Edit response logo in web2py - python

I am trying to edit the default logo to my own in my MODEL(menu.py).
The default code for the logo is:
response.logo = A(B('web',SPAN(2),'py'),XML('™ '), _class="brand", _href="http://www.web2py.com/")
How would I change this line to display my own logo? For instance, the url for the logo might be something like "http://www.web2py.com/init/static/images/logo_lb.png"

Just change the content of the anchor tag to include the image:
response.logo = A(IMG(_src=URL('static', 'images/logo_lb.png'),
_href=URL('default', 'index'))
Note, you don't really need to use response.logo at all. You can instead just put the relevant HTML directly in the layout.html view.


How to display HTML using LXML in Python

So what I am trying to achieve is really simple.
I want to call python test.py and would like to go to my local host and see the html result. However I keep getting an error ValueError: Invalid tag name u'<html><body><h1>Test!</h1></body></html>'
Below is my code. What's the problem here?
import lxml.etree as ETO
html = ETO.Element("<html><body><h1>Test!</h1></body></html>")
self.wfile.write(ETO.tostring(html, xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True))
You have to create each element in turn, and put them in the structure that you want them to have:
html = ETO.Element('html')
body = ETO.SubElement(html, 'body')
h1 = ETO.SubElement(body, 'h1')
h1.text = 'Test!'
Then ETO.tostring(html) will return a bytestring that looks like this:
>>> ETO.tostring(html)
Since you are reading an existing file, Element isn't useful here; try changing this
html = ETO.Element("<html><body><h1>Test!</h1></body></html>")
to this
html = ETO.fromstring("<html><body><h1>Test!</h1></body></html>")
and see if it works for you.

How to display html from the controller in the view using Web2Py?

I'm utilizing web2py and I'd like to display html code that is returned from a python function in the controller.
I have the following controller (default.py):
def index():
return {"html_code":"<img src='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54e8ba93e4b07c3f655b452e/t/56c2a04520c64707756f4267/1493764650017'>"}
This is my view (index.html):
When I visit the site (, I see the following (instead of the image)
<img src='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54e8ba93e4b07c3f655b452e/t/56c2a04520c64707756f4267/1493764650017'>
How can I render the variable called html_code as html instead of as plain text?
By default, any content written to the view via {{=...}} is escaped. To suppress the escaping, you can use the XML() helper:
Alternatively, you can construct the HTML via the server-side HTML helpers rather than generating raw HTML:
def index():
return {"html_code": IMG(_src='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54e8ba93e4b07c3f655b452e/t/56c2a04520c64707756f4267/1493764650017')}
And then you can leave the view as you have it:
The above assumes that you are generating the HTML via your own code. If the HTML in question comes from an untrusted source (e.g., user input), writing it to the view without escaping presents a security risk. In that case, you can have the XML() helper doing some sanitizing (i.e., it will limit the allowed HTML tags and attributes to a safe whitelist) (see here for more details):
{{=XML(html_code, sanitize=True)}}
try use XML() helper
def index():
return {"html_code":XML("<img src='https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54e8ba93e4b07c3f655b452e/t/56c2a04520c64707756f4267/1493764650017'>")}

Modifying a clipboard content to be treated as HTML

When I “copy an image” on the web (by highlighting the image and ctrl+C) and then passed it into the text view of the HTML WYSIWYG editor (not the source code editor) the picture is displayed. Even though I paste in the text editor ( source code editor), the content of the clipboard is understood by the editor as an html code.
For example, if I simply paste “<img src="someURL" />in the text editor, it will be added in the source code as “<p><img src="someURL" /></p>” so this clipboard isn’t understood by the editor as an html code.
So how should I modify the content of my clipboard so that an HTML WYSIWYG editor understand it as an html code even though I am pasting it in the text view (not source code editor)?
What I want to do in more details:
when I have the URL of an image stored in my clipboard, I want to be able to add the image to the HTML WYSIWYG editor without having to switch to the source code editor. So I would like to transform the content of my clipboard (by adding some code before and after the URL) so it is understood as HTML code (just like the example mentioned above) by my HTML WYSIWYG editor.
Edit: to better target the answer here is what I try to achieve. When I use shareX to upload a picture, ShareX store automatically this (private) shareable URL in the clipboard. https://drive.google.com/open?id=XXXX
This code convert it in an embedded format. But I'm still looking for a way to store that as html format.
#You need that kind of URL to be able to embed the picture in an editor: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=XXXX
#This script does a part of the job by converting Google drive URL into an embedded (and permanent) link:
from jaraco import clipboard
UrlShareX = clipboard.paste_text()
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("https://drive.google.com/file/d/", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=drivesdk", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=sharing", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("https://drive.google.com/open?id=", "")
URL= '<img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id={}" />'.format(UrlShareX)
To try on ShareX:
You must set the access to Google drive in ShareX menu:
destination/destination settings/google drive.
You must set the ShareX menu: “after upload task” to “copy URL to
I want to be able to add the image to the HTML WYSIWYG editor without having to switch to the source code editor
AHK solution: use a hotkey like ctrl+shift+v
you have plain text in clipboard: https://cdn.sstatic.net/Img/teams/teams-illo-free-sidebar-promo.svg?v=47faa659a05e
go in WYSIWYG editor and press ctrl+shift+v, it will be pasted in HTML format
HTML format is a clipboard format, so an image will be shown.
what you need is here: WinClipv2\imgSrc to HTML Format\src in clip.ah2
I put the code in a repo because there's a library to include:
You can do this:
Install HtmlClipboard : copy the script, save it as HtmlClipboard.py in C:\Python##\Lib\site-packages\
Save the script below as image_link_as_html.py(I used some of your code in your question):
Create a shorcut for the script in step to (right click on the file image_link_as_html.py, and select create a shorcut)
Right click on the shorcut, select Properties, and and add a keyboard shorcut in Shorcut key.
That's it. When you have an image url in our clipboard, you can just press your keyboard shorcut and you can paste your image directly in the html mode of you editor.
image_link_as_html.py (Python34):
from tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
image_url = root.clipboard_get()
# send <img src="https://image_url" alt="" /> to an "HTML format clipboard"
import HtmlClipboard
HtmlClipboard.PutHtml("<img src=\"http://"+image_url+" \" alt=\"\"/>")
To address the part about ShareX, you could use this scrip instead:
from tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
UrlShareX = root.clipboard_get()
# remove everything except the file google ID: this part is not needed
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("https://drive.google.com/file/d/", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=drivesdk", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view?usp=sharing", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("https://drive.google.com/open?id=", "")
UrlShareX=UrlShareX.replace("/view", "")
# send <img src="https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=xxx " alt="" /> to an "HTML format clipboard"
import HtmlClipboard
HtmlClipboard.PutHtml("<img src=\"https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id="+UrlShareX+" \" alt=\"\"/>")

Problems with displaying the content of a text file in a tpl using the bottle framwork

Im trying to display the content of a text file in a template without any luck so far. This is
my code so far:
def show_article(filename):
stat_art=static_file(filename, root="articles")
return template('show_article', stat_art=stat_art)
And this is the paragraph in my template to display the content of the file
I know that I could just return the static_file() but I will need to design the page with
some css and stuff later.
Thanks in advance and sorry for if my english is not correct!
You've misunderstood what static_file does.
Luckily, the fix is simple: just read the file yourself and pass its contents to the template, like so:
def show_article(filename):
with open(filename) as f: # <-- you'll need the correct path here, possibly including "articles"
stat_art = f.read()
return template('show_article', stat_art=stat_art)
That should do the trick.
[Btw, nice first question!]

Django Javascript Output

I am trying to render html output that is generated by a python google maps library that involves JS code in it. I am passing the part that shows google map with the html_map variable, and as follows:
html = t.render(Context({'html_map':html_map}))
return HttpResponse(html)
However, instead of showing the map, the page shows js code(i.e., directly prints it). The image below shows this:
How can I solve this?
html = t.render(Context({'html_map':html_map}))
return HttpResponse(html)
use in template:
{{ htm_map|safe }}
