How to have a separate output window in PyCharm? - python

If you look at the picture inserted You'll see the output window is at the bottom in PyCharm so is there a way to get the PyCharm output window at the top.

You can do both -- separate window to pinned to top:
To make a separate window, choose floating mode from the tools menu (little gear symbol upper right of the output windows). There you can move it anywhere you like.
But to just move it to the top. simply open the same tools menu and choose "Move To..." and it'll go where you want without making it a separate window. Your choice!

Click on the "Top" option, this will move it to the top of the screen.


Qt Creator - How to get rid of "line too long" warning in python scripts

As the title suggests I wonder if it is possible to set the length of a line in python scripts when someone uses Qt Creator as an IDE, in order to get rid of this annoying warning:
I found at least how to hide these annotations (for Mac Os users): First method is to go with the mouse on the top-left corner of the screen and to sequentially click Qt Creator->Preferences. Immediately the Preferences Dialog Window will appear inside the Qt Creator working window. There, have to go to Text Editor in the left panel and in the right panel associated with Text Editor, in the horizontal tabs have to click on Display tab. Scroll down and uncheck Line annotations. The second and the third methods imply to place the mouse over one particular annotation (second method) or over one of the small yellow triangles which are shown in the left column of the "lines numbers column" (third method) and in both cases after one or two seconds will appear a floater and inside that floater with blue letters will be the "Annotation settings" message. Clicking on that message will open the same Preferences Window like in first case. And there will be repeated the procedure described in the first case.

Remove question mark and Enter/Exit Button in RISE (Jupyter Notebook)

When using RISE in Jupyter Notebook, is there any possible way to not display the question mark (lower left corner) and the Exit/ Enter Button (upper left corner)?
Found a solution. Go to main.js located in /jupyter/nbextensions/rise, there delete both
Pressing the comma (,) will actually hide/reveal the x and ? buttons, as well as the chalkboard buttons. To hide the controls, you need to uncheck the box in the settings with 'controls':
You can use shift + C or the Nbextensions menu from the main jupyter page to get to the RISE settings.
You can also set the slidenumber as blank to not show any slide numbers, and uncheck the option for the progress bar. Then with controls, menu items, progress bar, and slide numbers gone, you have a clean presentation.
Related github issue:
May be you are asking How to get
you just need to press "," in command mode

PyGTK Window always on top of all 'always on top` windows

I created a PyGTK application which needs to be always on top. The transparent window redirects mouse clicks to the window below and therefore gets out of focus once you click into an underlaying window. This is the intended behaviour. In fact it should just show a little image that's always above everything.
This works well unless you use something like the libreoffice fullscreen presentation. The presentation window is marked as always on top as well and hence my window goes into the background. Even if I take it to front using Alt+Tab and then click onto the underlaying libreoffice slide (which is neccessary) my window goes into the background again.
This is a really specific question and the solution should work on both Linux and Windows. I have no idea what I should do. I just found many questions on how to have a windows always on top but none of them covering my problem.
Long story short: How can I put my window always on top of every window that is always on top as well?
Simple Answer: You can use 'Always on Top' in windows with by using AutoHotKey scripts.
Follow these steps:
Install AutoHotKey
Create a new AHK scripts following the images
Add this code ^SPACE:: Winset, Alwaysontop, , A
Next, double-click your script to run it. You’ll know it’s running
because a green “H” logo appears in your system tray to let you know
it’s running as a background process.
Now press Ctrl+Space to set any currently active window to be always
on top. Press Ctrl+Space again set the window to no longer be always
on top.

repositioning panes in Spyder panes

New to Python and Spyder. How do I reposition the panes in Spyder. I had them set with the editor in the upper left, the object inspector in the upper right, and the ipython console in the lower left. Somehow I messed it up, and can't figure out how to reposition them. Have crawled all over the web, but no joy.
In the Spyder 4.0+ version, go to View menu, unselect "lock panes and toolbars" then you can drag the top area of each pane and move them freely.
Other answers are correct that you can recover past arrangements of the panes via the View/Window layouts menu, but if you want to actually create a new layout, that's another matter.
The fact is, it's pretty easy, once you know how. To move Help to the same pane that File explorer is in (in the picture below), the steps are:
Find Help in the same pane that Variable explorer is in, and click its tab to bring it to the front
Click the multiple windows icon in the upper right corner of the Help pane (see where the red arrows point?)
Help will detach from the rest of the window and you can now click & drag it to whatever pane - whether already existing or new - that you want to put it in
For Spyder IDE just go to View -> Reset window layout
just go to view->click on spyder default layout
that should work
The best way is to select what panes you want to view under the "View" tab.
To stack panes simply drag and drop over each other. More details on
Section 6 Multiple windows.
On windows click on the 3 bars at the upright corner of the pane, undock and move the pane where you want. On Linux unselect View > lock panes and toolbars and move your pane.

Prevent splitting Window when using pythoncomplete in Vim

I'm using VIM with pythoncomplete. When I'm making a completion, the current window is splitted and calltips are shown in the upper pane. I hate that! Is there a way to prevent that behavior or at least limit the size of the upper pane automaticly?
You need to do something like:
set completeopt-=preview
This will prevent the opening of the preview window.
