Modifying a clipboard content to be treated as HTML - python

When I “copy an image” on the web (by highlighting the image and ctrl+C) and then passed it into the text view of the HTML WYSIWYG editor (not the source code editor) the picture is displayed. Even though I paste in the text editor ( source code editor), the content of the clipboard is understood by the editor as an html code.
For example, if I simply paste “<img src="someURL" />in the text editor, it will be added in the source code as “<p><img src="someURL" /></p>” so this clipboard isn’t understood by the editor as an html code.
So how should I modify the content of my clipboard so that an HTML WYSIWYG editor understand it as an html code even though I am pasting it in the text view (not source code editor)?
What I want to do in more details:
when I have the URL of an image stored in my clipboard, I want to be able to add the image to the HTML WYSIWYG editor without having to switch to the source code editor. So I would like to transform the content of my clipboard (by adding some code before and after the URL) so it is understood as HTML code (just like the example mentioned above) by my HTML WYSIWYG editor.
Edit: to better target the answer here is what I try to achieve. When I use shareX to upload a picture, ShareX store automatically this (private) shareable URL in the clipboard.
This code convert it in an embedded format. But I'm still looking for a way to store that as html format.
#You need that kind of URL to be able to embed the picture in an editor:
#This script does a part of the job by converting Google drive URL into an embedded (and permanent) link:
from jaraco import clipboard
UrlShareX = clipboard.paste_text()
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=drivesdk", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=sharing", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("", "")
URL= '<img src="{}" />'.format(UrlShareX)
To try on ShareX:
You must set the access to Google drive in ShareX menu:
destination/destination settings/google drive.
You must set the ShareX menu: “after upload task” to “copy URL to

I want to be able to add the image to the HTML WYSIWYG editor without having to switch to the source code editor
AHK solution: use a hotkey like ctrl+shift+v
you have plain text in clipboard:
go in WYSIWYG editor and press ctrl+shift+v, it will be pasted in HTML format
HTML format is a clipboard format, so an image will be shown.
what you need is here: WinClipv2\imgSrc to HTML Format\src in clip.ah2
I put the code in a repo because there's a library to include:
READ the

You can do this:
Install HtmlClipboard : copy the script, save it as in C:\Python##\Lib\site-packages\
Save the script below as used some of your code in your question):
Create a shorcut for the script in step to (right click on the file, and select create a shorcut)
Right click on the shorcut, select Properties, and and add a keyboard shorcut in Shorcut key.
That's it. When you have an image url in our clipboard, you can just press your keyboard shorcut and you can paste your image directly in the html mode of you editor. (Python34):
from tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
image_url = root.clipboard_get()
# send <img src="https://image_url" alt="" /> to an "HTML format clipboard"
import HtmlClipboard
HtmlClipboard.PutHtml("<img src=\"http://"+image_url+" \" alt=\"\"/>")
To address the part about ShareX, you could use this scrip instead:
from tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
UrlShareX = root.clipboard_get()
# remove everything except the file google ID: this part is not needed
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=drivesdk", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=sharing", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view", "")
# send <img src=" " alt="" /> to an "HTML format clipboard"
import HtmlClipboard
HtmlClipboard.PutHtml("<img src=\""+UrlShareX+" \" alt=\"\"/>")


Sphinx: button inside literalinclude blocks

I have a desktop application and a user guide written in Sphinx. The API is explained with the use of code blocks that are imported with literalinclude blocks.
What I would like to have is a button inside or close to each code block. The button is intended for opening the respective example in our application.
What I have achieved so far (see below) is a button above the code block, that I have to include manually every time I use a literalinclude statement.
How can I put the button inside the code block rather than above?
A particularly beautiful result would be a transparent button like Chris Holdgraf's Sphinx copybutton. But at the moment I would already be happy to have the button as it is located in the top right corner of the code block.
Minimal example of how things are right now
The button is rendered above the code block. But I want to have it inside (at the top right corner).
Folder structure:
Content of index.rst:
.. literalinclude::
Content of
import numpy as np
print "hello extension"
for i in range(3):
print np.sin(i)
Content of extension file:
from docutils import nodes
# HTML code to generate button
button_raw = """
function openScriptFunction() {
<button onclick="openScriptFunction()">Load %s</button>
def setup(app):
app.add_role('load_example', load_example_script)
def load_example_script(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
node = nodes.raw(rawsource = button_raw%(text, text), text = button_raw%(text, text), format="html")
return [node], []
This extension is included in the by extensions = ['load_source']

How to Serve a Video (blob) with Google App Angine

I'm trying just for learning how to serve a video with the blobstore without it takes all the screen the video, for example
here I imported Video as video_model
class ViewVideo(webapp.Reque...,blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreDownloadHandler):
def get(self):
video_id = self.request.get('video_id')
video_instance = None
if video_id:
video_instance = video_model().get_video_content(video_id)
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'video/mp4'
class Video(db.Model):
content = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty()
title = db.StringProperty()
def get_video(self,video_id):
return Video.get_by_id(video_id)
def get_video_content(self,content):
query_str = "SELECT * FROM Video WHERE content =:content"
return db.GqlQuery(query_str,content=content).get()
Where the video_id came from a url given, but as you see I put it directly in send_blob() function and this one when I tested it takes all the screen just to see the video, I was wondering how can I serve the video from my application without happening this, I was thinking embedded HTML but I can't figure it out how the source will be
Any help will be grateful
If it lacks of content to answer the question I will edit it
Without HTML5, it's a tricky mess. With HTML5, it becomes easy & elegant. Serve to the user's browser, as part of whatever page you're serving, the following HTML (5) snippet:
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="/getmp4?video_id=whatever" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag: please upgrade it!
and use that ViewVideo handler to serve only the /getmp4 URL, not the URL that your user directly gets via their browser.
The 320, 240, and the choice to show controls, are all optional, of course -- as even more is the use of whatever for the video id!-)

Edit response logo in web2py

I am trying to edit the default logo to my own in my MODEL(
The default code for the logo is:
response.logo = A(B('web',SPAN(2),'py'),XML('™ '), _class="brand", _href="")
How would I change this line to display my own logo? For instance, the url for the logo might be something like ""
Just change the content of the anchor tag to include the image:
response.logo = A(IMG(_src=URL('static', 'images/logo_lb.png'),
_href=URL('default', 'index'))
Note, you don't really need to use response.logo at all. You can instead just put the relevant HTML directly in the layout.html view.

Generating pdf using web2py-appreport (xhtmltopdf) in Python Web2py webapp

I am from a non coding background so python, web2py is very new to me.
My app needs to export textarea content (using RTE redactor) to pdf. I get html content from textarea (redactor), can you please advice me on how to use pyfpdf to generate a pdf file on button click.
I don't know how to get the html content (images and text) on button click in view to generate pdf using appreport.
I was able to use app-report to generate a pdf (using PISA, PYPDF does not work) from an existing html file (without css) if html file has css it throws an error,
***<class 'sx.w3c.cssParser.CSSParseError'> Terminal function expression expected closing ')':: (u'Alpha(Opacity', u'=0); }\n\n\n\n.ui-state-')***
This might be due to a mistake in the controller code:
def myreport():
html = response.render('myreport.html', dict())
return plugin_appreport.REPORTPISA(html = html)
Another thing I tried was passing the html from my view to the controller using ajax post (in Javascript). Redactor is the textarea RTE I am using and alert gives me the desired html result.
function getContent() {
var t= jQuery('#redactor_content').getCode();
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: "{g : 'jQuery('#redactor_content').getCode()'}"
def myreport2():
g = request.get_vars
html = response.render(g)
return plugin_appreport.REPORTPISA(html = html)
Due to my less knowledge in coding , I am not able to figure out and correct my mistake. I will be thankful if anybody can help me with this problem.
Could it be this post request:
type: "POST",
url: "",
data: "{g : 'jQuery('#redactor_content').getCode()'}"
I think you should have the 'data' parameter be a literal dictionary, not a string. Change this line like this (remove all but one set of quotes):
data: {g : jQuery('#redactor_content').getCode() }
This should properly send the request. The jQuery documentation says that the data parameter should be key-value pairs, not a string.

How to loading/show a picture in a Python CGI page

I have written a little survey using Python and CGI. I am trying to show a picture using the normal <img> tag, But even-though the picture is in the same directory as my cgi script, my script cannot show it. I also changed the header to this:
print "Content-type: text/html; image/jpeg"
print """<html>
<title>You are going to be redirected</title>
<body bgcolor = #14b585>
<p align=center><font>Helloooo</font></p>
<img src="cat.jpeg" alt="cat" width="304" height="228"/>
<form action="./" method="post">
<p align=center><input type="submit" value="YES!" /></p>
Why?(it is a very small jpg file)
print "Content-type: text/html; image/jpeg"
Don't change the header to that. You can't have multiple content types for a single document (multipart documents excluded, but browsers don't support them and that isn't the right format).
You are delivering an HTML document with an reference to an image in it. The image will be a separate request and response.
print "Content-type: text/html"
Or, better:
print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
(Assuming you are using utf-8, which you should be).
print """<html>
Your Doctype is missing. This will trigger quirks mode, which is undesirable. You also have a great deal of legacy presentational markup that should be replaced by CSS.
<img src="cat.jpeg" alt="cat" width="304" height="228"/>
The context suggests that the image is decorative, so the alternative text should probably be "" (see Alt texts in IMGS), but there is nothing wrong with the actual reference to the image.
But even-though the picture is in the same directory as my cgi script
Since the HTML seems to be OK. You need to check that the image is.
Can you reach the image by typing the URL in directly?
What do the web server logs say when you try?
It is possible that your server is configured to try to treat everything in the directory as an executable, no matter what the file extension, so it might be trying to run the image as if it were a CGI program (which will obviously fail). If so, then you could either move the image or change the configuration of the server.
And I've just noticed this comment:
I did this in my browser: localhost/cgi-bin/cat.jpg and it got an error, I checked the logs, it Exec format error: exec of '/home/hossein/public_html/cgi-bin/cat.jpg' failed
That is what is happening. Moving the image is the simplest solution.
your apache was configured to use the cgi-bin directory as an CGI scripts folder, so any request that trying to get a file from this folder apache try to execute it as an CGI script. to make your image visible move it to the www/html folder.
