Python list slicing efficiency - python

In the following code:
def listSum(alist):
"""Get sum of numbers in a list recursively."""
sum = 0
if len(alist) == 1:
return alist[0]
return alist[0] + listSum(alist[1:])
return sum
is a new list created every time when I do listSum(alist[1:])?
If yes, is this the recommended way or can I do something more efficient? (Not for the specific function -this serves as an example-, but rather when I want to process a specific part of a list in general.)
Sorry if I confused anyone, I am not interested in an efficient sum implementation, this served as an example to use slicing this way.

Yes, it creates a new list every time. If you can get away with using an iterable, you can use itertools.islice, or juggle iter(list) (if you only need to skip some items at the start). But this gets messy when you need to determine if the argument is empty or only has one element - you have to use try and catch StopIteration. Edit: You could also add an extra argument that determines where to start. Unlike #marcadian's version, you should make it a default argument to not burden the caller with that and avoid bugs from the wrong index being passed in from the outside.
It's often better to not get in that sort of situation - either write your code such that you can let for deal with iteration (read: don't use recursion like that). Alternatively, if the slice is reasonably small (possibly because the list as a whole is small), bite the bullet and slice anyway - it's easier, and while slicing is linear time, the constant factor is really tiny.

I can think of some options:
use builtin function sum for this particular case
If you really need recursion (for some reason), pass in the same list to the function call and also index of current element, so you don't need to slice the list (which creates new list)
option 2 works like this:
def f_sum(alist, idx=0):
if idx >= len(alist):
return 0
return alist[idx] + f_sum(alist, idx + 1)
f_sum([1, 2, 3, 4])
a = range(5)

This is another way if you must use recursion (tail-recursive). In many other languages this is more efficient than regular recursions in terms of space complexity. Unfortunately this isn't the case in python because it does not have a built-in support for optimizing tail calls. It's a good practice to take note of if you are learning recursion nonetheless.
def helper(l, s, i):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
elif i < len(l) - 1:
return helper(l, s + l[i], i + 1)
return s + l[i]
def listSum(l):
return helper(l, 0, 0)


Efficient functional list iteration in Python

So suppose I have an array of some elements. Each element have some number of properties.
I need to filter this list from some subsets of values determined by predicates. This subsets of course can have intersections.
I also need to determine amount of values in each such subset.
So using imperative approach I could write code like that and it would have running time of 2*n. One iteration to copy array and another one to filter it count subsets sizes.
from split import import groupby
a = [{'some_number': i, 'some_time': str(i) + '0:00:00'} for i in range(10)]
# imperative style
wrong_number_count = 0
wrong_time_count = 0
for item in a[:]:
if predicate1(item):
delete_original(item, a)
wrong_number_count += 1
if predicate2(item):
delete_original(item, a)
wrong_time_count += 1
def do_something_with_filtered(a, c1, c2):
print('filtered a {}'.format(a))
print('{} items had wrong number'.format(c1))
print('{} items had wrong time'.format(c2))
def predicate1(x):
return x['some_number'] < 3
def predicate2(x):
return x['some_time'] < '50:00:00'
Somehow I can't think of the way to do that in Python in functional way with same running time.
So in functional style I could have used groupby multiple times probably or write a comprehension for each predicate, but that's obviously would be slower than imperative approach.
I think such thing possible in Haskell using Stream Fusion (am I right?)
But how do that in Python?
Python has a strong support to "stream processing" in the form of its iterators - and what you ask seens just trivial to do. You just have to have a way to group your predicates and attributes to it - it could be a dictionary where the predicate itself is the key.
That said, a simple iterator function that takes in your predicate data structure, along with the data to be processed could do what you want. TThe iterator would have the side effect of changing your data-structure with the predicate-information. If you want "pure functions" you'd just have to duplicate the predicate information before, and maybe passing and retrieving all predicate and counters valus to the iterator (through the send method) for each element - I don´ t think it would be worth that level of purism.
That said you could have your code something along:
from collections import OrderedDict
def predicate1(...):
def preticateN(...):
def do_something_with_filtered(item):
def multifilter(data, predicates):
for item in data:
for predicate in predicates:
if predicate(item):
predicates[predicate] += 1
yield item
def do_it(data):
predicates = OrderedDict([(predicate1, 0), ..., (predicateN, 0) ])
for item in multifilter(data, predicates):
for predicate, value in predicates.items():
print("{} filtered out {} items".format(predicate.__name__, value)
a = ...
(If you have to count an item for all predicates that it fails, then an obvious change from the "break" statement to a state flag variable is enough)
Yes, fusion in Haskell will often turn something written as two passes into a single pass. Though in the case of lists, it's actually foldr/build fusion rather than stream fusion.
That's not generally possible in languages that don't enforce purity, though. When side effects are involved, it's no longer correct to fuse multiple passes into one. What if each pass performed output? Unfused, you get all the output from each pass separately. Fused, you get the output from both passes interleaved.
It's possible to write a fusion-style framework in Python that will work correctly if you promise to only ever use it with pure functions. But I'm doubtful such a thing exists at the moment. (I'd loved to be proven wrong, though.)

permutation in python: maximum recursion depth exceeded

I am trying to generate permutation numbers using code I adapted from functioning C++. The Python version errs with
Line 42: RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
for the input [5,4,6,2].
class Solution:
# #param {integer[]} nums
# #return {integer[][]}
def permute(self, nums):
result = []
if len(nums) == 0:
return result
if len(nums) == 1:
return result
if len(nums) == 2:
a = nums[0]
b = nums[1]
newrow = [b,a]
return result
for i in range(0, len(nums)):
temp = nums
fixvalue = temp[i]
tempresult = self.permute(temp)
for j in range(0, len(tempresult)):
return result
Your recursion is actually adding elements to the list through the line
You need to change the line
temp = nums
temp = nums[:]
This will create a copy of the input using copy-by-slice. Your present code is manipulating the original.
Unrelatedly, I'm not sure at all why you have a Java-esque class Solution containing permute without any state at all. Why not simply use permute as a function? What does the class add?
The logic of your code has several errors regarding its manipulation of the lists. I'm actually a bit surprised by the error you're getting, as I would have thought an IndexError would be more likely, but it turns out you're adding new values to your lists as often as you're removing them.
Here's the core of the error:
temp = nums
This doesn't do what you expect if you're coming from C or C++. It doesn't copy the list stored in the nums variable and store the copied data as temp. It just creates a reference to the same list object. When you later modify temp (with del, and in some confusing corner cases, with insert), you're modifying nums as well.
You should think of assignments in Python as being like pointer assignments in C. Two pointers can refer to the same point in memory, and modifying that memory through one of them will affect what you see when you read the memory through the other pointer.
As for how to solve the issue, you will probably have better luck if you copy the contents of your nums list in some way. You can either use list or a slice nums[:] to copy the whole thing before using del to modify the copy, or you could use two smaller slices to get the values you want directly (nums[:i] + nums[i+1:]).
If you just need permutations, python provides a out-of-box solution in itertools.permutations.
If you want to do this as an exercise, there are several problems with your code:
You have to make a copy of the list before recursion
Your recursion algorithm needs a special case for empty list, or list with one item, otherwise it won't exit, hence the recursion limit is exceeded.
If you correct your algorithm, and it still exceeds the recursion limit, you can change the recursion limit (default 1000) with:
My suggestion is to take a look at the official implementation in itertools.

Python lists - codes & algorithem

I need some help with python, a new program language to me.
So, lets say that I have this list:
list= [3, 1, 4, 9, 8, 2]
And I would like to sort it, but without using the built-in function "sort", otherwise where's all the fun and the studying in here? I want to code as simple and as basic as I can, even if it means to work a bit harder. Therefore, if you want to help me and to offer me some of ideas and code, please, try to keep them very "basic".
Anyway, back to my problem: In order to sort this list, I've decided to compare every time a number from the list to the last number. First, I'll check 3 and 2. If 3 is smaller than 2 (and it's false, wrong), then do nothing.
Next - check if 1 is smaller than 2 (and it's true) - then change the index place of this number with the first element.
On the next run, it will check again if the number is smaller or not from the last number in the list. But this time, if the number is smaller, it will change the place with the second number (and on the third run with the third number, if it's smaller, of course).
and so on and so on.
In the end, the ()function will return the sorted list.
Hop you've understand it.
So I want to use a ()recursive function to make the task bit interesting, but still basic.
Therefore, I thought about this code:
def func(list):
if not list:
for i in range(len(list)):
if list[-1] > lst[i]:
#have no idea what to write here in order to change the locations
i = i + 1
#return func(lst[i+1:])?
return list
2 questions:
1. How can I change the locations? Using pop/remove and then insert?
2. I don't know where to put the recursive part and if I've wrote it good (I think I didn't). the recursive part is the second "#", the first "return".
What do you think? How can I improve this code? What's wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Oh man, sorting. That's one of the most popular problems in programming with many, many solutions that differ a little in every language. Anyway, the most straight-forward algorithm is I guess the bubble sort. However, it's not very effective, so it's mostly used for educational purposes. If you want to try something more efficient and common go for the quick sort. I believe it's the most popular sorting algorithm. In python however, the default algorithm is a bit different - read here. And like I've said, there are many, many more sorting algorithms around the web.
Now, to answer your specific questions: in python replacing an item in a list is as simple as
As to recursion - I don't think it's a good idea to use it, a simple while/for loop is better here.
maybe you can try a quicksort this way :
def quicksort(array, up, down):
# start sorting in your array from down to up :
# is array[up] < array[down] ? if yes switch
# do it until up <= down
# call recursively quicksort
# with the array, middle, up
# with the array, down, middle
# where middle is the value found when the first sort ended
you can check this link : Quicksort on Wikipedia
It is nearly the same logic.
Hope it will help !
The easiest way to swap the two list elements is by using “parallel assignment”:
list[-1], list[i] = list[i], list[-1]
It doesn't really make sense to use recursion for this algorithm. If you call func(lst[i+1:]), that makes a copy of those elements of the list, and the recursive call operates on the copy, and then the copy is discarded. You could make func take two arguments: the list and i+1.
But your code is still broken. The not list test is incorrect, and the i = i + 1 is incorrect. What you are describing sounds a variation of selection sort where you're doing a bunch of extra swapping.
Here's how a selection sort normally works.
Find the smallest of all elements and swap it into index 0.
Find the smallest of all remaining elements (all indexes greater than 0) and swap it into index 1.
Find the smallest of all remaining elements (all indexes greater than 1) and swap it into index 2.
And so on.
To simplify, the algorithm is this: find the smallest of all remaining (unsorted) elements, and append it to the list of sorted elements. Repeat until there are no remaining unsorted elements.
We can write it in Python like this:
def func(elements):
for firstUnsortedIndex in range(len(elements)):
# elements[0:firstUnsortedIndex] are sorted
# elements[firstUnsortedIndex:] are not sorted
bestIndex = firstUnsortedIndex
for candidateIndex in range(bestIndex + 1, len(elements)):
if elements[candidateIndex] < elements[bestIndex]:
bestIndex = candidateIndex
# Now bestIndex is the index of the smallest unsorted element
elements[firstUnsortedIndex], elements[bestIndex] = elements[bestIndex], elements[firstUnsortedIndex]
# Now elements[0:firstUnsortedIndex+1] are sorted, so it's safe to increment firstUnsortedIndex
# Now all elements are sorted.
>>> testList = [3, 1, 4, 9, 8, 2]
>>> func(testList)
>>> testList
[1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9]
If you really want to structure this so that recursion makes sense, here's how. Find the smallest element of the list. Then call func recursively, passing all the remaining elements. (Thus each recursive call passes one less element, eventually passing zero elements.) Then prepend that smallest element onto the list returned by the recursive call. Here's the code:
def func(elements):
if len(elements) == 0:
return elements
bestIndex = 0
for candidateIndex in range(1, len(elements)):
if elements[candidateIndex] < elements[bestIndex]:
bestIndex = candidateIndex
return [elements[bestIndex]] + func(elements[0:bestIndex] + elements[bestIndex + 1:])

alternative to recursion based merge sort logic

here is a merge sort logic in python : (this is the first part, ignore the function merge()) The point in question is converting the recursive logic to a while loop.
Code courtesy: Rosettacode Merge Sort
def merge_sort(m):
if len(m) <= 1:
return m
middle = len(m) / 2
left = m[:middle]
right = m[middle:]
left = merge_sort(left)
right = merge_sort(right)
return list(merge(left, right))
Is it possible to make it a sort of dynamically in the while loop while each left and right array breaks into two, a sort of pointer keeps increasing based on the number of left and right arrays and breaking them until only single length sized list remains?
because every time the next split comes while going on both left- and right- side the array keeps breaking down till only single length list remains, so the number of left sided (left-left,left-right) and right sided (right-left,right-right) breaks will increase till it reaches a list of size 1 for all.
One possible implementation might be this:
def merge_sort(m):
l = [[x] for x in m] # split each element to its own list
while len(l) > 1: # while there's merging to be done
for x in range(len(l) >> 1): # take the first len/2 lists
l[x] = merge(l[x], l.pop()) # and merge with the last len/2 lists
return l[0] if len(l) else []
Stack frames in the recursive version are used to store progressively smaller lists that need to be merged. You correctly identified that at the bottom of the stack, there's a one-element list for each element in whatever you're sorting. So, by starting from a series of one-element lists, we can iteratively build up larger, merged lists until we have a single, sorted list.
Reposted from alternative to recursion based merge sort logic at the request of a reader:
One way to eliminate recursion is to use a queue to manage the outstanding work. For example, using the built-in collections.deque:
from collections import deque
from heapq import merge
def merge_sorted(iterable):
"""Return a list consisting of the sorted elements of 'iterable'."""
queue = deque([i] for i in iterable)
if not queue:
return []
while len(queue) > 1:
queue.append(list(merge(queue.popleft(), queue.popleft())))
return queue[0]
It's said, that every recursive function can be written in a non-recursive manner, so the short answer is: yes, it's possible. The only solution I can think of is to use the stack-based approach. When recursive function invokes itself, it puts some context (its arguments and return address) on the inner stack, which isn't available for you. Basically, what you need to do in order to eliminate recursion is to write your own stack and every time when you would make a recursive call, put the arguments onto this stack.
For more information you can read this article, or refer to the section named 'Eliminating Recursion' in Robert Lafore's "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java" (although all the examples in this book are given in Java, it's pretty easy to grasp the main idea).
Going with Dan's solution above and taking the advice on pop, still I tried eliminating while and other not so pythonic approach. Here is a solution that I have suggested:
PS: l = len
My doubt on Dans solution is what if L.pop() and L[x] are same and a conflict is created, as in the case of an odd range after iterating over half of the length of L?
def merge_sort(m):
L = [[x] for x in m] # split each element to its own list
for x in xrange(l(L)):
if x > 0:
L[x] = merge(L[x-1], L[x])
return L[-1]
This can go on for all academic discussions but I got my answer to an alternative to recursive method.

getting Nth value of a linked list recursively

I want to be able to be able to recursively pass count or increment count and then pass it into my recursion. However, I know I must declare count = 0 to be able to use it when incrementing. I am still learning python and I am finding it hard to recursively increment count. Could someone help me with this please?
I know currently my code is wrong because each recursion i make, count will be resent to 0. I don't want to set count as a 3rd argument because I feel as though it is not necessary.
my code:
def getNth(head, n):
count = 0
if count == n:
count += 1
return head.value
if is not None:
print 'not in linked list'
Count backwards rather than up.
def getNth(head, n):
if n == 0:
return head.value
return getNth(, n - 1)
This however will perform miserably in practice, and you'll get a stack overflow if your list is any reasonable length. Functional programming style is not usually good Python style (since, for example, tail recursion isn't a feature of Python).
I'd just write the loop out.
def getNth(head, n):
for _ in xrange(n):
head =
return head.value
This is a common pattern in recursion that is cleanly executed in python, so it's worth mentioning.
Methods allow keyword arguments, which are useful for keeping track of recursion depth. The change to your method signature is trivial:
def getNth(head, n, count=0):
0 is the default argument to count. Just leave it out in your initial call (or explicitly call it with count=0) and you're good. You can then easily recursively call getNth with getNth(*args, count + 1).
I should note now that I've explained this that recursion is quite slow in python. If you care at all about performance you should favor iterative solutions (often involving generators) over recursive solutions.
