How to get border pixels of an image in python? - python

I have an image, using steganography I want to save the data in border pixels only.
In other words, I want to save data only in the least significant bits(LSB) of border pixels of an image.
Is there any way to get border pixels to store data( max 15 characters text) in the border pixels?
Plz, help me out...

Masking operations are one of many ways to obtain the border pixels of an image. The code would be as follows:
a= cv2.imread('cal1.jpg')
bw = 20 //width of border required
mask = np.ones(a.shape[:2], dtype = "uint8")
cv2.rectangle(mask, (bw,bw),(a.shape[1]-bw,a.shape[0]-bw), 0, -1)
output = cv2.bitwise_and(a, a, mask = mask)
cv2.imshow('out', output)
After I get an array of ones with the same dimension as the input image, I use cv2.rectangle function to draw a rectangle of zeros. The first argument is the image you want to draw on, second argument is start (x,y) point and the third argument is the end (x,y) point. Fourth argument is the color and '-1' represents the thickness of rectangle drawn (-1 fills the rectangle). You can find the documentation for the function here.
Now that we have our mask, you can use 'cv2.bitwise_and' (documentation) function to perform AND operation on the pixels. Basically what happens is, the pixels that are AND with '1' pixels in the mask, retain their pixel values. Pixels that are AND with '0' pixels in the mask are made 0. This way you will have the output as follows:
The input image was :
You have the border pixels now!
Using LSB planes to store your info is not a good idea. It makes sense when you think about it. A simple lossy compression would affect most of your hidden data. Saving your image as JPEG would result in loss of info or severe affected info. If you want to still try LSB, look into bit-plane slicing. Through bit-plane slicing, you basically obtain bit planes (from MSB to LSB) of the image. (image from
I have done it in Matlab and not quite sure about doing it in python. In Matlab,
the function, 'bitget(image, 1)', returns the LSB of the image. I found a question on bit-plane slicing using python here. Though unanswered, you might want to look into the posted code.

To access border pixel and enter data into it.
A shape of an image is accessed by t= img.shape. It returns a tuple of the number of rows, columns, and channels.A component is RGB which 1,2,3[0]) is variable in which a value is stored.
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('xyz.png')
t = img.shape
component = 2


How can I search an area for pixel change?

This is the code I am using to detect if a pixel (in this case pixel 510,510) turns to a certain color.
import PIL.ImageGrab
import mouse
while True:
rgb = PIL.ImageGrab.grab(bbox = None)
rgb2=(253, 146, 134)
print (rgb.getpixel((510, 510)))
if (rgb.getpixel((510, 510))) == rgb2:
I want to be able to search an area of my screen for any pixel that changes to a specified color, not just an individual pixel. How might I do that? I want to keep this running as fast as possible. I know most areas searched on an image or video would be a rectangle, but could it be a triangle to cut down on pixels searched? If not, the next sentences are irrelevant. How so? Would it work if I give the coords of each point in the triangle?
Make a black rectangular image just big enough to contain the shape you want to detect. Use np.zeros((h,w,3), np.uint8) to create it. It will be zero everywhere.
Draw the shape you want to detect in the black rectangle with colour=[1,1,1]. You now have an image that is 1 where you are interested in the pixels and 0 elsewhere. Do these first 2 steps outside your main loop.
Inside your loop, grab an area of screen the same size as your mask from steps 1 and 2. Multiply your image by the mask and all pixels you are not interested in will become zero. Test if your colour exists using np.where() or cv2.countNonZero(np.all(im==soughtColour, axis=-1))
As an alternative to drawing with colour=[1,1,1] at the second step, draw with colour=[255,255,255] and then in the third step use cv2.bitwise_and() instead of multiplying.

keeping all details of object removing the shape in the smoothest and most efficient way

I have some images for which I also have their mask (green in the picture). I am producing a bounding box (dot line in the picture) around the object, and take only this part of the image.
Now I would like to replace the gray part with pixel that extend the car color in the most natural way. For example, taking the same color as the closest car pixel. At the end I would like to have an image with all the car details but without any shape anymore.
I tried to simple inverse the mask, so that the mask represent the gray pixel around the car, and then use the 'inpaint' function from opencv to paint this new mask with adequate color:
result = cv2.inpaint(car_image,new_mask,50,cv2.INPAINT_NS)
Its not working well as we clearly still see the borders all around the car.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated. I am working on python and it would need to be quite efficient as I have a huge number of images.
Here is a good working solution, its a fucntion that given an image with zero value outside of the mask, it output a similar image where instead of the zero values the most adequate color is choosen so that we keep all details of the object but removing the form:
#replace black pixel by smoothing with adequate color to keep all info, removing shape
def remove_shape_keep_all_info(img):
#create mask (s.t. Non-zero pixels indicate the area that needs to be inpainted)
mask_ = np.array([[1 if j==0 else 0 for j in i] for i in cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)]).astype('uint8')
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (7,7))
mask_ = cv2.dilate(mask_, kernel, iterations=4)
result = cv2.inpaint(img,mask_,5,cv2.INPAINT_TELEA) #,cv2.INPAINT_TELEA, INPAINT_NS
return (result)

Detecting lines in an image using OpenCV with Python

[Updated The Question at the End]
I'm trying to detect a design pattern of simple geometrical shapes in a 640x480 image. I have divided the image in 32x32 blocks and checking in which block each shape's center lies.
Based on this calculation I created a numpy matrix of (160x120) zeros (float32) with
Each time a shape is found, the center is calculated and check in which block it is found. The corresponding item along with its 8 neighbors in 160x120 numpy array are set to 1. In the end the 160x120 numpy array is represented as a grayscale image with black background and white pixels representing the blocks of detected shapes.
As shown in the image below.
The image in top left corner represents the 160x120 numpy array. No issue so far.
As you can see the newly generated image has a white line on black foreground. I want to find the rho,theta,x0,y0,x1,y1 for this line. So I decided to use HoughLines transformation for this.
For is as followed:
edges = cv2.Canny(np.uint8(g_quadrants), 50, 150, apertureSize=3)
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges, 1, np.pi / 180, 200)
print lines
Here g_quadrants is the 160x120 matrix representing a gray scale image but output of cv2.HoughLines does not contain anything but None.
Please help me with this.
The small window with a black and white (np.float32 consider GrayScale) image displaying a white is what I get actually when I
Divide the 640x480 in 32x32 blocks
Find the triangles in the image
Create a 32x32 matrix to map the results for each block
Update the corresponding matrix element by 1 if a triangle is found in a block
Zoomed View:
You can see there are white pixels forming a straight line. The may be some unwanted detected. I need to eliminate unwanted lone pixels and reconstructing a continuous straight line. That may be achieved by dilating then eroding the image. I need the find x0,y0, x1,y1, rho, theta of this line.
Their may be more than one lines. In that case I need to find top 2 lines with respect to length.

Using OpenCV Python, How would you make all black pixels transparent, and then overlay it over original image

I'm trying to make a colored mask, white.
And my idea is to:
make black pixels transparent in the mask
merge the two images
crop images
so then my original masked area will be white.
What kind of OpenCV python code/methods would I need?
Like so:
Desired result (mocked up - no green edges)
Instead of
I suppose to do a color threshold to get the mask itself.
The result I got in a first quick and dirty attempt with Hue 43-81, Saturation 39-197 and Brightness from 115-255 is:
The next step is a whole fill algorithm to fill the inside of the mask. Note that also one small area to the right is selected.
The next step is a substraction of the two results (mask-filled_mask):
Again fill the wholes and get rid of the noisy pixels with binary opening:
Last mask the image with the created mask.
Every step can be adjusted to yield optimal results. A good idea is to try the steps out (for example with imageJ) to get your workflow set up and then script the steps in python/openCV.
Refer also to
I am assuming your mask is a boolean numpy array and your 2 images are numpy arrays image1 and image2.
Then you can use the boolean array as multiplier.
overlay= mask*image1 + (-mask)*image2
So you get the "True" pixels from image1 and the False pixels from image2

Replacing a segmented part of an image with it's unsegmented part

I am trying to replace a segmented part of an image with it's unsegmented part with OpenCV in Python. The pictures will make you understand what I mean.
The following picture is the first one, before segmentation :
This is the picture after segmentation :
This is the third picture, after doing what I'm talking about :
How can I do this ? Thanks in advance for your help !
This is actually pretty easy. All you have to do is take your picture after segmentation, and multiply it by a mask where any pixel in the mask that is 0 becomes 1, and anything else becomes 0.
This will essentially blacken all of the pixels with the exception of the pixels within the mask that are 1. By multiplying each of the pixels in your image by the mask, you would effectively produce what you have shown in the figure, but the background is black. All you would have to do now is figure out which locations in your mask are white and set the corresponding locations in your output image to white. In other words:
import cv2
# Load in your original image
originalImg = cv2.imread('Inu8B.jpg',0)
# Load in your mask
mask = cv2.imread('2XAwj.jpg', 0)
# Get rid of quantization artifacts
mask[mask < 128] = 0
mask[mask > 128] = 1
# Create output image
outputImg = originalImg * (mask == 0)
outputImg[mask == 1] = 255
# Display image
cv2.imshow('Output Image', outputImg)
Take note that I downloaded the images from your post and loaded them from my computer. Also, your mask has some quantization artifacts due to JPEG, and so I thresholded at intensity 128 to ensure that your image consists of either 0s or 1s.
This is the output I get:
Hope this helps!
Basically, you have a segmentation mask and an image. All you need to do is copy the pixels in the image corresponding to the pixels in the label mask. Generally, the mask dimensions and the image dimensions are the same (if not, you need to resize your mask to the image dimensions). Also, the segmentation pixels corresponding to a particular mask would have the same integer value (1,2,3 etc and background pixels would have a value of 0). So, find out which pixel co-ordinates have a value corresponding to the mask value and use those co-ordinates to find out the intensity values in the image. If you know the syntax of how to access a pixel co-ordinate, read an image in the programming environment you are using and follow the aforementioned procedure, you should be able to do it.
