Apologies if this isn't totally clear - I'm a Python copy-the-code-and-try-to-make-it-work developer.
I'm using the Google NLP API in Python 2.7.
When I use analyze_entities(), I can get and print the name, entity type and salience.
Mentions is supposed to contain the noun type: PROPER or COMMON, per this page:
I can't get mention type from the returned dictionary.
Here's my hideous code:
def entities_text(text, client):
"""Detects entities in the text."""
language_client = client
# Instantiates a plain text document.
document = language_client.document_from_text(text)
# Detects entities in the document. You can also analyze HTML with:
# document.doc_type == language.Document.HTML
entities = document.analyze_entities()
return entities
articles = os.listdir('articles')
for f in articles:
language_client = language.Client()
fname = "articles/" + f
thisfile = open(fname,'r')
content = thisfile.read()
entities = entities_text(content, language_client)
for e in entities:
name = e.name.strip()
type = e.entity_type.strip()
if e.name.strip()[0].isupper() and len(e.name.strip()) > 2:
print name, type, e.salience, e.mentions
That returns this:
RELATED OTHER 0.0019081507 [u'RELATED']
Zoe 3 PERSON 0.0016676666 [u'Zoe 3']
Where the value in [] is the mentions.
If I try to get mentions.type, I get an attribute not found error.
I'd appreciate any input.
1) Do not call the "AnalyzeEntities" function, but call the "AnnotateText" one instead.
2) Check for "Proper". Examine its value, it should be "PROPER" and not "PROPER_UNKNOWN" nor "NOT_PROPER".
Im working on a small project of retrieving information about books from the Google Books API using Python 3. For this i make a call to the API, read out the variables and store those in a list. For a search like "linkedin" this works perfectly. However when i enter "Google", it reads the second title from the JSON input. How can this happen?
Please find my code below (Google_Results is the class I use to initialize the variables):
import requests
def Book_Search(search_term):
parms = {"q": search_term, "maxResults": 3}
r = requests.get(url="https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes", params=parms)
results = r.json()
i = 0
for result in results["items"]:
isbn13 = str(result["volumeInfo"]["industryIdentifiers"][0]["identifier"])
isbn10 = str(result["volumeInfo"]["industryIdentifiers"][1]["identifier"])
title = str(result["volumeInfo"]["title"])
author = str(result["volumeInfo"]["authors"])[2:-2]
publisher = str(result["volumeInfo"]["publisher"])
published_date = str(result["volumeInfo"]["publishedDate"])
description = str(result["volumeInfo"]["description"])
pages = str(result["volumeInfo"]["pageCount"])
genre = str(result["volumeInfo"]["categories"])[2:-2]
language = str(result["volumeInfo"]["language"])
image_link = str(result["volumeInfo"]["imageLinks"]["thumbnail"])
dict = Google_Results(isbn13, isbn10, title, author, publisher, published_date, description, pages, genre,
language, image_link)
i += 1
gr = []
I am a beginner to Python, so any help would be appreciated!
It does so because there is no publisher entry in volumeInfo of the first entry, thus it raises a KeyError and your except captures it. If you're going to work with fuzzy data you have to account for the fact that it will not always have the expected structure. For simple cases you can rely on dict.get() and its default argument to return a 'valid' default entry if an entry is missing.
Also, there are a few conceptual problems with your function - it relies on a global gr which is bad design, it shadows the built-in dict type and it captures all exceptions guaranteeing that you cannot exit your code even with a SIGINT... I'd suggest you to convert it to something a bit more sane:
def book_search(search_term, max_results=3):
results = [] # a list to store the results
parms = {"q": search_term, "maxResults": max_results}
r = requests.get(url="https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes", params=parms)
try: # just in case the server doesn't return valid JSON
for result in r.json().get("items", []):
if "volumeInfo" not in result: # invalid entry - missing volumeInfo
result_dict = {} # a dictionary to store our discovered fields
result = result["volumeInfo"] # all the data we're interested is in volumeInfo
isbns = result.get("industryIdentifiers", None) # capture ISBNs
if isinstance(isbns, list) and isbns:
for i, t in enumerate(("isbn10", "isbn13")):
if len(isbns) > i and isinstance(isbns[i], dict):
result_dict[t] = isbns[i].get("identifier", None)
result_dict["title"] = result.get("title", None)
authors = result.get("authors", None) # capture authors
if isinstance(authors, list) and len(authors) > 2: # you're slicing from 2
result_dict["author"] = str(authors[2:-2])
result_dict["publisher"] = result.get("publisher", None)
result_dict["published_date"] = result.get("publishedDate", None)
result_dict["description"] = result.get("description", None)
result_dict["pages"] = result.get("pageCount", None)
genres = result.get("authors", None) # capture genres
if isinstance(genres, list) and len(genres) > 2: # since you're slicing from 2
result_dict["genre"] = str(genres[2:-2])
result_dict["language"] = result.get("language", None)
result_dict["image_link"] = result.get("imageLinks", {}).get("thumbnail", None)
# make sure Google_Results accepts keyword arguments like title, author...
# and make them optional as they might not be in the returned result
gr = Google_Results(**result_dict)
results.append(gr) # add it to the results list
except ValueError:
return None # invalid response returned, you may raise an error instead
return results # return the results
Then you can easily retrieve as much info as possible for a term:
gr = book_search("Google")
And it will be far more tolerant of data omissions, provided that your Google_Results type makes most of the entries optional.
Following #Coldspeed's recommendation it became clear that missing information in the JSON file caused the exception to run. Since I only had a "pass" statement there it skipped the entire result. Therefore I will have to adapt the "Try and Except" statements so errors do get handled properly.
Thanks for the help guys!
I am trying to develop an Infobox parser in Python which supports all the languages of Wikipedia. The parser will get the infobox data and will return the data in a Dictionary.
The keys of the Dictionary will be the property which is described (e.g. Population, City name, etc...).
The problem is that Wikipedia has slightly different page contents for each language. But the most important thing is that the API response structure for each language can also be different.
For example, the API response for 'Paris' in English contains this Infobox:
{{Infobox French commune |name = Paris |commune status = [[Communes of France|Commune]] and [[Departments of France|department]] |image = <imagemap> File:Paris montage.jpg|275px|alt=Paris montage
and in Greek, the corresponding part for 'Παρίσι' is:
[...] {{Πόλη (Γαλλία) | Πόλη = Παρίσι | Έμβλημα =Blason paris 75.svg | Σημαία =Mairie De Paris (SVG).svg | Πλάτος Σημαίας =120px | Εικόνα =Paris - Eiffelturm und Marsfeld2.jpg [...]
In the second example, there isn't any 'Infobox' occurrence after the {{. Also, in the API response the name = Paris is not the exact translation for Πόλη = Παρίσι. (Πόλη means city, not name)
Because of such differences between the responses, my code fails.
Here is the code:
class WikipediaInfobox():
# Class to get and parse the Wikipedia Infobox Data
infoboxArrayUnprocessed = [] # Maintains the order which the data is displayed.
infoboxDictUnprocessed = {} # Still Contains Brackets and Wikitext coding. Will be processed more later...
def getInfoboxDict(self, infoboxRaw): # Get the Infobox in Dict and Array form (Unprocessed)
if infoboxRaw.strip() == "":
return {}
boxLines = [line.strip().replace(" "," ") for line in infoboxRaw.splitlines()]
wikiObjectType = boxLines[0]
infoboxData = [line[1:] for line in boxLines[1:]]
toReturn = {"wiki_type":wikiObjectType}
for i in infoboxData:
key = i.split("=")[0].strip()
value = ""
if i.strip() != key + "=":
self.infoboxDictUnprocessed = toReturn
return toReturn
def getInfoboxRaw(self, pageTitle, followRedirect = False, resetOld=True): # Get Infobox in Raw Text
if resetOld:
infoboxDict = {}
infoboxDictUnprocessed = {}
infoboxArray = []
infoboxArrayUnprocessed = []
params = { "format":"xml", "action":"query", "prop":"revisions", "rvprop":"timestamp|user|comment|content" }
params["titles"] = "%s" % urllib.quote(pageTitle.encode("utf8"))
qs = "&".join("%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in params.items())
url = "http://" + self.language + ".wikipedia.org/w/api.php?%s" % qs
tree = etree.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
revs = tree.xpath('//rev')
if len(revs) == 0:
return ""
if "#REDIRECT" in revs[-1].text and followRedirect == True:
redirectPage = revs[-1].text[revs[-1].text.find("[[")+2:revs[-1].text.find("]]")]
return self.getInfoboxRaw(redirectPage,followRedirect,resetOld)
elif "#REDIRECT" in revs[-1].text and followRedirect == False:
return ""
infoboxRaw = ""
if "{{Infobox" in revs[-1].text: # -> No Multi-language support:
infoboxRaw = revs[-1].text.split("{{Infobox")[1].split("}}")[0]
return infoboxRaw
def __init__(self, pageTitle = "", followRedirect = False): # Constructor
if pageTitle != "":
self.language = guess_language.guessLanguage(pageTitle)
if self.language == "UNKNOWN":
self.language = "en"
infoboxRaw = self.getInfoboxRaw(pageTitle, followRedirect)
self.getInfoboxDict(infoboxRaw) # Now the parsed data is in self.infoboxDictUnprocessed
Some parts of this code was found on this blog...
I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so maybe someone has a nice solution for multi-language support and neat parsing of the Infobox section of Wikipedia.
I have seen many alternatives, like DBPedia or some other parsers that MediaWiki recommends, but I haven't found anything that suits my needs, yet. I also want to avoid scraping the page with BeautifulSoup, because it can fail on some cases, but if it is necessary it will do.
If something isn't clear enough, please ask. I want to help as much as I can.
Wikidata is definitely the first choice these days if you want to get structured data, anyway if in the future you need to parse data from wikipedia articles, especially as you are using Python, I can recommand mwparserfromhell which is a python library aimed at parsing wikitext and that has an option to extract templates and their attributes. That won't directly fix your issue as the multiple templates in multiple languages will definitely be different but that might be useful if you continue trying to parse wikitext.
I have s special xml file like below:
<alarm-dictionary source="DDD" type="ProxyComponent">
<alarm code="402" severity="Alarm" name="DDM_Alarm_402">
<message>Database memory usage low threshold crossed</message>
<description>dnKinds = database
type = quality_of_service
perceived_severity = minor
probable_cause = thresholdCrossed
additional_text = Database memory usage low threshold crossed
I know in python, I can get the "alarm code", "severity" in tag alarm by:
for alarm_tag in dom.getElementsByTagName('alarm'):
if alarm_tag.hasAttribute('code'):
alarmcode = str(alarm_tag.getAttribute('code'))
And I can get the text in tag message like below:
for messages_tag in dom.getElementsByTagName('message'):
messages = ""
for message_tag in messages_tag.childNodes:
if message_tag.nodeType in (message_tag.TEXT_NODE, message_tag.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
messages += message_tag.data
But I also want to get the value like dnkind(database), type(quality_of_service), perceived_severity(thresholdCrossed) and probable_cause(Database memory usage low threshold crossed
) in tag description.
That is, I also want to parse the content in the tag in xml.
Could anyone help me with this?
Thanks a lot!
Once you have the text from the description tag, it's nothing to do with XML parsing. You just need do simple string-parsing to get the type = quality_of_service keys/values strings into something nicer to use in Python like a dictionary
With some slightly simpler parsing thanks to ElementTree, it would look like this
messages = """
<alarm-dictionary source="DDD" type="ProxyComponent">
<alarm code="402" severity="Alarm" name="DDM_Alarm_402">
<message>Database memory usage low threshold crossed</message>
<description>dnKinds = database
type = quality_of_service
perceived_severity = minor
probable_cause = thresholdCrossed
additional_text = Database memory usage low threshold crossed
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Parse XML
tree = ET.fromstring(messages)
for alarm in tree.getchildren():
# Get code and severity
print alarm.get("code")
print alarm.get("severity")
# Grab description text
descr = alarm.find("description").text
# Parse "thing=other" into dict like {'thing': 'other'}
info = {}
for dl in descr.splitlines():
if len(dl.strip()) > 0:
key, _, value = dl.partition("=")
info[key.strip()] = value.strip()
print info
I'm not completely sure on Python, but after quick research.
Seeing as you can already get all of the content from the description tag in XML, can you not split by line breaks, and then split each line using the str.split() function on the equals signs to give you name / value separately?
for messages_tag in dom.getElementsByTagName('message'):
messages = ""
for message_tag in messages_tag.childNodes:
if message_tag.nodeType in (message_tag.TEXT_NODE, message_tag.CDATA_SECTION_NODE):
messages += message_tag.data
tag = str.split('=');
tagName = tag[0]
tagValue = tag[1]
(I haven't taken into account splitting each line up and looping)
But that should get you on the right track :)
AFAIK there is no library to handle the text as DOM elements.
You can however (after you have the message in the message variable) do:
description = {}
messageParts = message.split("\n")
for part in messageParts:
descInfo = part.split("=")
description[descInfo[0].strip()] = descInfo[1].strip()
then you'll have inside description the information you need in the form of a key-value map.
You should also add error handling on my code...
I'm a bit new to Python dev -- I'm creating a larger project for some web scraping. I want to approach this as "Pythonically" as possible, and would appreciate some help with the project structure. Here's how I'm doing it now:
Basically, I have a base class for an object whose purpose is to go to a website and parse some specific data on it into its own array, jobs[]
class minion:
# Empty getJobs() function to be defined by object pre-instantiation
def getJobs(self):
# Constructor for a minion that requires site authorization
# Ex: minCity1 = minion('http://portal.com/somewhere', 'user', 'password')
# or minCity2 = minion('http://portal.com/somewhere')
def __init__(self, title, URL, user='', password=''):
self.title = title
self.URL = URL
self.user = user
self.password = password
self.jobs = []
if (user == '' and password == ''):
self.reqAuth = 0
self.reqAuth = 1
def displayjobs(self):
for j in self.jobs:
I'm going to have about 100 different data sources. The way I'm doing it now is to just create a separate module for each "Minion", which defines (and binds) a more tailored getJobs() function for that object
Example: minCity1.py
from minion import minion
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
from job import job
minTitle = 'Some city'
minURL = 'http://www.somewebpage.gov/'
# Here we define a function that will be bound to this object's getJobs function
def getJobs(self):
page = urllib2.urlopen(self.URL)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
# For each row
for tr in soup.findAll('tr'):
tJob = job()
span = tr.findAll(['span', 'class="content"'])
# If row has 5 spans, pull data from span 2 and 3 ( [1] and [2] )
if len(span) == 5:
tJob.title = span[1].a.renderContents()
tJob.client = 'Some City'
tJob.source = minURL
tJob.due = span[2].div.renderContents().replace('<br />', '')
# Don't forget to bind the function to the object!
minion.getJobs = getJobs
# Instantiate the object
mCity1 = minion(minTitle, minURL)
I also have a separate module which simply contains a list of all the instantiated minion objects (which I have to update each time I add one):
from minion_City1 import mCity1
from minion_City2 import mCity2
from minion_City3 import mCity3
from minion_City4 import mCity4
minionList = [mCity1,
main.py references minionList for all of its activities for manipulating the aggregated data.
This seems a bit chaotic to me, and was hoping someone might be able to outline a more Pythonic approach.
Thank you, and sorry for the long post!
Instead of creating functions and assigning them to objects (or whatever minion is, I'm not really sure), you should definitely use classes instead. Then you'll have one class for each of your data sources.
If you want, you can even have these classes inherit from a common base class, but that isn't absolutely necessary.
I'm trying to use memcache to cache data retrevied from the datastore. Storing stings works fine. But can't one store an object? I get an error "TypeError: 'str' object is not callable" when trying to store with this:
pageData = StandardPage(page)
memcache.add(memcacheid, pageData, 60)
I've read in the documentation that it requires "The value type can be any value supported by the Python pickle module for serializing values." But don't really understand what that is. Or how to convert pageData to it.
Any ideas?
I was a bit unclear. PageType is an class that amongst other thing get data from the datastore and manipulate it. The class looks like this:
class PageType():
def __init__(self, page):
self.pageData = PageData(data.Modules.gql('WHERE page = :page', page = page.key()).fetch(100))
self.modules = []
def renderEditPage(self):
return self.modules
class StandardPage(PageTypes.PageType):
templateName = 'Altan StandardPage'
templateFile = 'templates/page.html'
def __init__(self, page):
self.pageData = PageTypes.PageData(data.Modules.gql('WHERE page = :page', page = page.key()).fetch(100))
self.modules = []
self.childModules = []
for child in page.childPages:
self.childModules.append(PageTypes.PageData(data.Modules.gql('WHERE page = :page', page = child.key()).fetch(100)))
def addModules(self):
self.modules.append(PageTypes.getStandardHeading(self, 'MainHeading'))
self.modules.append(PageTypes.getStandardTextBox(self, 'FirstTextBox'))
self.modules.append(PageTypes.getStandardTextBox(self, 'SecondTextBox'))
self.modules.append(PageTypes.getStandardHeading(self, 'ListHeading'))
self.modules.append(PageTypes.getStandardTextBox(self, 'ListTextBox'))
You can use db.model_to_protobuf to turn your object into something that can be stored in memcache. Similarly, db.model_from_protobuf will get your object back.
Datastore Functions