Python: how to make an histogram with equally *sized* bins - python

I have a set of data, and want to make an histogram of it. I need the bins to have the same size, by which I mean that they must contain the same number of objects, rather than the more common (numpy.histogram) problem of having equally spaced bins.
This will naturally come at the expenses of the bins widths, which can - and in general will - be different.
I will specify the number of desired bins and the data set, obtaining the bins edges in return.
data = numpy.array([1., 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.12])
bins_edges = somefunc(data, nbins=3)
>> [1.,1.3,2.1,2.12]
So the bins all contain 2 points, but their widths (0.3, 0.8, 0.02) are different.
There are two limitations:
- if a group of data is identical, the bin containing them could be bigger.
- if there are N data and M bins are requested, there will be N/M bins plus one if N%M is not 0.
This piece of code is some cruft I've written, which worked nicely for small data sets. What if I have 10**9+ points and want to speed up the process?
1 import numpy as np
3 def def_equbin(in_distr, binsize=None, bin_num=None):
5 try:
7 distr_size = len(in_distr)
9 bin_size = distr_size / bin_num
10 odd_bin_size = distr_size % bin_num
12 args = in_distr.argsort()
14 hist = np.zeros((bin_num, bin_size))
16 for i in range(bin_num):
17 hist[i, :] = in_distr[args[i * bin_size: (i + 1) * bin_size]]
19 if odd_bin_size == 0:
20 odd_bin = None
21 bins_limits = np.arange(bin_num) * bin_size
22 bins_limits = args[bins_limits]
23 bins_limits = np.concatenate((in_distr[bins_limits],
24 [in_distr[args[-1]]]))
25 else:
26 odd_bin = in_distr[args[bin_num * bin_size:]]
27 bins_limits = np.arange(bin_num + 1) * bin_size
28 bins_limits = args[bins_limits]
29 bins_limits = in_distr[bins_limits]
30 bins_limits = np.concatenate((bins_limits, [in_distr[args[-1]]]))
32 return (hist, odd_bin, bins_limits)

Using your example case (bins of 2 points, 6 total data points):
from scipy import stats
bin_edges = stats.mstats.mquantiles(data, [0, 2./6, 4./6, 1])
>> array([1. , 1.24666667, 2.05333333, 2.12])

I would like to mention also the existence of pandas.qcut, which does equi-populated binning in quite an efficient way. In your case it would work something like
data = np.array([1., 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.12])
# parameter q specifies the number of bins
qc = pd.qcut(data, q=3, precision=1)
# bin definition
bins = qc.categories
>> Index(['[1, 1.3]', '(1.3, 2.03]', '(2.03, 2.1]'], dtype='object')
# bin corresponding to each point in data
codes =
>> array([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2], dtype=int8)

Update for skewed distributions :
I came across the same problem as #astabada, wanting to create bins each containing an equal number of samples. When applying the solution proposed #aganders3, I found that it didn't work particularly well for skewed distributions. In the case of skewed data (for example something with a whole lot of zeros), stats.mstats.mquantiles for a predefined number of quantiles will not guarantee an equal number of samples in each bin. You will get bin edges that look like this :
[0. 0. 4. 9.]
In which case the first bin will be empty.
In order to deal with skewed cases, I created a function that calls stats.mstats.mquantiles and then dynamically modifies the number of bins if samples are not equal within a certain tolerance (30% of the smallest sample size in the example code). If samples are not equal between bins, the code reduces the number of equally-spaced quantiles by 1 and calls stats.mstats.mquantiles again until sample sizes are equal or only one bin exists.
I hard coded the tolerance in the example, but this could be modified to a keyword argument if desired.
I also prefer giving the number of equally spaced quantiles as an argument to my function instead of giving user defined quantiles to stats.mstats.mquantiles in order to reduce accidental errors (i.e. something like [0., 0.25, 0.7, 1.]).
Here's the code :
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
def equibins(dat, binnum, **kwargs):
numin = binnum
while numin>1.:
qtls = np.linspace(0.,1.0,num=numin,endpoint=False)
ebins =stats.mstats.mquantiles(dat,qtls,alphap=kwargs['alpha'],betap=kwargs['beta'])
allhist, allbin = np.histogram(dat, bins = ebins)
if (np.unique(ebins).shape!=ebins.shape or tolerence(allhist,0.3)==False) and numin>2:
numin= numin-1
del qtls, ebins
return ebins
def tolerence(narray, percent):
if percent>1.0:
per = percent/100.
per = percent
lev_tol = per*narray.min()
tolerate = np.all(narray[1:]-narray[0]<lev_tol)
return tolerate

Just sort the data, and divide it into fixed bins by length! Obviously you can never divide into exactly equally populated bins, if the number of samples does not divide exactly by the number of bins.
import math
import numpy as np
data = np.array([2,3,5,6,8,5,5,6,3,2,3,7,8,9,8,6,6,8,9,9,0,7,5,3,3,4,5,6,7])
data_sorted = np.sort(data)
nbins = 3
step = math.ceil(len(data_sorted)//nbins+1)
binned_data = []
for i in range(0,len(data_sorted),step):


Python weighted quantile as R wtd.quantile()

I want to convert the R package Hmisc::wtd.quantile() into python.
Here is the example in R:
I took this as reference and it seems that the logics are different than R:
# First function
def weighted_quantile(values, quantiles, sample_weight = None,
values_sorted = False, old_style = False):
""" Very close to numpy.percentile, but supports weights.
NOTE: quantiles should be in [0, 1]!
:param values: numpy.array with data
:param quantiles: array-like with many quantiles needed
:param sample_weight: array-like of the same length as `array`
:return: numpy.array with computed quantiles.
values = np.array(values)
quantiles = np.array(quantiles)
if sample_weight is None:
sample_weight = np.ones(len(values))
sample_weight = np.array(sample_weight)
assert np.all(quantiles >= 0) and np.all(quantiles <= 1), 'quantiles should be in [0, 1]'
if not values_sorted:
sorter = np.argsort(values)
values = values[sorter]
sample_weight = sample_weight[sorter]
# weighted_quantiles = np.cumsum(sample_weight)
# weighted_quantiles /= np.sum(sample_weight)
weighted_quantiles = np.cumsum(sample_weight)/np.sum(sample_weight)
return np.interp(quantiles, weighted_quantiles, values)
weighted_quantile(values = [0.4890342, 0.4079128, 0.5083345, 0.2136325, 0.6197319],
quantiles = np.arange(0, 1 + 1 / 5, 1 / 5),
sample_weight = [1,1,1,1,1])
>> array([0.2136325, 0.2136325, 0.4079128, 0.4890342, 0.5083345, 0.6197319])
# Second function
def weighted_percentile(data, weights, perc):
perc : percentile in [0-1]!
data = np.array(data)
weights = np.array(weights)
ix = np.argsort(data)
data = data[ix] # sort data
weights = weights[ix] # sort weights
cdf = (np.cumsum(weights) - 0.5 * weights) / np.sum(weights) # 'like' a CDF function
return np.interp(perc, cdf, data)
weighted_percentile([0.4890342, 0.4079128, 0.5083345, 0.2136325, 0.6197319], [1,1,1,1,1], np.arange(0, 1 + 1 / 5, 1 / 5))
>> array([0.2136325 , 0.31077265, 0.4484735 , 0.49868435, 0.5640332 ,
0.6197319 ])
Both are different with R. Any idea?
I am Python-illiterate, but from what I see and after some quick checks I can tell you the following.
Here you use uniform (sampling) weights, so you could also directly use the quantile() function. Not surprisingly, it gives the same results as wtd.quantile() with uniform weights:
x <- c(0.4890342, 0.4079128, 0.5083345, 0.2136325, 0.6197319)
n <- length(x)
x <- sort(x)
quantile(x, probs = seq(0,1,0.2))
# 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
# 0.2136325 0.3690567 0.4565856 0.4967543 0.5306140 0.6197319
The R quantile() function get the quantiles in a 'textbook' way, i.e. by determining the index i of the obs to use with i = q(n+1).
In your case:
# 0.0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0
Of course since you have 5 values/obs and you want quintiles, the indices are not integers. But you know for example that the first quintile (i = 1.2) lies between obs 1 and obs 2. More precisely, it is a linear combination of the two observations (the 'weights' are derived from the value of the index):
0.2*x[1] + 0.8*x[2]
# 0.3690567
You can do the same for the all the quintiles, on the basis of the indices:
q <-
c(min(x), ## 0: actually, the first obs
0.2*x[1] + 0.8*x[2], ## 1.2: quintile lies between obs 1 and 2
0.4*x[2] + 0.6*x[3], ## 2.4: quintile lies between obs 2 and 3
0.6*x[3] + 0.4*x[4], ## 3.6: quintile lies between obs 3 and 4
0.8*x[4] + 0.2*x[5], ## 4.8: quintile lies between obs 4 and 5
max(x) ## 6: actually, the last obs
# 0.2136325 0.3690567 0.4565856 0.4967543 0.5306140 0.6197319
You can see that you get exactly the output of quantile() and wtd.quantile().
If instead of 0.2*x[1] + 0.8*x[2] we consider the following:
0.5*x[1] + 0.5*x[2]
# 0.3107726
We get the output of your second Python function. It appears that your second function considers uniform 'weights' (obviously I am not talking about the sampling weights here) when combining the two observations. The issue (at least for the second Python function) seems to come from this. I know these are just insights, but I hope they will help.
EDIT: note that the difference between the two is not necessary an 'issue' with the python code. There are different quantile estimators (and their weighted versions) and the python functions could simply rely on a different estimator than Hmisc::wtd.quantile(). I think that the latter uses the weighted version of the Harrell-Davis quantile estimator. If you really want to implement this one, you should check the source code of Hmisc::wtd.quantile() and try to 'directly' translate this into Python.

Given an existing distribution, how can I draw samples of size N with std of X?

I have a existing distribution of values and I want to draw samples of size 5, but those 5 samples need to have a std of X within some tolerance. For example, I need 5 samples that have a std of 10 (even though the overall distribution is std=~32).
The example code below somewhat works, but is quite slow for large dataset. It randomly samples the distribution until it finds something close to the target std, then removes those elements so they can't be drawn again.
Is there a smarter way to do this properly and faster? It works ok for some target_std (above 6), but it isn't accurate below 6.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a distribution
d1 = np.random.normal(95, 5, 200)
d2 = np.random.normal(125, 5, 200)
d3 = np.random.normal(115, 10, 200)
d4 = np.random.normal(70, 10, 100)
d5 = np.random.normal(160, 5, 200)
d6 = np.random.normal(170, 20, 100)
dist = np.concatenate((d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6))
print(f"Full distribution: len={len(dist)}, mean={np.mean(dist)}, std={np.std(dist)}")
plt.hist(dist, bins=100)
plt.title("Full Distribution");
batch_size = 5
num_batches = math.ceil(len(dist)/batch_size)
target_std = 10
tolerance = 1
# how many samples to search
num_samples = 100
result = []
# Find samples of batch_size that are closest to target_std
for i in range(num_batches):
samples = []
idxs = np.arange(len(dist))
for j in range(num_samples):
indices = np.random.choice(idxs, size=batch_size, replace=False)
sample = dist[indices]
std = sample.std()
err = abs(std - target_std)
samples.append((sample, indices, std, err, np.mean(sample), max(sample), min(sample)))
if err <= tolerance:
# close enough, stop sampling
# sort by smallest err first, then take the first/best result
samples = sorted(samples, key=lambda x: x[3])
best = samples[0]
if i % 100 == 0:
print(f"{i}, std={best[2]}, err={best[3]}, nsamples={num_samples}")
# remove the data from our source
dist = np.delete(dist, best[1])
df_samples = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=["sample", "indices", "std", "err", "mean", "max", "min"])
df_samples["err"].plot(title="Errors (target_std - batch_std)")
batch_std = df_samples["std"].mean()
batch_err = df_samples["err"].mean()
print(f"RESULT: Target std: {target_std}, Mean batch std: {batch_std}, Mean batch err: {batch_err}")
Since your problem is not restricted to a certain distribution, I use a normally random distribution, but this should work for any distribution. However the run time will depend on the population size.
population = np.random.randn(1000)*32
std = 10.
tol = 1.
n_samples = 5
samples = list(np.random.choice(population, n_samples))
while True:
center = np.mean(samples)
dis = [abs(i-center) for i in samples]
if np.std(samples)>(std+tol):
elif np.std(samples)<(std-tol):
samples.append(np.random.choice(population, 1)[0])
Here is how the code works.
First, draw n_samples, probably the std is not in the range you want, so we calculate the mean and absolute distance of each sample to the mean. Then if the std is larger than the desired value plus tolerance, we kick the furthest sample and draw a new one and vice versa.
Note that if this takes too much time to calculate for your data, after kicking the outlier out, you can calculate what should be the range of the next element that should be drawn in the population, instead of randomly taking one. Hopefully this works for you.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a random draw anymore, and you should be aware that the draw is biased and is not representative of the population.

Create and pass random values to Pandas dataframes with hard bounds

I am trying to simulate a pandas dataframe, using random values, with a combination of hard upper/lower values. I am using np.random.normal, as the original data is fairly normally distributed.
The code I am using to create the dataframe is:
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Temp": np.random.normal(6.809892, 2.975827,93),
"Sun": np.random.normal(1.615054,2.053996,93),
"Rel Hum": np.random.normal(87.153118,5.529958,93)
In the above example, I would like there to be a hard lower and upper bound for all three values. For example, Rel. Hum. could not go below 0, or above 100. Edit: all three values would not have the same bounds, either upper or lower. Temp can go negative, while sun would be bounded at 0, and 24)
How can I force these values, while creating a relatively normally distribution, and passing them to the dataframe at the same time?
Edit : Note that this samples from a truncated normal for the given parameters and will most likely not be truly normally distributed, sorry for the confusion.
Use scipy truncated normal defined as :
"The standard form of this distribution is a standard normal truncated to the range [a, b]"
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
low_bound = 0
upper_bound = 100
mean = 8
std = 2
a, b = (low_bound - mean) / std, (upper_bound - mean) / std
n_samples = 1000
samples = truncnorm.rvs(a = a, b = b,
loc = mean, scale = std,
size = n_samples)
Thanks to ALollz for the corrections !
Try clip() function to bound the values, example:
>>> df[df['Rel Hum']>100].head()
Temp Sun Rel Hum
32 4.734005 4.102939 100.064077
Name: Rel Hum, Length: 93, dtype: float64
>>> df[df['Rel Hum']>100].head()
Temp Sun Rel Hum
32 4.734005 4.102939 100.064077
>>> df['Rel Hum'].clip(0, 100, inplace=True) # assigns values outside boundary to 0 and 100
>>> df.head()
Temp Sun Rel Hum
0 9.714943 6.255931 93.105135
1 0.551001 3.063972 85.923184
2 7.780588 3.580514 79.124139
3 3.766066 3.684801 84.543149
4 8.541507 -3.066196 83.598925
>>> df[df['Rel Hum']>100].head()
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [Temp, Sun, Rel Hum]
Index: []
Just do a clip:
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Temp": np.random.normal(6.809892, 2.975827,93),
"Sun": np.random.normal(1.615054,2.053996,93),
"Rel Hum": np.random.normal(87.153118,5.529958,93)
And plot:
You can clip, though this leaves you with a spike at the edges:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
N = 10**5
df = pd.DataFrame({"Rel Hum": np.random.normal(87.153118,5.529958, N)})
df['Rel Hum'].clip(lower=0, upper=100).plot(kind='hist', bins=np.arange(60,101,1))
If you want to avoid that spike redraw out of bounds points until everything is within bounds:
while not df['Rel Hum'].between(0, 100).all():
m = ~df['Rel Hum'].between(0, 100)
df.loc[m, 'Rel Hum'] = np.random.normal(87.153118, 5.529958, m.sum())
df['Rel Hum'].plot(kind='hist', bins=np.arange(60,101,1))

How do I median bin a 2D image in python?

I have a 2D numarray, of size WIDTHxHEIGHT. I would like to bin the array by finding the median of each bin so that the resultant array is WIDTH/binsize x HEIGHT/binsize. Assume that both WIDTH and HEIGHT are divisible by binsize.
Edit: An example is given in the attached image.
I have found solutions where the binned array values are the sum or average of the individual elements in each bin:
How to bin a 2D array in numpy?
However, if I want to do a median combine of elements in each bin, I haven't been able to figure out a solution. Your help would be much appreciated!
Edit: image added
An example of the initial array and desired resultant median binned array
So you are looking for median over strided reshape:
import numpy as np
a = np.arange(24).reshape(4,6)
def median_binner(a,bin_x,bin_y):
m,n = np.shape(a)
strided_reshape = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a,shape=(bin_x,bin_y,m//bin_x,n//bin_y),strides = a.itemsize*np.array([(m / bin_x) * n, (n / bin_y), n, 1]))
return np.array([np.median(col) for row in strided_reshape for col in row]).reshape(bin_x,bin_y)
print "Original Matrix:"
print a
print "\n"
bin_tester1 = median_binner(a,2,3)
print "2x3 median bin :"
print bin_tester1
print "\n"
bin_tester2 = median_binner(a,2,2)
print "2x2 median bin :"
print bin_tester2
Original Matrix:
[[ 0 1 2 3 4 5]
[ 6 7 8 9 10 11]
[12 13 14 15 16 17]
[18 19 20 21 22 23]]
2x3 median bin :
[[ 3.5 5.5 7.5]
[ 15.5 17.5 19.5]]
2x2 median bin :
[[ 4. 7.]
[ 16. 19.]]
Read this in order to completely understand the following line in the code:
strided_reshape = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(a,shape=(bin_x,bin_y,m//bin_x,n//bin_y),strides = a.itemsize*np.array([(m / bin_x) * n, (n / bin_y), n, 1])) .
I was dealing with the same issue. I have found the answer of Kennet Celeste very useful but there are some caveats. First the stride reshape is fast but the loop then is slow. The trick is to get all the data you compute median from to the same location in the memory and use somehow vectorized numpy operation.
If you don't want to fiddle with the stride reshape you can go for np.swapaxes function. So let's say I have an array X of the size xdim x ydim and want to bin it by window bin_x x bin_y
import numpy as np
#Some sample values
xdim= 5039
ydim = 6637
bin_x = 5
bin_y = 7
X = np.random.rand(ydim, xdim)
#now compute reduced dimensions so that bin_x divides xdim_red
xdim_red = xdim - xdim % bin_x
ydim_red = ydim - ydim % bin_y
#and dimensions after binning
xdim_bin = xdim_red // bin_x
ydim_bin = ydim_red // bin_y
#crop X to the end of the indices
X = X[0:ydim_red, 0:xdim_red]
#Here alternative to stride reshape
X.shape = (ydim_bin, bin_y, xdim_bin, bin_x)
X_reshaped = X.swapaxes(1, 2)
#The following can be done on stride_reshape array as well and finally joins the chunks of the memory we need to get together
X_reshaped = X_reshaped.reshape((ydim_bin, xdim_bin, bin_x*bin_y))
#There could be faster implementation but this at least use batc
g = np.median(X_reshaped, axis=-1)

matplotlib argrelmax doesn't find all maxes

I have a project where I'm sampling analog data and attempting to analyze with matplotlib. Currently, my analog data source is a potentiometer hooked up to a microcontroller, but that's not really relevant to the issue. Here's my code
arrayFront = RunningMean(array(dataFront), 15)
arrayRear = RunningMean(array(dataRear), 15)
x = linspace(0, len(arrayFront), len(arrayFront)) # Generate x axis
y = linspace(0, len(arrayRear), len(arrayRear)) # Generate x axis
min_vals_front = scipy.signal.argrelmin(arrayFront, order=2)[0] # Min
min_vals_rear = scipy.signal.argrelmin(arrayRear, order=2)[0] # Min
max_vals_front = scipy.signal.argrelmax(arrayFront, order=2)[0] # Max
max_vals_rear = scipy.signal.argrelmax(arrayRear, order=2)[0] # Max
maxvalfront = max(arrayFront[max_vals_front])
maxvalrear = max(arrayRear[max_vals_rear])
minvalfront = min(arrayFront[min_vals_front])
minvalrear = min(arrayRear[min_vals_rear])
plot(x, arrayFront, label="Front Pressures")
plot(y, arrayRear, label="Rear Pressures")
plot(x[min_vals_front], arrayFront[min_vals_front], "x")
plot(x[max_vals_front], arrayFront[max_vals_front], "o")
plot(y[min_vals_rear], arrayRear[min_vals_rear], "x")
plot(y[max_vals_rear], arrayRear[max_vals_rear], "o")
xlim(-25, len(arrayFront) + 25)
ylim(-1000, 7000)
legend(loc='upper left')
dataFront and dataRear are python lists that hold the sampled data from 2 potentiometers. RunningMean is a function that calls:
convolve(x, ones((N,)) / N, mode='valid')
The problem is that the argrelmax (and min) functions don't always find all the maxes and mins. Sometimes it doesn't find ANY max or mins, and that causes me problems in this block of code
maxvalfront = max(arrayFront[max_vals_front])
maxvalrear = max(arrayRear[max_vals_rear])
minvalfront = min(arrayFront[min_vals_front])
minvalrear = min(arrayRear[min_vals_rear])
because the [min_vals_(blank)] variables are empty. Does anyone have any idea what is happening here, and what I can do to fix the problem? Thanks in advance.
Here's one of graphs of data where not all the maxes and mins are found:
signal.argrelmin is a thin wrapper around signal.argrelextrema with comparator=np.less. np.less(a, b) returns the truth value of a < b element-wise. Notice that np.less requires a to be strictly less than b for it to be True.
Your data has the same minimum value at a lot of neighboring locations. At the local minima, the inequality between local minimum and its neighbors does not satisfy a strictly less than relationship; instead it only satisfies a strictly less than or equal to relationship.
Therefore, to find these extrema use signal.argrelmin with comparator=np.less_equal. For example, using a snippet from your data:
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
arrayRear = np.array([-624.59309896, -624.59309896, -624.59309896,
-625., -625., -625.,])
print(signal.argrelmin(arrayRear, order=2)[0])
# []
print(signal.argrelextrema(arrayRear, np.less_equal)[0])
# [0 1 3 4 5]
print(signal.argrelextrema(arrayRear, np.less_equal, order=2)[0])
# [0 3 4 5]
