I'm learning how to use Python. I have a function with a conditional inside of it, if an invalid input is provided, it should restart the loop until a valid input is provided.
Unfortunately, this "restarting" behavior is causing an infinite loop within my tests (it circularly provides the wrong input). How can I pause, or break, or limit the output to one instance so I can test the returned string?
def confirm_user_choice(choice: str):
while True:
user_response = input(f"\nYou chose '{choice}', is this correct? y/n ")
if user_response == "y":
return True
elif user_response == "n":
return False
print("\nSelect either 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no)")
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from src.utils.utils import addValues, confirm_user_choice
class TestConfirmUserChoice(unittest.TestCase):
def test_yes(self):
with mock.patch("builtins.input", return_value="y"):
result = confirm_user_choice("y")
self.assertEqual(result, True)
def test_no(self):
with mock.patch("builtins.input", return_value="n"):
result = confirm_user_choice("n")
self.assertEqual(result, False)
def test_invalid_input(self):
with mock.patch("builtins.input", return_value="apple"): <-- triggers func else case
result = confirm_user_choice("apple")
self.assertEqual(result, False)
You have a partial function: on a proper input, it will return a Boolean value, but it may not return at all, and you can't test that an infinite loop is indeed infinite.
To make it more testable, allow the function to take an optional iterable value that defaults to sys.stdin, allowing you to control what the function reads (and how long it will attempt to do so.)
def confirm_user_choice(choice: str, responses: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None):
if responses is None:
# An infinite stream of calls to input()
responses = iter(lambda: input(f"\nYou chose '{choice}', is this correct? y/n "), None)
for user_response in responses:
if user_response == "y":
return True
elif user_response == "n":
return False
print("\nSelect either 'y' (yes) or 'n' (no)")
# Note: cannot be raised from the default value of responses
raise ValueError("Unexpected end of responses")
Now your test can simply pass canned lists of responses, and either catch the expected ValueError, or look at the returned Boolean value.
import unittest
from src.utils.utils import addValues, confirm_user_choice
class TestConfirmUserChoice(unittest.TestCase):
def test_yes(self):
result = confirm_user_choice("y", ["y"])
def test_eventual_yes(self):
result = confirm_user_choice("y", ["apple", "pear", "y"])
def test_no(self):
result = confirm_user_choice("y", ["n"])
def test_no_valid_input(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
result = confirm_user_choice(["apple"])
continue does nothing in your code
continue alows you to ignore a part of the code for some instance of the loop.
For example :
for i in range(2):
if i < 1:
Output :
For what you want to do, don't forget while is suppose to end when a condition is meet. Hence bypassing the condition using while True: and then using a if to exit your loop is a bit counter productive.
Just use the while condition :
user_response = ""
while user_response not in ["y", "n"]:
user_response = input("y/n ? ")
Happy programming
I'm new to Python myself but in my understanding, unit tests investigate how function handle different inputs based on the function's return value or exceptions raised (if any).
Your function only exits when the user inputs either "y" or "n" or when an error is raised (for instance, if the user provides Crtl-Z). Your while loop does not break when a user inputs 'apple.' There is no return value for pytest (or the like) to inspect.
If you really want to test this, you'd have to rewrite your function so that's a little more modular. It would have to feature at least three different return values, including one that implies that the input was invalid.
I need to emulate a do-while loop in a Python program. Unfortunately, the following straightforward code does not work:
list_of_ints = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
iterator = list_of_ints.__iter__()
element = None
while True:
if element:
print element
element = iterator.next()
except StopIteration:
print "done"
Instead of "1,2,3,done", it prints the following output:
None['Traceback (most recent call last):
', ' File "test_python.py", line 8, in <module>
s = i.next()
', 'StopIteration
What can I do in order to catch the 'stop iteration' exception and break a while
loop properly?
An example of why such a thing may be needed is shown below as pseudocode.
State machine:
s = ""
while True :
if state is STATE_CODE :
if "//" in s :
tokens.add( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )
else :
tokens.add( TOKEN_CODE, s )
if state is STATE_COMMENT :
if "//" in s :
tokens.append( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )
state = STATE_CODE
# Re-evaluate same line
try :
s = i.next()
except StopIteration :
I am not sure what you are trying to do. You can implement a do-while loop like this:
while True:
if fail_condition:
while not fail_condition:
What are you doing trying to use a do while loop to print the stuff in the list? Why not just use:
for i in l:
print i
print "done"
So do you have a list of lines? And you want to keep iterating through it? How about:
for s in l:
while True:
# use a "break" instead of s = i.next()
Does that seem like something close to what you would want? With your code example, it would be:
for s in some_list:
while True:
if state is STATE_CODE:
if "//" in s:
tokens.add( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )
else :
tokens.add( TOKEN_CODE, s )
if state is STATE_COMMENT:
if "//" in s:
tokens.append( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] )
break # get next s
state = STATE_CODE
# re-evaluate same line
# continues automatically
Here's a very simple way to emulate a do-while loop:
condition = True
while condition:
# loop body here
condition = test_loop_condition()
# end of loop
The key features of a do-while loop are that the loop body always executes at least once, and that the condition is evaluated at the bottom of the loop body. The control structure show here accomplishes both of these with no need for exceptions or break statements. It does introduce one extra Boolean variable.
My code below might be a useful implementation, highlighting the main difference between do-while vs while as I understand it.
So in this one case, you always go through the loop at least once.
first_pass = True
while first_pass or condition:
first_pass = False
do {
} while (condition())
while True:
if not condition():
You can do a function:
def do_while(stuff, condition):
while condition(stuff()):
1) It's ugly.
2) Condition should be a function with one parameter, supposed to be filled by stuff (it's the only reason not to use the classic while loop.)
Exception will break the loop, so you might as well handle it outside the loop.
while True:
if s:
print s
s = i.next()
except StopIteration:
I guess that the problem with your code is that behaviour of break inside except is not defined. Generally break goes only one level up, so e.g. break inside try goes directly to finally (if it exists) an out of the try, but not out of the loop.
Related PEP: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3136
Related question: Breaking out of nested loops
Here is a crazier solution of a different pattern -- using coroutines. The code is still very similar, but with one important difference; there are no exit conditions at all! The coroutine (chain of coroutines really) just stops when you stop feeding it with data.
def coroutine(func):
"""Coroutine decorator
Coroutines must be started, advanced to their first "yield" point,
and this decorator does this automatically.
def startcr(*ar, **kw):
cr = func(*ar, **kw)
return cr
return startcr
def collector(storage):
"""Act as "sink" and collect all sent in #storage"""
while True:
def state_machine(sink):
""" .send() new parts to be tokenized by the state machine,
tokens are passed on to #sink
s = ""
state = STATE_CODE
while True:
if state is STATE_CODE :
if "//" in s :
sink.send((TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ))
else :
sink.send(( TOKEN_CODE, s ))
if state is STATE_COMMENT :
if "//" in s :
sink.send(( TOKEN_COMMENT, s.split( "//" )[1] ))
state = STATE_CODE
# re-evaluate same line
s = (yield)
tokens = []
sm = state_machine(collector(tokens))
for piece in i:
The code above collects all tokens as tuples in tokens and I assume there is no difference between .append() and .add() in the original code.
The way I've done this is as follows...
condition = True
while condition:
condition = (<something that evaluates to True or False>)
This seems to me to be the simplistic solution, I'm surprised I haven't seen it here already. This can obviously also be inverted to
while not condition:
I believe that this do-while simulation on python has a syntax format closest to the do-while structure format present in C and Java.
do = True
while do:
do = <condition>
Python 3.8 has the answer.
It's called assignment expressions. from the documentation:
# Loop over fixed length blocks
while (block := f.read(256)) != '':
for a do - while loop containing try statements
loop = True
while loop:
# to break from successful completion
# loop = False
# to break from unsuccessful completion -
# the case referenced in the OP's question
loop = False
alternatively, when there's no need for the 'finally' clause
while True:
# to break from successful completion
# break
# to break from unsuccessful completion -
# the case referenced in the OP's question
While loop:
while condition:
Do while loop:
while True:
if not condition:
Also you can use any true boolean value as condition:
while 1:
if not condition:
Another variant:
check = 1
while check:
check = condition
Quick hack:
def dowhile(func = None, condition = None):
if not func or not condition:
while condition():
Use like so:
>>> x = 10
>>> def f():
... global x
... x = x - 1
>>> def c():
global x
return x > 0
>>> dowhile(f, c)
>>> print x
while condition is True:
Why don't you just do
for s in l :
print s
print "done"
If you're in a scenario where you are looping while a resource is unavaliable or something similar that throws an exception, you could use something like
import time
while True:
f = open('some/path', 'r')
except IOError:
print('File could not be read. Retrying in 5 seconds')
You wondered:
What can I do in order to catch the 'stop iteration' exception and break a while loop properly?
You could do it as shown below and which also makes use of the assignment expressions feature (aka “the walrus operator”) that was introduced in Python 3.8:
list_of_ints = [1, 2, 3]
iterator = iter(list_of_ints)
while (element := next(iterator)):
except StopIteration:
Another possibility (that would work from Python 2.6 to 3.x) would be to provide a default argument to the built-in next() function to avoid the StopIteration exception:
SENTINEL = object() # Unique object.
list_of_ints = [1, 2, 3]
iterator = iter(list_of_ints)
while True:
element = next(iterator, SENTINEL)
if element is SENTINEL:
See if this helps :
Set a flag inside the exception handler and check it before working on the s.
flagBreak = false;
while True :
if flagBreak : break
if s :
print s
try :
s = i.next()
except StopIteration :
flagBreak = true
print "done"
For me a typical while loop will be something like this:
xBool = True
# A counter to force a condition (eg. yCount = some integer value)
while xBool:
# set up the condition (eg. if yCount > 0):
(Do something)
yCount = yCount - 1
# (condition is not met, set xBool False)
xBool = False
I could include a for..loop within the while loop as well, if situation so warrants, for looping through another set of condition.
while True:
# stuff
if some_cond:
if other_cond:
# condition
if not condition:
[x] condition checked only after running stuff
[x] stuff is not a function call
[x] condition is not a function call
[x] stuff can contain flow control
[ ] Avoid checking condition if stuff called break (can be done with another boolean)
The built-in iter function does specifically that:
for x in iter(YOUR_FN, TERM_VAL):
E.g. (tested in Py2 and 3):
class Easy:
X = 0
def com(cls):
cls.X += 1
return cls.X
for x in iter(Easy.com, 10):
print(">>>", x)
If you want to give a condition to terminate instead of a value, you always can set an equality, and require that equality to be True.
def specificChecker(someThing, checker):
if checker == None:
return someThing
elif checker == True:
return not someThing
return None
def whatDoesTheCheckerSay(someThing):
if specificChecker(someThing) == someThing:
return 'The checker value was False on that one.'
elif specificChecker(someThing) == not someThing:
return 'The checker value was True on that one.'
elif specificChecker(someThing) == None:
return 'Something irregular happend. The checker value wasn\'t None or True.'
return 'Something went really wrong. This doesn\'t even not work.'
reallySomeThing = input('Type in really some thing: ')
theChecker = input('Set the checker to something: ')
print(specificChecker(reallySomeThing, theChecker))
print(whatDoesTheCheckerSay(reallySomeThing)) # This can be made more efficient, right?
def one(someShit):
return someShit + ' AWWW YEAH!'
def two(someShit):
return one(someShit)
print(two(input('Type in some kind of stuff: ')))
I'm a self-taught beginner, so surely it's something awkwardly basic. I'm using the IDLE shell and have repeatedly gotten a syntax error at the second definition statement of my codes. Please help?
You cannot use the line:
elif specificChecker(someThing) == not someThing:
This must be written
elif specificChecker(someThing) != someThing:
to be valid Python.
This is also valid but is perhaps less readable:
elif (specificChecker(someThing)) == (not someThing):
After OP edit:
The new error is the mismatch in arguments (always 1) to a function that requires 2 arguments. You have to pass two arguments to specificChecker not one
Line 12: elif specificChecker(someThing) == not someThing:
If you want to check if some variable is not some variable, used is not for boolean or != for values and strings
On Code Academy there is this course where in the example they show
def speak(message):
return message
if happy():
speak("I'm happy!")
elif sad():
speak("I'm sad.")
speak("I don't know what I'm feeling.")
The above example will NOT be related to the rest of the code I show. That was just an example for the if statement. Now I was under the impression that when ever writing an if statement it had to end in an ():like the above example.
However when doing the assignments this does not work:
def shut_down(s):
if s == "yes"():
return "Shutting down"
elif s == "no"():
return "Shutdown aborted"
return "Sorry"
However this works:
def shut_down(s):
if s == "yes":
return "Shutting down"
elif s == "no":
return "Shutdown aborted"
return "Sorry"
My question is how come the () is not needed next to the "yes" and "no" but :is still needed. I thought whenever writing an if statement it will automatically have to end with ():. In that very first example, that's how it is shown. Do you understand my confusion.
In the example given, happy() and sad() are functions, and as such require parentheses. The if itself does not need parentheses at the end (and it shouldn't have them)
No, if has nothing to do with ()
happy is a function. happy() is a call to that function. So, if happy(): tests if the happy function returns true when called.
In other words, if happy(): speak("I'm happy!") is equivalent to
result_of_happy = happy()
if result_of_happy:
speak("I'm happy!")
As has been mentioned happy() / sad() are functions so they require (). In example two of your question you are comparing your value to the string "yes" because it is a string it does not require ().
Within an if statement you can use parentheses to make the code more readable and ensure certain operations are evaluated before others.
if (1+1)*2 == 4:
print 'here'
print 'there'
Differs from:
if 1+1*2 == 4:
print 'here'
print 'there'
Because string objects are not callable so what are you expecting then:
Then use lambda not that efficient tho:
def shut_down(s):
if (lambda: s == "yes")():
return "Shutting down"
elif (lambda: s == "no")():
return "Shutdown aborted"
return "Sorry"
hey im making a simple little grocery list on Python. I know it's not the most eloquent... but I am just learning the syntax right now. I want to get into learning Django.
list = []
def makeList():
listing = True
while listing:
addTo = raw_input("Add to list: ")
if addTo == 'q':
listing = False
def checkList():
if check in list:
print "Yay there is " + check + " here"
print "No you have not added that..."
addAnother = raw_input("Would you like to add it? ")
if str.lower(addAnother) == "yes":
elif str.lower(addAnother) == "no":
print "Okay then here is your list."
print list
print check
check = raw_input("What item: ")
I know its pretty complex and hard to understand O_o... but you can see that the nested if statement is not registering when you run it.
What is making it do this? I think that's the best way to ask this.
I've rewritten it a bit to make it cleaner and more Pythonic;
def get_list(prompt, halt):
lst = []
while True:
item = raw_input(prompt)
if item == halt:
return lst
def check_list(lst, item):
if item in lst:
print('Yay there is {} here'.format(item))
return True
print('No you have not added {}'.format(item))
return False
def get_yesno(prompt):
while True:
yesno = raw_input(prompt).lower()
if yesno in {'y', 'yes'}:
return True
elif yesno in {'n', 'no'}:
return False
def main():
mylist = get_list('Add to list:', 'q')
check = raw_input('Look for item:')
if not check_list(mylist, check):
if get_yesno('Would you like to add it?'):
if __name__=="__main__":
Some style tips:
Don't use list as a variable name; it's a built-in function, and you don't want to overwrite it.
Global variables are almost always a bad idea; passing data around explicitly makes it much easier to figure out where bad data is coming from, and makes functions more reusable.
camelCase is generally denigrated; use_underscores for function names instead.
You probably intended to keep going rather than break when you append the new item (or at least print something to indicate success), but the nested if statement works just fine, appends the thing to the list as specified and then the function and program terminate.