how to get a pattern repeating multiple times in a string using regular expression - python

I am still new to regular expressions, as in the Python library re.
I want to extract all the proper nouns as a whole word if they are separated by space.
I tried
result = re.findall(r'(\w+)\w*/NNP (\w+)\w*/NNP', tagged_sent_str)
Input: I have a string like
tagged_sent_str = "European/NNP Community/NNP French/JJ European/NNP export/VB"
Output expected:
[('European Community'), ('European')]
Current output:
But this will only give the pairs not the single ones. I want all the kinds

IIUC, itertools.groupby is more suited for this kind of job:
from itertools import groupby
def join_token(string_, type_ = 'NNP'):
res = []
for k, g in groupby([i.split('/') for i in string_.split()], key=lambda x:x[1]):
if k == type_:
res.append(' '.join(i[0] for i in g))
return res
['European Community', 'European']
and it doesn't require a modification if you expect three or more consecutive types:
str2 = "European/NNP Community/NNP Union/NNP French/JJ European/NNP export/VB"
['European Community Union', 'European']

Interesting requirement. Code is explained in the comments, a very fast solution using only REGEX:
import re
# make it more complex
text = "export1/VB European0/NNP export/VB European1/NNP Community1/NNP Community2/NNP French/JJ European2/NNP export/VB European2/NNP"
# 1: First clean app target words word/NNP to word,
# you can use str.replace but just to show you a technique
# how to to use back reference of the group use \index_of_group
# re.sub(r'/NNP', '', text)
# text.replace('/NNP', '')
_text = re.sub(r'(\w+)/NNP', r'\1', text)
# this pattern strips the leading and trailing spaces
RE_FIND_ALL = r'(?:\s+|^)((?:(?:\s|^)?\w+(?=\s+|$)?)+)(?:\s+|$)'
print('RESULT : ', re.findall(RE_FIND_ALL, _text))
RESULT : ['European0', 'European1 Community1 Community2', 'European2', 'European2']
Explaining REGEX:
(?:\s+|^) : skip leading spaces
((?:(?:\s)?\w+(?=\s+|$))+): capture a group of non copture subgroup (?:(?:\s)?\w+(?=\s+|$)) subgroup will match all sequence words folowed by spaces or end of line. and that match will be captured by the global group. if we don't do this the match will return only the first word.
(?:\s+|$) : remove trailing space of the sequence
I needed to remove /NNP from the target words because you want to keep the sequence of word/NNP in a single group, doing something like this (word)/NNP (word)/NPP this will return two elements in one group but not as a single text, so by removing it the text will be word word so REGEX ((?:\w+\s)+) will capture the sequence of word but it's not a simple as this because we need to capture the word that doesn't contain /sequence_of_letter at the end, no need to loop over the matched groups to concatenate element to build a valid text.
NOTE: both solutions work fine if all words are in this format word/sequence_of_letters; if you have words that are not in this format
you need to fix those. If you want to keep them add /NPP at the end of each word, else add /DUMMY to remove them.
Using re.split but slow because I'm using list comprehensive to fix result:
import re
# make it more complex
text = "export1/VB Europian0/NNP export/VB Europian1/NNP Community1/NNP Community2/NNP French/JJ Europian2/NNP export/VB Europian2/NNP export/VB export/VB"
RE_SPLIT = r'\w+/[^N]\w+'
result = [x.replace('/NNP', '').strip() for x in re.split(RE_SPLIT, text) if x.strip()]
print('RESULT: ', result)

You'd like to get a pattern but with some parts deleted from it.
You can get it with two successive regexes:
tagged_sent_str = "European/NNP Community/NNP French/JJ European/NNP export/VB"
[ re.sub(r"/NNP","",s) for s in re.findall(r"\w+/NNP(?:\s+\w+/NNP)*",tagged_sent_str) ]
['European Community', 'European']


Extract number from a string using a pattern

I have strings like :
's3://bukcet_name/tables/name=moonlight/land/timestamp=2020-06-25 01:00:23.180745/year=2019/month=5'
And from it I would like to obtain a tuple contain the year value and the month value as first and second element of my tuple.
('2019', '5')
For now I did this :
([elem.split('=')[-1:][0] for elem in part[0].split('/')[-2:]][0], [elem.split('=')[-1:][0] for elem in part[0].split('/')[-2:]][1])
It isn't very elegant, how could I do better ?
Use, re.findall along with the given regex pattern:
import re
matches = re.findall(r'(?i)/year=(\d+)/month=(\d+)', string)
# print(matches)
[('2019', '5')]
Test the regex pattern here.
Perhaps regular expressions could do it. I would use regular expressions to capture the strings 'year=2019' and 'month=5' then return the item at index [-1] by splitting these two with the character '='. Hold on, let me open up my Sublime and try to write actual code which suits your specific case.
import re
search_string = 's3://bukcet_name/tables/name=moonlight/land/timestamp=2020-06-25 01:00:23.180745/year=2019/month=5'
string1 = re.findall(r'year=\d+', search_string)
string2 = re.findall(r'month=\d+', search_string)
result = (string1[0].split('=')[-1], string2[0].split('=')[-1]) print(result)

Parsing String by regular expression in python

How can I parse this string in python?
Input String:
someplace 2018:6:18:0 25.0114 95.2818 2.71164 66.8962 Entire grid contents are set to missing data
to this
Output array:
['someplace','2018:6:18:0','25.0114','95.2818','2.71164','66.8962','Entire grid contents are set to missing data']
I have already tried with split(' ') but as it is not clear how many spaces are between the sub-strings and inside the last sub-string there may be spaces so this doesn't work.
I need the regular expression.
If you do not provide a sep-character, pythons split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) (doku) will treat consecutive whitespaces as one whitespace and split by those. You can limit the amount of splits to be done by providing a maxsplit value:
data = "someplace 2018:6:18:0 25.0114 95.2818 2.71164 66.8962 Entire grid contents are set to missing data"
spl = data.split(None,6) # dont give a split-char, use 6 splits at most
['someplace', '2018:6:18:0', '25.0114', '95.2818', '2.71164',
'66.8962', 'Entire grid contents are set to missing data']
This will work as long as the first text does not contain any whitespaces.
If the fist text may contain whitespaces, you can use/refine this regex solution:
import re
reg = re.findall(r"([^\d]+?) +?([\d:]+) +?([\d.]+) +?([\d.]+) +?([\d.]+) +?([\d.]+) +(.*)$",data)[0]
('someplace', '2018:6:18:0', '25.0114', '95.2818', '2.71164', '66.8962', 'Entire grid contents are set to missing data')
Use f.e. to check/proof the regex against your other data (follow the link, it uses above regex on sample data)
[A-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z ]{15,45}|[\w|:|.]+
You can test it here
Modify 15,45 according to your needs.
Maxsplit works with re.split(), too:
import re
'Entire grid contents are set to missing data']
If the first and last text parts don't contain digits, we don't need maxsplit and do not have to rely on number of parts with consecutive spaces:
We cut the string where a space is followed by a digit or vice versa using lookahead and lookbehind.
It is hard to answer your question as the requirements are not very precise. I think I would split the line with the split() function and then join the items when their contents has no numbers. Here is a snippet that works with your lonely sample:
def containsNumbers(s):
return any(c.isdigit() for c in s)
data = "someplace 2018:6:18:0 25.0114 95.2818 2.71164 66.8962 Entire grid contents are set to missing data"
lst = data.split()
lst2 = []
i = 0
agg = ''
while i < len(lst):
if containsNumbers(lst[i]):
if agg != '':
agg = ''
agg += ' '+lst[i]
agg = agg.strip()
if i == len(lst) - 1:
i += 1

Match string using regular expression except specific string combinations python

In a list I need to match specific instances, except for a specific combination of strings:
let's say I have a list of strings like the following:
l = [
'DE52 5055 0020 0005 9287 29',
I need to match all the words that points to a swift / bic code, this code has the following form:
6 letters followed by
2 letters/digits followed by
3 optional letters / digits
hence I have written the following regex to match such specific pattern
import re
regex = re.compile(r'(?<!\w)[a-zA-Z]{6}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})?(?!\w)')
for item in l:
match =
if match:
print('found a match, the matched string {} the match {}'.format( item, item[match.start() : match.end()]
print('found no match in {}'.format(item)
I need the following cases to be macthed:
rather I get
so what I need is to match only the strings that don't contain the word 'bank'
to do so I have refined my regex to :
regex = re.compile((?<!bank/i)(?<!\w)[a-zA-Z]{6}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})?(?!\w)(?!bank/i))
simply I have used negative look behind and ahead for more information about theses two concepts refer to link
My regex doesn't do the filtration intended to do, what did I miss?
You can try this:
import re
final_vals = [i for i in l if re.findall('^[a-zA-Z]{6}\w{2}|(^[a-zA-Z]{6}\w{2}\w{3})', i) and not re.findall('BANK', i, re.IGNORECASE)]

Python - Extract text from string

What are the most efficient ways to extract text from a string? Are there some available functions or regex expressions, or some other way?
For example, my string is below and I want to extract the IDs as well
as the ScreenNames, separately.
[User(ID=1234567890, ScreenName=RandomNameHere), User(ID=233323490, ScreenName=AnotherRandomName), User(ID=4459284, ScreenName=YetAnotherName)]
Thank you!
Edit: These are the text strings that I want to pull. I want them to be in a list.
Target_IDs = 1234567890, 233323490, 4459284
Target_ScreenNames = RandomNameHere, AnotherRandomName, YetAnotherName
import re
str = '[User(ID=1234567890, ScreenName=RandomNameHere), User(ID=233323490, ScreenName=AnotherRandomName), User(ID=4459284, ScreenName=YetAnotherName)]'
print 'Target IDs = ' + ','.join( re.findall(r'ID=(\d+)', str) )
print 'Target ScreenNames = ' + ','.join( re.findall(r' ScreenName=(\w+)', str) )
Output :
Target IDs = 1234567890,233323490,4459284
Target ScreenNames = RandomNameHere,AnotherRandomName,YetAnotherName
It depends. Assuming that all your text comes in the form of
TagName = TagValue1, TagValue2, ...
You need just two calls to split.
tag, value_string = string.split('=')
values = value_string.split(',')
Remove the excess space (probably a couple of rstrip()/lstrip() calls will suffice) and you are done. Or you can take regex. They are slightly more powerful, but in this case I think it's a matter of personal taste.
If you want more complex syntax with nonterminals, terminals and all that, you'll need lex/yacc, which will require some background in parsers. A rather interesting thing to play with, but not something you'll want to use for storing program options and such.
The regex I'd use would be:
However, this assumes that ID is only digits (\d) and usernames are only letters or numbers ([\w\d]).
This regex (when combined with re.findall) would return a list of matches that could be iterated through and sorted in some fashion like so:
import re
s = "[User(ID=1234567890, ScreenName=RandomNameHere), User(ID=233323490, ScreenName=AnotherRandomName), User(ID=4459284, ScreenName=YetAnotherName)]"
pattern = re.compile(r'(?:ID=|ScreenName=)+(\d+|[\w\d]+)');
ids = []
names = []
for p in re.findall(pattern, s):
if p.isnumeric():
print(ids, names)

Substitute specific matches using regex

I want to execute substitutions using regex, not for all matches but only for specific ones. However, re.sub substitutes for all matches. How can I do this?
Here is an example.
Say, I have a string with the following content:
What I want to do is this:
re.sub(r'^BAR', '#BAR', s, index=[1,2], flags=re.MULTILINE)
to get the below result.
You could pass replacement function to re.sub that keeps track of count and checks if the given index should be substituted:
import re
s = '''FOO=foo1
i = 0
index = {1, 2}
def repl(x):
global i
if i in index:
res = '#' +
res =
i += 1
return res
print re.sub(r'^BAR', repl, s, flags=re.MULTILINE)
You could
Split your string using s.splitlines()
Iterate over the individual lines in a for loop
Track how many matches you have found so far
Only perform substitutions on those matches in the numerical ranges you want (e.g. matches 1 and 2)
And then join them back into a single string (if need be).
