How to query multiple items using Flask SQLAlchemy - python

After importing the modules:
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
and declaring app and db objects:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///test.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
I go ahead and create two tables: User and Email:
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(50))
addresses = db.relationship('Email', backref='person', lazy='dynamic')
class Email(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(50))
person_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
With db.relationship in place I can now link some multiple emails to the same user. First I create two email addresses:
first_email = Email(email='')
second_email = Email(email='')
Then I am passing these two emails to User class at the time it is being created:
user = User(name='User Name', addresses = [first_email, second_email])
To see which user is linked to which email I can simply use:
print first_email.person
print user.addresses.all()
Now I want to add another third email to the same user. How do I append a new email to the list of the emails that have been already linked to the user?

new_email = Email(email='')
This will append the email address to the relationship.

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///inquestion.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class User(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(50))
addresses = db.relationship('Email', backref='person', lazy='dynamic')
def add_email(self, new_email):
linked_emails = [ for email in self.addresses.all()]
if not new_email in linked_emails:
self.addresses = [Email.find_or_create(email) for email in linked_emails]
class Email(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(50))
person_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
def find_or_create(email):
return Email.query.filter_by(email=email).one()
new_email = Email(email=email)
return new_email
first_email = Email(email='')
second_email = Email(email='')
user = User(name='User Name', addresses = [first_email, second_email])
# some extra queries
print user.addresses.all()
print Email.find_or_create('')
print Email.query.filter_by(email='').one().email
print first_email.query.filter_by(email='').one()


Flask-Admin: Change sort order of inline_models?

In Flask-Admin, is there any way to control the order of the list generated by inline_models? It seems to be coming out in database order, i.e. ordered by the ID primary key.
That is, if I have an Author that has_many Books, and my AuthorModelView class has inline_models = (Books,), the books are always ordered by book_id. Passing column_default_sort to the inline model, to try to sort by (say) title or date_purchased, has no effect. Is there any way to handle this?
Specify the order_by parameter when specifying the relationships, see docs. See note at the end if you want to sort by a specific field at runtime.
Example of model declarations for Author -> Books. Here we are ordering on the book title field ascending - order_by='Book.title.asc()' :
class Author(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'authors'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
first_name = db.Column(db.Text(length=255), nullable=False)
last_name = db.Column(db.Text(length=255), nullable=False)
books = db.relationship("Book", order_by='Book.title.asc()', cascade="all,delete-orphan", backref=db.backref('author'))
def __str__(self):
return f"ID: {}; First Name: {self.first_name}; Last Name: {self.last_name}"
class Book(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'books'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, index=True)
title = db.Column(db.Text(length=255), nullable=False)
def __str__(self):
return f"ID: {}; Title: {self.title}; Author ID: {self.author_id}"
Single file full example:
from faker import Faker
import click
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_admin import Admin
from flask_admin.contrib import sqla
db = SQLAlchemy()
class Author(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'authors'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
first_name = db.Column(db.Text(length=255), nullable=False)
last_name = db.Column(db.Text(length=255), nullable=False)
books = db.relationship("Book", order_by='Book.title.asc()', cascade="all,delete-orphan", backref=db.backref('author'))
def __str__(self):
return f"ID: {}; First Name: {self.first_name}; Last Name: {self.last_name}"
class Book(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'books'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, index=True)
title = db.Column(db.Text(length=255), nullable=False)
def __str__(self):
return f"ID: {}; Title: {self.title}; Author ID: {self.author_id}"
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '123456790'
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_ECHO'] = True
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///sample.sqlite'
#app.cli.command('create-database', short_help='Create Authors database')
#click.option('--count', default=100, help='Number of authors (default 100)')
def create_database(count):
Create database with "count" authors
_faker = Faker()
for _ in range(0, count):
_author = Author(
for _ in range(0, _faker.pyint(1, 20)):
_book = Book(
class AuthorView(sqla.ModelView):
# default sort: last_name ascending
column_default_sort = ('last_name', False)
inline_models = (Book,)
# Flask views
def index():
return 'Click me to get to Admin!'
admin = Admin(app, template_mode="bootstrap3")
admin.add_view(AuthorView(Author, db.session))
if __name__ == '__main__':
Run the following command to initialize an SQLite DB.
flask create-database --count 100
If you want to change the sort field at runtime override the view's get_one() method and use Python to sort the instrumented list directly. For example, sorting by ISBN field instead of title:
class Author2View(sqla.ModelView):
def get_one(self, id):
_author = super().get_one(id)
_author.books = sorted(_author.books, key=lambda book: book.isbn)
return _author
# default sort: last_name ascending
column_default_sort = ('last_name', False)
inline_models = (Book,)
admin.add_view(Author2View(Author, db.session, name="Author 2", endpoint='author-2'))

How to get data from two tables using SQLALCHEMY

Let say I have a model
import os
from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy()
class Students(db.Model):
__tablename__ = "students"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
description = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
class Hobbies(db.Model):
__tablename__ = "hobbies"
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
description = db.Column(db.String)
student_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(""), nullable=False)
Now in flask I have following code
import os
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from models import *
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "postgresql://junaid:junaid#localhost:5432/UOB"
Now I get all the record in the table Hobbies
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
with app.app_context():
a = Hobbies.query.all()
I want to get the result like
Hobby.ID, Hobby.title, Hobby.description, (The filter is Hobby.student_id =
I want to print all the record in the hobbies table with student name in short.
Here is the solution. Sharing if someone else can benefit from this.
hobbies_with_stud = db.session.query(Students, Hobbies).join(Hobbies, Hobbies.student_id ==
for record in hobbies_with_stud:
print(record.Hobbies.title + " is the hobby of "+

get column names from variables sqlite python3 sqlalchemy

I want to store the details stored in x variable to the sqlite database using flask sqlalchemy. How to make it possible.
Here's the code i wrote:
from flask import Flask
from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:////tmp/u.db'
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
class User(db.Model) :
x = ['username = "sam"', 'password = "sam123"']
u1 = (x[0].split()[0])
p1 = (x[1].split()[0])
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
u1 = db.Column(db.String(32), index = True)
p1 = db.Column(db.String(128))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("db created")'', port=5001)
table created in sqlite:
id u1 p1
Required table to be created in sqlite and data to be loaded:
id username password
1 sam sam123
Your table needs to define the columns with the names that you want:
class User(db.Model) :
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key = True)
username = db.Column(db.String(32), index = True)
password = db.Column(db.String(128))
You can make function to extract the username and password from x:
def get_user_data(data):
user_data = []
for item in data:
part = item.partition(' = ')[2]
cleaned = part.replace('"', '')
return user_data
And create a User instance like this:
username, password = get_user_data(x)
user = User(username=username, password=password)

Flask Many to Many relationship sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: failed to locate a name

When trying to get a many to many relationship working I keep getting the following error:
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: One or more mappers failed to initialize - can't proceed with initialization of other mappers. Triggering mapper: 'Mapper|User|Users'. Original exception was: When initializing mapper Mapper|User|Users, expression 'Device' failed to locate a name ("name 'Device' is not defined"). If this is a class name, consider adding this relationship() to the class after both dependent classes have been defined.
I have looked over all the sqlalchemy documents and reviewed multiple links on many to many but no luck. I am sure its a naming or importing issue, but have not found a solution yet
I removed some of the code that I don't feel is related
from random import SystemRandom
from backports.pbkdf2 import pbkdf2_hmac, compare_digest
from flask_login import UserMixin
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from devices.models import Device
user_device = db.Table('UserDevice', db.Model.metadata,
db.Column('userID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('Users.userID')),
db.Column('deviceID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('Device.deviceID')))
class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'Users'
__table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB',
'extend_existing': True}
id = db.Column('userID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
# Relationship to UserDevice association table
user_device = relationship('Device',
backref=db.backref('users', lazy='dynamic'))
class Device(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'Device'
__table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB',
'extend_existing': True}
id = db.Column('deviceID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_created = db.Column('deviceDateCreated', db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp())
date_modified = db.Column('deviceDateModified', db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
device_created_user = db.Column('deviceCreatedUser', db.String, default='App Server')
device_last_updated_user = db.Column('deviceLastUpdatedUser', db.String, default='App Server', onupdate=current_user)
#Serial Number
serial_number = db.Column('deviceSerialNumber', db.Integer, nullable=False, unique=True)
#Sampling Interval
sampling_interval = db.Column('deviceSamplingInterval', db.Integer, default=60, nullable=False)
# Relationship to Device Status Table
device_status_id = db.Column('deviceStatusID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('DeviceStatus.deviceStatusID'))
# New instance instantiation procedure
def __init__(self, serial_number):
self.serial_number = serial_number
self.device_status_id = 1
def __repr__(self):
return '<Device %r>' % self.serial_number
Image of Database Model:
Turns out I didn't provide enough information to solve this problem. The problem turned out to be using the db variable created by calling SQLAlchemy. I created a python file just for the database called The mistake I made was in User\ I called the following import from database import db and in Device\ I called from app import db. This caused the db.Model to not function properly and also wouldn't create the user tables when calling create_all(). Hope this helps someone in the future.
from flask_influxdb import InfluxDB
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
db = SQLAlchemy()
influx_db = InfluxDB()
influx_db_client = None
def init_db():
# import all modules here that might define models so that
# they will be registered properly on the metadata. Otherwise
# you will have to import them first before calling init_db()
from users.models import User, UserStatus, UserDevice
from devices.models import Device, DeviceStatus
from app import db
from flask_login import current_user
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
import enum
class DeviceStatusType(enum.Enum):
INACTIVE = "Inactive"
ACTIVE = "Active"
# Define a Device model
class Device(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'Device'
__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}
id = db.Column('deviceID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_created = db.Column('deviceDateCreated', db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp())
date_modified = db.Column('deviceDateModified', db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
device_created_user = db.Column('deviceCreatedUser', db.String(128), default='App Server')
device_last_updated_user = db.Column('deviceLastUpdatedUser', db.String(128), default='App Server', onupdate=current_user)
#Serial Number
serial_number = db.Column('deviceSerialNumber', db.Integer, nullable=False, unique=True)
#Sampling Interval
sampling_interval = db.Column('deviceSamplingInterval', db.Integer, default=60, nullable=False)
# Relationship to Device Status Table
device_status_id = db.Column('deviceStatusID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('DeviceStatus.deviceStatusID'))
users = relationship("User", secondary="userDevice")
# New instance instantiation procedure
def __init__(self, serial_number):
self.serial_number = serial_number
self.device_status_id = 1
def __repr__(self):
return '<Device %r>' % self.serial_number
from random import SystemRandom
from backports.pbkdf2 import pbkdf2_hmac, compare_digest
from flask_login import UserMixin, current_user
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, backref
from devices.models import Device
import enum
# Import the database object (db) from the main application module
# We will define this inside /app/ in the next sections.
from app import db
class UserStatusType(enum.Enum):
INACTIVE = "Inactive"
ACTIVE = "Active"
# Define a User model
class User(UserMixin, db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'User'
__table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}
id = db.Column('userID', db.Integer, primary_key=True)
date_created = db.Column('userDateCreated', db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp())
date_modified = db.Column('userDateModified', db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
user_created_user = db.Column('userCreatedUser', db.String(128), default=current_user)
user_last_updated_user = db.Column('userLastUpdatedUser', db.String(128), default=current_user, onupdate=current_user)
# First Name
first_name = db.Column('userFirstName', db.String(128), nullable=False)
# Last Name
last_name = db.Column('userLastName', db.String(128), nullable=False)
# User Name
user_name = db.Column('userUserName', db.String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)
# Email
email = db.Column('userEmailAddress', db.String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)
# Password
_password = db.Column('userPassword', db.LargeBinary(128))
_salt = db.Column('userSalt', db.LargeBinary(128))
# Relationship to User Status table
user_status_id = db.Column('userStatusID', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('UserStatus.userStatusID'))
# Relationship to UserDevice association table
devices = relationship("Device", secondary="userDevice")
def password(self):
return self._password
# In order to ensure that passwords are always stored
# hashed and salted in our database we use a descriptor
# here which will automatically hash our password
# when we provide it (i. e. user.password = "12345")
def password(self, value):
# When a user is first created, give them a salt
if self._salt is None:
self._salt = bytes(SystemRandom().getrandbits(8))
self._password = self._hash_password(value)
def is_valid_password(self, password):
"""Ensure that the provided password is valid.
We are using this instead of a ``sqlalchemy.types.TypeDecorator``
(which would let us write ``User.password == password`` and have the incoming
``password`` be automatically hashed in a SQLAlchemy query)
because ``compare_digest`` properly compares **all***
the characters of the hash even when they do not match in order to
avoid timing oracle side-channel attacks."""
new_hash = self._hash_password(password)
return compare_digest(new_hash, self._password)
def _hash_password(self, password):
pwd = password.encode("utf-8")
salt = bytes(self._salt)
buff = pbkdf2_hmac("sha512", pwd, salt, iterations=100000)
return bytes(buff)
# New instance instantiation procedure
def __init__(self, first_name, last_name, user_name, email, password):
self.first_name = first_name
self.last_name = last_name
self.user_name = user_name = email
self.password = password
self.user_status_id = 2
def __repr__(self):
return "<User #{:d}>".format(

Error in One to Many SQLAlchemy database with Flask

I am currently trying to insert items into my database. I am using SQLlite and SQLAlchemy with Flask but there seems to be an issue. Whenever I try to insert items manually from the cmd, I receive an error.
This session's transaction has been rolled back due to a previous
exception during flush.
I have implemented an one to many relationship in my database but something seems to keep messing up. Here is my Python code:
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_bootstrap import Bootstrap
main = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(main)
main.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'postgresql://YYYYYYY:XXXXXXX#localhost/address'
main.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'something-secret'
class Organisation(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True)
number = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True)
employees = db.relationship('Person', backref='employer', lazy='dynamic')
def __init__(self, title, email, number):
self.title = title = email
self.number = number
class Person(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(60), unique=False)
email = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True)
mobile = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True)
employer_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
def __init__(self, name, email, mobile, employer_id): = name = email = mobile
self.employer_id = employer_id
#main.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
result = Person.query.all()
org_result = Organisation.query.all()
return render_template("index.html", result=result, org_result=org_result)
#main.route('/additems', methods=['GET'])
def additems():
return render_template('add.html')
#main.route('/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def add():
person = Person(request.form['name'], request.form['email'], request.form['mobile'])
if __name__ == "__main__":
If I have to honest, I think that my issue is somewhere in the init functions. I have tried changing them in several ways:
1.Adding employees as self.employees = employees and trying directly to input an Organisation as:
organisation_one=Organisation(title="XX",email="",number="3838",employees=person_one) but it fired back an error even before I could submit person_one
2.I have tried referencing the employer_id in the Person __init__ file and when I try to add the organisation id, I recive an error "can't adapt type".
What am I doing wrong with the one to many database model? Can someone help me out?
Your database models require a __tablename__ attribute like this: This tells it what the actual table name is in the database. Otherwise SQLAlchemy doesn't know how to write the SQL for you.
class Organisation(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'organisation'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
title = db.Column(db.String(80), unique=True)
email = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True)
number = db.Column(db.String(40), unique=True)
employees = db.relationship('Person', backref='employer', lazy='dynamic')
def __init__(self, title, email, number):
self.title = title = email
self.number = number
You must also reference this table name in the backref for your Person model:
db.ForeignKey('')) # assuming "organisation" is the table name
Also, your /add route is incomplete and will result in an error:
#main.route('/add', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def add():
person = Person(request.form['name'], request.form['email'], request.form['mobile'])
# e.g. add some instruction here on what to do...
flash('Person %s <%s>added!' % (request.form['name'], request.form['email']))
return redirect(url_for('main.additems'))
