I have two lists of US state abbreviations (for example):
What I want to end up with is this (basically an ordered frequency table):
The way I came up with was:
S=[[x,s3.count(x)] for x in set(s3)]
This works great - though, tbh, I don't know that this is very memory efficient.
BUT... there is a catch.
s1+s2 too big to hold in memory, so what I'm doing is appending to s1 until it reaches a length of 10K (yes, resources are THAT limited), then summarizing it (using the list comprehension step above), deleting the contents of s1, and re-filling s1 with the next chunk of data (only represented as 's2' above for purpose of demonstration). ...and so on through the loop until it reaches the end of the data.
So with each iteration of the loop, I want to sum the 'base' list of lists 'S' with the current iteration's list of lists 's'. My question is, essentially, how do I add these:
(the current master data):
(the new data):
s=[['CA',1],['FL',1],['GA',1],['MA',2],['OH',1]] get (the new master data):
S=[['CA',2],['CO',1],['FL',1],['GA',1],['IN',1],['MA',4],['OH',4]] some sort of reasonably efficient way. If this is better to do with dictionaries or something else, I am fine with that. What I can't do, unfortunately is make use of ANY remotely specialized Python module -- all I have to work with is the most stripped-down version of Python 2.6 imaginable in a closed-off, locked-down, resource-poor Linux environment (hazards of the job). Any help is greatly appreciated!!
You can use itertools.chain to chain two iterators efficiently:
import itertools
import collections
counts = collections.Counter()
for val in itertools.chain(s1, s2): # memory efficient
counts[val] += 1
A collections.Counter object is a dict specialized for counting... if you know how to use a dict you can use a collections.Counter. However, it allows you to write the above more succinctly as:
counts = collections.Counter(itertools.chain(s1, s2))
Also note, the following construction:
S=[[x,s3.count(x)] for x in set(s3)]
Happens to also be very time inefficient, since you are calling s3.count in a loop. Although, this might not be too bad if len(set(s3)) << len(s3)
Note, you can do the chaining "manually" by doing something like:
it1 = iter(s1)
it2 = iter(s2)
for val in it1:
for val in it2:
You can run Counter.update as many times as you like, cutting your data to fit in memory / streaming them as you like.
import collections
counter = collections.Counter()
counter.update(['foo', 'bar'])
assert counter['foo'] == counter['bar'] == 1
counter.update(['foo', 'bar', 'foo'])
assert counter['foo'] == 3
assert counter['bar'] == 2
assert sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda rec: -rec[1]) == [('foo', 3), ('bar', 2)]
The last line uses negated count as the sorting key to make the higher counts come first.
If with that your count structure does not fit in memory, you need a (disk-based) database, such as Postgres, or likely just a machine with more memory and a more efficient key-value store, such as Redis.
I have a reasonably large number n=10000 of sorted lists of length k=100 each. Since merging two sorted lists takes linear time, I would imagine its cheaper to recursively merge the sorted lists of length O(nk) with heapq.merge() in a tree of depth log(n) than to sort the entire thing at once with sorted() in O(nklog(nk)) time.
However, the sorted() approach seems to be 17-44x faster on my machine. Is the implementation of sorted() that much faster than heapq.merge() that it outstrips the asymptotic time advantage of the classic merge?
import itertools
import heapq
data = [range(n*8000,n*8000+10000,100) for n in range(10000)]
# Approach 1
for val in heapq.merge(*data):
test = val
# Approach 2
for val in sorted(itertools.chain(*data)):
test = val
CPython's list.sort() uses an adaptive merge sort, which identifies natural runs in the input, and then merges them "intelligently". It's very effective at exploiting many kinds of pre-existing order. For example, try sorting range(N)*2 (in Python 2) for increasing values of N, and you'll find the time needed grows linearly in N.
So the only real advantage of heapq.merge() in this application is lower peak memory use if you iterate over the results (instead of materializing an ordered list containing all the results).
In fact, list.sort() is taking more advantage of the structure in your specific data than the heapq.merge() approach. I have some insight into this, because I wrote Python's list.sort() ;-)
(BTW, I see you already accepted an answer, and that's fine by me - it's a good answer. I just wanted to give a bit more info.)
ABOUT THAT "more advantage"
As discussed a bit in comments, list.sort() plays lots of engineering tricks that may cut the number of comparisons needed over what heapq.merge() needs. It depends on the data. Here's a quick account of what happens for the specific data in your question. First define a class that counts the number of comparisons performed (note that I'm using Python 3, so have to account for all possible comparisons):
class V(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def __lt__(a, b):
global ncmp
ncmp += 1
return a.val < b.val
def __eq__(a, b):
global ncmp
ncmp += 1
return a.val == b.val
def __le__(a, b):
raise ValueError("unexpected comparison")
__ne__ = __gt__ = __ge__ = __le__
sort() was deliberately written to use only < (__lt__). It's more of an accident in heapq (and, as I recall, even varies across Python versions), but it turns out .merge() only required < and ==. So those are the only comparisons the class defines in a useful way.
Then changing your data to use instances of that class:
data = [[V(i) for i in range(n*8000,n*8000+10000,100)]
for n in range(10000)]
Then run both methods:
ncmp = 0
for val in heapq.merge(*data):
test = val
print(format(ncmp, ","))
ncmp = 0
for val in sorted(itertools.chain(*data)):
test = val
print(format(ncmp, ","))
The output is kinda remarkable:
So sorted() required far fewer comparisons than merge(), for this specific data. And that's the primary reason it's much faster.
Those comparison counts looked too remarkable to me ;-) The count for heapq.merge() looked about twice as large as I thought reasonable.
Took a while to track this down. In short, it's an artifact of the way heapq.merge() is implemented: it maintains a heap of 3-element list objects, each containing the current next value from an iterable, the 0-based index of that iterable among all the iterables (to break comparison ties), and that iterable's __next__ method. The heapq functions all compare these little lists (instead of just the iterables' values), and list comparison always goes thru the lists first looking for the first corresponding items that are not ==.
So, e.g., asking whether [0] < [1] first asks whether 0 == 1. It's not, so then it goes on to ask whether 0 < 1.
Because of this, each < comparison done during the execution of heapq.merge() actually does two object comparisons (one ==, the other <). The == comparisons are "wasted" work, in the sense that they're not logically necessary to solve the problem - they're just "an optimization" (which happens not to pay in this context!) used internally by list comparison.
So in some sense it would be fairer to cut the report of heapq.merge() comparisons in half. But it's still way more than sorted() needed, so I'll let it drop now ;-)
sorted uses an adaptive mergesort that detects sorted runs and merges them efficiently, so it gets to take advantage of all the same structure in the input that heapq.merge gets to use. Also, sorted has a really nice C implementation with a lot more optimization effort put into it than heapq.merge.
Which one of these is considered the more pythonic, taking into account scalability and readability?
Using enumerate:
group = ['A','B','C']
tag = ['a','b','c']
for idx, x in enumerate(group):
print(x, tag[idx])
or using zip:
for x, y in zip(group, tag):
print(x, y)
The reason I ask is that I have been using a mix of both. I should keep to one standard approach, but which should it be?
No doubt, zip is more pythonic. It doesn't require that you use a variable to store an index (which you don't otherwise need), and using it allows handling the lists uniformly, while with enumerate, you iterate over one list, and index the other list, i.e. non-uniform handling.
However, you should be aware of the caveat that zip runs only up to the shorter of the two lists. To avoid duplicating someone else's answer I'd just include a reference here: someone else's answer.
#user3100115 aptly points out that in python2, you should prefer using itertools.izip over zip, due its lazy nature (faster and more memory efficient). In python3 zip already behaves like py2's izip.
While others have pointed out that zip is in fact more pythonic than enumerate, I came here to see if it was any more efficient. According to my tests, zip is around 10 to 20% faster than enumerate when simply accessing and using items from multiple lists in parallel.
Here I have three lists of (the same) increasing length being accessed in parallel. When the lists are more than a couple of items in length, the time ratio of zip/enumerate is below zero and zip is faster.
Code I used:
import timeit
setup = \
import random
size = {}
a = [ random.randint(0,i+1) for i in range(size) ]
b = [ random.random()*i for i in range(size) ]
c = [ random.random()+i for i in range(size) ]
code_zip = \
data = []
for x,y,z in zip(a,b,c):
code_enum = \
data = []
for i,x in enumerate(a):
runs = 10000
sizes = [ 2**i for i in range(16) ]
data = []
for size in sizes:
formatted_setup = setup.format(size)
time_zip = timeit.timeit(code_zip, formatted_setup, number=runs)
time_enum = timeit.timeit(code_enum, formatted_setup, number=runs)
ratio = time_zip/time_enum
row = (size,time_zip,time_enum,ratio)
with open("testzipspeed.csv", 'w') as csv_file:
for row in data:
csv_file.write(",".join([ str(i) for i in row ])+"\n")
The answer to the question asked in your title, "Which is more pythonic; zip or enumerate...?" is: they both are. enumerate is just a special case of zip.
The answer to your more specific question about that for loop is: use zip, but not for the reasons you've seen so far.
The biggest advantage of zip in that loop has nothing to do with zip itself. It has to do with avoiding the assumptions made in your enumerate loop. To explain, I'll make two different generators based on your two examples:
def process_items_and_tags(items, tags):
"Do something with two iterables: items and tags."
for item, tag in zip(items, tag):
yield process(item, tag)
def process_items_and_list_of_tags(items, tags_list):
"Do something with an iterable of items and an indexable collection of tags."
for idx, item in enumerate(items):
yield process(item, tags_list[idx])
Both generators can take any iterable as their first argument (items), but they differ in how they handle their second argument. The enumerate-based approach can only process tags in a list-like collection with [] indexing. That rules out a huge number of iterables, like file streams and generators, for no good reason.
Why is one parameter more tightly constrained than the other? The restriction isn't inherent in the problem the user is trying to solve, since the generator could just as easily have been written the other way 'round:
def process_list_of_items_and_tags(items_list, tags):
"Do something with an indexable collection of items and an iterable of tags."
for idx, tag in enumerate(tags):
yield process(items[idx], tag)
Same result, different restriction on the inputs. Why should your caller have to know or care about any of that?
As an added penalty, anything of the form some_list[some_index] could raise an IndexError, which you would have to either catch or prevent in some way. That's not normally a problem when your loop both enumerates and accesses the same list-like collection, but here you're enumerating one and then accessing items from another. You'd have to add more code to handle an error that could not have happened in the zip-based version.
Avoiding the unnecessary idx variable is also nice, but hardly the deciding difference between the two approaches.
For more on the subject of iterables, generators, and functions that use them, see Ned Batchelder's PyCon US 2013 talk, "Loop Like a Native" (text, 30-minute video).
zip is more pythonic as said where you don't require another variable while you could also use
from collections import deque
deque(map(lambda x, y:sys.stdout.write(x+" "+y+"\n"),group,tag),maxlen=0)
Since we are printing output here a the list of None values need to be rectified and also provided your lists are of same length.
Update : Well in this case it may not be as good because you are printing group and tag values and it generates a list of None values because of sys.stdout.write but practically if you needed to fetch values it would be better.
zip might be more Pythonic, but it has a gotcha. If you want to change elements in place, you need to use indexing. Iterating over the elements will not work. For example:
x = [1,2,3]
for elem in x:
elem *= 10
Output: [1,2,3]
y = [1,2,3]
for index in range(len(y)):
y[i] *= 10
Output: [10,20,30]
This is a trivial starting question. I think range(len([list])) isn´t pythonic trying a non pythonist solution.
Thinking about it and reading excelent python documentation, I really like docs as numpy format style in simple pythonic code, that enumerate is a solution for iterables if you need a for loop because make an iterable is a comprehensive form.
list_a = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
list_2 = ['1', '2', '3',]
[print(a) for a in lista]
is for exec the printable line and perhaps better is a generator,
item = genetator_item = (print(i, a) for i, a in enumerate(lista) if a.find('a') == 0)
for multiline for and more complex for loops, we can use the enumerate(zip(.
for i, (arg1, arg2) i in enumerate(zip(list_a, list_2)):
print('multiline') # do complex code
but perhaps in extended pythonic code we can use anotrher complex format with itertools, note idx at the end for len(list_a[:]) slice
from itertools import count as idx
for arg1, arg2, i in zip(list_a, list_2, idx(start=1)):
print(f'multiline {i}: {arg1}, {arg2}') # do complex code
In the following code:
def listSum(alist):
"""Get sum of numbers in a list recursively."""
sum = 0
if len(alist) == 1:
return alist[0]
return alist[0] + listSum(alist[1:])
return sum
is a new list created every time when I do listSum(alist[1:])?
If yes, is this the recommended way or can I do something more efficient? (Not for the specific function -this serves as an example-, but rather when I want to process a specific part of a list in general.)
Sorry if I confused anyone, I am not interested in an efficient sum implementation, this served as an example to use slicing this way.
Yes, it creates a new list every time. If you can get away with using an iterable, you can use itertools.islice, or juggle iter(list) (if you only need to skip some items at the start). But this gets messy when you need to determine if the argument is empty or only has one element - you have to use try and catch StopIteration. Edit: You could also add an extra argument that determines where to start. Unlike #marcadian's version, you should make it a default argument to not burden the caller with that and avoid bugs from the wrong index being passed in from the outside.
It's often better to not get in that sort of situation - either write your code such that you can let for deal with iteration (read: don't use recursion like that). Alternatively, if the slice is reasonably small (possibly because the list as a whole is small), bite the bullet and slice anyway - it's easier, and while slicing is linear time, the constant factor is really tiny.
I can think of some options:
use builtin function sum for this particular case
If you really need recursion (for some reason), pass in the same list to the function call and also index of current element, so you don't need to slice the list (which creates new list)
option 2 works like this:
def f_sum(alist, idx=0):
if idx >= len(alist):
return 0
return alist[idx] + f_sum(alist, idx + 1)
f_sum([1, 2, 3, 4])
a = range(5)
This is another way if you must use recursion (tail-recursive). In many other languages this is more efficient than regular recursions in terms of space complexity. Unfortunately this isn't the case in python because it does not have a built-in support for optimizing tail calls. It's a good practice to take note of if you are learning recursion nonetheless.
def helper(l, s, i):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
elif i < len(l) - 1:
return helper(l, s + l[i], i + 1)
return s + l[i]
def listSum(l):
return helper(l, 0, 0)
For example, files, in Python, are iterable - they iterate over the lines in the file. I want to count the number of lines.
One quick way is to do this:
lines = len(list(open(fname)))
However, this loads the whole file into memory (at once). This rather defeats the purpose of an iterator (which only needs to keep the current line in memory).
This doesn't work:
lines = len(line for line in open(fname))
as generators don't have a length.
Is there any way to do this short of defining a count function?
def count(i):
c = 0
for el in i: c += 1
return c
To clarify, I understand that the whole file will have to be read! I just don't want it in memory all at once
Short of iterating through the iterable and counting the number of iterations, no. That's what makes it an iterable and not a list. This isn't really even a python-specific problem. Look at the classic linked-list data structure. Finding the length is an O(n) operation that involves iterating the whole list to find the number of elements.
As mcrute mentioned above, you can probably reduce your function to:
def count_iterable(i):
return sum(1 for e in i)
Of course, if you're defining your own iterable object you can always implement __len__ yourself and keep an element count somewhere.
If you need a count of lines you can do this, I don't know of any better way to do it:
line_count = sum(1 for line in open("yourfile.txt"))
The cardinality package provides an efficient count() function and some related functions to count and check the size of any iterable:
import cardinality
it = some_iterable(...)
Internally it uses enumerate() and collections.deque() to move all the actual looping and counting logic to the C level, resulting in a considerable speedup over for loops in Python.
I've used this redefinition for some time now:
def len(thingy):
return thingy.__len__()
except AttributeError:
return sum(1 for item in iter(thingy))
It turns out there is an implemented solution for this common problem. Consider using the ilen() function from more_itertools.
An example of printing a number of lines in a file (we use the with statement to safely handle closing files):
# Example
import more_itertools
with open("", "r+") as f:
# Output: 433
This example returns the same result as solutions presented earlier for totaling lines in a file:
# Equivalent code
with open("", "r+") as f:
print(sum(1 for line in f))
# Output: 433
Absolutely not, for the simple reason that iterables are not guaranteed to be finite.
Consider this perfectly legal generator function:
def forever():
while True:
yield "I will run forever"
Attempting to calculate the length of this function with len([x for x in forever()]) will clearly not work.
As you noted, much of the purpose of iterators/generators is to be able to work on a large dataset without loading it all into memory. The fact that you can't get an immediate length should be considered a tradeoff.
Because apparently the duplication wasn't noticed at the time, I'll post an extract from my answer to the duplicate here as well:
There is a way to perform meaningfully faster than sum(1 for i in it) when the iterable may be long (and not meaningfully slower when the iterable is short), while maintaining fixed memory overhead behavior (unlike len(list(it))) to avoid swap thrashing and reallocation overhead for larger inputs.
# On Python 2 only, get zip that lazily generates results instead of returning list
from future_builtins import zip
from collections import deque
from itertools import count
def ilen(it):
# Make a stateful counting iterator
cnt = count()
# zip it with the input iterator, then drain until input exhausted at C level
deque(zip(it, cnt), 0) # cnt must be second zip arg to avoid advancing too far
# Since count 0 based, the next value is the count
return next(cnt)
Like len(list(it)), ilen(it) performs the loop in C code on CPython (deque, count and zip are all implemented in C); avoiding byte code execution per loop is usually the key to performance in CPython.
Rather than repeat all the performance numbers here, I'll just point you to my answer with the full perf details.
For filtering, this variation can be used:
sum(is_good(item) for item in iterable)
which can be naturally read as "count good items" and is shorter and simpler (although perhaps less idiomatic) than:
sum(1 for item in iterable if is_good(item)))
Note: The fact that True evaluates to 1 in numeric contexts is specified in the docs
(, so this coercion is not a hack (as opposed to some other languages like C/C++).
We'll, if you think about it, how do you propose you find the number of lines in a file without reading the whole file for newlines? Sure, you can find the size of the file, and if you can gurantee that the length of a line is x, you can get the number of lines in a file. But unless you have some kind of constraint, I fail to see how this can work at all. Also, since iterables can be infinitely long...
I did a test between the two common procedures in some code of mine, which finds how many graphs on n vertices there are, to see which method of counting elements of a generated list goes faster. Sage has a generator graphs(n) which generates all graphs on n vertices. I created two functions which obtain the length of a list obtained by an iterator in two different ways and timed each of them (averaging over 100 test runs) using the time.time() function. The functions were as follows:
def test_code_list(n):
l = graphs(n)
return len(list(l))
def test_code_sum(n):
S = sum(1 for _ in graphs(n))
return S
Now I time each method
import time
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
t1 = time.time()
avg_time = (t1-t0)/10
print 'average list method time = %s' % avg_time
t0 = time.time()
for i in range(100):
t1 = time.time()
avg_time = (t1-t0)/100
print "average sum method time = %s" % avg_time
average list method time = 0.0391882109642
average sum method time = 0.0418473792076
So computing the number of graphs on n=5 vertices this way, the list method is slightly faster (although 100 test runs isn't a great sample size). But when I increased the length of the list being computed by trying graphs on n=7 vertices (i.e. changing graphs(5) to graphs(7)), the result was this:
average list method time = 4.14753051996
average sum method time = 3.96504004002
In this case the sum method was slightly faster. All in all, the two methods are approximately the same speed but the difference MIGHT depend on the length of your list (it might also just be that I only averaged over 100 test runs, which isn't very high -- would have taken forever otherwise).