I am trying to use recursion to solve the OddOccurrencesInArray Problem in Codility, in which
we are given an array with N elements, N is always odd
all of the elements of the array except for one has a total even number of occurrences
we need to write code that returns the one unpaired value
For example, if the array given is [9, 3, 9, 3, 7, 9, 9], the code must return 7, because that is the only element in the array which is unpaired.
My solution pseudocode/thought process was:
sort the array
if the first two elements are equal to each other, remove them and run the solution algorithm again recursively on the array minus the first two elements (after sorting) i.e. if the unpaired element is not found, we keep reducing the size of the array
if the first two elements are NOT equal to each other, the first element of the array must be the unpaired item
My implementation was:
def solution(A):
# write your code in Python 3.6
if len(A) > 1:
A = sorted(A)
if A[0] != A[1]:
return A[0]
return A[0]
I keep getting the error message
Invalid result type, int expected, <class 'NoneType'> found.
RUNTIME ERROR (tested program terminated with exit code 1)
Can anyone help me figure out what this means and how I can correct it? Algorithmically, I think my solution is sound, and I don't understand why it isn't returning the integer values as I specified.
Another Python solution 100%
There is another solution where we can use XOR logic.
First Let's remember together what does XOR mean:
So we can recognize that if we have for Input A and Input B the same bit then, XOR Output will be zero.
Also, if we take the bit XOR of any number with zero will definitely give the same number because the bits of the number will result in the same bits which means the same number.
Now, to solve the problem with the XOR logic, we start by defining a number that will hold the result of the XOR output each time, so first, we start with zero and I said earlier that 0 with any number gives the same number.
but if we get a different number next time, the XOR result will be some unknown number.
In the end, for sure the number that did not pair will be returned.
Since a solution like this will be possible with only one loop we need to loop through all elements and if we do break at some point, the result of the XOR would be some number we do not need so we need to make sure that we loop through the whole array once and then because of the fact that bit XOR of the same number would return zero. so that we remain at the end with the number that is unpaired with anything.
Detected time complexity:
O(N) or O(N*log(N))
def solution(A):
num = 0
for i in range(len(A)):
num = num ^ A[i]
return num
I would suggest a different approach altogether. A recursive approach is not incorrect, however repeated calls to sorted is highly inefficient, especially if the input is significantly large.
def solve(t):
s = set()
for v in t:
s.add(v) if v not in s else s.remove(v)
return list(s)
input = [9, 3, 9, 3, 7, 9, 9]
We can visualize s over the course of the evaluation -
{} # <- initial s
{9} # <- 9 is added
{9,3} # <- 3 is added
{3} # <- 9 is removed
{} # <- 3 is removed
{7} # <- 7 is added
{7,9} # <- 9 is added
{7} # <- 9 is removed
The finally list(s) is returned converting {7} to [7]. To output the answer we can write a simple if/elif/else -
unpaired = solve(input)
if (len(unpaired) < 1):
print("there are no unpaired elements")
elif (len(unpaired) > 1):
print("there is more than one unpaired element")
print("answer:", unpaired[0])
Another option is to have solve return the first unpaired element or None -
def solve(t):
s = set()
for v in t:
s.add(v) if v not in s else s.remove(v)
for v in s:
return v # <- immediately return first element
answer = solve(input)
if answer is None:
print("no solution")
print("the solution is", answer)
You don't return anything from your recursive call, which means you are returning None.
def solution(A):
cloned = []
if len(A) > 1:
for itr in A:
if itr in cloned:
itrindex = cloned.index(itr)
return A[0]
return cloned[0]
It has something simple like this using php array functions, it had 100% score at codility, thought it might help if python has some array functions like this.
function solution($a){
$result = array_count_values($a);
$result = array_filter($result , function($a){
return ($a % 2) && 1;
return key($result);
I tried multiple ways but the performance just doesn't get better!
def solution(A):
for i in set(A):
if A.count(i) == 1:
return i
This just gives me a 25% perf score. However, I tried other way also.
from collections import Counter
def solution(A):
c = Counter(A)
final = [k for k, v in c.items() if v == 1]
return final[0]
This could be a solution but the performance score is just 50%. Not sure what makes it 100%. Please post if you get 100% perf for this challenge in Codility.
def solution(A):
A.append(-1) #Just to make list even and run till last but not match with existing integers
for i in range(0,len(A),2):
if A[i]!=A[i+1]:
return A[I]
This got me a 100% perf score. Ref:CodeTrading (YouTube)
Given a set of integers 1,2, and 3, find the number of ways that these can add up to n. (The order matters, i.e. say n is 5. 1+2+1+1 and 2+1+1+1 are two distinct solutions)
My solution involves splitting n into a list of 1s so if n = 5, A = [1,1,1,1,1]. And I will generate more sublists recursively from each list by adding adjacent numbers. So A will generate 4 more lists: [2,1,1,1], [1,2,1,1], [1,1,2,1],[1,1,1,2], and each of these lists will generate further sublists until it reaches a terminating case like [3,2] or [2,3]
Here is my proposed solution (in Python)
ways = []
def check_terminating(A,n):
# check for terminating case
for i in range(len(A)-1):
if A[i] + A[i+1] <= 3:
return False # means still can compute
return True
def count_ways(n,A=[]):
if A in ways:
# check if alr computed if yes then don't compute
return True
if A not in ways: # check for duplicates
ways.append(A) # global ways
if check_terminating(A,n):
return True # end of the tree
for i in range(len(A)-1):
# for each index i,
# combine with the next element and form a new list
total = A[i] + A[i+1]
if total <= 3:
# form new list and compute
newA = A[:i] + [total] + A[i+2:]
# recursive call
# main
n = 5
A = [1 for _ in range(n)]
print("No. of ways for n = {} is {}".format(n,len(ways)))
May I know if I'm on the right track, and if so, is there any way to make this code more efficient?
Please note that this is not a coin change problem. In coin change, order of occurrence is not important. In my problem, 1+2+1+1 is different from 1+1+1+2 but in coin change, both are same. Please don't post coin change solutions for this answer.
Edit: My code is working but I would like to know if there are better solutions. Thank you for all your help :)
The recurrence relation is F(n+3)=F(n+2)+F(n+1)+F(n) with F(0)=1, F(-1)=F(-2)=0. These are the tribonacci numbers (a variant of the Fibonacci numbers):
It's possible to write an easy O(n) solution:
def count_ways(n):
a, b, c = 1, 0, 0
for _ in xrange(n):
a, b, c = a+b+c, a, b
return a
It's harder, but possible to compute the result in relatively few arithmetic operations:
def count_ways(n):
A = 3**(n+3)
P = A**3-A**2-A-1
return pow(A, n+3, P) % A
for i in xrange(20):
print i, count_ways(i)
The idea that you describe sounds right. It is easy to write a recursive function that produces the correct answer..slowly.
You can then make it faster by memoizing the answer. Just keep a dictionary of answers that you've already calculated. In your recursive function look at whether you have a precalculated answer. If so, return it. If not, calculate it, save that answer in the dictionary, then return the answer.
That version should run quickly.
An O(n) method is possible:
def countways(n):
while len(A)<=n:
return A[n]
The idea is that we can work out how many ways of making a sequence with n by considering each choice (1,2,3) for the last partition size.
e.g. to count choices for (1,1,1,1) consider:
choices for (1,1,1) followed by a 1
choices for (1,1) followed by a 2
choices for (1) followed by a 3
If you need the results (instead of just the count) you can adapt this approach as follows:
cache = {}
def countwaysb(n):
if n < 0:
return []
if n == 0:
return [[]]
if n in cache:
return cache[n]
A = []
for last in range(1,4):
for B in countwaysb(n-last):
cache[n] = A
return A
I'm trying to find the maximum element in a list using recursion.
the input needs to be the actual list, the left index, and the right index.
I have written a function and can't understand why it won't work. I drew the recursion tree, ran examples of lists in my head, and it makes sense , that's why it's even harder to find a solution now ! (it's fighting myself basically).
I know it's ugly, but try to ignore that. my idea is to split the list in half at each recursive call (it's required), and while the left index will remain 0, the right will be the length of the new halved list, minus 1.
the first call to the function will be from the tail function.
thanks for any help, and I hope I'm not missing something really stupid, or even worse- not even close !
by the way- didn't use slicing to cut list because I'm not allowed.
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
a = max22([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right)//2)], 0 , len([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right)//2)])-1)
b = max22([L[i] for i in range(((left+right)//2)+1, right)], 0 ,len([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right)//2)])-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
input example -
for max_list22([1,20,3]) the output will be 20.
First off, for the sake of clarity I suggest assigning your list comprehensions to variables so you don't have to write each one twice. This should make the code easier to debug. You can also do the same for the (left+right)//2 value.
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
mid = (left+right)//2
left_L = [L[i] for i in range(left, mid)]
right_L = [L[i] for i in range(mid+1, right)]
a = max22(left_L, 0 , len(left_L)-1)
b = max22(right_L, 0 , len(left_L)-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
print max_list22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
I see four problems with this code.
On your b = line, the second argument is using len(left_L) instead of len(right_L).
You're missing an element between left_L and right_L. You should not be adding one to mid in the right_L list comprehension.
You're missing the last element of the list. You should be going up to right+1 in right_L, not just right.
Your mid value is off by one in the case of even sized lists. Ex. [1,2,3,4] should split into [1,2] and [3,4], but with your mid value you're getting [1] and [2,3,4]. (assuming you've already fixed the missing element problems in the previous bullet points).
Fixing these problems looks like:
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
mid = (left+right+1)//2
left_L = [L[i] for i in range(left, mid)]
right_L = [L[i] for i in range(mid, right+1)]
a = max22(left_L, 0 , len(left_L)-1)
b = max22(right_L, 0 , len(right_L)-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
print max_list22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
And if you insist on not using temporary variables, it looks like:
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
a = max22([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right+1)//2)], 0 , len([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right+1)//2)])-1)
b = max22([L[i] for i in range((left+right+1)//2, right+1)], 0 , len([L[i] for i in range((left+right+1)//2, right+1)])-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
print max_list22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
Bonus style tip: you don't necessarily need three arguments for max22, since left is always zero and right is always the length of the list minus one.
def max22(L):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
mid = (len(L))//2
left_L = [L[i] for i in range(0, mid)]
right_L = [L[i] for i in range(mid, len(L))]
a = max22(left_L)
b = max22(right_L)
return max(a,b)
print max22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
The problem is that you aren't handling empty lists at all. max_list22([]) recurses infinitely, and [L[i] for i in range(((left+right)//2)+1, right)] eventually produces an empty list.
Your problem is that you don't handle uneven splits. Lists could become empty using your code, but you can also stop on sizes 1 and 2 instead of 0 and 1 whichi s more natural (because you return a max, zero size lists don't have a max).
def max22(L,left,right):
if left == right:
# handle size 1
return L[left]
if left + 1 == right:
# handle size 2
return max(L[left], L[right])
# split the lists (could be uneven lists!)
split_index = (left + right) / 2
# solve two easier problems
return max (max22(L, left, split_index), max22(L, split_index, right))
print max22([1,20, 3], 0, 2)
Lose the list comprehension, you don't have to create new lists since you have indices within the list.
When dealing with recursion, you have to think of:
1 - the stop condition(s), in this case there are two because list splits can be uneven, making the recursion stop at uneven conditions.
2 - the easier problem step . Assuming I can solve an easier problem, how can I solve this problem? This is usually what's in the end of the recursive function. In this case a call to the same function on two smaller (index-wise) lists. Recursion looks a lot like proof by induction if you're familiar with it.
Python prefers things to be done explicitly. While Python has some functional features it's best to let readers of the code know what you're up to ratehr than having a big one-liner that makes people scratch their head.
Good luck!
I'm trying to do a lab work from the textbook Zelle Python Programming
The question asked me to "write and test a recursive function max() to find the largest number in a list. The max is the larger of the first item and the max of all the other items." I don't quite understand the question from the textbook.
def Max(list):
if len(list) <= 1:
return list[0]
m = Max(list[1:])
return m if m > list[0] else list[0]
def main():
list = eval(raw_input(" please enter a list of numbers: "))
print("the largest number is: ", Max(list))
Or maybe I'm suppose to open a txt file with numbers in it and then use recursive?
I believe recursive works like this
def function()
> if something:
>>return 0
>>return function()
Your understanding of how recursion works seems fine.
Your if-block is messed up, you have two elses to one if and the alignment is out. You need to remove your first else and un-indent everything below the if one level. eg:
def Max(list):
if len(list) == 1:
return list[0]
m = Max(list[1:])
return m if m > list[0] else list[0]
def main():
list = eval(raw_input(" please enter a list of numbers: "))
print("the largest number is: ", Max(list))
I post a different solution approach of the problem. Most of the answers manipulate the list using the slice operator in each recursive call. By the time the exercise does not provide a strict function prototype to be used, I also pass as function parameter the length of the list.
Suppose that we try to find and return the maximum element from a sequence S, of n elements.
Function prototype: Max(S, n)
Base case: If S contains only one item, return it. (Obviously the only item in the sequence is the max one.)
Recur: If not the base case, call Max each time for one less item, that is call Max(S, n-1). We then store the returning value to a variable called previous that indicate the previous element from the sequence and check that value with the next element in the sequence, which is the right most element in the current recursive call, and return the max of these values.
A recursion trace of the above procedure is given in the following figure. Suppose we try to find the max from a list that contains [5, 10, 20, 11, 3].
Note: To help you further, keep in mind that we recursively iterate the list from the right most element to the left most one.
Finally here is the working code:
def find_max_recursively(S, n):
"""Find the maximum element in a sequence S, of n elements."""
if n == 1: # reached the left most item
return S[n-1]
previous = find_max_recursively(S, n-1)
current = S[n-1]
if previous > current:
return previous
return current
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(find_max_recursively([5, 10, 20, 11, 3], 5))
Note: The recursive implementation will work by default only with sequences of 1000 most elements.
To combat against infinite recursions, the designers of Python made an
intentional decision to limit the overall number of function
activations that can be simultaneously active. The precise value of
this limit depends upon the Python distribution, but a typical default
value is 1000. If this limit is reached, the Python interpreter
raises a RuntimeError with a message, maximum recursion depth exceeded.
Michael T. Goodrich (2013), Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, Wiley
To change the default value do:
import sys
here is one more approach to solve above problem
def maximum(L):
if len(L) == 1:
return L[0]
return max(L[0],maximum(L[1:]))
so example input and output:
L= [2,4,6,23,1,46]
print maximum(L)
The basic approach is this.
If the list contains only a single element, that element is the max. Return it immediately.
Otherwise, the list contains multiple elements. Either the first element in the list is the maximum, or it is not.
The maximum of the first element is simply the first element in the list.
Recursively call Max on the rest (all but first element) to find the maximum of those elements.
Compare the results from step 3 and 4. The result is the number that is greater. Return it.
Right now you have some syntax errors. For example, you have two else clauses for a single if, and the indentation looks funny. You can only have one else for an if block. But if you follow these instructions, you should have a working algorithm.
def Max(lis,maxx=-float("inf")):
if len(lis) == 1: #only one element in lis
return maxx if maxx>lis[0] else lis[0] #return lis[0] if it's greater than maxx
m=lis[0] if lis[0]>maxx else maxx # m = max(lis[0],maxx)
return Max(lis[1:],m) #call Max with lis[1:] and pass 'm' too
print Max([1,2,39,4,5,6,7,8]) #prints 39
print Max([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) #prints 8
These solutions fail after certain list size.
This is a better version:
def maximum2(a, n):
if n == 1:
return a[0]
x = maximum2(a[n//2:], n - n//2)
return x if x > a[0] else a[0]
def maximum(a):
return maximum2(a, len(a))
>>> 99998
One simple way would be to sort the list first then use indexing.
Here's a function that would work:
a = [1,233,12,34]
def find_max(a):
return sorted(a)[-1]
def find_max(my_list, max):
if len(my_list) <= 1:
return max
if my_list[0] > max:
return find_max(my_list[1:], my_list[0])
return find_max(my_list[1:], max)
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_list = [1, 5, 16, 9, 20, 40, 5]
print(find_max(my_list, my_list[0]))
def find_max(arr):
"""find maximum number in array by recursion"""
if arr == []: # if its an empty array
return 0
if len(arr) == 1: # if array has only one element
return arr[0]
else: # get max of first item compared to other items recursively
return max(arr[0], find_max(arr[1:])) # 1: means all other excluding 0th element
def main():
print(find_max([2,3,5,6,7,1])) # will print max - 7
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can also do it in this way:
def maximum(data, start, stop):
if start >= stop:
return data[start]
if data[start] >= data[stop - 1]:
return maximum(data, start, stop - 1)
return maximum(data, start + 1, stop)
def recursiveMax(a):
if len(a) == 1:
return a[0]
return a[0] if a[0] > recursiveMax(a[1:]) else recursiveMax(a[1:])
print(recursiveMax([1, 2, 15, 6, 3, 2, 9]))
print(recursiveMax([98, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, ]))
TLDR; This code will also work when the list passed to the function is empty!
#jam's answer is amazing. However, I found some problems with the conditions, I think #Blender was hinting at it.
That code will fail in the case when the list passed to the function is empty. There are two base cases:
When the list is empty -> return None
When the list has one item -> return list[0]
And then the recursive case ... to reduce any other case into the base case.
def recursive_max(arr):
if len(arr) == 0:
return None
elif len(arr) == 1:
return arr[0]
maxItem = recursive_max(arr[1:])
return maxItem if maxItem > arr[0] else arr[0]
Here is my answer, with a one line of code :))
def max_value(n_list):
return n_list[0] if len(n_list) == 1 else max(n_list[0], max_value(n_list[1:]))
def getMaxNumber(numbers):
return 'N.A' if len(numbers) == 0 else max(numbers)
I have been working on generating all possible submodels for a biological problem. I have a working recursion for generating a big list of all the submodels I want. However, the lists get unmanageably large pretty fast (N=12 is just possible in the example below, N>12 uses too much memory). So I wanted to convert it to a generator function using yield instead, but I'm stuck.
My working recursive function looks like this:
def submodel_list(result, pat, current, maxn):
''' result is a list to append to
pat is the current pattern (starts as empty list)
current is the current number of the pattern
maxn is the number of items in the pattern
if pat:
curmax = max(pat)
curmax = 0
for i in range(current):
if i-1 <= curmax:
newpat = pat[:]
if current == maxn:
submodel_generator(result, newpat, current+1, maxn)
result = []
submodel_list(result, [], 1, 5)
That gives me the expected list of submodels for my purposes.
Now, I want to get that same list using a recursion. Naively, I thought I could just switch out my result.append() for a yield function, and the rest would work OK. So I tried this:
def submodel_generator(pat, current, maxn):
'''same as submodel_list but yields instead'''
if pat:
curmax = max(pat)
curmax = 0
for i in range(current):
print i, current, maxn
if i-1 <= curmax:
print curmax
newpat = pat[:]
if current == maxn:
yield newpat
submodel_generator(newpat, current+1, maxn)
b = submodel_generator([], 1, 5)
for model in b: print model
But now I get nothing. A (very dumb) bit of digging tells me the function gets to the final else statement once, then stops - i.e. the recursion no longer works.
Is there a way to turn my first, clunky, list-making function into a nice neat generator function? Is there something silly I've missed here? All help hugely appreciated!
You should change this:
submodel_generator(newpat, current+1, maxn)
to this:
for b in submodel_generator(newpat, current+1, maxn):
yield b
This will recursively yield the value from successive calls to the function.
[Update]: Note that as of Python 3.3, you can use the new yield from syntax:
yield from submodel_generator(newpat, current+1, maxn)