This question already has answers here:
How to change a module variable from another module?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
This is apparently the same question as this (S.O. didn't find it until later). Am investigating duping. However, the title line alone makes this a useful question.
In the following (two) chunks of code, why don't I get the updated value when I import?
Two files: and
Here is
def change_i(x):
global i
print "export changed i to {0}".format(repr(i))
Here is
from export import i, change_i
print "Import gets i={0}".format(repr(i))
print "Import has i={0}".format(repr(i))
Here is the result:
> python
Import gets i=12345
export changed i to 5
Import has i=12345
Why isn't getting the new value 5????
When you import, you import the current value of the imported symbol and add it to your namespace as defined. You are not importing a reference, you are importing a value.
Thus, to get the updated value of i, you must import a variable that holds a reference to that symbol.
In other words, importing is NOT like an import in JAVA, external declaration in C/C++ or even a use clause in PERL.
Rather, the following statement in Python:
from some_other_module import a as x
is more like the following code in K&R C:
extern int a; /* import from the EXTERN file */
int x = a;
(caveat: in the Python case, "a" and "x" are essentially a reference to the actual value: you're not copying the INT, you're copying the reference address)
This is sneakily defined in the Python language reference: the use of object instead of symbol. I would suggest that the Python language reference make this more clear and less legal.
The from form does not bind the module name: it goes through the
list of identifiers, looks each one of them up in the module found in
step (1), and binds the name in the local namespace to the object thus
As i was going through python basics and introduction one thing that really confuses me is namespaces. I cant seem to understand how they work.
For instance in Cs50 course they brush over the concept but i wanted to get clearer understanding of it if possible because it seems very important to grasp. For example this code:
import cs50
x = get_int("x: ")
y = get_int("y: ")
print(x + y)
Causes this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/workspaces/20377622/", line 3, in
x = get_int("x: ")
NameError: name 'get_int' is not defined
What is wonder is why when cs50.get_int() is written instead interpreter doesn't throw an error? Is it because cs50 library is seen as its own namespace structure and . goes into that structure to get_int location? What does . operator do exactly here in terms of namespaces ?
You import cs50, so you have a name "cs50", you can use
but namespaces has no name get_int.
You can use from cs50 import get_int to import name "get_int"
To answer this question, let's talk about modules.
In Python, "module" is used to refer to two things. First, a piece of code, usually a .py file. Second, the object that is created for the namespace of that code when it is run.
When you do import foo, a couple of things happen.
Python checks if foo has already been imported. If so, it skips to the last step.
Python looks up where it can find foo, for example if there is a in the right place.
Python creates a fresh namespace object and stores a reference to it in sys.modules['foo']
Python runs the code that it found, using that namespace object as its "global" namespace.
Python goes back to the importing module, and adds a global variable foo in the namespace of importing module that points to sys.modules['foo'].
You can then access any global variable bar that was created in the module by using
You could also use from cs50 import get_int which works like this:
import cs50
get_int = cs50.get_int
... except that the name cs50 is not assigned to.
If you're asking why it works that way: this way different modules can define the same name for classes, functions or constants, and they won't conflict with each other.
Now, if you know you're only using get_int from cs50, and you don't have any other get_int either in your main module or that you imported, the from ... import syntax is very useful to not have to write cs50.get_int every time you want to use it.
Suppose I have a package named bar, and it contains
a = None
def foobar():
print a
from bar import a, foobar
Then I execute this script:
import bar
print bar.a
bar.a = 1
print bar.a
Here's what I expect:
Here's what I get:
Can anyone explain my misconception?
You are using from bar import a. a becomes a symbol in the global scope of the importing module (or whatever scope the import statement occurs in).
When you assign a new value to a, you are just changing which value a points too, not the actual value. Try to import directly with import bar in and conduct your experiment there by setting bar.a = 1. This way, you will actually be modifying bar.__dict__['a'] which is the 'real' value of a in this context.
It's a little convoluted with three layers but bar.a = 1 changes the value of a in the module called bar that is actually derived from It does not change the value of a that foobar sees because foobar lives in the actual file You could set if you wanted to change that.
This is one of the dangers of using the from foo import bar form of the import statement: it splits bar into two symbols, one visible globally from within foo which starts off pointing to the original value and a different symbol visible in the scope where the import statement is executed. Changing a where a symbol points doesn't change the value that it pointed too.
This sort of stuff is a killer when trying to reload a module from the interactive interpreter.
One source of difficulty with this question is that you have a program named bar/ import bar imports either bar/ or bar/, depending on where it is done, which makes it a little cumbersome to track which a is bar.a.
Here is how it works:
The key to understanding what happens is to realize that in your,
from bar import a
in effect does something like
a = bar.a
# … where bar = bar/ (as if bar were imported locally from
and defines a new variable (bar/, if you wish). Thus, your from bar import a in binds name bar/ to the original object (None). This is why you can do from bar import a as a2 in in this case, it is clear that you have both bar/ and a distinct variable name bar/ (in your case, the names of the two variables just happen to both be a, but they still live in different namespaces: in, they are bar.a and a).
Now, when you do
import bar
print bar.a
you are accessing variable bar/ (since import bar imports your bar/ This is the variable you modify (to 1). You are not touching the contents of variable bar/ So when you subsequently do
you call bar/, which accesses variable a from bar/, which is still None (when foobar() is defined, it binds variable names once and for all, so the a in is, not any other a variable defined in another module—as there might be many a variables in all the imported modules). Hence the last None output.
Conclusion: it is best to avoid any ambiguity in import bar, by not having any bar/ module (since makes directory bar/ a package already, that you can also import with import bar).
To put another way:
Turns out this misconception is very easy to make.
It is sneakily defined in the Python language reference: the use of object instead of symbol. I would suggest that the Python language reference make this more clear and less sparse..
The from form does not bind the module name: it goes through the
list of identifiers, looks each one of them up in the module found in
step (1), and binds the name in the local namespace to the object thus
When you import, you import the current value of the imported symbol and add it to your namespace as defined. You are not importing a reference, you are effectively importing a value.
Thus, to get the updated value of i, you must import a variable that holds a reference to that symbol.
In other words, importing is NOT like an import in JAVA, external declaration in C/C++ or even a use clause in PERL.
Rather, the following statement in Python:
from some_other_module import a as x
is more like the following code in K&R C:
extern int a; /* import from the EXTERN file */
int x = a;
(caveat: in the Python case, "a" and "x" are essentially a reference to the actual value: you're not copying the INT, you're copying the reference address)
I'm new to Python and programming in general (a couple of weeks at most).
Concerning Python and using modules, I realise that functions can imported using from a import *.
So instead of typing
I can say
which I find simplifies things a great deal. Now, say I have a bunch of variables that I want to use across modules and I have them all defined in one python module. How can I, using a similar method as mentioned above or an equally simple one, import these variables. I don't want to use import a and then be required to prefix all my variables with a..
The following situation would by ideal:
name = "Michael"
age = 15
if name == "Michael":
if age == 15:
You gave the solution yourself: from a import * will work just fine. Python does not differentiate between functions and variables in this respect.
>>> from a import *
>>> if name == "Michael" and age == 15:
... print('Simple!')
Just for some context, most linters will flag from module import * with a warning, because it's prone to namespace collisions that will cause headaches down the road.
Nobody has noted yet that, as an alternative, you can use the
from a import name, age
form and then use name and age directly (without the a. prefix). The from [module] import [identifiers] form is more future proof because you can easily see when one import will be overriding another.
Also note that "variables" aren't different from functions in Python in terms of how they're addressed -- every identifier like name or sayBye is pointing at some kind of object. The identifier name is pointing at a string object, sayBye is pointing at a function object, and age is pointing at an integer object. When you tell Python:
from a import name, age
you're saying "take those objects pointed at by name and age within module a and point at them in the current scope with the same identifiers".
Similarly, if you want to point at them with different identifiers on import, you can use the
from a import sayBye as bidFarewell
form. The same function object gets pointed at, except in the current scope the identifier pointing at it is bidFarewell whereas in module a the identifier pointing at it is sayBye.
Like others have said,
from module import *
will also import the modules variables.
However, you need to understand that you are not importing variables, just references to objects. Assigning something else to the imported names in the importing module won't affect the other modules.
Example: assume you have a module containing the following code:
a= 1
b= 2
Then you have two other modules, and which both do the following:
from module import *
In each module, two names, a and b are created, pointing to the objects 1 and 2, respectively.
Now, if somewhere in you assign something else to the global name a:
a= 3
the name a in and the name a in will still point to the object 1.
So from module import * will work if you want read-only globals, but it won't work if you want read-write globals. If the latter, you're better off just importing import module and then either getting the value (module.a) or setting the value (module.a= …) prefixed by the module.
You didn't say this directly, but I'm assuming you're having trouble with manipulating these global variables.
If you manipulate global variables from inside a function, you must declare them global
a = 10
def x():
global a
a = 15
print a
print a
If you don't do that, then a = 15 will just create a local variable and assign it 15, while the global a stays 10
I'd like to map an int value pbs_errno declared as a global in the library using ctypes.
Currently I can load the library like so:
from ctypes import *
libtorque = CDLL("")
and have successfully mapped a bunch of the functions. However, for error checking purposes many of them set the pbs_errno variable so I need access to that as well. However if I try to access it I get:
>>> pytorque.libtorque.pbs_errno
<_FuncPtr object at 0x9fc690>
Of course, it's not a function pointer and attempting to call it results in a seg fault.
It's declared as int pbs_errno; in the main header and extern int pbs_errno; in the API header files.
Objdump shows the symbol as:
00000000001294f8 g DO .bss 0000000000000004 Base pbs_errno
There's a section in the ctypes docs about accessing values exported in dlls:
def pbs_errno():
return c_int.in_dll(libtorque, "pbs_errno")
This question already has answers here:
Python: Why should 'from <module> import *' be prohibited?
(6 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
From the documentation:
The wild card form of import — from module import * — is only allowed at the module level. Attempting to use it in class or function definitions will raise a SyntaxError.
Why? What's the sense of avoiding to use it in a function? What's the problem?
The CPython implementation uses a special optimisation for local variables: They aren't dynamically looked up at runtime from a dictionary, as globals are, but rather are assigned indices statically at compile time, and are looked up by index at runtime, which is a lot faster. This requires the Python compiler to be able to identify all local names at compile time, which is impossible if you have a wildcard import at function level.
In Python 2, there was still a fallback mechanism that got invoked in cases where it wasn't always possible to determine all local names statically. This mechanism used a dynamic dictionary for local variables, significantly slowing down execution.
For example this code
def f():
exec "x = 2"
print x
works as expected in Python 2, whereas
def f():
exec("x = 2")
results in a NameError in Python 3.