using recursion to find the maximum in a list - python

I'm trying to find the maximum element in a list using recursion.
the input needs to be the actual list, the left index, and the right index.
I have written a function and can't understand why it won't work. I drew the recursion tree, ran examples of lists in my head, and it makes sense , that's why it's even harder to find a solution now ! (it's fighting myself basically).
I know it's ugly, but try to ignore that. my idea is to split the list in half at each recursive call (it's required), and while the left index will remain 0, the right will be the length of the new halved list, minus 1.
the first call to the function will be from the tail function.
thanks for any help, and I hope I'm not missing something really stupid, or even worse- not even close !
by the way- didn't use slicing to cut list because I'm not allowed.
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
a = max22([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right)//2)], 0 , len([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right)//2)])-1)
b = max22([L[i] for i in range(((left+right)//2)+1, right)], 0 ,len([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right)//2)])-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
input example -
for max_list22([1,20,3]) the output will be 20.

First off, for the sake of clarity I suggest assigning your list comprehensions to variables so you don't have to write each one twice. This should make the code easier to debug. You can also do the same for the (left+right)//2 value.
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
mid = (left+right)//2
left_L = [L[i] for i in range(left, mid)]
right_L = [L[i] for i in range(mid+1, right)]
a = max22(left_L, 0 , len(left_L)-1)
b = max22(right_L, 0 , len(left_L)-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
print max_list22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
I see four problems with this code.
On your b = line, the second argument is using len(left_L) instead of len(right_L).
You're missing an element between left_L and right_L. You should not be adding one to mid in the right_L list comprehension.
You're missing the last element of the list. You should be going up to right+1 in right_L, not just right.
Your mid value is off by one in the case of even sized lists. Ex. [1,2,3,4] should split into [1,2] and [3,4], but with your mid value you're getting [1] and [2,3,4]. (assuming you've already fixed the missing element problems in the previous bullet points).
Fixing these problems looks like:
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
mid = (left+right+1)//2
left_L = [L[i] for i in range(left, mid)]
right_L = [L[i] for i in range(mid, right+1)]
a = max22(left_L, 0 , len(left_L)-1)
b = max22(right_L, 0 , len(right_L)-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
print max_list22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
And if you insist on not using temporary variables, it looks like:
def max22(L,left,right):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
a = max22([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right+1)//2)], 0 , len([L[i] for i in range(left, (left+right+1)//2)])-1)
b = max22([L[i] for i in range((left+right+1)//2, right+1)], 0 , len([L[i] for i in range((left+right+1)//2, right+1)])-1)
return max(a,b)
def max_list22(L):
return max22(L,0,len(L)-1)
print max_list22([4,8,15,16,23,42])
Bonus style tip: you don't necessarily need three arguments for max22, since left is always zero and right is always the length of the list minus one.
def max22(L):
if len(L)==1:
return L[0]
mid = (len(L))//2
left_L = [L[i] for i in range(0, mid)]
right_L = [L[i] for i in range(mid, len(L))]
a = max22(left_L)
b = max22(right_L)
return max(a,b)
print max22([4,8,15,16,23,42])

The problem is that you aren't handling empty lists at all. max_list22([]) recurses infinitely, and [L[i] for i in range(((left+right)//2)+1, right)] eventually produces an empty list.

Your problem is that you don't handle uneven splits. Lists could become empty using your code, but you can also stop on sizes 1 and 2 instead of 0 and 1 whichi s more natural (because you return a max, zero size lists don't have a max).
def max22(L,left,right):
if left == right:
# handle size 1
return L[left]
if left + 1 == right:
# handle size 2
return max(L[left], L[right])
# split the lists (could be uneven lists!)
split_index = (left + right) / 2
# solve two easier problems
return max (max22(L, left, split_index), max22(L, split_index, right))
print max22([1,20, 3], 0, 2)
Lose the list comprehension, you don't have to create new lists since you have indices within the list.
When dealing with recursion, you have to think of:
1 - the stop condition(s), in this case there are two because list splits can be uneven, making the recursion stop at uneven conditions.
2 - the easier problem step . Assuming I can solve an easier problem, how can I solve this problem? This is usually what's in the end of the recursive function. In this case a call to the same function on two smaller (index-wise) lists. Recursion looks a lot like proof by induction if you're familiar with it.
Python prefers things to be done explicitly. While Python has some functional features it's best to let readers of the code know what you're up to ratehr than having a big one-liner that makes people scratch their head.
Good luck!


Python how do i make list appends / extends quicker?

Heyo all.
Trying to get better at python and started doing leetcode problems.
Im currently doing one, were the goal is to capture water.
Link =>
problem is; it times me out for taking too long. My code is certainly inefficient. Afer googling around i found that .append is supposedly very slow / inefficient. So is .extend.
Cant find any obvious ways of making my code faster; hence my arrival here.
any response is much appreciated
class Solution:
def trap(self, height: List[int]) -> int:
max_height = max(height)
water_blocks = 0
for element in range(max_height):
local_map = []
element = element + 1
for block in height:
if block >= element:
if local_map.count(1) > 1:
first_index = local_map.index(1)
reversed_list = local_map[::-1]
last_index = len(local_map) - 1 - reversed_list.index(1)
water_count = last_index - first_index - 1 - (local_map.count(1) - 2)
water_blocks += water_count
return water_blocks
Although many of your count and index calls can be avoided, the two big nested loops might still be a problem. For the outer loop, max_height can be large number and the inner loop iterates over the full list. You might need to come up with a different algorithm.
I don't have a leetcode account, so I can't really test my code, but this would be my suggestion: It iterates over the height-list only once, with a small inner loop to find the next matching wall.
class Solution:
def trap(self, h):
water = 0
current_height = 0
for i, n in enumerate(h):
# found a "bucket", add water
if n < current_height:
water += current_height - n
else: # found a wall. calculate usable height
current_height = self.n_or_max(h[i+1:], n)
return water
def n_or_max(self, h, n):
local_max = 0
for i in h:
if i > local_max:
local_max = i
# that's high enough, return n
if i >= n:
return n
return local_max
Here are some pointers:
Do not use list.count() or list.index() (that is, try to remove local_map.count(1), local_map.index(1) and reversed_list.index(1)). The first will loop (internally) over the whole list, which is obviously expensive if the list is large. The second will loop over the list until a 1 is found. Currently you even have two calls to local_map.count(1) which will always return the same answer, so at least just store the result in a variable. In your loop over blocks, you construct local_map yourself, so you do in fact know exactly what it contains, you should not have to search through it afterwards. Just put a few ifs into the first loop over blocks.
The operation local_map[::-1] not only runs over the whole list, but additionally copies the whole thing into a new list (backwards, but that's not really contributing to the issue). Again, this new list does not contain new information, so you can figure out the value of water_count without doing this.
The above is really the major issues. A slight further optimization can be obtained by eliminating element = element + 1. Just shift the range, as in range(1, max_height + 1).
Also, as written in the comments, prefer list.append(x) to list.extend([x]). It's not huge, but the latter has to create an additional list (of length 1), put x into it, loop over the list and append its elements (just x) to the large list. Finally, the length-1 list is thrown away. On the contrary, list.append(x) just appends x to the list, no temporary length-1 list needed.
Note that list.append() is not slow. It's a function call, which is always somewhat slow, but the actual data operation is fast: constant time and even cleverly amortized, as juanpa.arrivillaga writes.
Here's another way of looking at the problem. This scans left to right over the bins, and at each point, I track how many units of water are dammed up at each level. When there's a tall wall, we tally up whatever units it was damming, and clear them. However, this still gets an "overtime" flag on the next to the last test, which has about 10,000 entries. It takes 20 seconds on my relatively old box.
class Solution():
def trap(self, height):
trapped = 0
accum = [0]*max(height)
lastwall = -1
for h in height:
# Take credit for everything up to our height.
trapped += sum(accum[0:h])
accum[0:h] = [0]*h
for v in range(h,lastwall):
accum[v] += 1
lastwall = max(lastwall,h)
return trapped
print(Solution().trap([0,1,0,2,1,0,1,3,2,1,2,1])) # 6
print(Solution().trap([4,2,0,3,2,5])) # 9

Trying to write a recursive function to get just the unique numbers in list

I'm trying to do it where the list is split in two and the function picks the unique numbers from the first half and then calls itself again with the second half of the list. I'm just a little stuck at this point, as this only gives me the first half numbers.
def function(Lst):
s = set()
mid = len(Lst)//2
for item in Lst[:mid]:
Thank you for the direction.
Was able to use a that for loop to add to the set and then recursevely redo it for the right half.
Something like this should do the work although it's not optimal:
def unique(Lst):
s = set()
if len(Lst) == 1:
return {Lst[0]}
mid = len(Lst)//2
for item in Lst[:mid]:
if item not in s:
s |= unique(Lst[mid:])
return s
P.S. if you want uniqueness, you can just do this: set([1,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,8])
your problem was that you forgot to add results from recursive call to the set, which already contains your items (s)
One recursive solution, for example, would be:
def unique(Lst):
if len(Lst) == 1:
return {Lst[0]}
m = len(Lst) // 2
left_values = unique(Lst[:m])
right_values = unique(Lst[m:])
merge_step = set.union(left_values, right_values)
return merge_step
The divide & conquer solution does pretty much this:
If the subproblem size is 1, return a set containing the only element
The merge step merges the left and right subproblems using set union. The union of two sets is the set of all unique elements contained in at least one of those sets.

How to find number of ways that the integers 1,2,3 can add up to n?

Given a set of integers 1,2, and 3, find the number of ways that these can add up to n. (The order matters, i.e. say n is 5. 1+2+1+1 and 2+1+1+1 are two distinct solutions)
My solution involves splitting n into a list of 1s so if n = 5, A = [1,1,1,1,1]. And I will generate more sublists recursively from each list by adding adjacent numbers. So A will generate 4 more lists: [2,1,1,1], [1,2,1,1], [1,1,2,1],[1,1,1,2], and each of these lists will generate further sublists until it reaches a terminating case like [3,2] or [2,3]
Here is my proposed solution (in Python)
ways = []
def check_terminating(A,n):
# check for terminating case
for i in range(len(A)-1):
if A[i] + A[i+1] <= 3:
return False # means still can compute
return True
def count_ways(n,A=[]):
if A in ways:
# check if alr computed if yes then don't compute
return True
if A not in ways: # check for duplicates
ways.append(A) # global ways
if check_terminating(A,n):
return True # end of the tree
for i in range(len(A)-1):
# for each index i,
# combine with the next element and form a new list
total = A[i] + A[i+1]
if total <= 3:
# form new list and compute
newA = A[:i] + [total] + A[i+2:]
# recursive call
# main
n = 5
A = [1 for _ in range(n)]
print("No. of ways for n = {} is {}".format(n,len(ways)))
May I know if I'm on the right track, and if so, is there any way to make this code more efficient?
Please note that this is not a coin change problem. In coin change, order of occurrence is not important. In my problem, 1+2+1+1 is different from 1+1+1+2 but in coin change, both are same. Please don't post coin change solutions for this answer.
Edit: My code is working but I would like to know if there are better solutions. Thank you for all your help :)
The recurrence relation is F(n+3)=F(n+2)+F(n+1)+F(n) with F(0)=1, F(-1)=F(-2)=0. These are the tribonacci numbers (a variant of the Fibonacci numbers):
It's possible to write an easy O(n) solution:
def count_ways(n):
a, b, c = 1, 0, 0
for _ in xrange(n):
a, b, c = a+b+c, a, b
return a
It's harder, but possible to compute the result in relatively few arithmetic operations:
def count_ways(n):
A = 3**(n+3)
P = A**3-A**2-A-1
return pow(A, n+3, P) % A
for i in xrange(20):
print i, count_ways(i)
The idea that you describe sounds right. It is easy to write a recursive function that produces the correct answer..slowly.
You can then make it faster by memoizing the answer. Just keep a dictionary of answers that you've already calculated. In your recursive function look at whether you have a precalculated answer. If so, return it. If not, calculate it, save that answer in the dictionary, then return the answer.
That version should run quickly.
An O(n) method is possible:
def countways(n):
while len(A)<=n:
return A[n]
The idea is that we can work out how many ways of making a sequence with n by considering each choice (1,2,3) for the last partition size.
e.g. to count choices for (1,1,1,1) consider:
choices for (1,1,1) followed by a 1
choices for (1,1) followed by a 2
choices for (1) followed by a 3
If you need the results (instead of just the count) you can adapt this approach as follows:
cache = {}
def countwaysb(n):
if n < 0:
return []
if n == 0:
return [[]]
if n in cache:
return cache[n]
A = []
for last in range(1,4):
for B in countwaysb(n-last):
cache[n] = A
return A

Sum nested lists with recursive function

Hi i have a nested list which i should sum it from recursive function
how can i do that?
my solution didn't work
def n_l_sum(n):
for i in n:
if i==list:
return s
use the isinstanceof function instead of using the ==
def summer(lst):
if not isinstance(lst, list) : return lst
sum = 0
for x in lst:
sum += summer(x)
return sum
def main():
a= [1,2,3, [5,6]]
Recursion can be quite difficult to grasp at first; because it can be very intuitive to conceptualize but an pain to implement. I will try to explain my answer as thoroughly as possible so that you understand what exactly is happening:
def n_l_sum(n,i):
s=0 #somewhere to store our sum
lenLst= len(n)
cur = n[i] #sets current element to 'cur'
if lenLst-1-i < 1: #this is the base case
return cur
s = n_l_sum(n,i+1)+cur #where the actual iteration happens
print(s) #give result
return s
The Base Case
The first important thing to understand is the base case this gives the recursion a way of stopping.
For example without it the function would return an IndexError because eventually n_l_sum(n,i+1) would eventually go over the maximum index. Therefore lenLst-1-i < 1 stops this; what it is saying: if there is only one element left do this.
Understanding Recursion
Next, I like to think of recursion as a mining drill that goes deep into the ground and collects its bounty back on the way up to the surface. This brings us to stack frames you can think of these as depths into the ground (0-100 m, 100-200 m). In terms of programming they are literal frames which store different instances of variables. In this example cur will be 4 in frame 1 then 6 in frame 2.
once we hit the base case we go back up through the frames this is where s = n_l_sum(n,i+1)+cur does the legwork and calculates the sum for us.
If you are still struggling to understand recursion try and run this code through to see what is happening on a variable level.
def n_l_s(n):
for i in n:
if type(i) != type([]):
return s
n=[3, -1, [2, -2], [6, -3, [4, -4]]]
The functional way would be to to this:
def list_sum(l):
if not isinstance(l, list): # recursion stop, l is a number
return l
# do list_sum over each element of l, sum result
return sum(map(list_sum, l))

Median code explanation

My professor wrote this median function and I don't understand it very well. Can someone please explain the part about i = len(list)/2 and median = avg() and the else statement?
def avg_list(numbers):
sum = 0
for num in numbers:
sum += num
avg = float(sum)/len(numbers)
print avg
def median(list):
if len(list)%2 == 0:
#have to take avg of middle two
i = len(list)/2
median = avg()
#find the middle (remembering that lists start at 0)
i = len(list)/2
median = list
return median
To add from an example I saw, for even list length:
def median(s):
i = len(s)
if not i%2:
return (s[(i/2)-1]+s[i/2])/2.0
return s[i/2]
This works very well but I don't understand the last return s[i/2]?
For odd list length:
x = [1,2,5,2,3,763,234,23,1,234,21,3,2134,23,54]
median = sorted(x)[len(x)/2]
Since x has a list length of odd, wouldn't the [len(x)/2] be a floating number index? I'm not getting this all the way? Any explanation better than mine is much appreciated.
Why this is is very wrong, line by line:
def median(list): # 1
list.sort() # 2
if len(list)%2 == 0:
#have to take avg of middle two
i = len(list)/2 # 3
median = avg() # 4
#find the middle (remembering that lists start at 0)
i = len(list)/2 # 5
median = list # 6
return median
#1: It's a bad idea to give your variables the same name as data types, namely list.
#2: list.sort() will modify the list that is being passed. One would expect a getter like median() not to do that.
#4 It calls a function avg() with no arguments, which is completely meaningless, even if such a function was defined.
#3 and #5 are calculated the same way regardless of the if branch taken. Regardless, i is never used.
#6 It sets median to the original list, which makes zero sense.
Here's how I would rewrite this (while maintaining clarity):
def median(alist):
srtd = sorted(alist) # returns a sorted copy
mid = len(alist)/2 # remember that integer division truncates
if len(alist) % 2 == 0: # take the avg of middle two
return (srtd[mid-1] + srtd[mid]) / 2.0
return srtd[mid]
Also, the avg_list() function (which is not used nor could be used in median()) could be rewritten as:
def avg_list(numbers):
return float(sum(numbers))/len(numbers)
sum() is a function that returns the sum of all elements in an iterable.
We're missing some code here, but we can puzzle it out.
The comments here are instructive. When we check:
if len(list)%2 == 0:
Then we're checking to see if the list is of even length. If a list has an even number of members, then there is no true "middle" element, and so:
#have to take avg of middle two
i = len(list)/2
median = avg()
We assume that the avg() function is going to return the average of the two middle elements. Since you didn't include a definition of an avg function, it's possible that this is really supposed to be an avg_list function taking the middle two elements of the list.
Now, if the list is of odd length, there is a middle element, and so:
#find the middle (remembering that lists start at 0)
i = len(list)/2
median = list
Now this looks kinda wrong to me too, but my guess is that the intention is that this should read:
median = list[i]
That would be us returning the middle element of the list. Since the list has been sorted, that middle element is the true median of the list.
Hope this helps!
I'm sure it's trying to say, "If the list is of odd size, just take the central element; otherwise take the mean of the central two elements" - but I can't see that that's what the code is actually doing at all.
In particular:
It's calling an avg() function (not avg_list, note) but without any arguments
It's ignoring the value of i after computing it in the same way in both branches
Are you sure that's the complete code which is meant to work?
You can also decide to always return the average of the middle sub-array of the ordered list:
For instance return the average of [4,5] out of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], and that of [5] out of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].
A python implementation would be:
def median(a):
ordered = sorted(a)
length = len(a)
return float((ordered[length/2] + ordered[-(length+1)/2]))/2
