Sublime Text: Add character in column position - python

I have a Python file with a few hundred lines of code. The longest line is 146 characters. How would I put # in column 200 down the whole file within Sublime Text? Preferably with one or two Sublime Text commands?
1 200
print("Hello world!") #

You can try something like this. Note that this writes to a new file: let me know if you want me to modify so that it overwrites the existing file:
data = []
with open('data.txt', 'r') as f:
data = [line[:-1] + ' ' * (200 - len(line)) + '#\n' for line in f]
with open('new_data.txt', 'w') as f:
Note that this will have just append the "#" at the end of the line (regardless of column number) if the line length >= 200.

Here's a possible solution:
N = 200
output = [l.rstrip() for l in f]
output = ["{0}#{1}".format(
l[:len(l[:N])] + ' ' * (N - len(l[:N])), l[N:]) for l in output]
Or written differently:
N = 200
output = []
for l in f:
l = l.rstrip()
l1 = len(l[:N])
output.append("{0}#{1}".format(l[:l1] + ' ' * (N - l1), l[N:]))


Check if duplicate exists and then append a unique digit to line?

INPUT.TXT looks like this -
I want to write a python script which will read this file & add +1 to the line with highest number and then print that line.
Desired output -
Right now I am able to add +1 to all lines like -
def increment_digits(string):
return ''.join([x if not x.isdigit() else str((int(x) + 1) % 10) for x in string])
with open('INPUT.txt', 'r') as file:
data =
but this is not what I want. I want to find the line the with largest ending number in input.txt and add +1 to only to that one line after (last underscore)
pr-ec2_1100 is what I want
Something like this:
with open('input.txt') as f:
lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
numbers = [int(l.split('_')[1]) for l in lines]
_max = max(numbers)
result = _max + 1
print('result: pr-ec2_{}'.format(result))

Any simple python code suggestions to add a constant to every individual number in a .txt

so -----2-----3----5----2----3----- would become -----4-----5----7----4----5-----
if the constant was 2 and etc. for every individual line in the text file.
This would involve splitting recognising numbers in between strings and adding a constant to them e.g ---15--- becomes ---17--- not ---35---.
(basically getting a guitar tab and adding a constant to every fret number)
Thanks. Realised this started out vague and confusing so sorry about that.
lets say the file is:
and im adding 2, it should become:
Change the filename to something relevant and this code will work. Anything below new_string needs to be change for what you need, eg writing to a file.
def addXToAllNum(int: delta, str: line):
values = [x for x in s.split('-') if x.isdigit()]
values = [str(int(x) + delta) for x in values]
return '--'.join(values)
new_string = '' # change this section to save to new file
for line in open('tabfile.txt', 'r'):
new_string += addXToAllNum(delta, line) + '\n'
## general principle
s = '-4--5--7---9--3 -8---5--7-3---7'
addXToAllNum(2, s) #6--7--9--11--10--7--9--5--9
This takes all numbers and increments by the shift regardless of the type of separating characters.
import re
shift = 2
numStr = "---1----9---15---"
print("Input: " + numStr)
resStr = ""
m ="[0-9]+", numStr)
while (m):
resStr += numStr[:m.start(0)]
resStr += str(int( + shift)
numStr = numStr[m.end(0):]
m ="[0-9]+", numStr)
resStr += numStr
print("Result:" + resStr)
Hi You Can use that to betwine every line in text file add -
rt = ''
f = open('a.txt','r')
app = f.readlines()
for i in app:
print " ".join(rt.split())
import re
c = 2 # in this example, the increment constant value is 2
with open ('<your file path here>', 'r+') as file:
new_content = re.sub (r'\d+', lambda m : str (int ( (0)) + c), ()) (0)
file.write (new_content)

Removing lines above specific line in text in python

I have text like this
I want remove all the line before the line Ref.By.
How can I do it in python ?
Try this
text_str = """ABC
text_lines = text_str.split("\n")
idx = text_lines.index("Ref.By") + 1
result_text = "\n".join(text_lines[idx:])
lines = open('your_file.txt', 'r').readlines()
search = 'Ref.By'
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if search in line:
if i < len(lines) - 1:
with open('your_file.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('\n'.join(lines[i + 1:]))
This is alright provided your file size is well within 2-4 MB. It becomes problematic to store it in memory beyond that point.

Find sum of numbers in line

This is what I have to do:
Read content of a text file, where two numbers separated by comma are on each line (like 10, 5\n, 12, 8\n, …)
Make a sum of those two numbers
Write into new text file two original numbers and the result of summation = like 10 + 5 = 15\n, 12 + 8 = 20\n, …
So far, I've got this:
import os
import sys
relative_path = "Homework 2.txt"
if not os.path.exists(relative_path):
print "not found"
read_file = open(relative_path, "r")
lines = read_file.readlines()
print lines
path_output = "data_result4.txt"
write_file = open(path_output, "w")
for line in lines:
line_array = line.split()
print line_array
You need to have a good understanding of python to understand this.
First, read the file, and get all of the lines by splitting it with a line feed (\n)
For each expression, calculate the answer and write it. Remember, you need to cast the numbers to integers so that they can be added together.
with open('Original.txt') as f:
lines ='\n')
with open('answers.txt', 'w+') as f:
for expression in lines: # expression should be in format '12, 8'
nums = [int(i) for i in expression.split(', ')]
f.write('{} + {} = {}\n'.format(nums[0], nums[1], nums[0] + nums[1]))
# That should write '12 + 8 = 20\n'
Make your last for loop look like this:
for line in lines:
splitline = line.strip().split(",")
summation = sum(map(int, splitline))
write_file.write(" + ".join(splitline) + " = " + str(summation) + "\n")
One beautiful thing about that way is that you can have as many numbers as you want on a line, and it will still display correctly.
Seems like the input File is csv so just use the csv reader module in python.
Input File Homework 2.txt
1, 2
The script
import csv
f = open('Homework 2.txt', 'rb')
reader = csv.reader(f)
result = []
for line in list(reader):
nums = [int(i) for i in line]
result.append(["%(a)s + %(b)s = %(c)s" % {'a' : nums[0], 'b' : nums[1], 'c' : nums[0] + nums[1] }])
f = open('Homework 2 Output.txt', 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for line in result:
The output file is then Homework 2 Output.txt
1 + 2 = 3
1 + 3 = 4
1 + 5 = 6
10 + 6 = 16

How to combine the output of two files into single in python?

My code looks like this:
Right now my code outputs two text file named absorbance.txt and energy.txt separately. I need to modify it so that it outputs only one file named combined.txt such that every line of combined.txt has two values separated by comma. The first value must be from absorbance.txt and second must be from energy.txt. ( I apologize if anyone is confused by my writting, Please comment if you need more clarification)
g = open("absorbance.txt", "w")
h = open("Energy.txt", "w")
ask = easygui.fileopenbox()
f = open( ask, "r")
a = f.readlines()
bg = []
wavelength = []
for string in a:
index_j = 0
comma_count = 0
for j in string:
index_j += 1
if j == ',':
comma_count += 1
if comma_count == 1:
slicing_point = index_j
t = string[slicing_point:]
new_str = string[:(slicing_point- 1)]
new_energ = (float(1239.842 / int (float(new_str))) * 8065.54)
print >>h, new_energ
import math
list = []
for i in range(len(ref)):
ans = ((float (ref[i]) - float (bg[i])) / (float(sample[i]) - float(bg[i])))
print ans
base= 10
final_ans = (math.log(ans, base))
ans = -1 * ((float (ref[i]) - float (bg[i])) / (float(sample[i]) - float(bg[i])))
print ans
base= 10
final_ans = (math.log(ans, base))
print >>g, final_ans
Similar to Robert's approach, but aiming to keep control flow as simple as possible.
How are you
I am fine
Does anybody want a peanut?
input_a = open("absorbance.txt")
input_b = open("energy.txt")
output = open("combined.txt", "w")
for left, right in zip(input_a, input_b):
#use rstrip to remove the newline character from the left string
output.write(left.rstrip() + ", " + right)
Hello, 123
How are you, 456
I am fine, 789
Note that the fourth line of absorbance.txt was not included in the result, because energy.txt does not have a fourth line to go with it.
You can open both text files and append them to the new text file as shown below. This is what I gave based on your question, not necessarily the code your provided.
combined = open("Combined.txt","w")
with open(r'Engery.txt', "rU") as EnergyLine:
with open(r'Absorbance.txt', "rU") as AbsorbanceLine:
for line in EnergyLine:
Eng = line[:-1]
for line2 in AbsorbanceLine:
Abs = line2[:-1]
combined.write("%s,%s\n" %(Eng,Abs))
