Importing winappdbg gives ModuleNotFoundError for breakpoint in PyCharm? - python

Whenever I try to just import winappdbg it gives me an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'breakpoint'. So, I tried installing breakpoint and that gives me another error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ConfigParser' and I've installed configparser several times and still get the error. (Can't find capital ConfigParser) I'm using Windows 10/PyCharm Community Edition 2017.2.3/python 3.6.3

WinAppDbg is only for Python 2.x, it does not work on Python 3.x. Honestly, I had no idea it would even let you import it.
All those import errors are happening not because of missing dependencies (also, no idea there were similarly named modules in pip), they are submodules of WinAppDbg itself. Since Python 3 has a different syntax to specify those, it tries to load them as external modules instead. I suppose you could fix that in the sources by prepending a dot before every submodule import, but I'm guessing more stuff would break down the road (string handling for example is radically different and that would affect the ctypes layer).
TL;DR: use Python 2.x.


How to resolve ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'

I have this script that I originally created in Jupyter Notebooks and I saved it later on as a .py file, then I used auto-py-to-exe to convert it to an exe file. When it runs it gives me this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas' [23712] Failed to execute script due to unhandled exception!
It's importing pandas in at the top of the script, and I had used pip install to install pandas, and I thought I had all of my python --path variables set correctly, but clearly something still isn't set right. Is this an issue of looking at the wrong directory?
This is apparently a somewhat common issue with auto-py-to-exe. I'd suggest reading through this blog post by the author for solutions to this and many other issues. If you skip to here, the suggested solution is as follows:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named x / ImportError: No module named x
This means a particular module ('x' in this case) was not added to the package. I have seen this occur with packages in the pandas library and win32api; as long as you can identify the package (e.g. 'x'), then it is very easy to fix.
To fix this in the UI, open the advanced tab and find the --hidden-import input. Simply paste the module name into this input and then repackage. If the original error is still appearing, you have done this incorrectly.

Paraview: paraview.simple import, all paths are set

I am trying to run a simple python program, importing the paraview.simple module:
from paraview.simple import *
I get the following error:
Error: Could not import vtkCommonComputationalGeometry
I looked at similar posts on different fora and tried everything that was suggested there, but nothing worked for me. My Python path includes:
My LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes:
Does anybody know how to fix it?
I think there is an underline issue regarding the Unicode variant my python interpreter is using. I now get the following error:
Unicode error
ImportError: /home/nick/ParaView-5.7.0-MPI-Linux-Python2.7-64bit/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vtkmodules/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS2_DecodeUTF8
Does anybody know a fix?
You may want to use the pvpython program that is bundled with ParaView. It is basically a python interpreter but already setup with the correct paths.
If you want to use an external interpreter, you have to setup the PYTHONPATH environment variable to ParaView-5.7.0-MPI-Linux-Python2.7-64bit/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on linux, PATH on windows) to ParaView-5.7.0-MPI-Linux-Python2.7-64bit/lib.
See also the ParaViewTutorial pdf from the download page (, at 3.1 Starting the Python Interpreter

Win7 (x64) - Python error - "ImportError: No module named lxml"

I'm fairly new to python, but can't seem to get my head around this error - have found posts with similar issues, but none of the responses have helped.
I'm running Python 3.4.0 and have installed a module called lxml.
I wrote some code which starts
from lxml import html
This runs perfectly well from the python.exe interface, and the module can be used to succesfully import and parse XML.
However, if I save the script as a *.py file, and try to call it from a cmd.exe prompt, I get the ImportError: No module named lxml error.
Python is within C:\Python34, and the relevant module is located in C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\lxml, which contains the required
I've checked sys.path which, amongst others, holds C:\\Python34\\lib\\site-packages
The double-backslashes and lowercase 'l' in 'lib' shouldn't make a difference, should it? All listed paths appear to have double-backslashes instead of single.
I did attempt to add the path with an uppercase 'L' using
sys.path.insert(1, 'C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages')
which subsequently appeared as a seperate path, however did not resolve the issue.
Additionally, I replaced the first line of my script with
import sys
which appeared to attempt to read the required file (progress!!!), but then gave the following error: ImportError: Module use of python34.dll conflicts with this version of Python, so I probably won't pursue this avenue, unless it is of relevance.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong with regards to ImportError: No module named lxml?

ImportError: No module named stdio, any way to start fresh with python?

I'm getting the error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
import stdio
ImportError: No module named stdio
When I try to run my script. I can run my script on other machines just fine. I have installed python using homebrew. And I've tried everything I can think of to get it to recognize my modules! I've uninstalled and reinstalled using brew. I've tried changing the path (though I don't fully understand this). I get no issues using brew doctor.
I've also tried using a python virtual environment but to no avail.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue or else 'start fresh' from a fresh version of python?
When you import a module, Python looks for it at the directory your code is, and the directory in which the built-in libraries are (C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Lib in my case, I'm using Windows 10 and Python 3.5). If it can't find it, it raises ImportError.
I couldn't find a module named stdio in my computer. I also know some C++ and as far as I know, stdio is the library for inputs and outputs(prints). In python, there is no need to import such a library.
You can use try,except statement to test if your code works without importing the module like this.
import stdio
#rest of your code goes here
You will need to indent your whole code however this can be done easily with a text editor in which you can edit more than one line at a time.

Problems importing a python module in Maya and it being recognized

Still learning certain things about Python... I am having issues recognizing my Python script in my scripts dir. First, I checked to see that my path is set correctly:
import sys
for pythonPath in sys.path:
print pythonPath
And C:/Users/..../Documents/maya/2014-x64/scripts is listed, which is where I am placing
In Maya's script editor I am typing the following:
import swap
I get:
Error: AttributeError: file line 3: 'module' object has no attribute 'printSomething' #
If I take the same code and throw it into a package...
And then call this, it works...
import swapPackage.swap as swap
Why? I am totally confused. Mel scripts even run fine from this location as well. I just can't get a simple python script to import and run.
Also something I noticed. Even though I can get this script to run in a package, the package name must be totally different than the module name. I can't have a package named this:
but I can have one where the package name is different:
Ok folks, I was able to solve this by executing a print of my file, only to find out that it was sourcing a totally different version someone copied elsewhere. ARGH. This solves both issues, and makes sense why changing the package name from the module worked.
import swap
print swap.__file__
