I am trying to evaluate a function that depends on the radius from the center of a sphere to any point inside half a sphere.
I start by defining three arrays corresponding to the points along the radius, the elevation and azimuthal angles. In a for loop I compute the x, y and z coordinates to evaluate the function.
I am not sure if I am doing the mapping properly. I need to store the values of the evaluated function in a 3D matrix corresponding to the x, y, and z coordinates to plot slices in a postprocessing step, but I am stuck identifying how I can define the size of my function matrix.
In cartesian coordinates is really easy since one can link every coordinate with the dimension of the matrix. That's why I need some guidance in how I can slide the matrix since I don't have a 3D matrix with the cartesian coordinates. How I can construct this matrix from the spherical coordintaes?
Any help will be more than appreciated!
Here is my (unfruitful) attempt:
import numpy as np
beta = 1
rho = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)
phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 20)
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 10)
f = np.empty([len(theta), len(theta), len(phi)], dtype=complex)
for i in range(len(rho)):
for j in range(len(phi)):
for k in range(len(theta)):
x = rho[i] * np.sin(theta[k]) * np.cos(phi[j])
y = rho[i] * np.sin(theta[k]) * np.sin(phi[j])
z = rho[i] * np.cos(theta[k])
R = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
f[k, i, j] = -1j*((z/R)/(z/R + beta)) * (np.exp(1j*k*R)/R)
You just have a typo, the second dimension is again len(theta) isntead of len(rho). It should be
f = np.empty([len(theta), len(rho), len(phi)], dtype=complex)
Note also that, if I am not mistaken, you don't need R at all, it's just rho[i].
I have a set of data values for a scalar 3D function, arranged as inputs x,y,z in an array of shape (n,3) and the function values f(x,y,z) in an array of shape (n,).
EDIT: For instance, consider the following simple function
data = np.array([np.arange(n)]*3).T
F = np.linalg.norm(data,axis=1)**2
I would like to convolve this function with a spherical kernel in order to perform a 3D smoothing. The easiest way I found to perform this is to map the function values in a 3D spatial grid and then apply a 3D convolution with the kernel I want.
This works fine, however the part that maps the 3D function to the 3D grid is very slow, as I did not find a way to do it with NumPy only. The code below is my actual implementation, where data is the (n,3) array containing the 3D positions in which the function is evaluated, F is the (n,) array containing the corresponding values of the function and M is the (N,N,N) array that contains the 3D space grid.
step = 0.1
# Create meshgrid
xmin = data[:,0].min()
xmax = data[:,0].max()
ymin = data[:,1].min()
ymax = data[:,1].max()
zmin = data[:,2].min()
zmax = data[:,2].max()
x = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,int((xmax-xmin)/step)+1)
y = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,int((ymax-ymin)/step)+1)
z = np.linspace(zmin,zmax,int((zmax-zmin)/step)+1)
# Build image
M = np.zeros((len(x),len(y),len(z)))
for l in range(len(data)):
for i in range(len(x)-1):
if x[i] < data[l,0] < x[i+1]:
for j in range(len(y)-1):
if y[j] < data[l,1] < y[j+1]:
for k in range(len(z)-1):
if z[k] < data[l,2] < z[k+1]:
M[i,j,k] = F[l]
Is there a more efficient way to fill a 3D spatial grid with the values of a 3D function ?
For each item of data you're scanning pixels of cuboid to check if it's inside. There is an option to skip this scan. You could calculate corresponding indices of these pixels by yourself, for example:
data = np.array([[1, 2, 3], #14 (corner1)
[4, 5, 6], #77 (corner2)
[2.5, 3.5, 4.5], #38.75 (duplicated pixel)
[2.9, 3.9, 4.9], #47.63 (duplicated pixel)
[1.5, 2, 3]]) #15.25 (one step up from [1, 2, 3])
step = 0.5
data_idx = ((data - data.min(axis=0))//step).astype(int)
M = np.zeros(np.max(data_idx, axis=0) + 1)
x, y, z = data_idx.T
M[x, y, z] = F
Note that only one value of duplicated pixels is being mapped to M.
All you need is just reshape F[:, 3] (only f(x, y, z)) into a grid. Hard to be more precise without sample data:
If the data is not sorted, you need to sort it:
F_sorted = F[np.lexsort((F[:,0], F[:,1], F[:,2]))] # sort by x, then y, then z
Choose only f(x, y, z)
F_values = F_sorted[:, 3]
Finally, reshape data into a grid:
M = F_sorted.reshape(N, N, N)
This method is faster than the original (approximatly 20x speed up):
step = 0.1
mins = np.min(data, axis=0)
maxs = np.max(data, axis=0)
ranges = np.floor((maxs - mins) / step + 1).astype(int)
indx = np.zeros(data.shape,dtype=int)
for i in range(3):
x = np.linspace(mins[i], maxs[i], ranges[i])
indx[:,i] = np.argmax(data[:,i,np.newaxis] <= (x[np.newaxis,:]), axis=1) -1
M = np.zeros(ranges)
M[indx[:,0],indx[:,1],indx[:,2]] = F
The first part sets up the required grid variables. The argmax function provides a simple (and fast) way to find the first true value of the broadcasted array. This produces a set of indices for x, y and z directions for each of the function values.
The resulting array M is not the same as that produced by the original code as the original code loses data. The logic of y[j] < data[l,1] < y[j+1] where y is a vector produced using linspace means the minimum and maximum values for each direction will be missed (data[l,1] might be equal to either y[j] or y[j+1]!). Run it with a dataset of two values each with their own coordinates and the M array will be all zeros.
I would like to compute the 3D volume integral of a numeric scalar field.
For this post, I will use an example of which the integral can be exactly computed. I have therefore chosen the following function:
In Python, I define the function, and a set of points in 3D, and then generate the discrete values at these points:
import numpy as np
# Make data.
def function(x, y, z):
return x**y**z
N = 5
grid = np.meshgrid(
np.linspace(0, 1, N),
np.linspace(0, 1, N),
np.linspace(0, 1, N)
points = np.vstack(list(map(np.ravel, grid))).T
x = points[:, 0]
y = points[:, 1]
z = points[:, 2]
values = [function(points[i, 0], points[i, 1], points[i, 2])
for i in range(len(points))]
How can I find the integral, if I don't know the underlying function, i.e. if I only have the coordinates (x, y, z) and the values?
A nice way to go about this would be using scipy's tplquad integration. However, to use that, we need a function and not a cloud point.
An easy way around that is to use an interpolator, to get a function approximating our cloud point - we can for example use scipy's RegularGridInterpolator if the data is on a regular grid:
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
# Make data.
def function(x,y,z):
return x*y*z
N = 5
xmin, xmax = 0, 1
ymin, ymax = 0, 1
zmin, zmax = 0, 1
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N)
y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, N)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, N)
values = function(*np.meshgrid(x,y,z, indexing='ij'))
# Interpolate:
function_interpolated = RegularGridInterpolator((x, y, z), values)
# tplquad integrates func(z,y,x)
f = lambda z,y,x : my_interpolating_function([z,y,x])
result, error = integrate.tplquad(f, xmin, xmax, lambda _: ymin, lambda _:ymax,lambda *_: zmin, lambda *_: zmax)
In the example above, we get result = 0.12499999999999999 - close enough!
The easiest way to achieve what you are looking for is probably scipy's integration function. Here your example:
from scipy import integrate
# Make data.
def func(x,y,z):
return x**y**z
ranges = [[0,1], [0,1], [0,1]]
result, error = integrate.nquad(func, ranges)
Are you aware that the function that you created is different from the one that you show in the image. The one you created is an exponential (x^y^z) while the one that you are showing is just multiplications. If you want to represent the function in the image, use
def func(x,y,z):
return x*y*z
Hope this answers your question, otherwise just write a comment!
Misread your post. If you only have the results, and they are not regularly spaced, you would have to figure out some form of interpolation (i.e. linear) and a lookup-table. If you do not know how to create that, let me know. The rest of the stated answer could still be used if you define func to return interpolated values from your original data
The first answer explains nicely the principal approach to handle this. Just wanted to illustrate an alternative way by showing the power of sklearn package and machine learning regression.
Doing the meshgrid in 3D gives a very large numpy array,
import numpy as np
N = 5
xmin, xmax = 0, 1
ymin, ymax = 0, 1
zmin, zmax = 0, 1
x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, N)
y = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, N)
z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, N)
grid = np.array(np.meshgrid(x,y,z, indexing='ij'))
grid.shape = (3, 5, 5, 5) # 2*5*5*5 = 250 numbers
Which is visually not very intuitive with 250 numbers. With different possible indexing ('ij' or 'xy'). Using regression we can get the same result with few input points (15-20).
# building random combinations from (x,y,z)
X = np.random.choice(x, 20)[:,None]
Y = np.random.choice(y, 20)[:,None]
Z = np.random.choice(z, 20)[:,None]
xyz = np.concatenate((X,Y,Z), axis = 1)
data = np.multiply.reduce(xyz, axis = 1)
So the input (grid) is just a 2D numpy array,
(20, 3)
With the corresponding data,
data.shape = (20,)
Now the regression function and integration,
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from scipy import integrate
pipe=Pipeline([('polynomial',PolynomialFeatures(degree=3)),('modal',LinearRegression())]), data)
def func(x,y,z):
return pipe.predict([[x, y, z]])
ranges = [[0,1], [0,1], [0,1]]
result, error = integrate.nquad(func, ranges)
This approach is useful with limited number of points.
Based on your requirements, it sounds like the most appropriate technique would be Monte Carlo integration:
# Step 0 start with some empirical data
observed_points = np.random.uniform(0,1,size=(10000,3))
unknown_fn = lambda x: # just used to generate fake values
observed_values = np.apply_along_axis(unknown_fn, 1, observed_points)
K = 1000000
# Step 1 - assume that f(x,y,z) can be approximated by an interpolation
# of the data we have (you could get really fancy with the
# selection of interpolation method - we'll stick with straight lines here)
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
f_interpolate = LinearNDInterpolator(observed_points, observed_values)
# Step 2 randomly sample from within convex hull of observed data
# Step 2a - Uniformly sample from bounding 3D-box of data
lower_bounds = observed_points.min(axis=0)
upper_bounds = observed_points.max(axis=0)
sampled_points = np.random.uniform(lower_bounds, upper_bounds,size=(K, 3))
# Step 2b - Reject points outside of convex hull...
# Luckily, we get a np.nan from LinearNDInterpolator in this case
sampled_values = f_interpolate(sampled_points)
rejected_idxs = np.argwhere(np.isnan(sampled_values))
# Step 2c - Remember accepted values of estimated f(x_i, y_i, z_i)
final_sampled_values = np.delete(sampled_values, rejected_idxs, axis=0)
# Step 3 - Calculate estimate of volume of observed data domain
# Since we sampled uniformly from the convex hull of data domain,
# each point was selected with P(x,y,z)= 1 / Volume of convex hull
volume = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(observed_points).volume
# Step 4 - Multiply estimated volume of domain by average sampled value
I_hat = volume * final_sampled_values.mean()
For a derivation of why this works see this:
Usually I use Scipy.optimize.curve_fit to fit custom functions to data.
Data in this case was always a 1 dimensional array.
Is there a similiar function for a two dimensional array?
So, for example, I have a 10x10 numpy array. Then I have a function that does some stuff and creates a 10x10 numpy array, and I want to fit the function, so that the resulting 10x10 array has the best fit to the input array.
Maybe an example is better :)
data = pyfits.getdata('data.fits') #fits is an image format, this gives me a NxM numpy array
mod1 = pyfits.getdata('mod1.fits')
mod2 = pyfits.getdata('mod2.fits')
mod3 = pyfits.getdata('mod3.fits')
mod1_1D = numpy.ravel(mod1)
mod2_1D = numpy.ravel(mod2)
mod3_1D = numpy.ravel(mod3)
def dostuff(a,b): #originaly this is a function for 2D arrays
newdata = (mod1_1D*12)+(mod2_1D)**a - mod3_1D/b
return newdata
Now a and b should be fitted, so that newdata is as close as possible to data.
What I got so far:
data1D = numpy.ravel(data)
data_X = numpy.arange(data1D.size)
fit = curve_fit(dostuff,data_X,data1D)
But print fit only gives me
(array([ 1.]), inf)
I do have some nans in the arrays, maybe thats a problem?
The goal is to express the 2D function as a 1D function: g(x, y, ...) --> f(xy, ...)
Converting the coordinate pair (x, y) into a single number xy may seem tricky at first. But it's actually quite simple. Just enumerate all data points and you have a single number that uniquely defines each coordinate pair. The fitted function simply has to reconstruct the original coordinates, do it's calculations and return the result.
Example that fits a 2D linear gradient in a 20x10 image:
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n, m = 10, 20
# noisy example data
x = np.arange(m).reshape(1, m)
y = np.arange(n).reshape(n, 1)
z = x + y * 2 + np.random.randn(n, m) * 3
def f(xy, a, b):
i = xy // m # reconstruct y coordinates
j = xy % m # reconstruct x coordinates
out = i * a + j * b
return out
xy = np.arange(z.size) # 0 is the top left pixel and 199 is the top right pixel
res = sp.optimize.curve_fit(f, xy, np.ravel(z))
z_est = f(xy, *res[0])
z_est2d = z_est.reshape(n, m)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(np.ravel(z), label='original')
plt.plot(z_est, label='fitted')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
I would recommend using symfit for this, I wrote that to take care of all of the magic for you automatically.
In symfit you would just write the equation pretty much as you would on paper, and then you can run the fit.
I would do something like this:
from symfit import parameters, variables, Fit
# Assuming all this data is in the form of NxM arrays
data = pyfits.getdata('data.fits')
mod1 = pyfits.getdata('mod1.fits')
mod2 = pyfits.getdata('mod2.fits')
mod3 = pyfits.getdata('mod3.fits')
a, b = parameters('a, b')
x, y, z, u = variables('x, y, z, u')
model = {u: (x * 12) + y**a - z / b}
fit = Fit(model, x=mod1, y=mod2, z=mod3, u=data)
fit_result = fit.execute()
Unfortunatelly I have not yet included examples of the kind you need in the docs yet, but if you just look at the docs I think you can figure it out in case this doesn't work out of the box.
I am trying to calculate the 2nd-order gradient numerically of an array in numpy.
a = np.sin(np.arange(0, 10, .01))
da = np.gradient(a)
dda = np.gradient(da)
This is what I come up. Is the the way it should be done?
I am asking this, because in numpy there isn't an option saying np.gradient(a, order=2). I am concerned about whether this usage is wrong, and that is why numpy does not have this implemented.
PS1: I do realize that there is np.diff(a, 2). But this is only single-sided estimation, so I was curious why np.gradient does not have a similar keyword.
PS2: The np.sin() is a toy data - the real data does not have an analytic form.
Thank you!
I'll second #jrennie's first sentence - it can all depend. The numpy.gradient function requires that the data be evenly spaced (although allows for different distances in each direction if multi-dimensional). If your data does not adhere to this, than numpy.gradient isn't going to be much use. Experimental data may have (OK, will have) noise on it, in addition to not necessarily being all evenly spaced. In this case it might be better to use one of the scipy.interpolate spline functions (or objects). These can take unevenly spaced data, allow for smoothing, and can return derivatives up to k-1 where k is the order of the spline fit requested. The default value for k is 3, so a second derivative is just fine.
spl = scipy.interpolate.splrep(x,y,k=3) # no smoothing, 3rd order spline
ddy = scipy.interpolate.splev(x,spl,der=2) # use those knots to get second derivative
The object oriented splines like scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline have methods for the derivatives. Note that the derivative methods are implemented in Scipy 0.13 and are not present in 0.12.
Note that, as pointed out by #JosephCottham in comments in 2018, this answer (good for Numpy 1.08 at least), is no longer applicable since (at least) Numpy 1.14. Check your version number and the available options for the call.
There's no universal right answer for numerical gradient calculation. Before you can calculate the gradient about sample data, you have to make some assumption about the underlying function that generated that data. You can technically use np.diff for gradient calculation. Using np.gradient is a reasonable approach. I don't see anything fundamentally wrong with what you are doing---it's one particular approximation of the 2nd derivative of a 1-D function.
The double gradient approach fails for discontinuities in the first derivative.
As the gradient function takes one data point to the left and to the right into account, this continues/spreads when applying it multiple times.
On the other hand side, the second derivative can be calculated by the formula
d^2 f(x[i]) / dx^2 = (f(x[i-1]) - 2*f(x[i]) + f(x[i+1])) / h^2
compare here. This has the advantage to just take the two neighboring pixels into account.
In the picture the double np.gradient approach (left) and the above mentioned formula (right), as implemented by np.diff are compared. As f(x) has only one kink at zero, the second derivative (green) should only there have a peak.
As the double gradient solution takes 2 neighboring points in each direction into account, this leads to finite second derivative values at +/- 1.
In some cases, however, you may want to prefer the double gradient solution, as this is more robust to noise.
I am not sure why there is np.gradient and np.diff, but a reason might be, that the second argument of np.gradient defines the pixel distance (for each dimension) and for images it can be applied for both dimensions simultaneously gy, gx = np.gradient(a).
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
xs = np.arange(-5,6,1)
f = np.abs(xs)
f_x = np.gradient(f)
f_xx_bad = np.gradient(f_x)
f_xx_good = np.diff(f, 2)
test = f[:-2] - 2* f[1:-1] + f[2:]
# lets plot all this
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
ax = axs[0]
ax.set_title('bad: double gradient')
ax.plot(xs, f, marker='o', label='f(x)')
ax.plot(xs, f_x, marker='o', label='d f(x) / dx')
ax.plot(xs, f_xx_bad, marker='o', label='d^2 f(x) / dx^2')
ax = axs[1]
ax.set_title('good: diff with n=2')
ax.plot(xs, f, marker='o', label='f(x)')
ax.plot(xs, f_x, marker='o', label='d f(x) / dx')
ax.plot(xs[1:-1], f_xx_good, marker='o', label='d^2 f(x) / dx^2')
ax.plot(xs[1:-1], test, marker='o', label='test', markersize=1)
As I keep stepping over this problem in one form or the other again and again, I decided to write a function gradient_n, which adds an differentiation oder functionality to np.gradient. Not all functionalities of np.gradient are supported, like differentiation of mutiple axis.
Like np.gradient, gradient_n returns the differentiated result in the same shape as the input. Also a pixel distance argument (d) is supported.
import numpy as np
def gradient_n(arr, n, d=1, axis=0):
"""Differentiate np.ndarray n times.
Similar to np.diff, but additional support of pixel distance d
and padding of the result to the same shape as arr.
If n is even: np.diff is applied and the result is zero-padded
If n is odd:
np.diff is applied n-1 times and zero-padded.
Then gradient is applied. This ensures the right output shape.
n2 = int((n // 2) * 2)
diff = arr
if n2 > 0:
a0 = max(0, axis)
a1 = max(0, arr.ndim-axis-1)
diff = np.diff(arr, n2, axis=axis) / d**n2
diff = np.pad(diff, tuple([(0,0)]*a0 + [(1,1)] +[(0,0)]*a1),
'constant', constant_values=0)
if n > n2:
assert n-n2 == 1, 'n={:f}, n2={:f}'.format(n, n2)
diff = np.gradient(diff, d, axis=axis)
return diff
def test_gradient_n():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, 17)
y = np.linspace(-2, 2, 9)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
arr = np.abs(X)
arr_x = np.gradient(arr, .5, axis=1)
arr_x2 = gradient_n(arr, 1, .5, axis=1)
arr_xx = np.diff(arr, 2, axis=1) / .5**2
arr_xx = np.pad(arr_xx, ((0, 0), (1, 1)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
arr_xx2 = gradient_n(arr, 2, .5, axis=1)
assert np.sum(arr_x - arr_x2) == 0
assert np.sum(arr_xx - arr_xx2) == 0
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(29, 21))
axs = np.array(axs).flatten()
ax = axs[0]
ax.plot(x, arr[0, :], marker='o', label='arr')
ax.plot(x, arr_x[0, :], marker='o', label='arr_x')
ax.plot(x, arr_x2[0, :], marker='x', label='arr_x2', ls='--')
ax.plot(x, arr_xx[0, :], marker='o', label='arr_xx')
ax.plot(x, arr_xx2[0, :], marker='x', label='arr_xx2', ls='--')
ax = axs[1]
im = ax.imshow(arr, cmap='bwr')
cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax, pad=.05)
ax = axs[2]
im = ax.imshow(arr_x, cmap='bwr')
cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax, pad=.05)
ax = axs[3]
im = ax.imshow(arr_xx, cmap='bwr')
cbar = ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax, pad=.05)
This is an excerpt from the original documentation (at the time of writing found at It states that unless the sampling distance is 1 you need to include a list containing the distances as an argument.
numpy.gradient(f, *varargs, **kwargs)
Return the gradient of an N-dimensional array.
The gradient is computed using second order accurate central differences in the interior and either first differences or second order accurate one-sides (forward or backwards) differences at the boundaries. The returned gradient hence has the same shape as the input array.
f : array_like
An N-dimensional array containing samples of a scalar function.
varargs : list of scalar, optional
N scalars specifying the sample distances for each dimension, i.e. dx, dy, dz, ... Default distance: 1.
edge_order : {1, 2}, optional
Gradient is calculated using Nth order accurate differences at the boundaries. Default: 1.
New in version 1.9.1.
gradient : ndarray
N arrays of the same shape as f giving the derivative of f with respect to each dimension.
My solution is to create a function similar to np.gradient that calculates the 2nd derivatives numerically from the array data.
import numpy as np
def gradient2_even(y, h=None, edge_order=1):
Return the 2nd-order gradient i.e.
2nd derivatives of y with n samples and k components.
The 2nd-order gradient is computed using second-order-accurate central differences
in the interior points and either first or second order accurate one-sided
(forward or backwards) differences at the boundaries.
The returned gradient hence has the same shape as the input array.
y : 1d or 2d array_like
The array containing the samples. If 2d with shape (n,k),
n is the number of samples at least 2 while k is the number of
y series/components. 1d input is equivalent to 2d input with shape (n,1).
h : constant or 1d, optional
spacing between the y samples. Default unitary spacing for
all y components. Spacing can be specified using:
1. Single scalar spacing value for all y components.
2. 1d array_like of length k specifying the spacing for each y component
edge_order : {1, 2}, optional
Order 1 means 3-point forward/backward finite differences
are used to calculate the 2nd derivatves at the edge points while
order 2 uses 4-point forward/backward finite differences.
d2y : 1d or 2d array
Array containing the 2nd derivatives. The output shape is the same as y.
if edge_order!=1 and edge_order!=2:
raise ValueError('edge_order must be 1 or 2.')
y = np.asfarray(y)
origshape = y.shape
if y.ndim!=1 and y.ndim!=2:
raise ValueError('y can only be 1d or 2d.')
elif y.ndim==1:
y = np.atleast_2d(y).T
elif y.ndim==2:
if y.shape[0]<2:
raise ValueError('The number of y samples must be atleast 2.')
n,k = y.shape
if h is None:
h = 1.0
h = np.asfarray(h)
if h.ndim!=0 and h.ndim!=1:
raise ValueError('h can only be 0d or 1d.')
elif h.ndim==0:
elif h.ndim==1 and h.size!=n:
raise ValueError('If h is 1d, it must have the same number as the components of y.')
d2y = np.zeros_like(y)
if n==2:
elif n==3:
d2y[:] = ( 1/h**2 * (y[0] - 2*y[1] + y[2]) )
d2y = np.zeros_like(y)
d2y[1:-1]=1/h**2 * ( y[:-2] - 2*y[1:-1] + y[2:] )
if edge_order==1:
d2y[0]=1/h**2 * ( y[0] - 2*y[1] + y[2] )
d2y[-1]=1/h**2 * ( y[-1] - 2*y[-2] + y[-3] )
d2y[0]=1/h**2 * ( 2*y[0] - 5*y[1] + 4*y[2] - y[3] )
d2y[-1]=1/h**2 * ( 2*y[-1] - 5*y[-2] + 4*y[-3] - y[-4] )
return d2y.reshape(origshape)
Using your example,
# After importing the function from the script file or running it
from numpy import *
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
x, h = linspace(0, 10, 17) # use a fairly coarse grid to see the discrepancies better
y = sin(x)
ypp = -sin(x) # analytical 2nd derivatives
# Compute numerically the 2nd derivatives using 2nd-order finite differences at the edge points
d2y = gradient2_even(y, h, 2)
# Compute numerically the 2nd derivatives using nested gradient function
d2y2 = gradient(gradient(y, h, edge_order=2), h, edge_order=2)
# Compute numerically the 2nd derivatives using 1st-order finite differences at the edge points
d2y3 = gradient2_even(y, h, 1)
ax.plot(x, ypp, x, d2y, 'o', x, d2y2, 'o', x, d2y3, 'o'), ax.grid()
ax.legend(['Analytical', 'edge_order=2', 'nested gradient', 'edge_order=1'])