I am attempting to run this .PY file from Command Prompt:
# Merge two .BSG files
# Starting block and world position are taken from the first file
# Example: "bsgmerge input.bsg output.bsg merged.bsg"
import io, sys
one = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
two = open(sys.argv[2]).readlines()
for n in [1,3,5,7,9,11,17,19,21,23]:
one[n] = one[n][:-1]+"|"+two[n].partition("|")[2]
It is a program that takes a creation from the game Beseige and merges it with another saved creation so that opening the merged file results in both creations being present. If you want more details, you can read up on that here.
I am having trouble figuring out how to call this program from the command line. At first I thought the problem was me having Python 2 (it requires Python 3), so I uninstalled 2 and installed 3. This did not help.
What I am doing is entering the "python" command to pull up the Python environment within CMD, then entering the command to call the program based on the third comment in the file ("bsgmerge input.bsg output.bsg merged.bsg").
I tried using full file paths or simply changing to the correct directory before typing the "python" command and using only the file names, but so far I've had no luck.
When I am in the correct directory, then enter the Python environment, typing the command "bsgmerge 1.bsg 2.bsg M.bsg" (my existing files to be merged are 1.bsg and 2.bsg), this error occurs:
File "<stdin>", line 1
bsgmerge 1.bsg 2.bsg M.bsg
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I took a Python course (which is why I used to have Python 2 on my machine) last fall, so I noticed that there is no "def" defining a function in the above code, which is something I've never encountered, so I'm thinking that is the root of my problems.
Thanks in advance for the help.
I was probably same problem with python launcher.
If you use Linux, first line shoud be:
#! /path/to/your/python/3
In Windows it some more complicated:
In registry by regedit change
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\shell\open\command from "C:\Python27\python.exe" "%1" %* to "C:\Windows\py.exe" "%1" %*.
And first line of script shoud be:
#! python3
Now it shoud work properly.
I am trying to replicate another researcher's findings by using the Python file that he added as a supplement to his paper. It is the first time I am diving into Python, so the error might be extremely simple to fix, yet after two days I haven't still. For context, in the Readme file there's the following instruction:
"To run the script, make sure Python2 is installed. Put all files into one folder designated as “cf_dir”.
In the script I get an error at the following lines:
if __name__ == '__main__':
cf_dir, cf_file, cf_phys_file = sys.argv[1:4]
cf = pd.read_csv(cf_file)
cf_phys = pd.read_csv(cf_phys_file)
ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
The "cf_file" and "cf_phys_file" are two major components of all files that are in the one folder named "cf_dir". The "cf_phys_file" relates only to two survey question's (Q22 and Q23), and the "cf_file" includes all other questions 1-21. Now it seems that the code is meant to retrieve those two files from the directory? Only for the "cf_phys_file" the columns 1:4 are needed. The current working directory is already set at the right location.
The path where I located "cf_dir" is as follows:
C:\Users\Marc-Marijn Ossel\Documents\RSM\Thesis\Data\Suitable for ML\Data en Artikelen\Per task Suitability for Machine Learning score readme\cf_dir
Alternative option in readme file,
In the readme file there's this option, but also here I cannot understand how to direct the path to the right location:
"Run the following command in an open terminal (substituting for file names
below): python cfProcessor_AEAPnP.py cf_dir cf_file cf_phys_file task_file jobTaskRatingFile
jobDataFile OESfile
This should generate the data and plots as necessary."
When I run that in "Command Prompt", I get the following error, and I am not sure how to set the working directory correctly.
- python: can't open file 'cfProcessor_AEAPnP.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Thanks for the reading, and I hope there's someone who could help me!
Best regards & stay safe out there during Corona!!
cf_dir, cf_file, cf_phys_file = sys.argv[1:4]
means, the python file expects few arguments when called.
In order to run
python cfProcessor_AEAPnP.py cf_dir cf_file cf_phys_file task_file jobTaskRatingFile jobDataFile OESfile
the command prompt should be in that folder.
So, open command prompt and type
cd path_to_the_folder_where_ur_python_file_is_located
Now, you would have reached the path of the python file.
Also, make sure you give full path in double quotes for the arguments.
I'm trying to launch may main Python script with some arguments listed in a txt file (config.txt).
Because parameters change almost every launch and I dont want to type them every time. They are not literally a "config" but I didn't find the correct file name (that's an other story).
See below:
-param1 1
-param2 2
Using Run Configuration of PyCharm.
I would like to finally do something like :
python C:\somewhere\main.py -param1 1 -param2 2 -verbose
Instead of current behavior :python C:\somewhere\main.py config.txt
Which, by the way, is missed understood by the program (obviously).
I already tried windows for loops in the section "before launch: activate tools":
$: for /f "delims=" %x in (config.txt) do set ARGS=%ARGS%%x
$: python C:\somewhere\main.py %ARGS%
But it only keep the last line of the config.txt inside ARGS.
I also tried to pipe the content of the file into my python main program like:
python C:\somewhere\main.py < config.txt
But it do not work neither.
Am I right that you'd like to see something like https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-5543?
Consider using the following plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7861-envfile/
This is not exactly what you were asking for, but you can follow this guideline to store the run configurations in a file and then modify the file, share it or add to git.
The key steps are to tick the box "Store as project file" in PyCharm's "Run/Debug Configurations" window. This will create the new subfolder "runConfigurations" in the ".idea" folder in the project folder.
The folder will contain an xml file with the line
<option name="PARAMETERS" value=""arg1" "arg2"" />
where "arg1" and "arg2" are the arguments which are passed to your script.
I am redirecting the output of a Python script to a file.
It works fine if there is no error.
But if there is any error , I wish to capture the error in another file which is not happening now.
Below is the script which I have written.
#echo off
mode con cp select=65001
set dt=%Date:~10,4%-%Date:~4,2%-%Date:~7,2%
cd C:\API_DOC\softeon_project\script
python -u softeon_main.py >>C:\API_DOC\softeon_project\log\log_%dt%.txt 2>>C:\API_DOC\softeon_project\log\logerr_%dt%.txt
echo "after python path"
Any help would be appreciable.
The usage of dynamic environment variable DATE depends on Windows Region setting as defined for the currently used user account.
For example with getting Tue 12/26/2017 written into a command prompt window on running in same window echo %DATE% it is possible to use either
set "dt=%DATE:~10,4%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~7,2%"
or better
set "dt=%DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~-10,2%-%DATE:~-7,2%"
Both command lines use string substitutions to get environment variable dt defined with string 2017-12-26. The difference is that the first command line references the characters in date string from left while the second command line references them from right. Therefore the second command line works also with no abbreviated weekday at beginning.
The help output for command SET on running set /? in a command prompt window explains string substitutions as used here.
A region independent solution to get current local date in format yyyy-MM-dd would be:
for /F "tokens=2 delims==." %%I in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem\wmic.exe OS GET LocalDateTime /VALUE') do set "dt=%%I"
set "dt=%dt:~0,4%-%dt:~4,2%-%dt:~6,2%"
This variant is explained in detail in answer on Why does %date% produce a different result in batch file executed as scheduled task?
The disadvantage is that WMIC takes more than a second to output the local date and time which makes this solution much slower than the solution using dynamic environment variable DATE.
I suggest to use:
#echo off
rem Define encoding UTF-8 for console.
%SystemRoot%\System32\mode.com CON CP SELECT=65001
rem Get current local date in format yyyy-MM-dd.
set "dt=%DATE:~-4%-%DATE:~-10,2%-%DATE:~-7,2%"
rem Change the current directory independent on current drive.
cd /D C:\API_DOC\softeon_project\script
rem Execute Python interpreter and redirect standard output messages
rem to file log_%dt%.txt and error messages to logerr_%dt%.txt.
python.exe -u softeon_main.py >>C:\API_DOC\softeon_project\log\log_%dt%.txt 2>>C:\API_DOC\softeon_project\log\logerr_%dt%.txt
echo "After python path"
There was a trailing space in Python command line which is removed in code above. See the answers on Why does ECHO command print some extra trailing space into the file? and
Why is no string output with 'echo %var%' after using 'set var = text' on command line? why a trailing space in a batch file could result in an unexpected output into a file or even unexpected behavior on execution of a batch file.
And python was extended with file extension .exe to avoid that by chance a file python.bat or python.cmd is found first by Windows command interpreter as in this case the next line would not be executed anymore because batch files must be called from within a batch file with command CALL to return to calling batch file on finishing execution of called batch file.
Read also the Microsoft article about Using command redirection operators for an explanation of >> and 2>>.
I am new at python and learning the language. The following code should create a file in the running program directory and write to it but it doesn't do this at all in a .py file. If I put the same code in the IDLE shell it returns 17. No errors just doesn't create the file. What am I doing wrong?
with open("st.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("Hi from Python!")
Thanks for the help
This code is flawless, no problem!
I guess that in your REPL shell, the $PWD environment variable is set for somewhere, so your destination file is in some corner.
No exception thrown indicates that no problem with access authority.
Maybe you can set some absolute path string, such as ~/st.txt
By the way, the successful invoke should return 15 instead of 17, totally count 15 chars.
your code works well, st.txt will be touched at executing path.
other ways, your system account can't write in your execute path.
try in your $HOME path to execute your code, I think, It will work well
I am trying to write a small program in bash and part of it needs to be able to get some values from a txt file where the different files are separated by a line, and then either add each line to a variable or add each line to one array.
So far I have tried this:
while read line
done < $FILE
echo ${MYARRAY[0]}
This just produces a blank line though, and not what was on the first line of the config file.
I am not returned with any errors which is why I am not too sure why this is happening.
The bash script is called though a python script using os.system("$HOME/bin/mcserver_config/server_transfer/down/createRemoteFolder"), but if I simply call it after the python program has made the file which the bash script reads, it works.
I am almost 100% sure it is not an issue with the directories, because pwd at the top of the bash script shows it in the correct directory, and the python program is also creating the data file in the correct place.
Any help is much appreciated.
I also tried the subprocess.call("path_to_script", shell=True) to see if it would make a difference, I know it is unlikely but it didn't.
I suspect that when calling the bash script from python, having just created the file, you are not really finished with that file: you should either explicitly close the file or use a with construct.
Otherwise, the written data is still in any buffer (from the file object, or in the OS, or wherever). Only closing (or at least flushing) the file makes sure the data is indeed in the file.
BTW, instead of os.system, you should use the subprocess module...