mininet-wifi error:'Mininet' object has no attribute 'addBaseStation' - python

When I execute my Python script using mininet-wifi, I am getting the following error, and I don't know why?
error:'Mininet' object has no attribute 'addBaseStation'
Should I change addBaseStation into addAcessPoint? If so, what is the difference between these?

Try out addAccessPoint() instead.


I'm having issues with subroutines inside of __getitem__()

I have created a piece of code in python which makes use of the getitem subroutine, which I am not too familiar with.
Inside the getitem subroutine, there are multiple subroutines, one of which is:
def load(self,i):
return str(i)
However when I try to call it elsewhere in the project...
... it says that it cannot find the subroutine:
AttributeError: 'Calc' object has no attribute 'load'
I have tried using
but that doesn't work either.
Can someone help me?

I am running the code below in python and getting the error 'AttributeError: 'QgridWidget' object has no attribute 'to_excel''

I am trying to use to excel function using the code below. I am getting the error df.to_excel('dataset1.xlsx')
Below is the code.
qgrid.show_grid() returns a QgridWidget instance. You can access the underlying dataframe using the df attribute:
grid = qgrid.show_grid(data)

How to get description on Python Method?

I know that to get help for a function, we use help(func) or ?func, but what about a method? simply using help(method) or ?method won't do anything.
I tried using a preloaded object name before a method, it worked. But are there any other way?
I found this:
Try these on Python shell.
help('random thing')
from math import *
Each one will show different results - but the last couple should help you understand how it works for what you are asking.
This format is inappropriate ?method and will produce an error. If you're having trouble understanding some Python object then help() will do.

'dict' object is not callable error - when I'm not using any 'dict's in networkx

I'm using Python to work with networkx and draw some graphs.
I ran into a problem raising:
TypeError: 'dict' object is not callable
on this line of code:
set_node_color(num, list(Graph.node()))
I searched to find that this error is raised when I'm using a variable name dict.
The problem is, I'm not using any variables with the name dict, nor am I using any dictionary types anywhere in the code.
In case it's necessary, printing the type of Graph gives <class 'networkx.classes.digraph.Digraph'>.
I also tried printing the type for Graph.node() only to receive the same error, telling me 'dict' object is not callable.
So I suspect Graph.node() to be a dict type variable, but using (Graph.node()).items() raises the same TypeError.
Any help or advices would be nice. Thanks.
Maybe Graph.node is a dict object, so Graph.node() is not callable.

'datetime.datetime' object has no attribute 'microseconds'

I am writing a script in python and I need to know how many milliseconds are between two points in my code.
I have a global variable when the program starts like this:
from datetime import datetime
When I need to know how many milliseconds have passed, I execute this:
print (b.microseconds-a.microseconds)*1000
However I get this error:
AttributeError: 'datetime.datetime' object has no attribute 'microseconds'
What's wrong? How can I fix this?
It is microsecond, without an "s" at the end
A useful function is dir. You can do dir(object) to find out its properties. In this case, you want a.microsecond.
