How to segment time series data into 3 column and 3 channels? - python

I have a time series data(1000 data points) with following column names :
X , Y , Z , A , B .
I want to generate 10 segments each of 100 data points with 3 channels, where the first channel contains the column X,A,B , the second channel Y,A,B and the third channel Z,A,B?
How can I accomplish this in python?

To rearrange the time series into the 10 segments, you can simply use np.reshape.
Example data of shape (XYZAB, timepoints):
a = np.random.randint(0,10,(5,1000))
print a.shape
>> (5L, 1000L)
Reshaping into the ten segments, resulting in (XYZAB, segments, timepoints):
b = np.reshape(a,(5,10,100))
print b.shape
>> (5L, 10L, 100L)
At this point, it may not be desirable to create what you call 'channels', as you would triplicate parts of your data (A and B) without really making it easier to access that data. You could access e.g. XAB simply like this:
xab = b[(0,3,4),:,:]
If you absolutely need the channels as individual copies, you can simply get them like this:
c = np.array([b[(0,3,4),:,:],
print c.shape
>> (3L, 3L, 10L, 100L)
Which results in an array of shape (channel,column,segment,timepoints), where column refers to the original column names (e.g. (X,A,B) for channel 0).
Just saw the pandas tag on your question, so...
df = pd.DataFrame(a.T, columns=list('XYZAB'))
Split into segments of 100 time points as a list of dfs:
segments = []
for group, segment in df.groupby(np.arange(len(df)) // 100):
Or, even better, just create a new column that indicates which segment each row belongs to:
df['segment'] = df.apply(lambda x : // 100, axis=1)
At this point it's probably again best not to triplicate your data and instead use the df as it is. You can easily apply operations per time segment using df.groupby(['segment']), while selecting columns of interest by standard column selection, e.g.
to get the per-segment mean of columns X, A and B.
Of course you can create e.g. a list or dict of 'channels' in this way, if you really need it.
channels = {'XAB':df[['segment','X','A','B']],
And you can make this into a pandas Panel:
pnl = pd.Panel(channels)
The best data structure to use depends on your particular use-case, but in general I would avoid using Panels and stick with either the 2D df or the 3D array (i.e. b).


Can I plot a distance matrix/heatmap from a 3 column text file?

I have several text files which contain distance between two points in three columns. I am trying to plot a distance matrix in 2d or a heatmap but I cant find a function/way to transform my data. Any hints? This is what the data looks like:
1 2 3.99
1 3 3.25
1 4 2.77
1 5 3.11
2 3 2.99
2 4 8.11
There are (as always) multiple options how to reshape the data and how to plot it. Here are some examples. I am making some assumptions regarding your data, though. I tried to imagine your situation. If this solution does not solve the issue, you need to provide more detailed information.
Your data is a matrix(?) like the following:
# Note: This is only to create example data of which I suspect it is similar to your original data
data <- cbind(rep(seq(1, 5), each = 5), rep(seq(1, 5), 5), rep(NA, 25))
data <- data[data[, 1] != data[, 2],]
data[, 3] <- runif(NROW(data), min = 0, max = 100)
If it is a dataframe, you may skip the next step:
# Make it a data.frame
df <-
If (and only if) you have not yet managed to read your data in R (you wrote it is a text file?), read it as follows:
# Warning: I assume the separator by the way you posted your "example":
df <- read.table("/path/to/your/data.txt", sep = "\t")
Now, reshape the data and plot a heatmap:
# Name the columns
names(df) <- c("Point1", "Point2", "Distance")
# Reshape it to wide data.frame
wide <- reshape(df, v.names = "Distance", idvar = "Point1", timevar = "Point2", direction = "wide")
# Replace non numeric characters in column names to get your integer values as columns
names(wide) <- gsub("[^0-9]", "", names(wide))
# Introduce row names
row.names(wide) <- wide[, 1]
# Remove first column (which is the same as row names)
wide <- wide[, -1]
# Re-order columns so it looks better
wide <- wide[, match(seq(1:ncol(wide)), names(wide))]
# Plot heatmap
heatmap(as.matrix(wide), Rowv = NA, Colv = NA)
Another option would be to create a n x n matrix with column and row names identical to the integer IDs of your points. Then, you could use a nested loop to look up the values for each matrix cell. However, this can be very inefficient and it is not advisable to use loops in R with large data sets.
If you want to use ggplot, you do not need to reshape the data to a wide format. Just do as #zephyrl told you:
# Alternative
gg <- ggplot(df) + geom_tile(aes(Point1, Point2, fill = Distance))

fastest way to generate column with random elements based on another column

I have a dataframe of ~20M lines
I have a column called A that gives me an id (there are ~10K ids in total).
The value of this id defines a random distribution's parameters.
Now I want to generate a column B, that is randomly drawn from the distribution that is defined by the value in the column A
What is the fastest way to do this? Doing something with iterrows or apply is extremely slow. Another possiblity is to group by A, and generate all my data for each value of A (so I only draw from one distribution). But then I don't end up with a Dataframe but with a "groupBy" object, and I don't know how to go back to having the initial dataframe, plus my new column.
I think this approach is similar to what you were describing, where you generate the samples for each id. On my machine, it appears this would take around 5 minutes to run. I assume you can trivially get the ids.
import numpy as np
num_ids = 10000
num_rows = 20000000
ids = np.arange(num_ids)
loc_params = np.random.random(num_ids)
A = np.random.randint(0, num_ids, num_rows)
B = np.zeros(A.shape)
for idx in ids:
A_idxs = A == idx
B[A_idxs] = np.random.normal(np.sum(A_idxs), loc_params[idx])
This question is pretty vague, but how would this work for you?
df['B'] = df.apply(lambda row: distribution(row.A), axis=1)
Editing from question edits (apply is too slow):
You could create a mapping dictionary for the 10k ids to their generated value, then do something like
df['B'] = df['A'].map(dictionary)
I'm unsure if this will be faster than apply, but it will require fewer calls to your random distribution generator

Most efficient way to turn a 5D array into a Pandas dataframe

I have a 5D array called predictors with a shape of [6,288,37,90,107] where 6 is the number of variables,
288 is the time series of those variables,
37is the k locations,
90 is the j locations,
107 is the i locations.
I want to have a pandas dataframe that includes columns of each variable timeseries at each k,j,i location so that of course will be a lot of columns.
Then I would like to somehow obtain the names for each column.
For example the first column would be var1_k_j_i = predictors[0,:,0,0,0]
except in the name I actually want the k location, j location,
and i location instead of k_j_i.
Since there are so many I can't do this by hand so I was hoping for a suggestion on the best way to organize this into a pandas dataframe and obtain the names? A loop possibly?
So in summary by the end of this I would like my 5D array of predictors turned into a large pandas dataframe where each column is a variable located at different k,j,i locations with the corresponding names of the variable and location in the header or first row of the dataframe.
Sound like you need to have fun with reshape here.
To address the location i,j,k is easy as using reshape. Then I'm not sure if you can reshape again to obtain a 2D representation of what you need, so I'm proposing a loop for you as follow.
import itertools
import pandas as pd
dfs = []
new_matrix = matrix.reshape([6,288,37*90*107])
for var range(6):
iterator = itertools.product(range(37), range(90), range(107))
columns = ['var%i_' % var + '_'.join(map(str, x)) for x in iterator]
result = pd.concat(dfs)

Pandas - expanding inverse quantile function

I have a dataframe of values:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(0,1,(500,2)), columns = ['a', 'b'])
>>> print df
a b
1 0.277438 0.042671
.. ... ...
499 0.570952 0.865869
[500 rows x 2 columns]
I want to transform this by replacing the values with their percentile, where the percentile is taken over the distribution of all values in prior rows. i.e., if you do df.T.unstack(), it would be a pure expanding sample. This might be more intuitive if you think of the index as a DatetimeIndex, and I'm asking to take the expanding percentile over the entire cross-sectional history.
So the goal is this guy:
a b
0 99 99
.. .. ..
499 58 84
(Ideally I'd like to take the distribution of a value over the set of all values in all rows before and including that row, so not exactly an expanding percentile; but if we can't get that, that's fine.)
I have one really ugly way of doing this, where I transpose and unstack the dataframe, generate a percentile mask, and overlay that mask on the dataframe using a for loop to get the percentiles:
percentile_boundaries_over_time = pd.DataFrame({integer:
pd.expanding_quantile(df.T.unstack(), integer/100.0)
for integer in range(0,101,1)})
percentile_mask = pd.Series(index = df.unstack().unstack().unstack().index)
for integer in range(0,100,1):
percentile_mask[(df.unstack().unstack().unstack() >= percentile_boundaries_over_time[integer]) &
(df.unstack().unstack().unstack() <= percentile_boundaries_over_time[integer+1])] = integer
I've been trying to get something faster to work, using scipy.stats.percentileofscore() and pd.expanding_apply(), but it's not giving the correct output and I'm driving myself insane trying to figure out why. This is what I've been playing with:
perc = pd.expanding_apply(df, lambda x: stats.percentileofscore(x, x[-1], kind='weak'))
Does anyone have any thoughts on why this gives incorrect output? Or a faster way to do this whole exercise? Any and all help much appreciated!
As several other commenters have pointed out, computing percentiles for each row likely involves sorting the data each time. This will probably be the case for any current pre-packaged solution, including pd.DataFrame.rank or scipy.stats.percentileofscore. Repeatedly sorting is wasteful and computationally intensive, so we want a solution that minimizes that.
Taking a step back, finding the inverse-quantile of a value relative to an existing data set is analagous to finding the position we would insert that value into the data set if it were sorted. The issue is that we also have an expanding set of data. Thankfully, some sorting algorithms are extremely fast with dealing with mostly sorted data (and inserting a small number of unsorted elements). Hence our strategy is to maintain our own array of sorted data, and with each row iteration, add it to our existing list and query their positions in the newly expanded sorted set. The latter operation is also fast given that the data is sorted.
I think insertion sort would be the fastest sort for this, but its performance will probably be slower in Python than any native NumPy sort. Merge sort seems to be the best of the available options in NumPy. An ideal solution would involve writing some Cython, but using our above strategy with NumPy gets us most of the way.
This is a hand-rolled solution:
def quantiles_by_row(df):
""" Reconstruct a DataFrame of expanding quantiles by row """
# Construct skeleton of DataFrame what we'll fill with quantile values
quantile_df = pd.DataFrame(np.NaN, index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
# Pre-allocate numpy array. We only want to keep the non-NaN values from our DataFrame
num_valid = np.sum(~np.isnan(df.values))
sorted_array = np.empty(num_valid)
# We want to maintain that sorted_array[:length] has data and is sorted
length = 0
# Iterates over ndarray rows
for i, row_array in enumerate(df.values):
# Extract non-NaN numpy array from row
row_is_nan = np.isnan(row_array)
add_array = row_array[~row_is_nan]
# Add new data to our sorted_array and sort.
new_length = length + len(add_array)
sorted_array[length:new_length] = add_array
length = new_length
# Query the relative positions, divide by length to get quantiles
quantile_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="left").astype(np.float) / length
# Insert values into quantile_df
quantile_df.iloc[i][~row_is_nan] = quantile_row
return quantile_df
Based on the data that bhalperin provided (offline), this solution is up to 10x faster.
One final comment: np.searchsorted has options for 'left' and 'right' which determines whether you want your prospective inserted position to be the first or last suitable position possible. This matters if you have a lot of duplicates in your data. A more accurate version of the above solution will take the average of 'left' and 'right':
# Query the relative positions, divide to get quantiles
left_rank_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="left")
right_rank_row = np.searchsorted(sorted_array[:length], add_array, side="right")
quantile_row = (left_rank_row + right_rank_row).astype(np.float) / (length * 2)
Yet not quite clear, but do you want a cumulative sum divided by total?
norm = 100.0/df.a.sum()
df['cum_a'] = df.a.cumsum()
df['cum_a'] = df.cum_a * norm
ditto for b
Here's an attempt to implement your 'percentile over the set of all values in all rows before and including that row' requirement. stats.percentileofscore seems to act up when given 2D data, so squeezeing seems to help in getting correct results:
a_percentile = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
b_percentile = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index)
for current_index in df.index:
preceding_rows = df.loc[:current_index, :]
# Combine values from all columns into a single 1D array
# * 2 should be * N if you have N columns
combined = preceding_rows.values.reshape((1, len(preceding_rows) *2)).squeeze()
a_percentile[current_index] = stats.percentileofscore(
df.loc[current_index, 'a'],
b_percentile[current_index] = stats.percentileofscore(
df.loc[current_index, 'b'],

Using scipy pdist on pandas data frames (and) lists

I've run into an odd problem yet again.
Suppose I have the following dummy data frame (by way of demonstrating my problem):
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string
# Test data frame
N = 3
col_ids = string.letters[:N]
df = pd.DataFrame(
np.random.randn(5, 3*N),
columns=['{}_{}'.format(letter, coord) for letter in col_ids for coord in list('xyz')])
This produces:
A_x A_y A_z B_x B_y B_z C_x C_y C_z
0 -1.339040 0.185817 0.083120 0.498545 -0.569518 0.580264 0.453234 1.336992 -0.346724
1 -0.938575 0.367866 1.084475 1.497117 0.349927 -0.726140 -0.870142 -0.371153 -0.881763
2 -0.346819 -1.689058 -0.475032 -0.625383 -0.890025 0.929955 0.683413 0.819212 0.102625
3 0.359540 -0.125700 -0.900680 -0.403000 2.655242 -0.607996 1.117012 -0.905600 0.671239
4 1.624630 -1.036742 0.538341 -0.682000 0.542178 -0.001380 -1.126426 0.756532 -0.701805
Now I would like to use scipy.spatial.distance.pdist on this pandas data frame. This turns out to be a rather non-trivial process. What pdist does is to compute the distance between m points using Euclidean distance (2-norm) as the distance metric between the points. The points are arranged as m n-dimensional row vectors in the matrix X (source).
So, there are a couple of things that one has to do to create a function that operates on a pandas data frame, such that the pdist function can be used. You will note that pdist is convenient when the number of points gets very large. I've tried making my own, which works for a one-row data-frame, but I cannot get it to work, ideally, on the whole data frame at once.
Here's my attempt:
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import string
def Euclidean_distance(df):
EcDist = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index) # results container
arr = df.values # Store data frame values into a numpy array
tag_list = [num for elem in arr for num in elem] # flatten numpy array into single list
tag_list_3D = zip(*[iter(tag_list)]*3) # separate list into length = 3 sub-lists, that pdist() can work with
EcDist = pdist(tag_list_3D) # the distance between m points using Euclidean distance (2-norm)
return EcDist
First I begin my creating a results container in pandas form, to store the result in. Secondly I save the pandas data frame as a numpy array, in order to get it into list form in the next step. It has to be list form because the pdist function does only operate on lists. When saving the data frame into an array, it stores it as a list within a list. This has to be flattened which is saved in the 'tag_list' variable. Thirdly, the tag_list is furthered reduced into sub-lists of length three, such that the x, y and z coordinates can be obtained for each point, which can the be used to find the Euclidean distance between all of these points (in this example there are three points: A,B and C each being three dimensional).
As said, the function works if the data frame is a single row, but when using the function in the given example it calculates the Euclidean distance for 5x3 points, which yields a total of 105 distances. What I want it to do is to calculate the distances per row (so pdist should only work on a 1x3 vector at a time). Such that my final results, for this example, would look something like this:
dist_1 dist_2 dist_3
0 0.807271 0.142495 1.759969
1 0.180112 0.641855 0.257957
2 0.196950 1.334812 0.638719
3 0.145780 0.384268 0.577387
4 0.044030 0.735428 0.549897
(these are just dummy numbers to show the desired shape)
Hence how do I get my function to apply to the data frame in a row-wise fashion?
Or better yet, how can I get it to perform the function on the entire data frame at once, and then store the result in a new data frame?
Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
If I understand correctly, you have "groups" of points. In your example each group has three points, which you call A, B and C. A is represented by three columns A_x, A_y, A_z, and likewise for B and C.
What I suggest is that you restructure your "wide-form" data into a "long" form in which each row contains only one point. Each row then will have only three columns for the coordinates, and then you will add an additional column to represent which group a point is in. Here's an example:
>>> d = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.randn(12, 3), columns=["X", "Y", "Z"])
>>> d["Group"] = np.repeat([1, 2, 3, 4], 3)
>>> d
X Y Z Group
0 -0.280505 0.888417 -0.936790 1
1 0.823741 -0.428267 1.483763 1
2 -0.465326 0.005103 -1.107431 1
3 -1.009077 -1.618600 -0.443975 2
4 0.535634 0.562617 1.165269 2
5 1.544621 -0.858873 -0.349492 2
6 0.839795 0.720828 -0.973234 3
7 -2.273654 0.125304 0.469443 3
8 -0.179703 0.962098 -0.179542 3
9 -0.390777 -0.715896 -0.897837 4
10 -0.030338 0.746647 0.250173 4
11 -1.886581 0.643817 -2.658379 4
The three points with Group==1 correspond to A, B and C in your first row; the three points with Group==2 correspond to A, B, and C in your second row; etc.
With this structure, computing the pairwise distances by group using pdist becomes straightforward:
>>> d.groupby('Group')[["X", "Y", "Z"]].apply(lambda g: pandas.Series(distance.pdist(g), index=["D1", "D2", "D3"]))
D1 D2 D3
1 2.968517 0.918435 2.926395
2 3.119856 2.665986 2.309370
3 3.482747 1.314357 2.346495
4 1.893904 2.680627 3.451939
It is possible to do a similar thing with your existing setup, but it will be more awkward. The problem with the way you set it up is that you have encoded critical information in a difficult-to-extract way. The information about which columns are X coordinates and which are Y or Z coordinates, as well as the information about which columns refer to point A versus B or C, in your setup, is encoded in the textual names of the columns. You as a human can see which columns are X values just by looking at them, but specifying that programmatically requires parsing the string names of the columns.
You can see this in how you made the column names with your '{}_{}'.format(letter, coord) business. This means that in order to get to use pdist on your data, you will have to do the reverse operation of parsing the column names as strings in order to decide which columns to compare. Needless to say, this will be awkward. On the other hand, if you put the data into "long" form, there is no such difficulty: the X coordinates of all points line up in one column, and likewise for Y and Z, and the information about which points are to be compared is also contained in one column (the "Group" column).
When you want to do large-scale operations on subsets of data, it's usually better to split out things into separate rows. This allows you to leverage the power of groupby, and is also usually what is expected by scipy tools.
