Image of Mnist data Python - Error when displaying the image - python

I'm working with the Mnist data set, in order to learn about Machine learning, and as for now I'm trying to display the first digit in the Mnist data set as an image, and I have encountered a problem.
I have a matrix with the dimensions 784x10000, where each column is a digit in the data set. I have created the matrix myself, because the Mnist data set came in the form of a text file, which in itself caused me quite a lot of problems, but that's a question for itself.
The MN_train matrix below, is my large 784x10000 matrix. So what I'm trying to do below, is to fill up a 28x28 matrix, in order to display my image.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
grey = np.zeros(shape=(28,28))
k = 0
for l in range(28):
for p in range(28):
k = k + 1
print grey
But when I try to display the image, I get the following error:
The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
Followed by a image plot that does not look like the number five, as I would expect.
Is there something I have overlooked, or does this tell me that my manipulation of the text file, in order to construct the MN_train matrix, has resulted in an error?

The error you get is because you supply the array to show. show accepts only a single boolean argument hold=True or False.
In order to create an image plot, you need to use imshow.
plt.imshow(grey) # <- no argument here
Also note that the loop is rather inefficient. You may just reshape the input column array.
The complete code would then look like
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
MN_train = np.loadtxt( ... )
grey = MN_train[:,0].reshape((28,28))


How can I plot only particular values in xarray?

I am using data from cdasws to plot dynamic spectra. I am following the example found here
This is my code which I have modified to obtain a dynamic spectra for STEREO.
from cdasws import CdasWs
from cdasws.datarepresentation import DataRepresentation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cdas = CdasWs()
import numpy as np
datasets = cdas.get_datasets(observatoryGroup='STEREO')
for index, dataset in enumerate(datasets):
print(dataset['Id'], dataset['Label'])
variables = cdas.get_variables('STEREO_LEVEL2_SWAVES')
for variable_1 in variables:
print(variable_1['Name'], variable_1['LongDescription'])
data = cdas.get_data('STEREO_LEVEL2_SWAVES', ['avg_intens_ahead'],
'2020-07-11T02:00:00Z', '2020-07-11T03:00:00Z',
dataRepresentation = DataRepresentation.XARRAY)[1]
plt.figure(figsize = (15,7))
# plt.ylim(100,1000)
plt.ylabel("Frequency (kHz)",size=18)
Using this code gives a plot that looks something like this,
My question is, is there anyway of plotting this spectrum only for a particular frequency? For example, I want to plot just the intensity values at 636 kHz, is there any way I can do that?
Any help is greatly appreciated, I dont understand xarray, I have never worked with it before.
Edit -
Using the command,
generates a plot that looks like,
While this is useful, what I needed is;
for the dynamic spectrum, if i choose a particular frequency like 600khz, can it display something like this (i have just added white boxes to clarify what i mean) -
If you still want the plot to be 2D, but to include a subset of your data along one of the dimensions, you can provide an array of indices or a slice object. For example:
# include a 10% band on either side
frequency=slice(625*0.9, 625*1.1)
Alternatively, if you would actually like your plot to show white space outside this selected area, you could mask your data with where:

Get matrix image of numpy array values - Grid with pixel values inside (not colors)

I searched online and couldn't find anything about this that does what I want.
I would like to save a numpy array as an image but instead of having a colorful image, I want a black and white representation of the pixel values in their corresponding grid location.
For example:
import numpy as np
x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
# [[1 2]
# [3 4]]
I would like to save this as an image (.PNG) that looks like the following:
My current code creates a grid and places the numbers inside but it is very difficult to adjust everything to make it presentable in a research paper.
So rather than posting my overly complex code, I was wondering if there is a built in function to handle this in a few lines of code.
I would use LaTeX to generate the tables, since they look fancy and you can either generate an image or directly put them in your document. I used the following code to achieve this:
import numpy as np
import os
x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
def generateLatexTable(x):
start = [r'\documentclass[preview]{standalone}', r'\begin{document}', r'\begin{tabular}{%s}' % ('{1}{0}{1}'.format('|'.join(['r'] * x.shape[1]), '|')), r'\hline']
tab = [' & '.join(['%d' % val for val in row]) + r' \\ \hline' for row in x]
end = [r'\end{tabular}', r'\end{document}']
text = '\n'.join(start + tab + end)
return text
with open('table.tex', 'w') as f:
os.system("pdflatex table.tex")
Here, the document class preview is used which returns an image resized to the content of the document, i.e. just the table. Only a tabular environment is used to present the data. There are horizontal and vertical bars between the cells, but it is very easy to change this. In the variable tab the data is processed for each row and converted into a string. Note that you have to specify the output format at this position. I set it to %d so everything is converted to integers.
If you want to use the table directly in a latex source, you have to remove documentclass and \begin{document} as well as \end{document} in the variables of start and end. Finally, everything is put together in a latex-source which is then stored to disk as table.tex. If you just want the image in the end, the resulting file is compiled to table.pdf.
Here is what the output looks like. But like I said, it is very easy to change the looks since it is LaTeX :)
Here is another example with a large matrix (14 x 14), filled with random numbers ranging from 0 to 100:
You can use the table function of matplot to plot the simple table. Furthermore, you can save the plot as PNG.
Below is the simple code for your requirements:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
Size of the plot or image can be adjusted by changing figsize parameters in the line : plt.figure(figsize=(x,y))
For better appearance, it can be modified as below:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2))
May be this will help:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
w = 10
h = 10
img = np.random.randint(255, size=(w, h))
plt.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest')
cellTextimg = []
for j in range(0,h):
the_table = plt.table(cellText= cellTextimg, loc='bottom')

How to concatenate three or more images vertically?

I try to concatenate three images vertically and I need some assistance with the code/function. So far I imported one image and cropped 3 smaller images with the same size. Now I want to concatenate them in one image that will be long, but narrow. However, I can't find an appropriate function or even if I find one I get an error message when I apply it to my code.
I already tried to make a collection from my three pictures and then use the function, but this results in a 4-dimensional picture that cannot be visualized.
sf_collection = (img1,img2,img3)
concat_page =
My expected output is the three images to be concatenated vertically in one image (very long and narrow).
Ive never used, but I think you are looking for np.concatenate. It defaults to axis=0, but you can specify axis=1 for a horizontal stack. This also assumes you have already loaded the images into their array from.
from scipy.misc import face
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
face1 = face()
face2 = face()
face3 = face()
merge = np.concatenate((face1,face2,face3))
which returns:
If you look at the docs, it's using np.concatenate too. It seems like that function provides a data structure to hold collections of images, but not merge into a single image.
Like this:
import numpy as np
h, w = 100, 400
yellow = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8) + np.array([255,255,0],dtype=np.uint8)
red = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8) + np.array([255,0,0],dtype=np.uint8)
blue = np.zeros((h,w,3),dtype=np.uint8) + np.array([0,0,255],dtype=np.uint8)
# Stack vertically
result = np.vstack((yellow,red,blue))
Use the following to stack side-by-side (horizontally):
result = np.hstack((yellow,red,blue))

Why does scipy.signal.correlate2d fail to work in this example?

I am trying to cross-correlate two images, and thus locate the template image on the first image, by finding the maximum correlation value.
I drew an image with some random shapes (first image), and cut out one of these shapes (template). Now, when I use scipy's correlate2d, and locate point in the correlation with maximum values, several point appear. From my knowledge, shouldn't there only be one point where the overlap is at max?
The idea behind this exercise is to take some part of an image, and then correlate that to some previous images from a database. Then I should be able to locate this part on the older images based on the maximum value of correlation.
My code looks something like this:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import scipy.signal as sp
img ='test.png').convert('L')
img = np.asarray(img)
temp ='test_temp.png').convert('L')
temp = np.asarray(temp)
corr = sp.correlate2d(img, temp, boundary='symm', mode='full')
plt.imshow(corr, cmap='hot')
coordin = np.where(corr == np.max(corr)) #Finds all coordinates where there is a maximum correlation
listOfCoordinates= list(zip(coordin[1], coordin[0]))
for i in range(len(listOfCoordinates)): #Plotting all those coordinates
plt.plot(listOfCoordinates[i][0], listOfCoordinates[i][1],'c*', markersize=5)
This yields the figure:
Cyan stars are points with max correlation value (255).
I expect there to be only one point in "corr" to have the max value of correlation, but several appear. I have tried to use different modes of correlating, but to no avail.
This is the test image I use when correlating.
This is the template, cut from the original image.
Can anyone give some insight to what I might be doing wrong here?
You are probably overflowing the numpy type uint8.
Try using:
img = np.asarray(img,dtype=np.float32)
temp = np.asarray(temp,dtype=np.float32)
img = img - img.mean()
temp = temp - temp.mean()
before computing the 2D cross-correlation corr should give you the expected result.
Cleaning up the code, for a full example:
from imageio import imread
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.signal as sp
import numpy as np
img = imread('', pilmode='L')
temp = imread('', pilmode='L')
corr = sp.correlate2d(img - img.mean(),
temp - temp.mean(),
# coordinates where there is a maximum correlation
max_coords = np.where(corr == np.max(corr))
plt.plot(max_coords[1], max_coords[0],'c*', markersize=5)
plt.imshow(corr, cmap='hot')

How to draw blank map using Healpy

I am new in it, and cant fully understand the manual. I am running test code, but I want to make blank map, without this gradient colors. I think it's not hard for those who know. Help me please.Here what i got
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib as plt
NSIDE = 32
m = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))
The numpy function np.arange gives out an array increasing from zero to 12288, which is why you have a gradient on your map.
You can replace that line of code to
m = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE))
if you want to treat blanks in your map as zeros, or to
m = np.full(hp.nside2npix(NSIDE), np.nan)
if you want to use NaN (not a number) value for the blank values on the map.
