I'm trying to generate a scale-free network using the Barabasi-Albert model. The model predicts a degree distribution that follows p(k) ~ k^-3 but mine shows k^-2.
The algorithm was taken from Barabasi's book at this URL: http://barabasi.com/networksciencebook,
here is the relevant paragraph:
Barabasi's algorithm
Here is my code, could someone please help me figure out what is wrong?
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,6)
#initialize values
N = 10000
k = 2
m = int(k / 2)
#initialize matrices
adjacency = np.zeros((N,N))
degrees = np.zeros(N)
#add links
for i in range(N):
degrees[i] = m
for c in range(m):
# choose a node with probability proportional to it's degree
j = np.random.choice(N, p = degrees / (2 * m * i + m + c))
degrees[j] += 1
adjacency[i][j] += 1
adjacency[j][i] += 1
def get_binned_data(labels, values, num):
min_label, max_label = min(labels), max(labels)
base = (max_label / min_label) ** (1 / num)
bins = [base**i for i in range(int(np.log(max_label) / np.log(base)) + 1)]
binned_values, binned_labels = [], []
counter = 0
for b in bins:
bin_size = 0
bin_sum = 0
while counter < len(labels) and labels[counter] <= b:
bin_size += values[counter]
bin_sum += values[counter] * labels[counter]
counter += 1
binned_labels.append(bin_sum / bin_size)
return binned_labels, binned_values
labels, values = zip(*sorted(Counter(degrees).items(), key = lambda pair:
binned_labels, binned_values = get_binned_data(labels, values, 15)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols = 2, nrows = 1)
fig.suptitle('Barabasi-Albert Model',fontsize = 25)
ax1.loglog(binned_labels, binned_values, basex = 10, basey = 10, linestyle =
'None', marker = 'o', color = 'red')
ax1.set(xlabel = 'degree', ylabel = '# of nodes')
ax1.set_title('log-log scale (log-binned)',{'fontsize':'15'})
ax2.plot(labels, values, 'ro')
ax2.set(xlabel = 'degree', ylabel = '# of nodes')
ax2.set_title('linear scale',{'fontsize':'15'})
Your code does not run (probabilities in np.random.choice do not sum to 1). Why not p = degrees/np.sum(degrees)?
According to Wikipedia, you need to start with some already connected nodes, whereas you start from nothing. Also, you should probably put degrees[i] = m after the inner loop to avoid forming links from node i to itself.
This might help, but it's not clear to me how you generate your degree plot, so I can't verify it.
I have a function which determines the roots of a complex cubic. I am solving the cubic for a variety of k0 and k1 values and showing the solutions as contour plots. Since the cubic has three roots, I produce 3 contour plots for the real parts and 3 for the imaginary parts. However, sometimes you can clearly see that sections of the contour plots for one root really should be swapped with a different contour plot - all the contours should be continuous. I have tried various "sorting methods" which you can see, but none of them fully fix it. What can I do so that the roots don't get mixed up resulting in non-continuous contours.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Constants
Ra = 2e4
Pr = 0.1
Omega = 1e5
zeta = 1e-4
deltaN = 0.05
L = 55
def polynomial(k):
m = 1
delta_k = m**2 * np.pi**2 + k[0]**2
a_3 = delta_k
a_2 = 1j*(Ra * Pr * delta_k * k[0])/Omega + (Pr + zeta + 1)*delta_k**2
a_1 = 1j*(Ra * Pr * delta_k**2 * k[0] * (Pr + zeta)/Omega) + k[1] * Pr * zeta * (delta_k**2/L**2 + delta_k) - deltaN * Ra * Pr * k[0]**2 + (Pr * zeta + Pr + zeta) * delta_k**3
a_0 = 1j*(Pr * zeta * k[0] * (Ra * Pr * delta_k**3/Omega + k[1] * Omega * deltaN * delta_k / L**2)) + Pr * zeta * (k[1] * (Pr * delta_k**3 / L**2 + delta_k**2) - deltaN * Ra * delta_k * k[0]**2 + delta_k**4)
x_K = np.roots([a_3, a_2, a_1, a_0])
# x_K = np.sort_complex(x_K)
x_K = sorted(x_K, key=lambda x: x.imag)
# x_K = sorted(x_K, key=lambda x: x.real)
# if x_K[2].imag >= 0:
# x_K[-1], x_K[-2] = x_K[-2], x_K[-1]
# if x_K[0].imag >= x_K[2].imag:
# x_K[0], x_K[-1] = x_K[-1], x_K[0]
if x_K[0].real >= x_K[1].real:
x_K[0], x_K[1] = x_K[1], x_K[0]
# if x_K[1].real >= x_K[2].real:
# x_K[1], x_K[2] = x_K[2], x_K[1]
return x_K
# Create arrays of k[0] and k[1] values for contour plot
k0, k1 = np.linspace(0, 5, 100), np.linspace(0, 5e2, 100)
K0, K1 = np.meshgrid(k0, k1)
# Get roots for each pair of k[0], k[1] value
roots = np.array([polynomial([K0[i, j], K1[i, j]]) for i in range(100) for j in range(100)], dtype=complex)
ky_max = []
Qz_max = []
# Plot real and imaginary parts of roots separately in one figure
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(13.6, 7.6), constrained_layout=True)
axs = axs.ravel()
for i in range(3):
cnt = axs[i].contourf(K0, K1, roots[:, i].real.reshape(K0.shape), levels=20, cmap='coolwarm')
axs[i].set_title(f'Real part of root {i+1}')
# axs[i].set_yscale('log')
fig.colorbar(cnt, ax=axs[i])
cnt = axs[i+3].contourf(K0, K1, roots[:, i].imag.reshape(K0.shape), levels=20, cmap='coolwarm')
axs[i+3].set_title(f'Imaginary part of root {i+1}')
# axs[i+3].set_yscale('log')
cbar1 = fig.colorbar(cnt, ax=axs[i+3])
cbar1.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0))
max_val = np.max(roots[:, i].real)
print(f'Maximum value for real part of root {i+1} is: {max_val}')
max_val = np.max(roots[:, i].real)
max_index = np.argmax(roots[:, i].real)
k0_max, k1_max = K0.flatten()[max_index], K1.flatten()[max_index]
axs[i].scatter(k0_max, k1_max, s=150, color='yellow', marker='x', label=f'Max value {max_val:.4f}')
print(f'k_y for root {i+1} is: {k0_max}')
print(f'Q_z for root {i+1} is: {k1_max}')
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
# Create a caption
caption = f'Contour plot showing the real and imaginary components of the roots of the cubic for a range of $k_y$ and $Q_z$ values. Where the other variables are given by: Ra$^* = $ {Ra:.1e}, $\Delta N =$ {deltaN}, Pr = {Pr:.1e}, $\zeta =$ {zeta:.1e}, $\Omega =$ {Omega:.1e}, $L$ = {L}.'
# Create a file name
figure_name = f'decay_contour_Ra={Ra:.1e}_Pr={Pr:.1e}_dN={deltaN}'
pdf_file = f'{figure_name}.pdf'
tex_file = f'{figure_name}.tex'
# save the plot as a PDF
# create a text file containing the LaTeX code to include the figure
with open(tex_file, 'w') as f:
f.write("\\includegraphics[width=0.85\linewidth]{"+ pdf_file+"}\n")
f.write("\\caption{"+ caption +"}\n")
fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(11, 8), constrained_layout=True)
for idx_1 in range(3):
k1_slice = 0
indices = np.where(K1.flatten() == k1_slice)
root_slice = roots[indices][:,idx_1].real
k1_slice = K0.flatten()[indices]
root_slice = roots[indices][:,idx_1].real
axs2[0][idx_1].plot(k1_slice, root_slice, color = 'red')
k1_slice_imag = K0.flatten()[indices]
root_slice_imag = roots[indices][:,idx_1].imag
axs2[1][idx_1].plot(k1_slice, root_slice_imag, color = 'red')
for idx_1 in range(3):
axs2[0][idx_1].plot(k0, -zeta*(np.pi**2 + k0**2), 'x', markevery=10, color = 'black')
# Create a caption
caption = f'Profiles at the $k_y$ at $Q_z = 0$ showing the real and imaginary components of the roots of the cubic for a range of $k_y$ and $Q_z$ values. Where the other variables are given by: Ra$^* = $ {Ra:.1e}, $\Delta N =$ {deltaN}, Pr = {Pr:.1e}, $\zeta =$ {zeta:.1e}, $\Omega =$ {Omega:.1e}, $L$ = {L}.'
# Create a file name
figure_name = f'decay_profiles_Ra={Ra:.1e}_Pr={Pr:.1e}_dN={deltaN}'
pdf_file = f'{figure_name}.pdf'
tex_file = f'{figure_name}.tex'
# create a text file containing the LaTeX code to include the figure
with open(tex_file, 'w') as f:
f.write("\\includegraphics[width=0.99\linewidth]{"+ pdf_file+"}\n")
f.write("\\caption{"+ caption +"}\n")
for axis in ['top','bottom','left','right']:
# save the plot as a PDF
I've tried np.sort, np.sorted, flapping the roots using if statements etc, nothing works 100%
For two successive polynomials P and Q, I suggest simply solving the assignment problem to pair each root of P to the closest root of Q.
You can use scipy's linear_sum_assignment along with distance_matrix to find the best assignment of P's roots with Q's roots.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import linear_sum_assignment
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_root_sequence(sequence_of_polynomials):
r0 = np.roots(sequence_of_polynomials[0])
roots = [r0]
for P in sequence_of_polynomials[1:]:
r1 = np.roots(P)
_, idx = linear_sum_assignment(distance_matrix(r0.reshape(3, 1), r1.reshape(3,1)))
r1 = r1[idx]
r0 = r1
return np.array(roots)
sequence_of_polynomials = np.linspace((1,0,0,-1), (1,-7-2j,15+9j,-10-10j), 100)
roots = get_root_sequence(sequence_of_polynomials)
for i in range(3):
r = roots[:, i]
ordinal = ('first', 'second', 'third')[i]
plt.plot(r.real, r.imag, label=f'{ordinal} root')
for triangle, label in zip((roots[0], roots[-1]), ('x³-1', '(x-2)(x-2-i)(x-3-i)')):
triangle = triangle[[0,1,2,0]]
plt.plot(triangle.real, triangle.imag, label=label)
plt.xlabel('Real part')
plt.ylabel('Imaginary part')
desired output**I'm trying to implement periodic condition for horizontal direction, I discretized laplace equation bottom temperature is high, at the top temperature is zero and also left and right side **
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set maximum iteration
maxIter = 500
lenX = lenY = 20 #we set it rectangular
delta = 1
# Boundary condition
Ttop = 0
Tbottom = 9.75
Tright = 0
Tleft = 0
# Initial guess of interior grid
Tguess = (Ttop + Tbottom)/2
colorinterpolation = 50
colourMap = plt.cm.jet #you can try: colourMap = plt.cm.coolwarm
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, lenX), np.arange(0, lenY))#,indexing='ij')
T = np.empty((lenX, lenY))+ np.random.random((lenX,lenY))
T[(lenY-1):, :] = Ttop
T[:1, :] = Tbottom
T[:, (lenX-1):] = Tright
T[:, :1] = Tleft
for iteration in range(0, maxIter):
for i in range(1, lenX-1, delta):
for j in range(1, lenY-1, delta):
T[i, j] = 0.125 * (T[i+1][j] + T[i-1][j] + T[i][j+1] + T[i][j-1] - 4*T[i,j]) + T[i,j]
plt.contourf(X, Y, T, colorinterpolation, cmap=colourMap)
I'm getting this
Error Message
File "/Applications/Spyder.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.9/matplotlib/axes/_axes.py", line 5575, in _pcolorargs
raise TypeError('Dimensions of C %s are incompatible with'
TypeError: Dimensions of C (101, 101) are incompatible with X (101) and/or Y (101); see help(pcolormesh)
# Import the required modules
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
# Constants
D = 0.5 # (μm^2)/s
k = 0.1 # 1/s
Lx = 30 # μm
Ly = 10 # μm
Ca = 40 # Initial concentration (μmol/μm^3)
Cb = 100 # Final concentration (μmol/μm^3)
Cguess = 70 # Guess concentration (μmol/μm^3)
# Iteration parameters
maxit = 2000
tol = 0.0001 # Relative tolerance
merr = 1e5
lam = 1.4 # Parameter for convergence rate
# Setup grid
npts = 100
dx = Lx/npts;
xx = np.linspace(0,Lx,num=npts+1,endpoint=True);
nx = npts+1;
dy = Ly/npts;
yy = np.linspace(0,Ly,num=npts+1,endpoint=True);
ny = npts+1;
# Step 1 - Initial Guesses
M = np.ones((ny,nx)); # set matrix size
M = Cguess*M; # initial guess for Ca in all nodes
# Step 2 - Apply Boundary Conditions
M[0,:] = Ca
M[:,0] = Cb
# Step 3 and 4 - Apply LDE, walking over nodes
cc = 0 # Counter
a = 1+k*dx*dx/(4*D)
while merr>tol:
Mold = np.copy(M) # Save current values to old
M[-1,-1] = (2*M[-2,-1]+2*M[-1,-2])/(4*a)
for j in range(1,ny-1):
for i in range(1,nx-1):
M[j,i] = (M[j,i-1]+M[j,i+1]+M[j-1,i]+M[j+1,i])/(4*a);
for j in range(1,ny-1):
M[j,-1] = (2*M[j,-2]+M[j-1,-1]+M[j+1,-1])/(4*a);
for i in range(1,nx-1):
M[-1,i] = (M[-1,i-1]+M[-1,i+1]+2*M[-2,i])/(4*a);
for i in range(1,68):
M[0,i] = (M[0,i-1]+M[0,i+1]+2*M[1,i])/(4*a);
M = lam*M+(1-lam)*Mold # Adjust for convergence rate
cc = cc+1
ea = np.abs((M-Mold)/M)
merr = np.max(ea)
if cc>maxit: break
avg = np.mean(M[:,0])
# Plot 2D
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xx,yy)
ax = plt.axes(projection="3d")
# Plot color mesh
p = plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, M, cmap="RdBu", shading="flat", vmin=0, vmax=100)
ct = plt.contour(X, Y, M, cmap="gray", levels=10, vmin=0, vmax=100)
c = plt.colorbar(p)
plt.xlabel("Lx (μm)")
plt.ylabel("Ly (μm)")
c.set_label("Concentration (μmol/μm3)")
# Print Results
print("Converged in %d iterations" % cc)
print("Max error is %f" % merr)
print("Mean concentration along central axis = %f μmol/μm^3" % avg)
I have implemented a simple randomized, population-based optimization method - Grey Wolf optimizer. I am having some trouble with properly capturing the Matplotlib plots at each iteration using the camera package.
I am running GWO for the objective function f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2. I can only see the candidate solutions converging to the minima, but the contour plot doesn't show up.
Do you have any suggestions, how can I display the contour plot in the background?
GWO Algorithm implementation
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from celluloid import Camera
import ffmpeg
import pillow
# X : Position vector of the initial population
# n : Initial population size
def gwo(f,max_iterations,LB,UB):
fig = plt.figure()
camera = Camera(fig)
def random_population_uniform(m,a,b):
dims = len(a)
x = [list(a + np.multiply(np.random.rand(dims),b - a)) for i in range(m)]
return np.array(x)
def search_agent_fitness(fitness):
alpha = 0
if fitness[1] < fitness[alpha]:
alpha, beta = 1, alpha
beta = 1
if fitness[2] > fitness[alpha] and fitness[2] < fitness[beta]:
beta, delta = 2, beta
elif fitness[2] < fitness[alpha]:
alpha,beta,delta = 2,alpha,beta
delta = 2
for i in range(3,len(fitness)):
if fitness[i] <= fitness[alpha]:
alpha, beta,delta = i, alpha, beta
elif fitness[i] > fitness[alpha] and fitness[i]<= fitness[beta]:
beta,delta = i,beta
elif fitness[i] > fitness[beta] and fitness[i]<= fitness[delta]:
delta = i
return alpha, beta, delta
def plot_search_agent_positions(f,X,alpha,beta,delta,a,b):
# Plot the positions of search agents
x = X[:,0]
y = X[:,1]
s = plt.scatter(x,y,c='gray',zorder=1)
s = plt.scatter(x[alpha],y[alpha],c='red',zorder=1)
s = plt.scatter(x[beta],y[beta],c='blue',zorder=1)
s = plt.scatter(x[delta],y[delta],c='green',zorder=1)
# Initialize the position of the search agents
X = random_population_uniform(50,np.array(LB),np.array(UB))
n = len(X)
l = 1
# Plot the first image on screen
x = np.linspace(LB[0],LB[1],1000)
y = np.linspace(LB[0],UB[1],1000)
X1,X2 = np.meshgrid(x,y)
Z = f(X1,X2)
cont = plt.contour(X1,X2,Z,20,linewidths=0.75)
while (l < max_iterations):
# Take the x,y coordinates of the initial population
x = X[:,0]
y = X[:,1]
# Calculate the objective function for each search agent
fitness = list(map(f,x,y))
# Update alpha, beta and delta
alpha,beta,delta = search_agent_fitness(fitness)
# Plot search agent positions
# a decreases linearly from 2 to 0
a = 2 - l *(2 / max_iterations)
# Update the position of search agents including the Omegas
for i in range(n):
x_prey = X[alpha]
r1 = np.random.rand(2) #r1 is a random vector in [0,1] x [0,1]
r2 = np.random.rand(2) #r2 is a random vector in [0,1] x [0,1]
A1 = 2*a*r1 - a
C1 = 2*r2
D_alpha = np.abs(C1 * x_prey - X[i])
X_1 = x_prey - A1*D_alpha
x_prey = X[beta]
r1 = np.random.rand(2)
r2 = np.random.rand(2)
A2 = 2*a*r1 - a
C2 = 2*r2
D_beta = np.abs(C2 * x_prey - X[i])
X_2 = x_prey - A2*D_beta
x_prey = X[delta]
r1 = np.random.rand(2)
r2 = np.random.rand(2)
A3 = 2*a*r1 - a
C3 = 2*r2
D_delta = np.abs(C3 * x_prey - X[i])
X_3 = x_prey - A3*D_delta
X[i] = (X_1 + X_2 + X_3)/3
l = l + 1
return X[alpha],camera
Function call
# define the objective function
def f(x,y):
return x**2 + y**2
minimizer,camera = gwo(f,7,[-10,-10],[10,10])
animation = camera.animate(interval = 1000, repeat = True,
repeat_delay = 500)
Is it possible that the line x = np.linspace(LB[0],LB[1],1000) should be x = np.linspace(LB[0],UB[1],1000) instead? With your current definition of x, x is an array only filled with the value -10 which means that you are unlikely to find a contour.
Another thing that you might want to do is to move the cont = plt.contour(X1,X2,Z,20,linewidths=0.75) line inside of your plot_search_agent_positions function to ensure that the contour is plotted at each iteration of the animation.
Once you make those changes, the code looks like that:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from celluloid import Camera
import ffmpeg
import PIL
from matplotlib import animation, rc
from IPython.display import HTML, Image # For GIF
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
rc('animation', html='html5')
# X : Position vector of the initial population
# n : Initial population size
def gwo(f,max_iterations,LB,UB):
fig = plt.figure()
camera = Camera(fig)
def random_population_uniform(m,a,b):
dims = len(a)
x = [list(a + np.multiply(np.random.rand(dims),b - a)) for i in range(m)]
return np.array(x)
def search_agent_fitness(fitness):
alpha = 0
if fitness[1] < fitness[alpha]:
alpha, beta = 1, alpha
beta = 1
if fitness[2] > fitness[alpha] and fitness[2] < fitness[beta]:
beta, delta = 2, beta
elif fitness[2] < fitness[alpha]:
alpha,beta,delta = 2,alpha,beta
delta = 2
for i in range(3,len(fitness)):
if fitness[i] <= fitness[alpha]:
alpha, beta,delta = i, alpha, beta
elif fitness[i] > fitness[alpha] and fitness[i]<= fitness[beta]:
beta,delta = i,beta
elif fitness[i] > fitness[beta] and fitness[i]<= fitness[delta]:
delta = i
return alpha, beta, delta
def plot_search_agent_positions(f,X,alpha,beta,delta,a,b,X1,X2,Z):
# Plot the positions of search agents
x = X[:,0]
y = X[:,1]
s = plt.scatter(x,y,c='gray',zorder=1)
s = plt.scatter(x[alpha],y[alpha],c='red',zorder=1)
s = plt.scatter(x[beta],y[beta],c='blue',zorder=1)
s = plt.scatter(x[delta],y[delta],c='green',zorder=1)
plt.clabel(cont, cont.levels, inline=True, fontsize=10)
# Initialize the position of the search agents
X = random_population_uniform(50,np.array(LB),np.array(UB))
n = len(X)
l = 1
# Plot the first image on screen
x = np.linspace(LB[0],UB[1],1000)
y = np.linspace(LB[0],UB[1],1000)
X1,X2 = np.meshgrid(x,y)
while (l < max_iterations):
# Take the x,y coordinates of the initial population
x = X[:,0]
y = X[:,1]
# Calculate the objective function for each search agent
fitness = list(map(f,x,y))
# Update alpha, beta and delta
alpha,beta,delta = search_agent_fitness(fitness)
# Plot search agent positions
# a decreases linearly from 2 to 0
a = 2 - l *(2 / max_iterations)
# Update the position of search agents including the Omegas
for i in range(n):
x_prey = X[alpha]
r1 = np.random.rand(2) #r1 is a random vector in [0,1] x [0,1]
r2 = np.random.rand(2) #r2 is a random vector in [0,1] x [0,1]
A1 = 2*a*r1 - a
C1 = 2*r2
D_alpha = np.abs(C1 * x_prey - X[i])
X_1 = x_prey - A1*D_alpha
x_prey = X[beta]
r1 = np.random.rand(2)
r2 = np.random.rand(2)
A2 = 2*a*r1 - a
C2 = 2*r2
D_beta = np.abs(C2 * x_prey - X[i])
X_2 = x_prey - A2*D_beta
x_prey = X[delta]
r1 = np.random.rand(2)
r2 = np.random.rand(2)
A3 = 2*a*r1 - a
C3 = 2*r2
D_delta = np.abs(C3 * x_prey - X[i])
X_3 = x_prey - A3*D_delta
X[i] = (X_1 + X_2 + X_3)/3
l = l + 1
return X[alpha],camera
# define the objective function
def f(x,y):
return x**2 + y**2
minimizer,camera = gwo(f,7,[-10,-10],[10,10])
animation = camera.animate(interval = 1000, repeat = True,repeat_delay = 500)
And the output gives:
The code I am using works and is written correctly, only I want to have plots of the initial and final conditions (time = 0, time = .01)
Whenever run the code to show plot at n=0,10 I get the error "show() got an unexpected keyword argument 'n'."
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 10 #number of timesteps
dt = .001 #(timestep)
L = 1.0 #domain (total length)
dx = 0.1 #spacial resolution
T0 = float(q + 1)
T1s = float(q + 1 - r)
T2s = float(q + 1 + s)
t_final = n*dt
alpha = float(p + 1)
x = np.linspace(0, L, n)
T = np.ones(n)*T0
dTdt = np.empty(n)
t = np.arange(0,t_final, dt)
for j in range(1,len(t)):
for i in range(1,n-1):
dTdt[i] = alpha*(-(T[i]-T[i-1])/dx**2+(T[i+1]-T[i])/dx**2)
dTdt[0] = alpha*(-(T[0]-T1s)/dx**2+(T[1]-T[0])/dx**2)
dTdt[n-1] = alpha*(-(T[n-1]-T[n-2])/dx**2+(T2s-T[n-1])/dx**2)
T = T + dTdt*dt
plt.axis([0, L, 0, 14])
Of course, because matplotlib doesn't know what "n" is. I suspect what you want is to replace the last seven lines with:
if j == 0 or j == n-1:
plt.axis([0, L, 0, 14])