I am looking for a function to get the DF of certain term (meaning how many documents contain a certain word in a corpus), but I can't seem to find the function here. The page only has function to get values of tf, idf, and tf_idf. I am looking specifically for DF only. I copied the code below from the documentation,
matches = len([True for text in self._texts if term in text])
but I don't like the result it gives. For example if I have a list of strings and I am looking for the word Pete, it also includes the name Peter which is not I want. For example.
texts = [['the', 'boy', 'peter'],['pete','the', 'boy'],['peter','rabbit']]
So I am looking for pete which appears TWICE, but the code I showed above will tell you that there are THREE pete's because it also counts peter. How do I solve this? Thanks.
Your description is incorrect. The expression you posted does indeed give 1, not 3, when you search for pete in texts:
>>> texts = [['the', 'boy', 'peter'],['pete','the', 'boy'],['peter','rabbit']]
>>> len([True for text in texts if 'pete' in text])
The only way you could have matched partial words is if your texts were not tokenized (i.e. if texts is a list of strings, not a list of token lists).
But the above code is terrible, it builds a list for no reason at all. A better (and more conventional) way to count hits is this:
>>> sum(1 for text in texts if 'pete' in text))
As for the question that you pose (Why (...)?) : I don't know.
As a solution to your example (noting that peter occurs twice and pete just once:
texts = [['the', 'boy', 'peter'],['pete','the', 'boy'],['peter','rabbit']]
def flatten(l):
out = []
for item in l:
if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
return out
flat = flatten(texts)
len([c for c in flat if c in ['pete']])
len([c for c in flat if c in ['peter']])
Compare the two results
import collections
def counts(listr, word):
total = []
for i in range(len(texts)):
total.append(word in collections.Counter(listr[i]))
I have a large list of strings and I want to check whether a string occurs in a larger string. The list contains of strings of one word and also strings of multiple words. To do so I have written the following code:
example_list = ['pain', 'chestpain', 'headache', 'sickness', 'morning sickness']
example_text = "The patient has kneepain as wel as a headache"
emptylist = []
for i in example_text:
res = [ele for ele in example_list if(ele in i)]
However the problem is here is 'pain' is also added to emptylist which it should not as I only want something from the example_list to be added if exactly matches the text. I also tried using sets:
word_set = set(example_list)
phrase_set = set(example_text.split())
This however chops op 'morning sickness' into 'morning' and 'sickness'. Does anyone know what is the correct way to tackle this problem?
Nice examples have already been provided in this post by members.
I made the matching_text a little more challenging where the pain occurred more than once. I also aimed for a little more information about where the match location starts. I ended up with the following code.
I worked on the following sentence.
"The patient has not only kneepain but headache and arm pain, stomach pain and sickness"
import re
from collections import defaultdict
example_list = ['pain', 'chestpain', 'headache', 'sickness', 'morning sickness']
example_text = "The patient has not only kneepain but headache and arm pain, stomach pain and sickness"
TruthFalseDict = defaultdict(list)
for i in example_list:
MatchedTruths = re.finditer(r'\b%s\b'%i, example_text)
if MatchedTruths:
for j in MatchedTruths:
The above gives me the following output.
{'pain': [55, 69], 'headache': [38], 'sickness': [78]}
Using PyParsing:
import pyparsing as pp
example_list = ['pain', 'chestpain', 'headache', 'sickness', 'morning sickness']
example_text = "The patient has kneepain as wel as a headache morning sickness"
list_of_matches = []
for word in example_list:
rule = pp.OneOrMore(pp.Keyword(word))
for t, s, e in rule.scanString(example_text):
if t:
Which yields:
['headache', 'sickness', 'morning sickness']
You should be able to use a regex using word boundaries
>>> import re
>>> [word for word in example_list if re.search(r'\b{}\b'.format(word), example_text)]
This will not match 'pain' in 'kneepain' since that does not begin with a word boundary. But it would properly match substrings that contained whitespace.
I am trying to extract separated multi words from a python list with two different list as a query string. My sentences list is
lst = ['we have the terrible HIV epidemic that takes down the life expectancy of the African ','and I take the regions down here','The poorest are down']
lst_verb = ['take','go','wake']
lst_prep = ['down','up','in']
import re
item = 'down'
p = re.compile(r'(?:\w+\s+){1,20}'+item)
for i in lst:
for item in output:
with this i am able to extract word from the list, However I am only want to extract separated multiwords, i.e it should extract the word from the list "and I take the regions down here".
furthermore, I want to use the word from lst_verb and lst_prep as query string.
for example
re.findall(r \lst_verb+'*.\b'+ \lst_prep)
Thank you for your answer.
You can use regex like
To match Multiple words
like this your example
use functions to create regex string from the verbs and prep.
hope this helps
I am trying create groups of words. First I am counting all words. Then I establish the top 10 words by word count. Then I want to create 10 groups of words based on those top 10. Each group consist of all the words that are before and after the top word.
I have survey results stored in a python pandas dataframe structured like this
Question_ID | Customer_ID | Answer
1 234 Data is very important to use because ...
2 234 We value data since we need it ...
I also saved the answers column as a string.
I am using the following code to find 3 words before and after a word ( I actually had to create a string out of the answers column)
answers_str = df.Answer.apply(str)
for value in answers_str:
non_data = re.split('data|Data', value)
terms_list = [term for term in non_data if len(term) > 0] # skip empty terms
substrs = [term.split()[0:3] for term in terms_list] # slice and grab first three terms
result = [' '.join(term) for term in substrs] # combine the terms back into substrings
print result
I have been manually creating groups of words - but is there a way of doing it in python?
So based on the example shown above the group with word counts would look like this:
group "data":
data : 2
important: 1
value: 1
then when it goes through the whole file, there would be another group:
group "analytics:
analyze: 5
report: 7
list: 10
visualize: 16
The idea would be to get rid of "we", "to","is" as well - but I can do it manually, if that's not possible.
Then to establish the 10 most used words (by word count) and then create 10 groups with words that are in front and behind those main top 10 words.
We can use regex for this. We'll be using this regular expression
which you can test for yourself here, to extract the three words before and after each occurence of data
First, let's remove all the words we don't like from the strings.
import re
# If you're processing a lot of sentences, it's probably wise to preprocess
#the pattern, assuming that bad_words is the same for all sentences
def remove_words(sentence, bad_words):
pat = r'(?:{})'.format(r'|'.join(bad_words))
return re.sub(pat, '', sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
The we want to get the words that surround data in each line
data_pat = r'((?:\b\w+?\b\s*){0,3})[dD]ata((?:\s*\b\w+?\b){0,3})'
res = re.findall(pat, s, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
gives us a list of tuples of strings. We want to get a list of those strings after they are split.
from itertools import chain
list_of_words = list(chain.from_iterable(map(str.split, chain.from_iterable(map(chain, chain(res))))))
That's not pretty, but it works. Basically, we pull the tuples out of the list, pull the strings out of each tuples, then split each string then pull all the strings out of the lists they end up in into one big list.
Let's put this all together with your pandas code. pandas isn't my strongest area, so please don't assume that I haven't made some elementary mistake if you see something weird looking.
import re
from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter
def remove_words(sentence, bad_words):
pat = r'(?:{})'.format(r'|'.join(bad_words))
return re.sub(pat, '', sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
bad_words = ['we', 'is', 'to']
sentence_list = df.Answer.apply(lambda x: remove_words(str(x), bad_words))
c = Counter()
data_pat = r'((?:\b\w+?\b\s*){0,3})data((?:\s*\b\w+?\b){0,3})'
for sentence in sentence_list:
res = re.findall(data_pat, sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
words = chain.from_iterable(map(str.split, chain.from_iterable(map(chain, chain(res)))))
The nice thing about the regex we're using is that all of the complicated parts don't care about what word we're using. With a slight change, we can make a format string
base_pat = r'((?:\b\w+?\b\s*){{0,3}}){}((?:\s*\b\w+?\b){{0,3}})'
such that
base_pat.format('data') == data_pat
So with some list of words we want to collect information about key_words
import re
from itertools import chain
from collections import Counter
def remove_words(sentence, bad_words):
pat = r'(?:{})'.format(r'|'.join(bad_words))
return re.sub(pat, '', sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
bad_words = ['we', 'is', 'to']
sentence_list = df.Answer.apply(lambda x: remove_words(str(x), bad_words))
key_words = ['data', 'analytics']
d = {}
base_pat = r'((?:\b\w+?\b\s*){{0,3}}){}((?:\s*\b\w+?\b){{0,3}})'
for keyword in key_words:
key_pat = base_pat.format(keyword)
c = Counter()
for sentence in sentence_list:
res = re.findall(key_pat, sentence, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
words = chain.from_iterable(map(str.split, chain.from_iterable(map(chain, chain(res)))))
d[keyword] = c
Now we have a dictionary d that maps keywords, like data and analytics to Counters that map words that are not on our blacklist to their counts in the vicinity of the associated keyword. Something like
d= {'data' : Counter({ 'important' : 2,
'very' : 3}),
'analytics' : Counter({ 'boring' : 5,
'sleep' : 3})
As to how we get the top 10 words, that's basically the thing Counter is best at.
key_words, _ = zip(*Counter(w for sentence in sentence_list for w in sentence.split()).most_common(10))
For a class I am talking the twitter sentiment analysis problem. I have looked at the other questions on the site and they don't help for my particular issue.
I am given a string that is one tweet with its letters changed so that they are all in lowercase. For example,
'after 23 years i still love this place. (# tel aviv kosher pizza) http://t.co/jklp0uj'
as well as a dictionary of words where the key is the word and the value is the value for the sentiment for that word. To be more specific, a key can be a single word (such as 'hello'), more than one word separated by a space (such as 'yellow hornet'), or a hyphenated compound word (such as '2-dimensional'), or a number (such as '365').
I need to find the sentiment of the tweet by adding the sentiments for every eligible word and dividing by the number of eligible words (by eligible word, I mean word that is in the dictionary). I'm not sure what's the best way to go about checking if a tweet has a word in the dictionary.
I tried using the "key in string" convention with looping through all the keys, but this was problematic because there are a lot of keys and word-in-words would be counted (e.g. eradicate counts cat, ate, era, etc. as well)
I then tried using .split(' ') and looping through the elements of the resultant list but I ran into problems because of punctuation and keys which are two words.
Anyone have any ideas on how I can more suitably tackle this?
For example: using the example above, still : -0.625, love : 0.625, every other word is not in the dictionary. so this should return (-0.625 + 0.625)/2 = 0.
The whole point of dictionaries is that they are quick at looking things up:
for word in instring.split():
if wordsdict.has_key(word):
print word
You would probably do better at getting rid of punctuation, etc, (thank-you Soke), by using regular expressions rather than split, e.g.
for word in re.findall(r'[\w]', instring):
if wordsdict.get(word) is not None:
print word
Of course you will have to have some maximum length of word groupings, possibly generated with a single run through of the dictionary and then take your pairs, triples, etc. and also check them.
you can use nltk its very powerfull what you want to do, it can be done by split too:
>>> import string
>>> a= 'after 23 years i still love this place. (# tel aviv kosher pizza) http://t.co/jklp0uj'
>>> import nltk
>>> my_dict = {'still' : -0.625, 'love' : 0.625}
>>> words = nltk.word_tokenize(a)
>>> words
['after', '23', 'years', 'i', 'still', 'love', 'this', 'place.', '(', '#', 'tel', 'aviv', 'kosher', 'pizza', ')', 'http', ':', '//t.co/jklp0uj']
>>> sum(my_dict.get(x.strip(string.punctuation),0) for x in words)/2
using split:
>>> words = a.split()
>>> words
['after', '23', 'years', 'i', 'still', 'love', 'this', 'place.', '(#', 'tel', 'aviv', 'kosher', 'pizza)', 'http://t.co/jklp0uj']
>>> sum(my_dict.get(x.strip(string.punctuation),0) for x in words)/2
my_dict.get(key,default), so get will return value if key is found in dictionary else it will return default. In this case '0'
check this example: you asked for place
>>> import string
>>> my_dict = {'still' : -0.625, 'love' : 0.625,'place':1}
>>> a= 'after 23 years i still love this place. (# tel aviv kosher pizza) http://t.co/jklp0uj'
>>> words = nltk.word_tokenize(a)
>>> sum(my_dict.get(x.strip(string.punctuation),0) for x in words)/2
going by length of the dictionary key might be one solution.
For example, you have the dict as:
Sentimentdict = {"habit":5, "bad habit":-1}
the sentence might be:
s1="He has good habit"
s2="He has bad habit"
s1 should be getting good sentiment compare to s2. Now, you can do this:
for w in sorted(Sentimentdict.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x)):
if w in s1:
remove the word and do your sentiment calculation
How do you find collocations in text?
A collocation is a sequence of words that occurs together unusually often.
python has built-in func bigrams that returns word pairs.
>>> bigrams(['more', 'is', 'said', 'than', 'done'])
[('more', 'is'), ('is', 'said'), ('said', 'than'), ('than', 'done')]
What's left is to find bigrams that occur more often based on the frequency of individual words. Any ideas how to put it in the code?
Try NLTK. You will mostly be interested in nltk.collocations.BigramCollocationFinder, but here is a quick demonstration to show you how to get started:
>>> import nltk
>>> def tokenize(sentences):
... for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(sentences.lower()):
... for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent):
... yield word
>>> nltk.Text(tkn for tkn in tokenize('mary had a little lamb.'))
<Text: mary had a little lamb ....>
>>> text = nltk.Text(tkn for tkn in tokenize('mary had a little lamb.'))
There are none in this small segment, but here goes:
>>> text.collocations(num=20)
Building collocations list
Here is some code that takes a list of lowercase words and returns a list of all bigrams with their respective counts, starting with the highest count. Don't use this code for large lists.
from itertools import izip
words = ["more", "is", "said", "than", "done", "is", "said"]
words_iter = iter(words)
next(words_iter, None)
count = {}
for bigram in izip(words, words_iter):
count[bigram] = count.get(bigram, 0) + 1
print sorted(((c, b) for b, c in count.iteritems()), reverse=True)
(words_iter is introduced to avoid copying the whole list of words as you would do in izip(words, words[1:])
import itertools
from collections import Counter
words = ['more', 'is', 'said', 'than', 'done']
nextword = iter(words)
A collocation is a sequence of tokens that are better treated as a single token when parsing e.g. "red herring" has a meaning that can't be derived from its components. Deriving a useful set of collocations from a corpus involves ranking the n-grams by some statistic (n-gram frequency, mutual information, log-likelihood, etc) followed by judicious manual editing.
Points that you appear to be ignoring:
(1) the corpus must be rather large ... attempting to get collocations from one sentence as you appear to suggest is pointless.
(2) n can be greater than 2 ... e.g. analysing texts written about 20th century Chinese history will throw up "significant" bigrams like "Mao Tse" and "Tse Tung".
What are you actually trying to achieve? What code have you written so far?
Agree with Tim McNamara on using nltk and problems with the unicode. However, I like the text class a lot - there is a hack that you can use to get the collocations as list , i discovered it looking at the source code . Apparently whenever you invoke the collocations method it saves it as a class variable!
import nltk
def tokenize(sentences):
for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(sentences.lower()):
for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent):
yield word
text = nltk.Text(tkn for tkn in tokenize('mary had a little lamb.'))
collocations = [" ".join(el) for el in list(text._collocations)]
enjoy !