats.mstats.mquantiles(dat,qtls,alphap=kwargs['alpha'],betap=kwargs['beta'])
allhist, allbin = np.histogram(dat, bins = ebins)
if (np.unique(ebins).shape!=ebins.shape or tolerence(allhist,0.3)==False) and numin>2:
numin= numin-1
del qtls, ebins
return ebins
def tolerence(narray, percent):
if percent>1.0:
per = percent/100.
per = percent
lev_tol = per*narray.min()
tolerate = np.all(narray[1:]-narray[0]<lev_tol)
return tolerate
Just sort the data, and divide it into fixed bins by length! Obviously you can never divide into exactly equally populated bins, if the number of samples does not divide exactly by the number of bins.
import math
import numpy as np
data = np.array([2,3,5,6,8,5,5,6,3,2,3,7,8,9,8,6,6,8,9,9,0,7,5,3,3,4,5,6,7])
data_sorted = np.sort(data)
nbins = 3
step = math.ceil(len(data_sorted)//nbins+1)
binned_data = []
for i in range(0,len(data_sorted),step):
