I have a very large scipy sparse csr matrix. It is a 100,000x2,000,000 dimensional matrix. Let's call it X. Each row is a sample vector in a 2,000,000 dimensional space.
I need to calculate the cosine distances between each pair of samples very efficiently. I have been using sklearn pairwise_distances function with a subset of vectors in X which gives me a dense matrix D: the square form of the pairwise distances which contains redundant entries. How can I use sklearn pairwise_distances to get the condensed form directly? Please refer to http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.distance.pdist.html to see what the condensed form is. It is the output of scipy pdist function.
I have memory limitations and I can't calculate the square form and then get the condensed form. Due to memory limitations, I also cannot use scipy pdist as it requires a dense matrix X which does not again fit in memory. I thought about looping through different chunks of X and calculate the condensed form for each chunk and join them together to get the complete condensed form, but this is relatively cumbersome. Any better ideas?
Any help is much much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Below is a reproducible example (of course for demonstration purposes X is much smaller):
from scipy.sparse import rand
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances
X = rand(1000, 10000, density=0.01, format='csr')
dist1 = pairwise_distances(X, metric='cosine')
dist2 = pdist(X.A, 'cosine')
As you see dist2 is in the condensed form and is a 499500 dimensional vector. But dist1 is in the symmetric squareform and is a 1000x1000 matrix.
I dug into the code for both versions, and think I understand what both are doing.
Start with a small simple X (dense):
X = np.arange(9.).reshape(3,3)
pdist cosine does:
norms = _row_norms(X)
_distance_wrap.pdist_cosine_wrap(_convert_to_double(X), dm, norms)
where _row_norms is a row dot - using einsum:
norms = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', X,X)
So this is the first place where X has to be an array.
I haven't dug into the cosine_wrap, but it appears to do (probably in cython)
xy = np.dot(X, X.T)
# or xy = np.einsum('ij,kj',X,X)
d = np.zeros((3,3),float) # square receiver
d2 = [] # condensed receiver
for i in range(3):
for j in range(i+1,3):
from scipy.spatial import distance
print(' pdist',d1)
[[ 0. 0.11456226 0.1573452 ]
[ 0.11456226 0. 0.00363075]
[ 0.1573452 0.00363075 0. ]]
condensed [ 0.11456226 0.1573452 0.00363075]
pdist [ 0.11456226 0.1573452 0.00363075]
distance.squareform(d1) produces the same thing as my d array.
I can produce the same square array by dividing the xy dot product with the appropriate norm outer product:
dd[range(dd.shape[0]),range(dd.shape[1])]=0 # clean up 0s
Or by normalizing X before taking dot product. This appears to be what the scikit version does.
Xnorm = X/norms[:,None]
scikit has added some cython code to do faster sparse calculations (beyond those provided by sparse.sparse, but using the same csr format):
from scipy import sparse
# csr_row_norm - pyx of following
cnorm = Xc.multiply(Xc).sum(axis=1)
cnorm = np.sqrt(cnorm)
X1 = Xc.multiply(1/cnorm) # dense matrix
dd = 1-X1*X1.T
To get a fast condensed form with sparse matrices I think you need to implement a fast condensed version of X1*X1.T. That means you need to understand how the sparse matrix multiplication is implemented - in c code. The scikit cython 'fast sparse' code might also give ideas.
numpy has some tri... functions which are straight forward Python code. It does not attempt to save time or space by implementing tri calculations directly. It's easier to iterate over the rectangular layout of a nd array (with shape and strides) than to do the more complex variable length steps of a triangular array. The condensed form only cuts the space and calculation steps by half.
Here's the main part of the c function pdist_cosine, which iterates over i and the upper j, calculating dot(x[i],y[j])/(norm[i]*norm[j]).
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < m; j++, dm++) {
u = X + (n * i);
v = X + (n * j);
cosine = dot_product(u, v, n) / (norms[i] * norms[j]);
if (fabs(cosine) > 1.) {
/* Clip to correct rounding error. */
cosine = npy_copysign(1, cosine);
*dm = 1. - cosine;
I am wondering if scipy offers the option to implement a primitive but memory-friendly approach to epsilon neighborhood search:
Compute pairwise similarity for my data, but set all similarities smaller than a threshold epsilon to zero on the fly and then output result directly as sparse matrix.
For example scipy.spatial.distance.pdist() is really fast, but the memory limit is reached early compared to my time limit, at least if I take squareform().
I know there are O(n*log(n)) solutions in this case but for now it would be enough if the result could be sparse. Also obviously I would have to use a similarity as opposed to a distance, but that should not be such a big problem, should it.
As long as you can recast your similarity measure in terms of a distance metric (say 1 minus the similarity) then the most efficient solution is to use sklearn's BallTree.
Otherwise you could build a your own scipy.sparse.csr_matrix matrix by comparing each point against the other $ i -1$ points and throwing away all values smaller than the threshold.
Without knowing your specific similarity metric, this code should roughly do the trick:
import scipy.sparse as spsparse
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
import numpy as np
def sparse_similarity(X, epsilon=0.99, Y=None, similarity_metric=cosine_similarity):
X : ndarray
An m by n array of m original observations in an n-dimensional space.
Nx, Dx = X.shape
if Y is None:
Ny, Dy = Y.shape
assert Dx==Dy
data = []
indices = []
indptr = [0]
for ix in range(Nx):
xsim = similarity_metric([X[ix]], Y)
_ , kept_points = np.nonzero(xsim>=epsilon)
indptr.append(indptr[-1] + len(kept_points))
return spsparse.csr_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=(Nx,Ny))
X = np.random.random(size=(1000,10))
sparse_similarity(X, epsilon=0.95)
Assume I have a set of vectors $ a_1, ..., a_d $ that are orthonormal to each other. Now, I want to find another vector $ a_{d+1} $ that is orthogonal to all the other vectors.
Is there an efficient algorithm to achieve this? I can only think of adding a random vector to the end, and then applying gram-schmidt.
Is there a python library which already achieves this?
Related. Can't speak to optimality, but here is a working solution. The good thing is that numpy.linalg does all of the heavy lifting, so this may be speedier and more robust than doing Gram-Schmidt by hand. Besides, this suggests that the complexity is not worse than Gram-Schmidt.
The idea:
Treat your input orthogonal vectors as columns of a matrix O.
Add another random column to O. Generically O will remain a full-rank matrix.
Choose b = [0, 0, ..., 0, 1] with len(b) = d + 1.
Solve a least-squares problem x O = b. Then, x is guaranteed to be non-zero and orthogonal to all original columns of O.
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import lstsq
from scipy.linalg import orth
# random matrix
M = np.random.rand(10, 5)
# get 5 orthogonal vectors in 10 dimensions in a matrix form
O = orth(M)
def find_orth(O):
rand_vec = np.random.rand(O.shape[0], 1)
A = np.hstack((O, rand_vec))
b = np.zeros(O.shape[1] + 1)
b[-1] = 1
return lstsq(A.T, b)[0]
res = find_orth(O)
if all(np.abs(np.dot(res, col)) < 10e-9 for col in O.T):
I found some examples online showing how to find the null space of a regular matrix in Python, but I couldn't find any examples for a sparse matrix (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix).
By null space I mean x such that M·x = 0, where '·' is matrix multiplication. Does anybody know how to do this?
Furthermore, in my case I know that the null space will consist of a single vector. Can this information be used to improve the efficiency of the method?
This isn't a complete answer yet, but hopefully it will be a starting point towards one. You should be able to compute the null space using a variant on the SVD-based approach shown for dense matrices in this question:
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
def rand_rank_k(n, k, **kwargs):
"generate a random (n, n) sparse matrix of rank <= k"
a = sparse.rand(n, k, **kwargs)
b = sparse.rand(k, n, **kwargs)
return a.dot(b)
# I couldn't think of a simple way to generate a random sparse matrix with known
# rank, so I'm currently using a dense matrix for proof of concept
n = 100
M = rand_rank_k(n, n - 1, density=1)
# # this seems like it ought to work, but it doesn't
# u, s, vh = sparse.linalg.svds(M, k=1, which='SM')
# this works OK, but obviously converting your matrix to dense and computing all
# of the singular values/vectors is probably not feasible for large sparse matrices
u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(M.todense(), full_matrices=False)
tol = np.finfo(M.dtype).eps * M.nnz
null_space = vh.compress(s <= tol, axis=0).conj().T
# (100, 1)
print(np.allclose(M.dot(null_space), 0))
# True
If you know that x is a single row vector then in principle you would only need to compute the smallest singular value/vector of M. It ought to be possible to do this using scipy.sparse.linalg.svds, i.e.:
u, s, vh = sparse.linalg.svds(M, k=1, which='SM')
null_space = vh.conj().ravel()
Unfortunately, scipy's svds seems to be badly behaved when finding small singular values of singular or near-singular matrices and usually either returns NaNs or throws an ArpackNoConvergence error.
I'm not currently aware of an alternative implementation of truncated SVD with Python bindings that will work on sparse matrices and can selectively find the smallest singular values - perhaps someone else knows of one?
As a side note, the second approach seems to work reasonably well using MATLAB or Octave's svds function:
>> M = rand(100, 99) * rand(99, 100);
% svds converges much more reliably if you set sigma to something small but nonzero
>> [U, S, V] = svds(M, 1, 1E-9);
>> max(abs(M * V))
ans = 1.5293e-10
I have been trying to find a solution to the same problem. Using Scipy's svds function provides unreliable results for small singular values. Therefore i have been using QR decomposition instead. The sparseqr https://github.com/yig/PySPQR provides a wrapper for Matlabs SuiteSparseQR method, and works reasonably well. Using this the null space can be calculated as:
from sparseqr import qr
Q, _, _,r = qr( M.transpose() )
N = Q.tocsr()[:,r:]
What's the easiest way to get the DFT matrix for 2-d DFT in python? I could not find such function in numpy.fft. Thanks!
The easiest and most likely the fastest method would be using fft from SciPy.
import scipy as sp
def dftmtx(N):
return sp.fft(sp.eye(N))
If you know even faster way (might be more complicated) I'd appreciate your input.
Just to make it more relevant to the main question - you can also do it with numpy:
import numpy as np
dftmtx = np.fft.fft(np.eye(N))
When I had benchmarked both of them I have an impression scipy one was marginally faster but I
have not done it thoroughly and it was sometime ago so don't take my word for it.
Here's pretty good source on FFT implementations in python:
It's rather from speed perspective, but in this case we can actually see that sometimes it comes with simplicity too.
I don't think this is built in. However, direct calculation is straightforward:
import numpy as np
def DFT_matrix(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
omega = np.exp( - 2 * pi * 1J / N )
W = np.power( omega, i * j ) / sqrt(N)
return W
EDIT For a 2D FFT matrix, you can use the following:
x = np.zeros(N, N) # x is any input data with those dimensions
W = DFT_matrix(N)
dft_of_x = W.dot(x).dot(W)
As of scipy 0.14 there is a built-in scipy.linalg.dft:
Example with 16 point DFT matrix:
>>> import scipy.linalg
>>> import numpy as np
>>> m = scipy.linalg.dft(16)
Validate unitary property, note matrix is unscaled thus 16*np.eye(16):
>>> np.allclose(np.abs(np.dot( m.conj().T, m )), 16*np.eye(16))
For 2D DFT matrix, it's just a issue of tensor product, or specially, Kronecker Product in this case, as we are dealing with matrix algebra.
>>> m2 = np.kron(m, m) # 256x256 matrix, flattened from (16,16,16,16) tensor
Now we can give it a tiled visualization, it's done by rearranging each row into a square block
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> m2tiled = m2.reshape((16,)*4).transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape((256,256))
>>> plt.subplot(121)
>>> plt.imshow(np.real(m2tiled), cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
>>> plt.subplot(122)
>>> plt.imshow(np.imag(m2tiled), cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
>>> plt.show()
Result (real and imag part separately):
As you can see they are 2D DFT basis functions
Link to documentation
#Alex| is basically correct, I add here the version I used for 2-d DFT:
def DFT_matrix_2d(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
A=np.multiply.outer(i.flatten(), i.flatten())
B=np.multiply.outer(j.flatten(), j.flatten())
omega = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1J/N)
W = np.power(omega, A+B)/N
return W
Lambda functions work too:
dftmtx = lambda N: np.fft.fft(np.eye(N))
You can call it by using dftmtx(N). Example:
In [62]: dftmtx(2)
array([[ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j],
[ 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j]])
If you wish to compute the 2D DFT as a single matrix operation, it is necessary to unravel the matrix X on which you wish to compute the DFT into a vector, as each output of the DFT has a sum over every index in the input, and a single square matrix multiplication does not have this ability. Taking care to be sure we are handling the indices correctly, I find the following works:
M = 16
N = 16
X = np.random.random((M,N)) + 1j*np.random.random((M,N))
Y = np.fft.fft2(X)
W = np.zeros((M*N,M*N),dtype=np.complex)
hold = []
for m in range(M):
for n in range(N):
for j in range(M*N):
for i in range(M*N):
k,l = hold[j]
m,n = hold[i]
W[j,i] = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*(m*k/M + n*l/N))
If you wish to change the normalization to orthogonal, you can divide by 1/sqrt(MN) or if you wish to have the inverse transformation, just change the sign in the exponent.
This might be a little late, but there is a better alternative for creating the DFT matrix, that performs faster, using NumPy's vander
also, this implementation does not use loops (explicitly)
def dft_matrix(signal):
N = signal.shape[0] # num of samples
w = np.exp((-2 * np.pi * 1j) / N) # remove the '-' for inverse fourier
r = np.arange(N)
w_matrix = np.vander(w ** r, increasing=True) # faster than meshgrid
return w_matrix
if I'm not mistaken, the main improvement is that this method generates the elements of the power from the (already calculated) previous elements
you can read about vander in the documentation:
My code:
from numpy import *
def pca(orig_data):
data = array(orig_data)
data = (data - data.mean(axis=0)) / data.std(axis=0)
u, s, v = linalg.svd(data)
print s #should be s**2 instead!
print v
def load_iris(path):
lines = []
with open(path) as input_file:
lines = input_file.readlines()
data = []
for line in lines:
cur_line = line.rstrip().split(',')
cur_line = cur_line[:-1]
cur_line = [float(elem) for elem in cur_line]
return array(data)
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = load_iris('iris.data')
The iris dataset: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data
[ 20.89551896 11.75513248 4.7013819 1.75816839]
[[ 0.52237162 -0.26335492 0.58125401 0.56561105]
[-0.37231836 -0.92555649 -0.02109478 -0.06541577]
[ 0.72101681 -0.24203288 -0.14089226 -0.6338014 ]
[ 0.26199559 -0.12413481 -0.80115427 0.52354627]]
Desired Output:
Eigenvalues - [2.9108 0.9212 0.1474 0.0206]
Principal Components - Same as I got but transposed so okay I guess
Also, what's with the output of the linalg.eig function? According to the PCA description on wikipedia, I'm supposed to this:
cov_mat = cov(orig_data)
val, vec = linalg.eig(cov_mat)
print val
But it doesn't really match the output in the tutorials I found online. Plus, if I have 4 dimensions, I thought I should have 4 eigenvalues and not 150 like the eig gives me. Am I doing something wrong?
edit: I've noticed that the values differ by 150, which is the number of elements in the dataset. Also, the eigenvalues are supposed to add to be equal to the number of dimensions, in this case, 4. What I don't understand is why this difference is happening. If I simply divided the eigenvalues by len(data) I could get the result I want, but I don't understand why. Either way the proportion of the eigenvalues isn't altered, but they are important to me so I'd like to understand what's going on.
You decomposed the wrong matrix.
Principal Component Analysis requires manipulating the eigenvectors/eigenvalues
of the covariance matrix, not the data itself. The covariance matrix, created from an m x n data matrix, will be an m x m matrix with ones along the main diagonal.
You can indeed use the cov function, but you need further manipulation of your data. It's probably a little easier to use a similar function, corrcoef:
import numpy as NP
import numpy.linalg as LA
# a simulated data set with 8 data points, each point having five features
data = NP.random.randint(0, 10, 40).reshape(8, 5)
# usually a good idea to mean center your data first:
data -= NP.mean(data, axis=0)
# calculate the covariance matrix
C = NP.corrcoef(data, rowvar=0)
# returns an m x m matrix, or here a 5 x 5 matrix)
# now get the eigenvalues/eigenvectors of C:
eval, evec = LA.eig(C)
To get the eigenvectors/eigenvalues, I did not decompose the covariance matrix using SVD,
though, you certainly can. My preference is to calculate them using eig in NumPy's (or SciPy's)
LA module--it is a little easier to work with than svd, the return values are the eigenvectors
and eigenvalues themselves, and nothing else. By contrast, as you know, svd doesn't return these these directly.
Granted the SVD function will decompose any matrix, not just square ones (to which the eig function is limited); however when doing PCA, you'll always have a square matrix to decompose,
regardless of the form that your data is in. This is obvious because the matrix you
are decomposing in PCA is a covariance matrix, which by definition is always square
(i.e., the columns are the individual data points of the original matrix, likewise
for the rows, and each cell is the covariance of those two points, as evidenced
by the ones down the main diagonal--a given data point has perfect covariance with itself).
The left singular values returned by SVD(A) are the eigenvectors of AA^T.
The covariance matrix of a dataset A is : 1/(N-1) * AA^T
Now, when you do PCA by using the SVD, you have to divide each entry in your A matrix by (N-1) so you get the eigenvalues of the covariance with the correct scale.
In your case, N=150 and you haven't done this division, hence the discrepancy.
This is explained in detail here
(Can you ask one question, please? Or at least list your questions separately. Your post reads like a stream of consciousness because you are not asking one single question.)
You probably used cov incorrectly by not transposing the matrix first. If cov_mat is 4-by-4, then eig will produce four eigenvalues and four eigenvectors.
Note how SVD and PCA, while related, are not exactly the same. Let X be a 4-by-150 matrix of observations where each 4-element column is a single observation. Then, the following are equivalent:
a. the left singular vectors of X,
b. the principal components of X,
c. the eigenvectors of X X^T.
Also, the eigenvalues of X X^T are equal to the square of the singular values of X. To see all this, let X have the SVD X = QSV^T, where S is a diagonal matrix of singular values. Then consider the eigendecomposition D = Q^T X X^T Q, where D is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. Replace X with its SVD, and see what happens.
Question already adressed: Principal component analysis in Python