I have been having difficulty with organizing a function that will handle strings in the manner I want. I have looked into a handful previous questions 1, 2, 3 among others that I have sorted through. Here is the set up, I have well structured but variable data that needs to be split from a string read from the file, to an array of strings. The following showcases some examples of the data I am dealing with
('4asg0124e','Lead Actor/SFX MUA/Prop designer','John Smith','jsmith#email.com',NULL),
('asdguIux','Director, Camera Operator, Editor, VFX','John Smith','',NULL),
(492,'E1asegaZ1ox','Nysdag_5YmD','145872325372620',1,'long, string, with, commas'),
I want to split these strings based on commas, however, there are commas occasionally contained within the strings which causes problems. In addition to this, developing an accurate re.split(regex, line) becomes difficult becomes the number of items in each line changes throughout the read.
Some solutions that I have tried up to this point.
def splitLine(text, fields, delimiter):
return_line = []
regex_string = "(.*?),"
for i in range(0,len(fields)-1):
if i < len(fields)-2:
return_line = re.split(regex_string, text)
return return_line
This will give a result where we have the following output
However the main problem with this is that it occasionally lumps two fields together. In the case the 3rd value in the array.
['', '\t(222', "'Vy1asdfnuJkA','Ndfbyz3_YMD'", "'14541242640005471'", '2', "'Hello World!')", '', '\n']
Where the ideal result would look like:
['', '\t(222', "'Vy1asdfnuJkA'", "'Ndfbyz3_YMD'", "'14541242640005471'", '2', "'Hello World!')", '', '\n']
It is a small change, but it has a huge influence on the result. I tried manipulating the regex string to better suit what I was trying to do, but with each case I solved, another broke it unfortunately.
Another case which I played around with came from user Aaron Cronin in this post 4, which looks like below
def split_at(text, delimiter, opens='<([', closes='>)]', quotes='"\''):
result = []
buff = ""
level = 0
is_quoted = False
for char in text:
if char in delimiter and level == 0 and not is_quoted:
buff = ""
buff += char
if char in opens:
level += 1
if char in closes:
level -= 1
if char in quotes:
is_quoted = not is_quoted
if not buff == "":
return result
The results of this look like so:
The main problem is that it comes out as the same string. Which puts me in a feedback loop.
The ideal result would look like:
Any help is appreciated, I am not sure what the best approach is in this scenario. I am happy to clarify any questions that arise as well. I tried to be as complete as possible.
Use ast's literal_eval!
from ast import literal_eval
s = """('Vdfbr76','gsdf','gsfd','',NULL),
('4asg0124e','Lead Actor/SFX MUA/Prop designer','John Smith','jsmith#email.com',NULL),
('asdguIux','Director, Camera Operator, Editor, VFX','John Smith','',NULL),
(492,'E1asegaZ1ox','Nysdag_5YmD','145872325372620',1,'long, string, with, commas'),
for line in s.split("\n"):
line = line.strip().rstrip(",").replace("NULL", "None")
if line:
print list(literal_eval(line)) #list(..) is just an example
['Vdfbr76', 'gsdf', 'gsfd', '', None]
['Vkdfb23l', 'gsfd', 'gsfg', 'ggg#df.gf', None]
['4asg0124e', 'Lead Actor/SFX MUA/Prop designer', 'John Smith', 'jsmith#email.com', None]
['asdguIux', 'Director, Camera Operator, Editor, VFX', 'John Smith', '', None]
[492, 'E1asegaZ1ox', 'Nysdag_5YmD', '145872325372620', 1, 'long, string, with, commas']
How can I read a csv file without using any external import (e.g. csv or pandas) and turn it into a list of lists? Here's the code I worked out so far:
m = []
for line in myfile:
Using this for loop works pretty fine, but if in the csv I get a ',' is in one of the fields it breaks wrongly the line there.
So, for example, if one of the lines I have in the csv is:
12,"This is a single entry, even if there's a coma",0.23
The relative element of the list is the following:
['12', '"This is a single entry', 'even if there is a coma"','0.23\n']
While I would like to obtain:
['12', '"This is a single entry, even if there is a coma"','0.23']
I would avoid trying to use a regular expression, but you would need to process the text a character at a time to determine where the quote characters are. Also normally the quote characters are not included as part of a field.
A quick example approach would be the following:
def split_row(row, quote_char='"', delim=','):
in_quote = False
fields = []
field = []
for c in row:
if c == quote_char:
in_quote = not in_quote
elif c == delim:
if in_quote:
field = []
if field:
return fields
fields = split_row('''12,"This is a single entry, even if there's a coma",0.23''')
print(len(fields), fields)
Which would display:
3 ['12', "This is a single entry, even if there's a coma", '0.23']
The CSV library though does a far better job of this. This script does not handle any special cases above your test string.
Here is my go at it:
line ='12, "This is a single entry, more bits in here ,even if there is a coma",0.23 , 12, "This is a single entry, even if there is a coma", 0.23\n'
line_split = line.replace('\n', '').split(',')
quote_loc = [idx for idx, l in enumerate(line_split) if '"' in l]
assert len(quote_loc) % 2 == 0, "value was odd, should be even"
for m, n in zip(quote_loc[::2], quote_loc[1::2]):
line_split[n] = ','.join(line_split[n:m+1])
del line_split[n+1:m+1]
Hi so i have 2 text files I have to read the first text file count the frequency of each word and remove duplicates and create a list of list with the word and its count in the file.
My second text file contains keywords I need to count the frequency of these keywords in the first text file and return the result without using any imports, dict, or zips.
I am stuck on how to go about this second part I have the file open and removed punctuation etc but I have no clue how to find the frequency
I played around with the idea of .find() but no luck as of yet.
Any suggestions would be appreciated this is my code at the moment seems to find the frequency of the keyword in the keyword file but not in the first text file
def calculateFrequenciesTest(aString):
listKeywords= aString
listSize = len(listKeywords)
keywordCountList = []
while listSize > 0:
targetWord = listKeywords [0]
count =0
for i in range(0,listSize):
if targetWord == listKeywords [i]:
count = count +1
wordAndCount = []
for i in range (0,count):
listSize = len(listKeywords)
sortedFrequencyList = readKeywords(keywordCountList)
return keywordCountList;
EDIT- Currently toying around with the idea of reopening my first file again but this time without turning it into a list? I think my errors are somehow coming from it counting the frequency of my list of list. These are the types of results I am getting
[[['the', 66], 1], [['of', 32], 1], [['and', 27], 1], [['a', 23], 1], [['i', 23], 1]]
You can try something like:
I am taking a list of words as an example.
word_list = ['hello', 'world', 'test', 'hello']
frequency_list = {}
for word in word_list:
if word not in frequency_list:
frequency_list[word] = 1
frequency_list[word] += 1
RESULT: {'test': 1, 'world': 1, 'hello': 2}
Since, you have put a constraint on dicts, I have made use of two lists to do the same task. I am not sure how efficient it is, but it serves the purpose.
word_list = ['hello', 'world', 'test', 'hello']
frequency_list = []
frequency_word = []
for word in word_list:
if word not in frequency_word:
ind = frequency_word.index(word)
frequency_list[ind] += 1
RESULT : ['hello', 'world', 'test']
[2, 1, 1]
You can change it to how you like or re-factor it as you wish
I agree with #bereal that you should use Counter for this. I see that you have said that you don't want "imports, dict, or zips", so feel free to disregard this answer. Yet, one of the major advantages of Python is its great standard library, and every time you have list available, you'll also have dict, collections.Counter and re.
From your code I'm getting the impression that you want to use the same style that you would have used with C or Java. I suggest trying to be a little more pythonic. Code written this way may look unfamiliar, and can take time getting used to. Yet, you'll learn way more.
Claryfying what you're trying to achieve would help. Are you learning Python? Are you solving this specific problem? Why can't you use any imports, dict, or zips?
So here's a proposal utilizing built in functionality (no third party) for what it's worth (tested with Python 2):
import re # String matching
import collections # collections.Counter basically solves your problem
def loadwords(s):
"""Find the words in a long string.
Words are separated by whitespace. Typical signs are ignored.
return (s
.replace(".", " ")
.replace(",", " ")
.replace("!", " ")
.replace("?", " ")
def loadwords_re(s):
"""Find the words in a long string.
Words are separated by whitespace. Only characters and ' are allowed in strings.
return (re.sub(r"[^a-z']", " ", s.lower())
# You may want to read this from a file instead
sourcefile_words = loadwords_re("""this is a sentence. This is another sentence.
Let's write many sentences here.
Here comes another sentence.
And another one.
In English, we use plenty of "a" and "the". A whole lot, actually.
# Sets are really fast for answering the question: "is this element in the set?"
# You may want to read this from a file instead
keywords = set(loadwords_re("""
of and a i the
# Count for every word in sourcefile_words, ignoring your keywords
wordcount_all = collections.Counter(sourcefile_words)
# Lookup word counts like this (Counter is a dictionary)
count_this = wordcount_all["this"] # returns 2
count_a = wordcount_all["a"] # returns 1
# Only look for words in the keywords-set
wordcount_keywords = collections.Counter(word
for word in sourcefile_words
if word in keywords)
count_and = wordcount_keywords["and"] # Returns 2
all_counted_keywords = wordcount_keywords.keys() # Returns ['a', 'and', 'the', 'of']
Here is a solution with no imports. It uses nested linear searches which are acceptable with a small number of searches over a small input array, but will become unwieldy and slow with larger inputs.
Still the input here is quite large, but it handles it in reasonable time. I suspect if your keywords file was larger (mine has only 3 words) the slow down would start to show.
Here we take an input file, iterate over the lines and remove punctuation then split by spaces and flatten all the words into a single list. The list has dupes, so to remove them we sort the list so the dupes come together and then iterate over it creating a new list containing the string and a count. We can do this by incrementing the count as long the same word appears in the list and moving to a new entry when a new word is seen.
Now you have your word frequency list and you can search it for the required keyword and retrieve the count.
The input text file is here and the keyword file can be cobbled together with just a few words in a file, one per line.
python 3 code, it indicates where applicable how to modify for python 2.
# use string.punctuation if you are somehow allowed
# to import the string module.
translator = str.maketrans('', '', '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\\]^_`{|}~')
words = []
with open('hamlet.txt') as f:
for line in f:
if line:
line = line.translate(translator)
# py 2 alternative
#line = line.translate(None, string.punctuation)
# sort the word list, so instances of the same word are
# contiguous in the list and can be counted together
thisword = ''
counts = []
# for each word in the list add to the count as long as the
# word does not change
for w in words:
if w != thisword:
counts.append([w, 1])
thisword = w
counts[-1][1] += 1
for c in counts:
print('%s (%d)' % (c[0], c[1]))
# function to prevent need to break out of nested loop
def findword(clist, word):
for c in clist:
if c[0] == word:
return c[1]
return 0
# open keywords file and search for each word in the
# frequency list.
with open('keywords.txt') as f2:
for line in f2:
if line:
word = line.strip()
thiscount = findword(counts, word)
print('keyword %s appear %d times in source' % (word, thiscount))
If you were so inclined you could modify findword to use a binary search, but its still not going to be anywhere near a dict. collections.Counter is the right solution when there are no restrictions. Its quicker and less code.
So I'm making a program where it reads a text file and I need to separate all the info into their own variables. It looks like this:
>1EK9:A.41,52; B.61,74; C.247,257; D.279,289
The code after the > is a title, the next bit that looks like this "A.41,52" are numbered positions in the sequence I need to save to use, and everything after that is an amino acid sequence. I know how to deal with the amino acid sequence, I just need to know how to separate the important numbers in the first line.
In the past when I just had a title and sequence I did something like this:
for line in nucfile:
if line.startswith(">"):
Am I on the right track here? This is my first time, any advice would be fantastic and thanks for reading :)
I suggest you use the split() method.
split() allows you to specify the separator of your choice. Provided the sequence title (here 1EK9) is always separated from the rest of the sequence by a colon, you could first pass ":" as your separator. You could then split the remainder of the sequence to recover the numbered positions (e.g. A.41,52) using ";" as a separator.
I hope this helps!
I think what you are trying to do is extract certain parts of the sequence based on their identifiers given to you on the first line (the line starting with >).
This line contains your title, then a sequence name and the data range you need to extract.
Try this:
sequence_pairs = {}
with open('somefile.txt') as f:
header_line = next(f)
sequence = f.read()
title,components = header_line.split(':')
pairs = components.split(';')
for pair in pairs:
start,end = pair[2:-1].split(',')
sequence_pars[pair[:1]] = sequence[start:int(end)+1]
for sequence,data in sequence_pairs.iteritems():
print('{} - {}'.format(sequence, data))
As the other answer may be very good to tackle the assumed problem in it's entirety - but the OP has requested for pointers or an example of the tpyical split-unsplit transform which is often so successful I hereby provide some ideas and working code to show this (based on the example of the question).
So let us focus on the else branch below:
from __future__ import print_function
nuc_seq = [] # a list
title_token = '>'
with open('some_file_of_a_kind.txt', 'rt') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
s_line = line.strip() # this strips whitespace
if line.startswith(title_token):
headerline = line.strip("\n")[1:]
nuc_seq.append(s_line) # build list
# now nuc_seq is a list of strings like:
# ...
# ]
demo_nuc_str = ''.join(nuc_seq)
# now:
That is fast and widely deployed paradigm in Python programming (and programming with powerful datatypes in general).
If the split-unsplit ( a.k.a. join) method is still unclear, just ask or try to sear SO on excellent answers to related questions.
Also note, that there is no need to line.strip('\n') as \nis considered whitespace like ' ' (string with a space only) or a tabulator '\t', sample:
>>> a = ' \t \n '
>>> '+'.join(a.split())
So the "joining character" only appears, if there are at least two element sto join and in this case, strip removed all whits space and left us with the empty string.
As requested a further analysis of the "coordinate part" in the line called headline of the question:
>1EK9:A.41,52; B.61,74; C.247,257; D.279,289
If you want to retrieve the:
A.41,52; B.61,74; C.247,257; D.279,289
and assume you have (as above the complete line in headline string):
title, coordinate_string = headline.split(':')
# so now title is '1EK9' and
# coordinates == 'A.41,52; B.61,74; C.247,257; D.279,289'
Now split on the semi colons, trim the entries:
het_seq = [z.strip() for z in coordinates.split(';')]
# now het_seq == ['A.41,52', 'B.61,74', 'C.247,257', 'D.279,289']
If 'a', 'B', 'C', and 'D' are well known dimensions, than you can "lose" the ordering info from input file (as you could always reinforce what you already know ;-) and might map the coordinats as key: (ordered coordinate-pair):
>>> coord_map = dict(
(a, tuple(int(k) for k in bc.split(',')))
for a, bc in (abc.split('.') for abc in het_seq))
>>> coord_map
{'A': (41, 52), 'C': (247, 257), 'B': (61, 74), 'D': (279, 289)}
In context of a micro program:
#! /usr/bin/enc python
from __future__ import print_function
het_seq = ['A.41,52', 'B.61,74', 'C.247,257', 'D.279,289']
coord_map = dict(
(a, tuple(int(k) for k in bc.split(',')))
for a, bc in (abc.split('.') for abc in het_seq))
{'A': (41, 52), 'C': (247, 257), 'B': (61, 74), 'D': (279, 289)}
Here one might write this explicit a nested for loop but it is a late european evening so trick is to read it from right:
for all elements of het_seq
split on the dot and store left in a and right in b
than further split the bc into a sequence of k's, convert to integer and put into tuple (ordered pair of integer coordinates)
arrived on the left you build a tuple of the a ("The dimension like 'A' and the coordinate tuple from 3.
In the end call the dict() function that constructs a dictionary using here the form dict(key_1, value_1, hey_2, value_2, ...) which gives {key_1: value1, ...}
So all coordinates are integers, stored ordered pairs as tuples.
I'ld prefer tuples here, although split() generates lists, because
You will keep those two coordinates not extend or append that pair
In python mapping and remapping is often performed and there a hashable (that is immutable type) is ready to become a key in a dict.
One last variant (with no knoted comprehensions):
coord_map = {}
for abc in het_seq:
a, bc = abc.split('.')
coord_map[a] = tuple(int(k) for k in bc.split(','))
The first four lines produce the same as above minor obnoxious "one liner" (that already had been written on three lines kept together within parentheses).
So I'm assuming you are trying to process a Fasta like file and so the way I would do it is to first get the header and separate the pieces with Regex. Following that you can store the A:42.52 B... in a list for easy access. The code is as follows.
import re
def processHeader(line):
positions = re.search(r':(.*)', line).group(1)
positions = positions.split('; ')
return positions
dnaSeq = ''
positions = []
with open('myFasta', 'r') as infile:
for line in infile:
if '>' in line:
positions = processHeader(line)
dnaSeq += line.strip()
I am not sure I completely understand the goal (and I think this post is more suitable for a comment, but I do not have enough privileges) but I think that the key to you solution is using .split(). You can then join the elements of the resulting list just by using + similar to this:
>>> result = line.split(' ')
>>> result
>>> result[3]+result[4]
etc. You can also use the usual following syntax to extract the elements of the list that you need:
>>> result[5:]
and join them together:
>>> reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, result[5:])
remember that + on lists produces a list.
By the way I would not remove '\n' to start with as you may try to use it to extract the first line similar to the above with using space to extract "words".
UPDATE (starting from result):
#getting A indexes
Aind=ind[0].split('.')[1].replace(';', '')
#getting one long letter seq
long_letter_seq=reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, letter_seq)
#extracting the final seq fromlong_letter_seq using Aind
output = long_letter_seq[int(Aind.split(',')[0]):int(Aind.split(',')[1])]
the last line is just a union of several operations that were also used earlier.
Same for B C D etc -- so a lot of manual work and calculations...
BE CAREFUL with indexes of A -- numbering in python starts from 0 which may not be the case in your numbering system.
The more elegant solution would be using re (https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html) to find pettern using a mask, but this requires very well defined rules for how to look up the sequence needed.
UPDATE2: it is also not clear to me what is the role of spaces -- so far I removed them but they may matter when counting the letters in the original string.
I have several strings stored in a file one per line like this:
As you can see the only character that is always present is the backlash /, the rest being pretty random in its composition. I need to store the first and second part (ie: before and after the backlash respectively) of each line separately, so as to end up with something like this:
first_list = [dsfsdfsd, cvcv, werwr, nbmbn, ...]
secnd_list = [mhgjghj, xcvxc, erewrwer, iuouiouio, ...]
I could do this in python iterating through each line, checking for the existence of the backlash and storing the contents of each part of the line separately. It would look like this:
first_list, secnd_list = [], []
for line in file:
for indx, char in enumerate(line):
if char == '/':
I'm looking for a prettier (more pythonic) version of this code.
split() might come in handy here:
first_list, secnd_list = [], []
for line in file:
first, second = line.split('/')
One of the assumptions made here is that only a single / is present. Knowning that, split('/') will always return a 2-tuple of elements. If this assumption is false, try split('/', 1) instead - it limits the number of splits to 1, counting left-to-right.
As well as str.split you could use str.partition:
first_parts = []
second_parts = []
for line in file:
before, _, after = line.partition('/')
An alternative more functional oneliner:
first_parts, _, second_parts = zip(*(line.partition('/') for line in file))
Explanation for the _ in both options - str.partition returns a tuple: (first_part, seperator, last_part). Here, we don't need the seperator (indeed I can't imagine why you ever would), so we assign it to the throwaway variable _.
Here are the docs for str.partition, and here are the docs for str.split.
i hope this request is legit.
i'm taking a programming course in python for engineers, so i'm kinda new at this business.
anyway, in my homework i was requested to write a function with receive two strings and check if one is a (permutation/Anagrm) of the other. (which means if they both have exactly the same letters and same number of appearances for each letter)
iv'e found some great codes here while searching, but i still don't get what's wrong with my code (and it's important for me to know for my studying process).
we got a tests file which suppose to check our functions, and it gave me that error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Or\Desktop\תכנות\4\hw4\123456789_a4.py", line 110, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Or\Desktop\תכנות\4\hw4\123456789_a4.py", line 97, in test_hw4
test(is_anagram('Tom Marvolo Riddle','I Am Lord Voldemort'), True)
File "C:\Users\Or\Desktop\תכנות\4\hw4\123456789_a4.py", line 31, in is_anagram
NameError: global name 's2_list' is not defined
this is my code:
def is_anagram(string1, string2):
string1 = string1.lower() #turns Capital letter to small ones
string2 = string2.lower()
string1 = string1.replace(" ","") #turns the words inside the string to one word
string2 = string2.replace(" ","")
if len(string1)!= len(string2):
return False
s1_list = [string1[i] for i in range(len(string1))] #creates a list of string 1 letters
a2_list = [string1[k] for k in range(len(string1))]
s1_list.sort() #sorting the list
for i in s1_list: #for loop which compares each letter in the two lists
if s1_list[k]==s2_list[k]:
booli = True
return booli
any one know how to fix it ?
It looks like you have a typo with a2_list. That section should read:
s1_list = [string1[i] for i in range(len(string1))] #creates a list of string 1 letters
s2_list = [string2[k] for k in range(len(string2))]
s1_list.sort() #sorting the list
FWIW, here is an interactive prompt example of how to tell if two strings are anagrams of one another:
>>> string1 = 'Logarithm'
>>> string2 = 'algorithm'
>>> sorted(string1.lower()) == sorted(string2.lower()) # see if they are anagrams
If you make a listify_string function and use that to set your s1_list and s2_list, it might be easier to see that there are multiple things that look to be wrong with your code, unless you intended both s1_list and s2_list to be populated from the same string.
def listify(string):
return [c for c in string]
Then you can simply do s1_list = listify(string1) and s2_list = ... to set the values.
I would probably turn at least the 'check if the two lists are the same' into a function, so I could use an early return to indicate falseness (so instead of starting with booli as true, setting it on each iteration through the loop and breaking out of the loop if false).
If you look at the join method of Python strings, you might find inspiration for another way to check if s1_list and s2_list are the same.
Try this one-liner instead:
sorted(s1.lower().replace(' ', '')) == sorted(s2.lower().replace(' ', ''))
Python strings are essentially lists, so they can be sorted. We just need to take care of uppercase and whitespace first. The python equals operator then takes care of the actual comparison.