Restrict scipy.optimize.minimize to integer values - python

I'm using scipy.optimize.minimize to optimize a real-world problem for which the answers can only be integers. My current code looks like this:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def f(x):
return (481.79/(5+x[0]))+(412.04/(4+x[1]))+(365.54/(3+x[2]))+(375.88/(3+x[3]))+(379.75/(3+x[4]))+(632.92/(5+x[5]))+(127.89/(1+x[6]))+(835.71/(6+x[7]))+(200.21/(1+x[8]))
def con(x):
return sum(x)-7
cons = {'type':'eq', 'fun': con}
print scipy.optimize.minimize(f, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0], constraints=cons, bounds=([0,7],[0,7],[0,7],[0,7],[0,7],[0,7],[0,7],[0,7],[0,7]))
This yields:
x: array([ 2.91950510e-16, 2.44504019e-01, 9.97850733e-01,
1.05398840e+00, 1.07481251e+00, 2.60570253e-01,
1.36470363e+00, 4.48527831e-02, 1.95871767e+00]
But I want it optimized with integer values (rounding all x to the nearest whole number doesn't always give the minimum).
Is there a way to use scipy.optimize.minimize with only integer values?
(I guess I could create an array with all possible permutations of x and evaluate f(x) for each combination, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant or quick solution.)

pulp solution
After some research, I don't think your objective function is linear. I recreated the problem in the Python pulp library but pulp doesn't like that we're dividing by a float and 'LpAffineExpression'. This answer suggests that linear programming "doesn't understand divisions" but that comment is in context of adding constraints, not the objective function. That comment pointed me to "Mixed Integer Linear Fractional Programming (MILFP)" and on Wikipedia.
Here's how you could do it in pulp if it actually worked (maybe someone can figure out why):
import pulp
data = [(481.79, 5), (412.04, 4), (365.54, 3)] #, (375.88, 3), (379.75, 3), (632.92, 5), (127.89, 1), (835.71, 6), (200.21, 1)]
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('x', range(len(data)), lowBound=0, upBound=7, cat=pulp.LpInteger)
numerator = dict((i,tup[0]) for i,tup in enumerate(data))
denom_int = dict((i,tup[1]) for i,tup in enumerate(data))
problem = pulp.LpProblem('Mixed Integer Linear Programming', sense=pulp.LpMinimize)
# objective function (doesn't work)
# TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'float' and 'LpAffineExpression'
problem += sum([numerator[i] / (denom_int[i] + x[i]) for i in range(len(data))])
for v in problem.variables():
print(, "=", v.varValue)
brute solution with scipy.optimize
You can use brute and ranges of slices for each x in your function. If you have 3 xs in your function, you'll also have 3 slices in your ranges tuple. The key to all of this is to add the step size of 1 to the slice(start, stop,step) so slice(#, #, 1).
from scipy.optimize import brute
import itertools
def f(x):
return (481.79/(5+x[0]))+(412.04/(4+x[1]))+(365.54/(3+x[2]))
ranges = (slice(0, 9, 1),) * 3
result = brute(f, ranges, disp=True, finish=None)
itertools solution
Or you can use itertools to generate all combinations:
combinations = list(itertools.product(*[[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]*3))
values = []
for combination in combinations:
values.append((combination, f(combination)))
best = [c for c,v in values if v == min([v for c,v in values])]
Note: this is a scaled-down version of your original function for example purposes.

One thing that might help your problem you could have a constraint as:
This is not going to completely solve your problem, the algorithm will still try and cheat and you will get values with some level of error ~±5e-10 that it will still try and optimize towards just by the error in scipy's algorithm but it's better than nothing.
cons = ({'type':'eq', 'fun': con},
{'type':'eq','fun': lambda x : max([x[i]-int(x[i]) for i in range(len(x))])})
having tested this process on some optimizations I know the solution to, this process is more sensitive to the initial values than the unconstrained search, it gets fairly accurate answers however the solution may actually not find the true value, you are basically requiring the large jump of the optimization process (what it uses to make sure it's not optimizing to a local minimum) to search the sample space as the smaller increments are usually not strong enough to move to the next number over.

Here is a way to solve the Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming problem with Python Gekko (a package that I maintain):
from gekko import GEKKO
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
x = m.Array(m.Var,9,lb=0,ub=7,integer=True)
def f(x):
return (481.79/(5+x[0]))+(412.04/(4+x[1]))\
This gives the solution:
Solver : APOPT (v1.0)
Solution time : 0.0529 sec
Objective : 859.5269999999999
Successful solution
[[0.0] [0.0] [1.0] [1.0] [1.0] [0.0] [1.0] [0.0] [3.0]]

Generic function for bruteforce solution. Does somewhat a better job than brute in scipy, since scipy actually runs function with float numbers, not integers only, though range explicitly says so, as Jarad stated
def brute(func, arg_ranges, finish=min):
if isinstance(arg_ranges, dict):
args = {k:np.unique(np.hstack([a for r in rs for a in r]) if isinstance(rs, list) else [a for a in rs]) for k,rs in arg_ranges.items()}
return finish([(dict(zip(args.keys(), vs)), func(**dict(zip(args.keys(), vs)))) for vs in itertools.product(*args.values())], key=lambda x: x[1])
elif isinstance(arg_ranges, list):
return finish([(i, func(i)) for r in arg_ranges for i in r], key=lambda x: x[1])
return finish([(i, func(i)) for i in arg_ranges], key=lambda x: x[1])
print(brute(lambda x,y: x / (y + 2), {'x':[range(1,5,2), range(0,6,1)], 'y':range(2,5,1)}))


Iterating constraints with scipy.minimize

I am trying to minimize a function with 2 variables x[0],x[1]. A, B, and C are dataframes with dimensions 10x10. The optimization works as intended when I don't use constraints, however I also care for the constrainted case. For the constrainted case, I want
to be equal to or greater than zero for all combinations of i and j. To achieve this, I have defined constraints in the following way:
def f(a):
def g(x):
return A.iloc[i,j]*x[0]*B.iloc[i,j]*x[1]*C.iloc[i,j]
return g
for i in range (10):
for j in range(10):
cons.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': f(t)})
While I am getting the right number of constraints (i.e. len(cons) = 100), the optimization results do not satisfy the constraints that I had in mind, meaning it results in values for x[0], x[1] and x[2] for which
is smaller than zero for many j,i. I have ascertained that result.success = True, so the optimization suddenly stopping can be ruled out as a potential problem. While looking for a solution to this problem, I have found this case of someone trying to iterate constraints in scipy aswell, but they only iterated over one range rather than over two and I was not able to modify their solution to work for my case.
Your function f doesn't make any sense since the function g doesn't depend on a. If you really want f to return a new function depending on the indices i and t, f should be a function of the two indices:
def f(t, i):
def g(x):
return A.iloc[t,i]+(x[0]*B.iloc[t,i]+x[1]*C.iloc[t,i]+x[2]*D.iloc[t,i])/33
return g
for t in range (72):
for i in range(33):
cons.append({'type':'ineq', 'fun': f(t, i)})
Note also that you could easily define the constraint functions on the fly thanks to lambda expressions:
cons = []
for t in range(72):
for i in range(33):
cons.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x, t=t, i=i: A.iloc[t,i]+(x[0]*B.iloc[t,i]+x[1]*C.iloc[t,i]+x[2]*D.iloc[t,i])/33})

How to evaluate a polynomial at a specific x-value?

Use map to evaluate a given polynomial at a specific x-value.
p: A list of coefficients for increasing powers of x
x: The value of x to evaluate
Output: Number representing the value of the evaluated polynomial
Example: poly_eval([1, 2, 3], 2) = 1(2)^0 + 2(2)^1 + 3(2)^2 = 17
def poly_eval(coeff_list, x):
total = 0
for i, coeff in enumerate(coeff_list):
total += coeff * x**i
return total
or if you really want to use map :
def poly_eval(coeff_list, x):
n = len(coeff_list)
return sum(map(lambda coeff, x, y: coeff*x**y, coeff_list, [x]*n, range(n)))
This is actually an interesting question. Since the answer is relatively simple and the pen and paper solution is known by everybody the real thing is kind of overlooked.
As mentioned, normally most people would approach like how it's done by pen and paper. However there is a better way which is more suitable for coding purposes, known as the Ruffini Horner method. This is a perfect case for reducing.
Write your polynomial in an array. So y = x^3-7x+7 would be var y = [1,0,-7,7].
Then a simple function;
var calcP = (y,x) => y.reduce((p,c) => p*x+c);
That's it.

Displaying solutions within a certain range when using sympy solve command

I can be considered pretty much new to python and coding in general so forgive me for my ignorance.
I'm trying to solve a system of trigonometric functions in python, and I'm doing so using the solve command from sympy. However, this method returns only a finite number of solutions, two in this particular case.
I've read through the documentation and it seems that to get an expression for all the solutions solveset is to be used instead. However, I do not want all the solutions to be displayed, but rather only a finite amount which is contained within a certain range.
Here's the example:
from sympy import *
x, y = symbols('x, y')
eq1 = Eq(y - sin(x), 0)
eq2 = Eq(y - cos(x), 0)
sol = solve([eq1, eq2], [x, y])
which only returns the first two solutions in the positive x range.
How could I do to, for example, display all the solutions within the x range [-2pi, 2pi]?
I'd want them in explicit form rather than written in term of some multiplier since I then need to convert them into numerical form.
Thank you in advance.
SymPy can really take you down rabbit holes. I agree with kampmani's solution, only if you can easily solve for y on your own. However, in more general cases and in higher dimensions, his solution does not hold.
For example, the following will be slightly more tricky:
eq1 = Eq(z - x*y, 0)
eq2 = Eq(z - cos(x) - sin(y), 0)
eq3 = Eq(z + x*y, 0)
So here I am; killing a fly with a bazooka. The problem is that one was able to simplify the set of equations into a single equation with a single variable. But what if you can't do that (for example, if it was a larger system)?
In this case, one needs to use nonlinsolve to solve the system of equations. But this does not provide numeric solutions directly and does not have a domain argument.
So the following code unpacks the solutions. It goes through each tuple in the set of solutions and finds the numeric solutions for each component in the tuple. Then in order to get the full list, you need a Cartesian Product of each of those components. Repeat this for each tuple in the set of solutions.
The following should work for almost any system of equations in any dimension greater than 1. It produces numeric solutions in the cube whose boundaries are the domains variable.
from sympy import *
import itertools # used for cartesian product
x, y, z = symbols('x y z', real=True)
domains = [Interval(-10, 10), Interval(-10, 10), Interval(-10, 10)] # The domain for each variable
eq1 = z - x*y
eq2 = z - cos(x) - sin(y)
eq3 = z + x*y
solutions = nonlinsolve([eq1, eq2, eq3], [x, y, z]) # the recommended function for this situation
print("---------Solution set----------")
print(solutions) # make sure the solution set is reasonable. If not, assertion error will occur
_n = Symbol("n", integer=True) # the solution set often seems to contain these symbols
numeric_solutions = []
assert isinstance(solutions, Set) # everything that I had tried resulted in a FiniteSet output
for solution in solutions.args: # loop through the different kinds of solutions
assert isinstance(solution, Tuple) # each solution should be a Tuple if in 2D or higher
list_of_numeric_values = [] # the list of lists of a single numerical value
for i, element in enumerate(solution):
if isinstance(element, Set):
numeric_values = list(element.intersect(domains[i]))
else: # assume it is an Expr
assert isinstance(element, Expr)
if in [ for s in element.free_symbols]: # if n is in the expression
# change our own _n to the solutions _n since they have different hidden
# properties and they cannot be substituted without having the same _n
_n = [s for s in element.free_symbols if ==][0]
numeric_values = [element.subs(_n, n)
for n in range(-10, 10) # just choose a bunch of sample values
if element.subs(_n, n) in domains[i]]
elif len(element.free_symbols) == 0: # we just have a single, numeric number
numeric_values = [element] if element in domains[i] else []
else: # otherwise we just have an Expr that depends on x or y
# we assume this numerical value is in the domain
numeric_values = [element]
# note that we may have duplicates, so we remove them with `set()`
# find the resulting cartesian product of all our numeric_values
numeric_solutions += itertools.product(*list_of_numeric_values)
# remove duplicates again to be safe with `set()` but then retain ordering with `list()`
numeric_solutions = list(set(numeric_solutions))
print("--------`Expr` values----------")
for i in numeric_solutions:
print(list(i)) # turn it into a `list` since the output below is also a `list`.
print("--------`float` values---------")
for i in numeric_solutions:
print([N(j) for j in i]) # could have been converted into a `tuple` instead
In particular, it produces the following output for the new problem:
---------Solution set----------
FiniteSet((0, ImageSet(Lambda(_n, 2*_n*pi + 3*pi/2), Integers), 0))
--------`Expr` values----------
[0, -5*pi/2, 0]
[0, -pi/2, 0]
[0, 3*pi/2, 0]
--------`float` values---------
[0, -7.85398163397448, 0]
[0, -1.57079632679490, 0]
[0, 4.71238898038469, 0]
It was a lot of effort and probably not worth it but oh well.
By using solveset you can restrict the solutions with domain argument. For evaluating numerical results use .evalf() or another similar method.
from sympy import Interval, symbols, solveset, sin, cos, pi
x = symbols('x')
sol = solveset(cos(x) - sin(x), x, domain=Interval(-2*pi, 2*pi))
FiniteSet(-7*pi/4, -3*pi/4, pi/4, 5*pi/4)
FiniteSet(-5.49778714378214, -2.35619449019234, 0.785398163397448, 3.92699081698724)
I hope this helps!
Thanks to the brilliant suggestion from #kampmani it is possible to achieve the desired result.
For start, the FiniteSet elements are not indexed and cannot be used, so the FiniteSet has to be converted into a list:
solx_array = []
solx = solveset(cos(x) - sin(x), x, domain=Interval(-2*pi, 2*pi))
The next step is to find the y coordinate of the intersection point given its x coordinate. The final code should look somewhat similar to this:
from sympy import Interval, symbols, solveset, sin, cos, pi
sol_array = []
x = symbols('x')
solx = solveset(cos(x) - sin(x), x, domain=Interval(-2*pi, 2*pi))
for i in range(len(solx_array)):
soly = cos(solx_array[i])
sol_array.append(str(solx_array[i] + soly))
for i in range(len(sol_array)):
Still don't know how to convert the results into numerical form though, any idea is very appreciated.

How to use `scipy.optimize.linprog` for a more complicated objective function?

Is there a way to solve a more complicated objective function using scipy.optimize.linprog? The problem takes the form
c^T * x / ((d^T * x)^T*e)
where x = N x 1, c = N x 1, d = N x M and e = M x 1.
Using an explicit function in scipy.optimize.minimize takes too long.
So it turns out this is actually a well know problem in optimization called linear fractional programming. There is a way to transform the variables and solve it with some additional constraints. I am not sure whether scipy linprog will work, but at least there is a path I can see.

Python: reduce on tuple of tuples

I am trying to compute in Python the length of the path from a point A to a point B going through a list of intermediary points. I know how to do it but I do want to use the reduce Built-in function.
Why I tried so far, please note that it is completely wrong, is this:
reduce(lambda x,y: math.sqrt((y[1]-y[0])**2+(x[1]-x[0])**2) , ((1,2),(3,4),(1,8)))
Any idea?
You should map before you reduce.
points = [(1, 2), (3, 4), (1, 8)]
distances = (math.hypot(b[0]-a[0], b[1]-a[1])
for a, b in zip(points, points[1:]))
total_distance = sum(distances)
or, if you must use reduce(), although sum() is better for this purpose:
import operator
total_distance = reduce(operator.add, distances)
If you have a lot of points, you might find NumPy helpful in doing this all at once, quickly:
import numpy
total_distance = numpy.hypot(*numpy.diff(numpy.array(points), axis=0)).sum()
Edit: use math.hypot() and add NumPy method.
It isn't pretty but it can be done :-)
>>> tot = ((1,2),(3,4),(1,8))
>>> reduce(lambda d,((x0,y0),(x1,y1)): d + ((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2)**0.5, zip(tot[1:], tot[0:]), 0.0)
reduce() is simply the wrong tool for this purpose. It is possible to do it with reduce(), but it is a bit weird:
def distance((x, d), y):
return y, d + math.hypot(y[0] - x[0], y[1] - x[1])
print reduce(distance, [(3,4),(1,8)], ((1, 2), 0.0))[1]
The last parameter passed to the reduce() call is the starting point and the initial value for the distance.
reduce does not work that way, you start with an initial value a, which you specify or is taken as first element from your iterable. afterwards, you pass a,next_element to the function (lambda) provided and store the result in a, repeat until all elements are iterated.
You can do what you want with sum and map by first calculating all distances from one point to the next and then summing them:
path = [(1,2),(3,4),(1,8)]
sum(map(lambda x,y: math.sqrt((x[0]-y[0])**2+(x[1]-y[1])**2), path[:-1],path[1:]))
edit: or with the hypot function (thx #ralu):
sum(map(lambda x,y: math.hypot(x[0]-y[0],x[1]-y[1]), path[:-1],path[1:]))
This is just not the sort of code you want to write.
Reduce won't be a good solution.
I suggest a iterative one.
It will be the most readable, pythonic and maintainable solution.
import math
path = [(1,2),(3,4),(1,8)]
def calc_dist(waypoints):
dist = 0.0
for i in range(len(waypoints) - 1):
a = waypoints[i]
b = waypoints[i+1]
dist += math.hypot(a[0]-b[0], b[1]-a[1])
return dist
print calc_dist( path )
Here is a redux meta-iterator that can be combined with the built-in reduce to get the result you want. This implementation avoids all buffering of the input sequence.
def redux(f):
def execute(iterable):
iterable = iter(iterable)
state =
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError, 'empty sequences not supported'
while True:
newstate =
yield f(state, newstate)
state = newstate
return execute
f = redux(lambda x, y: math.sqrt((y[0] - x[0])**2 + (y[1] - x[1])**2))
print reduce(operator.add, f(((1,2),(3,4),(1,8))))
The above prints 7.30056307975.
The redux function can be generalized to support more than two arguments at a time in a sliding window, by using inspect.getargspec to count the number of arguments required by its function argument.
I'm aware that what I'm about to suggest is not ideal, but I think this is as close as I can get for my contribution. This is a fun problem to solve, even if it isn't the most traditional application of reduce.
The key issue seems to be keeping track of the distance from point to point without overwriting the points themselves- adding another 'dimension' to each point gives you a field with which you can track the running distance.
iterable = ((1,2,0), (3,4,0), (1,8,0))
# originally ((1,2), (3,4), (1,8))
from math import sqrt
def func(tup1, tup2):
'''function to pass to reduce'''
# extract coordinates
x0 = tup1[0]
x1 = tup2[0]
y0 = tup1[1]
y1 = tup2[1]
dist = tup1[2] # retrieve running total for distance
dx = x1 - x0 # find change in x
dy = y1 - y0 # find change in y
# add new distance to running total
dist += sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
# return 2nd point with the updated distance
return tup2[:-1] + (dist,) # e.g. (3, 4, 2.828)
Now reduce:
reduce(func, iterable)[-1]
# returns 7.3005630797457695
This way, the intermediate tuple of tuples (i.e., after one 'reduction') becomes:
((3, 4, 2.8284271247461903), (1,8,0))
Just for fun, here is an alternate solution with a slightly different approach than the reduce(sum, map(hypot, zip(...))) approach.
tot = ((1,2),(3,4),(1,8))
reduce(lambda (d,(x,y)),b: (d+math.hypot(x-b[0],y-b[1]), b), tot, (0, tot[0]))[0]
Note that the reduce actually returns the tuple (distance, last point), hence the [0] at the end. I think this would be more efficient than zip solutions but haven't actually checked.
