Substitute specific matches using regex - python

I want to execute substitutions using regex, not for all matches but only for specific ones. However, re.sub substitutes for all matches. How can I do this?
Here is an example.
Say, I have a string with the following content:
What I want to do is this:
re.sub(r'^BAR', '#BAR', s, index=[1,2], flags=re.MULTILINE)
to get the below result.

You could pass replacement function to re.sub that keeps track of count and checks if the given index should be substituted:
import re
s = '''FOO=foo1
i = 0
index = {1, 2}
def repl(x):
global i
if i in index:
res = '#' +
res =
i += 1
return res
print re.sub(r'^BAR', repl, s, flags=re.MULTILINE)

You could
Split your string using s.splitlines()
Iterate over the individual lines in a for loop
Track how many matches you have found so far
Only perform substitutions on those matches in the numerical ranges you want (e.g. matches 1 and 2)
And then join them back into a single string (if need be).


Replacing sub-string occurrences with elements of a given list

Suppose I have a string that has the same sub-string repeated multiple times and I want to replace each occurrence with a different element from a list.
For example, consider this scenario:
pattern = "_____" # repeated pattern
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0,1,2] # elements to insert
The goal is to obtain a string of the form:
s = "a(_001_), b(_002_), c(_003_)"
The number of occurrences is known, and the list r has the same length as the number of occurrences (3 in the previous example) and contains increasing integers starting from 0.
I've came up with this solution:
import re
pattern = "_____"
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
l = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(pattern, s)]
i = 0
for el in l:
s = s[:el] + f"_{str(i).zfill(5 - 2)}_" + s[el + 5:]
i += 1
Output: a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
This solves my problem, but it seems to me a bit cumbersome, especially the for-loop. Is there a better way, maybe more "pythonic" (intended as concise, possibly elegant, whatever it means) to solve the task?
You can simply use re.sub() method to replace each occurrence of the pattern with a different element from the list.
import re
pattern = re.compile("_____")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0,1,2]
for val in r:
s = re.sub(pattern, f"_{val:03d}_", s, count=1)
You can also choose to go with this approach without re using the values in the r list with their indexes respectively:
r = [0,1,2]
s = ", ".join(f"{'abc'[i]}(_{val:03d}_)" for i, val in enumerate(r))
a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
Use re.sub with a replacement callable and an iterator:
import re
p = re.compile("_____")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0, 1, 2]
it = iter(r)
print(re.sub(p, lambda _: f"_{next(it):03d}_", s))
Long version
Generally speaking, it is a good idea to re.compile your pattern once ahead of time. If you are going to use that pattern repeatedly later, this makes the regex calls much more efficient. There is basically no downside to compiling the pattern, so I would just make it a habit.
As for avoiding the for-loop altogether, the re.sub function allows us to pass a callable as the repl argument, which takes a re.Match object as its only argument and returns a string. Wouldn't it be nice, if we could have such a replacement function that takes the next element from our replacements list every time it is called?
Well, since you have an iterable of replacement elements, we can leverage the iterator protocol to avoid explicit looping over the elements. All we need to do is give our replacement function access to an iterator over those elements, so that it can grab a new one via the next function every time it is called.
The string format specification that Jamiu used in his answer is great if you know exactly that the sub-string to be replaced will always be exactly five underscores (_____) and that your replacement numbers will always be < 999.
So in its simplest form, a function doing what you described, could look like this:
import re
from import Iterable
def multi_replace(
pattern: re.Pattern[str],
replacements: Iterable[int],
string: str,
) -> str:
iterator = iter(replacements)
def repl(_match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
return f"_{next(iterator):03d}_"
return re.sub(pattern, repl, string)
Trying it out with your example data:
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = re.compile("_____")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0, 1, 2]
print(multi_replace(p, r, s))
Output: a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)
In this simple application, we aren't doing anything with the Match object in our replacement function.
If you want to make it a bit more flexible, there are a few avenues possible. Let's say the sub-strings to replace might (perhaps unexpectedly) be a different number of underscores. Let's further assume that the numbers might get bigger than 999.
First of all, the pattern would need to change a bit. And if we still want to center the replacement in an arbitrary number of underscores, we'll actually need to access the match object in our replacement function to check the number of underscores.
The format specifiers are still useful because the allow centering the inserted object with the ^ align code.
import re
from import Iterable
def dynamic_replace(
pattern: re.Pattern[str],
replacements: Iterable[int],
string: str,
) -> str:
iterator = iter(replacements)
def repl(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
replacement = f"{next(iterator):03d}"
length = len(
return f"{replacement:_^{length}}"
return re.sub(pattern, repl, string)
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = re.compile("(_+)")
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____), d(_______), e(___)"
r = [0, 1, 2, 30, 4000]
print(dynamic_replace(p, r, s))
Output: a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_), d(__030__), e(4000)
Here we are building the replacement string based on the length of the match group (i.e. the number of underscores) to ensure it the number is always centered.
I think you get the idea. As always, separation of concerns is a good idea. You can put the replacement logic in its own function and refer to that, whenever you need to adjust it.
i dun see regex best suit the situation.
pattern = "_____" # repeated pattern
s = "a(_____), b(_____), c(_____)"
r = [0,1,2] # elements to insert
fstring = s.replace(pattern, "_{}_")
str_out = fstring.format(*r)
str_out_pad = fstring.format(*[str(entry).zfill(3) for entry in r])
a(_0_), b(_1_), c(_2_)
a(_000_), b(_001_), c(_002_)

Python Regex, how to substitute multiple occurrences with a single pattern?

I'm trying to make a fuzzy autocomplete suggestion box that highlights searched characters with HTML tags <b></b>
For example, if the user types 'ldi' and one of the suggestions is "Leonardo DiCaprio" then the desired outcome is "Leonardo DiCaprio". The first occurrence of each character is highlighted in order of appearance.
What I'm doing right now is:
def prototype_finding_chars_in_string():
test_string_list = ["Leonardo DiCaprio", "Brad Pitt","Claire Danes","Tobey Maguire"]
comp_string = "ldi" #chars to highlight
regex = ".*?" + ".*?".join([f"({x})" for x in comp_string]) + ".*?" #results in .*?(l).*?(d).*?(i).*
regex_compiled = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE)
for x in test_string_list:
re_search_result =, x) # correctly filters the test list to include only entries that features the search chars in order
if re_search_result:
print(f"char combination {comp_string} are in {x} result group: {re_search_result.groups()}")
results in
char combination ldi are in Leonardo DiCaprio result group: ('L', 'D', 'i')
Now I want to replace each occurrence in the result groups with <b>[whatever in the result]</b> and I'm not sure how to do it.
What I'm currently doing is looping over the result and using the built-in str.replace method to replace the occurrences:
def replace_with_bold(result_groups, original_string):
output_string: str = original_string
for result in result_groups:
output_string = output_string.replace(result,f"<b>{result}</b>",1)
return output_string
This results in:
Highlighted string: <b>L</b>eonar<b>d</b>o D<b>i</b>Caprio
But I think looping like this over the results when I already have the match groups is wasteful. Furthermore, it's not even correct because it checked the string from the beginning each loop. So for the input 'ooo' this is the result:
char combination ooo are in Leonardo DiCaprio result group: ('o', 'o', 'o')
Highlighted string: Le<b><b><b>o</b></b></b>nardo DiCaprio
When it should be Le<b>o</b>nard<b>o</b> DiCapri<b>o</b>
Is there a way to simplify this? Maybe regex here is overkill?
A way using re.split:
test_string_list = ["Leonardo DiCaprio", "Brad Pitt", "Claire Danes", "Tobey Maguire"]
def filter_and_highlight(strings, letters):
pat = re.compile( '(' + (')(.*?)('.join(letters)) + ')', re.I)
results = []
for s in strings:
parts = pat.split(s, 1)
if len(parts) == 1: continue
res = ''
for i, p in enumerate(parts):
if i & 1:
p = '<b>' + p + '</b>'
res += p
return results
filter_and_highlight(test_string_list, 'lir')
A particularity of re.split is that captures are included by default as parts in the result. Also, even if the first capture matches at the start of the string, an empty part is returned before it, that means that searched letters are always at odd indexes in the list of substrings.
This should work:
for result in result_groups:
output_string = re.sub(fr'(.*?(?!<b>))({result})((?!</b>).*)',
on each iteration first occurrence of result (? makes .* lazy this together does the magic of first occurrence) will be replaced by <b>result</b> if it is not enclosed by tag before ((?!<b>) and (?!</b>) does that part) and \1 \2 \3 are first, second and third group additionally we will use IGNORECASE flag to make it case insensitive.

how to get a pattern repeating multiple times in a string using regular expression

I am still new to regular expressions, as in the Python library re.
I want to extract all the proper nouns as a whole word if they are separated by space.
I tried
result = re.findall(r'(\w+)\w*/NNP (\w+)\w*/NNP', tagged_sent_str)
Input: I have a string like
tagged_sent_str = "European/NNP Community/NNP French/JJ European/NNP export/VB"
Output expected:
[('European Community'), ('European')]
Current output:
But this will only give the pairs not the single ones. I want all the kinds
IIUC, itertools.groupby is more suited for this kind of job:
from itertools import groupby
def join_token(string_, type_ = 'NNP'):
res = []
for k, g in groupby([i.split('/') for i in string_.split()], key=lambda x:x[1]):
if k == type_:
res.append(' '.join(i[0] for i in g))
return res
['European Community', 'European']
and it doesn't require a modification if you expect three or more consecutive types:
str2 = "European/NNP Community/NNP Union/NNP French/JJ European/NNP export/VB"
['European Community Union', 'European']
Interesting requirement. Code is explained in the comments, a very fast solution using only REGEX:
import re
# make it more complex
text = "export1/VB European0/NNP export/VB European1/NNP Community1/NNP Community2/NNP French/JJ European2/NNP export/VB European2/NNP"
# 1: First clean app target words word/NNP to word,
# you can use str.replace but just to show you a technique
# how to to use back reference of the group use \index_of_group
# re.sub(r'/NNP', '', text)
# text.replace('/NNP', '')
_text = re.sub(r'(\w+)/NNP', r'\1', text)
# this pattern strips the leading and trailing spaces
RE_FIND_ALL = r'(?:\s+|^)((?:(?:\s|^)?\w+(?=\s+|$)?)+)(?:\s+|$)'
print('RESULT : ', re.findall(RE_FIND_ALL, _text))
RESULT : ['European0', 'European1 Community1 Community2', 'European2', 'European2']
Explaining REGEX:
(?:\s+|^) : skip leading spaces
((?:(?:\s)?\w+(?=\s+|$))+): capture a group of non copture subgroup (?:(?:\s)?\w+(?=\s+|$)) subgroup will match all sequence words folowed by spaces or end of line. and that match will be captured by the global group. if we don't do this the match will return only the first word.
(?:\s+|$) : remove trailing space of the sequence
I needed to remove /NNP from the target words because you want to keep the sequence of word/NNP in a single group, doing something like this (word)/NNP (word)/NPP this will return two elements in one group but not as a single text, so by removing it the text will be word word so REGEX ((?:\w+\s)+) will capture the sequence of word but it's not a simple as this because we need to capture the word that doesn't contain /sequence_of_letter at the end, no need to loop over the matched groups to concatenate element to build a valid text.
NOTE: both solutions work fine if all words are in this format word/sequence_of_letters; if you have words that are not in this format
you need to fix those. If you want to keep them add /NPP at the end of each word, else add /DUMMY to remove them.
Using re.split but slow because I'm using list comprehensive to fix result:
import re
# make it more complex
text = "export1/VB Europian0/NNP export/VB Europian1/NNP Community1/NNP Community2/NNP French/JJ Europian2/NNP export/VB Europian2/NNP export/VB export/VB"
RE_SPLIT = r'\w+/[^N]\w+'
result = [x.replace('/NNP', '').strip() for x in re.split(RE_SPLIT, text) if x.strip()]
print('RESULT: ', result)
You'd like to get a pattern but with some parts deleted from it.
You can get it with two successive regexes:
tagged_sent_str = "European/NNP Community/NNP French/JJ European/NNP export/VB"
[ re.sub(r"/NNP","",s) for s in re.findall(r"\w+/NNP(?:\s+\w+/NNP)*",tagged_sent_str) ]
['European Community', 'European']

Python - Efficiently replace characters within text file with ASCII characters [duplicate]

I can use this code below to create a new file with the substitution of a with aa using regular expressions.
import re
with open("notes.txt") as text:
new_text = re.sub("a", "aa",
with open("notes2.txt", "w") as result:
I was wondering do I have to use this line, new_text = re.sub("a", "aa",, multiple times but substitute the string for others letters that I want to change in order to change more than one letter in my text?
That is, so a-->aa,b--> bb and c--> cc.
So I have to write that line for all the letters I want to change or is there an easier way. Perhaps to create a "dictionary" of translations. Should I put those letters into an array? I'm not sure how to call on them if I do.
The answer proposed by #nhahtdh is valid, but I would argue less pythonic than the canonical example, which uses code less opaque than his regex manipulations and takes advantage of python's built-in data structures and anonymous function feature.
A dictionary of translations makes sense in this context. In fact, that's how the Python Cookbook does it, as shown in this example (copied from ActiveState )
import re
def multiple_replace(dict, text):
# Create a regular expression from the dictionary keys
regex = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, dict.keys())))
# For each match, look-up corresponding value in dictionary
return regex.sub(lambda mo: dict[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]], text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
text = "Larry Wall is the creator of Perl"
dict = {
"Larry Wall" : "Guido van Rossum",
"creator" : "Benevolent Dictator for Life",
"Perl" : "Python",
print multiple_replace(dict, text)
So in your case, you could make a dict trans = {"a": "aa", "b": "bb"} and then pass it into multiple_replace along with the text you want translated. Basically all that function is doing is creating one huge regex containing all of your regexes to translate, then when one is found, passing a lambda function to regex.sub to perform the translation dictionary lookup.
You could use this function while reading from your file, for example:
with open("notes.txt") as text:
new_text = multiple_replace(replacements,
with open("notes2.txt", "w") as result:
I've actually used this exact method in production, in a case where I needed to translate the months of the year from Czech into English for a web scraping task.
As #nhahtdh pointed out, one downside to this approach is that it is not prefix-free: dictionary keys that are prefixes of other dictionary keys will cause the method to break.
You can use capturing group and backreference:
re.sub(r"([characters])", r"\1\1",
Put characters that you want to double up in between []. For the case of lower case a, b, c:
re.sub(r"([abc])", r"\1\1",
In the replacement string, you can refer to whatever matched by a capturing group () with \n notation where n is some positive integer (0 excluded). \1 refers to the first capturing group. There is another notation \g<n> where n can be any non-negative integer (0 allowed); \g<0> will refer to the whole text matched by the expression.
If you want to double up all characters except new line:
re.sub(r"(.)", r"\1\1",
If you want to double up all characters (new line included):
re.sub(r"(.)", r"\1\1",, 0, re.S)
You can use the pandas library and the replace function. I represent one example with five replacements:
df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['Billy is going to visit Rome in November', 'I was born in 10/10/2010', 'I will be there at 20:00']})
to_replace=['Billy','Rome','January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December', '\d{2}:\d{2}', '\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}']
replace_with=['name','city','month','time', 'date']
print(df.text.replace(to_replace, replace_with, regex=True))
And the modified text is:
0 name is going to visit city in month
1 I was born in date
2 I will be there at time
You can find the example here
None of the other solutions work if your patterns are themselves regexes.
For that, you need:
def multi_sub(pairs, s):
def repl_func(m):
# only one group will be present, use the corresponding match
return next(
for (patt, repl), group in zip(pairs, m.groups())
if group is not None
pattern = '|'.join("({})".format(patt) for patt, _ in pairs)
return re.sub(pattern, repl_func, s)
Which can be used as:
>>> multi_sub([
... ('a+b', 'Ab'),
... ('b', 'B'),
... ('a+', 'A.'),
... ], "aabbaa") # matches as (aab)(b)(aa)
Note that this solution does not allow you to put capturing groups in your regexes, or use them in replacements.
Using tips from how to make a 'stringy' class, we can make an object identical to a string but for an extra sub method:
import re
class Substitutable(str):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
newobj = str.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
newobj.sub = lambda fro,to: Substitutable(re.sub(fro, to, newobj))
return newobj
This allows to use the builder pattern, which looks nicer, but works only for a pre-determined number of substitutions. If you use it in a loop, there is no point creating an extra class anymore. E.g.
>>> h = Substitutable('horse')
>>> h
>>> h.sub('h', 'f')
>>> h.sub('h', 'f').sub('f','h')
I found I had to modify Emmett J. Butler's code by changing the lambda function to use myDict.get(, The original code wasn't working for me; using myDict.get() also provides the benefit of a default value if a key is not found.
OIDNameContraction = {
replacementDictRegex = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, OIDNameContraction.keys())))
oidDescriptionStr = replacementDictRegex.sub(lambda mo:OIDNameContraction.get(,, oidDescriptionStr)
If you dealing with files, I have a simple python code about this problem.
More info here.
import re
def multiple_replace(dictionary, text):
# Create a regular expression from the dictionaryary keys
regex = re.compile("(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, dictionary.keys())))
# For each match, look-up corresponding value in dictionaryary
String = lambda mo: dictionary[mo.string[mo.start():mo.end()]]
return regex.sub(String , text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
dictionary = {
"Wiley Online Library" : "Wiley",
"Chemical Society Reviews" : "Chem. Soc. Rev.",
with open ('LightBib.bib', 'r') as Bib_read:
with open ('Abbreviated.bib', 'w') as Bib_write:
read_lines = Bib_read.readlines()
for rows in read_lines:
text = rows
new_text = multiple_replace(dictionary, text)
Based on Eric's great answer, I came up with a more general solution that is capable of handling capturing groups and backreferences:
import re
from itertools import islice
def multiple_replace(s, repl_dict):
groups_no = [re.compile(pattern).groups for pattern in repl_dict]
def repl_func(m):
all_groups = m.groups()
# Use 'i' as the index within 'all_groups' and 'j' as the main
# group index.
i, j = 0, 0
while i < len(all_groups) and all_groups[i] is None:
# Skip the inner groups and move on to the next group.
i += (groups_no[j] + 1)
# Advance the main group index.
j += 1
# Extract the pattern and replacement at the j-th position.
pattern, repl = next(islice(repl_dict.items(), j, j + 1))
return re.sub(pattern, repl, all_groups[i])
# Create the full pattern using the keys of 'repl_dict'.
full_pattern = '|'.join(f'({pattern})' for pattern in repl_dict)
return re.sub(full_pattern, repl_func, s)
Example. Calling the above with
s = 'This is a sample string. Which is getting replaced. 1234-5678.'
r'(.*?)is(.*?)ing(.*?)ch': r'\3-\2-\1',
r'replaced': 'REPLACED',
r'\d\d((\d)(\d)-(\d)(\d))\d\d': r'__\5\4__\3\2__',
r'get|ing': '!##'
>>> multiple_replace(s, REPL_DICT)
'. Whi- is a sample str-Th is !##t!## REPLACED. __65__43__.'
For a more efficient solution, one can create a simple wrapper to precompute groups_no and full_pattern, e.g.
import re
from itertools import islice
class ReplWrapper:
def __init__(self, repl_dict):
self.repl_dict = repl_dict
self.groups_no = [re.compile(pattern).groups for pattern in repl_dict]
self.full_pattern = '|'.join(f'({pattern})' for pattern in repl_dict)
def get_pattern_repl(self, pos):
return next(islice(self.repl_dict.items(), pos, pos + 1))
def multiple_replace(self, s):
def repl_func(m):
all_groups = m.groups()
# Use 'i' as the index within 'all_groups' and 'j' as the main
# group index.
i, j = 0, 0
while i < len(all_groups) and all_groups[i] is None:
# Skip the inner groups and move on to the next group.
i += (self.groups_no[j] + 1)
# Advance the main group index.
j += 1
return re.sub(*self.get_pattern_repl(j), all_groups[i])
return re.sub(self.full_pattern, repl_func, s)
Use it as follows:
>>> ReplWrapper(REPL_DICT).multiple_replace(s)
'. Whi- is a sample str-Th is !##t!## REPLACED. __65__43__.'
I dont know why most of the solutions try to compose a single regex pattern instead of replacing multiple times. This answer is just for the sake of completeness.
That being said, the output of this approach is different than the output of the combined regex approach. Namely, repeated substitutions may evolve the text over time. However, the following function returns the same output as a call to unix sed would:
def multi_replace(rules, data: str) -> str:
ret = data
for pattern, repl in rules:
ret = re.sub(pattern, repl, ret)
return ret
(r'a', r'b'),
(r'b', r'c'),
(r'c', r'd'),
multi_replace(RULES, 'ab') # output: dd
With the same input and rules, the other solutions will output "bc". Depending on your use case you may or may not want to replace strings consecutively. In my case I wanted to rebuild the sed behavior. Also, note that the order of rules matters. If you reverse the rule order, this example would also return "bc".
This solution is faster than combining the patterns into a single regex (by a factor of 100). So, if your use-case allows it, you should prefer the repeated substitution method.
Of course, you can compile the regex patterns:
class Sed:
def __init__(self, rules) -> None:
self._rules = [(re.compile(pattern), sub) for pattern, sub in rules]
def replace(self, data: str) -> str:
ret = data
for regx, repl in self._rules:
ret = regx.sub(repl, ret)
return ret

Python RegEx search and replace with part of original expression

I'm new to Python and looking for a way to replace all occurrences of "[A-Z]0" with the [A-Z] portion of the string to get rid of certain numbers that are padded with a zero. I used this snippet to get rid of the whole occurrence from the field I'm processing:
import re
def strip_zeros(s):
return re.sub("[A-Z]0", "", s)
test = strip_zeros(!S_fromManhole!)
How do I perform the same type of procedure but without removing the leading letter of the "[A-Z]0" expression?
Thanks in advance!
Use backreferences. "\1 through \9 Substituted with the text matched between the 1st through 9th pair of capturing parentheses." "Backreferences, such as \6, are replaced with the substring matched by group 6 in the pattern."
Untested, but it would look like this:
return re.sub(r"([A-Z])0", r"\1", s)
Placing the first letter inside a capture group and referencing it with \1
you can try something like
In [47]: s = "ab0"
In [48]: s.translate(None, '0')
Out[48]: 'ab'
In [49]: s = "ab0zy"
In [50]: s.translate(None, '0')
Out[50]: 'abzy'
I like Patashu's answer for this case but for the sake of completeness, passing a function to re.sub instead of a replacement string may be cleaner in more complicated cases. The function should take a single match object and return a string.
>>> def strip_zeros(s):
... def unpadded(m):
... return
... return re.sub("([A-Z])0", unpadded, s)
>>> strip_zeros("Q0")
