Please suggest a better solution to an optimization puzzle - python

Please find below a problem, its solution and its working implementation. The solution below has a time complexity of O(n!) (Please correct me if I am wrong).
My Question:
1)Please suggest a solution with better time complexity. Given it's an optimization problem, Dynamic programming or memoization seems like a better option. Also please provide an analysis justifying the time complexity of your solution. Thanks!
A pipe company produces pipes of fixed length n. It gets orders of k number of pipes each with length between (0,n] every day. Write an algorithm that will help the company fulfill the orders using minimum number of fixed length of pipes.
For k orders, consider all permutations. For each permutation, greedily compute cost. Pick permutation with minimum cost.
We need two data structures: 1) Order: use list 2) Cost: list containing all pipes used where value is the remaining length of pipe.
If we used a single pipe of length n fully, Then the data structure representing cost is [0].
import itertools
n = 10
def fulfill_element_greedily(pipes_used, order):
eligible_pipes = filter(lambda x : x - order >= 0, pipes_used)
if len(eligible_pipes) == 0:
new_pipe_used = n-order
new_pipe_used = eligible_pipes[-1] - order
return pipes_used + [new_pipe_used]
def cost_for_greedy_fulfill(orders):
pipes_used = []
for order in orders:
pipes_used = fulfill_element_greedily(pipes_used, order)
return len(pipes_used)
def min_cost(orders):
if(any(map(lambda x : x > n,orders))):
print "Orders %s" % str(orders)
raise ValueError("Invalid orders")
return min(map(cost_for_greedy_fulfill,itertools.permutations(orders))) if len(orders)!=0 else 0
def test():
assert 0 == min_cost([])
assert 1 == min_cost([1])
assert 1 == min_cost([5])
assert 1 == min_cost([10])
assert 2 == min_cost([10,2])
assert 2 == min_cost([2,9,7])
assert 2 == min_cost([1,7,9,3])
return "tests passed"
print test()

There is a Dynamic Programming algorithm of Complexity O(k*(2^k)) as follows:
define a state that contains the following 2 members:
struct State {
int minPipe; // minimum number of pipes
int remainingLen; // remaining length of last pipe
We say state a is better than state b if and only if
(a.minPipe < b.minPipe) or (a.minPipe == b.minPipe && a.remainingLen > b.remainingLen)
The problem itself can be divided into 2^k states:
State states[2^k]
where states[i] represents the optimal state (minimum number of pipe which maximum remaining length of last pipe) that already produce pipe x, (1<=x<=k), where the x-th bit in the binary representation of i is set.
for example,
states[0]: inital state, no pipe produced
states[1]: optimal state with only the 1st pipe produced
states[2]: optimal state with only the 2nd pipe produced
states[3]: optimal state with the 1st and 2nd pipe produced
states[4]: optimal state with only the 3rd pipe produced
By processing all the previous state for each state x:
states[x] = best state transit from all possible previous state y, where x > y and there's only 1 bit difference between the binary representation of x and y.
The final answer is from state[2^k - 1].minPipe;
Complexity: each state has at most (k-1) previous states, there're 2^k states so the final complexity is O(k * 2^k) which is less than O(k!)


String sorting problem with code execution time limit

I was recently trying to solve a HackerEarth problem. The code worked on the sample inputs and some custom inputs that I gave. But, when I submitted, it showed errors for exceeding the time limit. Can someone explain how I can make the code run faster?
Problem Statement: Cyclic shift
A large binary number is represented by a string A of size N and comprises of 0s and 1s. You must perform a cyclic shift on this string. The cyclic shift operation is defined as follows:
If the string A is [A0, A1,..., An-1], then after performing one cyclic shift, the string becomes [A1, A2,..., An-1, A0].
You performed the shift infinite number of times and each time you recorded the value of the binary number represented by the string. The maximum binary number formed after performing (possibly 0) the operation is B. Your task is to determine the number of cyclic shifts that can be performed such that the value represented by the string A will be equal to B for the Kth time.
Input format:
First line: A single integer T denoting the number of test cases
For each test case:
First line: Two space-separated integers N and K
Second line: A denoting the string
Output format:
For each test case, print a single line containing one integer that represents the number of cyclic shift operations performed such that the value represented by string A is equal to B for the Kth time.
import math
def value(s):
u = len(s)
d = 0
for h in range(u):
d = d + (int(s[u-1-h]) * math.pow(2, h))
return d
t = int(input())
for i in range(t):
x = list(map(int, input().split()))
n = x[0]
k = x[1]
a = input()
v = 0
for j in range(n):
a = a[1:] + a[0]
if value(a) > v:
b = a
v = value(a)
ctr = 0
cou = 0
while ctr < k:
a = a[1:] + a[0]
cou = cou + 1
if a == b:
ctr = ctr + 1
In the problem, the constraint on n is 0<=n<=1e5. In the function value(), you calculating integer from the binary string whose length can go up to 1e5. so the integer calculating by you can go as high as pow(2, 1e5). This surely impractical.
As mentioned by Prune, you must use some efficient algorithms for finding a subsequence, say sub1, whose repetitions make up the given string A. If you solve this by brute-force, the time complexity will be O(n*n), as maximum value of n is 1e5, time limit will exceed. so use some efficient algorithm.
I can't do much with the code you posted, since you obfuscated it with meaningless variables and a lack of explanation. When I scan it, I get the impression that you've made the straightforward approach of doing a single-digit shift in a long-running loop. You count iterations until you hit B for the Kth time.
This is easy to understand, but cumbersome and inefficient.
Since the cycle repeats every N iterations, you gain no new information from repeating that process. All you need to do is find where in the series of N iterations you encounter B ... which could be multiple times.
In order for B to appear multiple times, A must consist of a particular sub-sequence of bits, repeated 2 or more times. For instance, 101010 or 011011. You can detect this with a simple addition to your current algorithm: at each iteration, check to see whether the current string matches the original. The first time you hit this, simply compute the repetition factor as rep = len(a) / j. At this point, exit the shifting loop: the present value of b is the correct one.
Now that you have b and its position in the first j rotations, you can directly compute the needed result without further processing.
I expect that you can finish the algorithm and do the coding from here.
Ah -- taken as a requirements description, the wording of your problem suggests that B is a given. If not, then you need to detect the largest value.
To find B, append A to itself. Find the A-length string with the largest value. You can hasten this by finding the longest string of 1s, applying other well-known string-search algorithms for the value-trees after the first 0 following those largest strings.
Note that, while you iterate over A, you look for the first place in which you repeat the original value: this is the desired repetition length, which drives the direct-computation phase in the first part of my answer.

How do I find all 32 bit binary numbers that have exactly six 1 and rest 0

I could do this in brute force, but I was hoping there was clever coding, or perhaps an existing function, or something I am not realising...
So some examples of numbers I want:
The full permutation. Except with results that have ONLY six 1's. Not more. Not less. 64 or 32 bits would be ideal. 16 bits if that provides an answer.
I think what you need here is using the itertools module.
But you need to be careful, for instance, using something like permutations would just work for very small inputs. ie:
Something like the below would give you a binary representation:
>>> ["".join(v) for v in set(itertools.permutations(["1"]*2+["0"]*3))]
['11000', '01001', '00101', '00011', '10010', '01100', '01010', '10001', '00110', '10100']
then just getting decimal representation of those number:
>>> [int("".join(v), 16) for v in set(itertools.permutations(["1"]*2+["0"]*3))]
[69632, 4097, 257, 17, 65552, 4352, 4112, 65537, 272, 65792]
if you wanted 32bits with 6 ones and 26 zeroes, you'd use:
>>> [int("".join(v), 16) for v in set(itertools.permutations(["1"]*6+["0"]*26))]
but this computation would take a supercomputer to deal with (32! = 263130836933693530167218012160000000 )
So a more clever way to do it is using combinations, maybe something like this:
import itertools
num_bits = 32
num_ones = 6
lst = [
f"{sum([2**vv for vv in v]):b}".zfill(num_bits)
for v in list(itertools.combinations(range(num_bits), num_ones))
this would tell us there is 906192 numbers with 6 ones in the whole spectrum of 32bits numbers.
Credits for this answer go to #Mark Dickinson who pointed out using permutations was unfeasible and suggested the usage of combinations
Well I am not a Python coder so I can not post a valid code for you. Instead I can do a C++ one...
If you look at your problem you set 6 bits and many zeros ... so I would approach this by 6 nested for loops computing all the possible 1s position and set the bits...
Something like:
for (i0= 0;i0<32-5;i0++)
for (i1=i0+1;i1<32-4;i1++)
for (i2=i1+1;i2<32-3;i2++)
for (i3=i2+1;i3<32-2;i3++)
for (i4=i3+1;i4<32-1;i4++)
for (i5=i4+1;i5<32-0;i5++)
// here i0,...,i5 marks the set bits positions
So the O(2^32) become to less than `~O( and you can not go faster than that as that would mean you miss valid solutions...
I assume you want to print the number so for speed up you can compute the number as a binary number string from the start to avoid slow conversion between string and number...
The nested for loops can be encoded as increment operation of an array (similar to bignum arithmetics)
When I put all together I got this C++ code:
int generate()
const int n1=6; // number of set bits
const int n=32; // number of bits
char x[n+2]; // output number string
int i[n1],j,cnt; // nested for loops iterator variables and found solutions count
for (j=0;j<n;j++) x[j]='0'; x[j]='b'; j++; x[j]=0; // x = 0
for (j=0;j<n1;j++){ i[j]=j; x[i[j]]='1'; } // first solution
for (cnt=0;;)
// Form1->mm_log->Lines->Add(x); // here x is the valid answer to print
for (j=n1-1;j>=0;j--) // this emulates n1 nested for loops
x[i[j]]='0'; i[j]++;
if (i[j]<n-n1+j+1){ x[i[j]]='1'; break; }
if (j<0) break;
for (j++;j<n1;j++){ i[j]=i[j-1]+1; x[i[j]]='1'; }
return cnt; // found valid answers
When I use this with n1=6,n=32 I got this output (without printing the numbers):
cnt = 906192
and it was finished in 4.246 ms on AMD A8-5500 3.2GHz (win7 x64 32bit app no threads) which is fast enough for me...
Beware once you start outputing the numbers somewhere the speed will drop drastically. Especially if you output to console or what ever ... it might be better to buffer the output somehow like outputting 1024 string numbers at once etc... But as I mentioned before I am no Python coder so it might be already handled by the environment...
On top of all this once you will play with variable n1,n you can do the same for zeros instead of ones and use faster approach (if there is less zeros then ones use nested for loops to mark zeros instead of ones)
If the wanted solution numbers are wanted as a number (not a string) then its possible to rewrite this so the i[] or i0,..i5 holds the bitmask instead of bit positions ... instead of inc/dec you just shift left/right ... and no need for x array anymore as the number would be x = i0|...|i5 ...
You could create a counter array for positions of 1s in the number and assemble it by shifting the bits in their respective positions. I created an example below. It runs pretty fast (less than a second for 32 bits on my laptop):
bitCount = 32
oneCount = 6
maxBit = 1<<(bitCount-1)
ones = [1<<b for b in reversed(range(oneCount)) ] # start with bits on low end
ones[0] >>= 1 # shift back 1st one because it will be incremented at start of loop
index = 0
result = []
while index < len(ones):
ones[index] <<= 1 # shift one at current position
if index == 0:
number = sum(ones) # build output number
if ones[index] == maxBit:
index += 1 # go to next position when bit reaches max
elif index > 0:
index -= 1 # return to previous position
ones[index] = ones[index+1] # and prepare it to move up (relative to next)
64 bits takes about a minute, roughly proportional to the number of values that are output. O(n)
The same approach can be expressed more concisely in a recursive generator function which will allow more efficient use of the bit patterns:
def genOneBits(bitcount=32,onecount=6):
for bitPos in range(onecount-1,bitcount):
value = 1<<bitPos
if onecount == 1: yield value; continue
for otherBits in genOneBits(bitPos,onecount-1):
yield value + otherBits
result = [ n for n in genOneBits(32,6) ]
This is not faster when you get all the numbers but it allows partial access to the list without going through all values.
If you need direct access to the Nth bit pattern (e.g. to get a random one-bits pattern), you can use the following function. It works like indexing a list but without having to generate the list of patterns.
def numOneBits(bitcount=32,onecount=6):
def factorial(X): return 1 if X < 2 else X * factorial(X-1)
return factorial(bitcount)//factorial(onecount)//factorial(bitcount-onecount)
def nthOneBits(N,bitcount=32,onecount=6):
if onecount == 1: return 1<<N
bitPos = 0
while bitPos<=bitcount-onecount:
group = numOneBits(bitcount-bitPos-1,onecount-1)
if N < group: break
N -= group
bitPos += 1
if bitPos>bitcount-onecount: return None
result = 1<<bitPos
result |= nthOneBits(N,bitcount-bitPos-1,onecount-1)<<(bitPos+1)
return result
# bit pattern at position 1000:
nthOneBit(1000) # --> 10485799 (00000000101000000000000000100111)
This allows you to get the bit patterns on very large integers that would be impossible to generate completely:
nthOneBits(10000, bitcount=256, onecount=9)
# 77371252457588066994880639
# 100000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111
It is worth noting that the pattern order does not follow the numerical order of the corresponding numbers
Although nthOneBits() can produce any pattern instantly, it is much slower than the other functions when mass producing patterns. If you need to manipulate them sequentially, you should go for the generator function instead of looping on nthOneBits().
Also, it should be fairly easy to tweak the generator to have it start at a specific pattern so you could get the best of both approaches.
Finally, it may be useful to obtain then next bit pattern given a known pattern. This is what the following function does:
def nextOneBits(N=0,bitcount=32,onecount=6):
if N == 0: return (1<<onecount)-1
bitPositions = []
for pos in range(bitcount):
bit = N%2
N //= 2
if bit==1: bitPositions.insert(0,pos)
index = 0
result = None
while index < onecount:
bitPositions[index] += 1
if bitPositions[index] == bitcount:
index += 1
if index == 0:
result = sum( 1<<bp for bp in bitPositions )
if index > 0:
index -= 1
bitPositions[index] = bitPositions[index+1]
return result
nthOneBits(12) #--> 131103 00000000000000100000000000011111
nextOneBits(131103) #--> 262175 00000000000001000000000000011111 5.7ns
nthOneBits(13) #--> 262175 00000000000001000000000000011111 49.2ns
Like nthOneBits(), this one does not need any setup time. It could be used in combination with nthOneBits() to get subsequent patterns after getting an initial one at a given position. nextOneBits() is much faster than nthOneBits(i+1) but is still slower than the generator function.
For very large integers, using nthOneBits() and nextOneBits() may be the only practical options.
You are dealing with permutations of multisets. There are many ways to achieve this and as #BPL points out, doing this efficiently is non-trivial. There are many great methods mentioned here: permutations with unique values. The cleanest (not sure if it's the most efficient), is to use the multiset_permutations from the sympy module.
import time
from sympy.utilities.iterables import multiset_permutations
t = time.process_time()
## Credit to #BPL for the general setup
multiPerms = ["".join(v) for v in multiset_permutations(["1"]*6+["0"]*26)]
elapsed_time = time.process_time() - t
On my machine, the above computes in just over 8 seconds. It generates just under a million results as well:

Simple Genetic Algorithm meeting local optimum for "Hello World"

My target was simple, using genetic algorithm to reproduce the classical "Hello, World" string.
My code was based on this post. The code mainly contain 4 parts:
Generate the population which has serval different individual
Define the fitness and grade function which evaluate the individual good or bad based on the comparing with target.
Filter the population and leave len(pop)*retain individuals
Add some other individuals and mutate randomly
The parents's DNA will pass over to its children to comprise the whole population.
I modified the code and shows like this:
import numpy as np
import string
from operator import add
from random import random, randint
def population(GENSIZE,target):
p = []
for i in range(0,GENSIZE):
individual = [np.random.choice(list(string.printable[:-5])) for j in range(0,len(target))]
return p
def fitness(source, target):
fitval = 0
for i in range(0,len(source)-1):
fitval += (ord(target[i]) - ord(source[i])) ** 2
return (fitval)
def grade(pop, target):
'Find average fitness for a population.'
summed = reduce(add, (fitness(x, target) for x in pop))
return summed / (len(pop) * 1.0)
def evolve(pop, target, retain=0.2, random_select=0.05, mutate=0.01):
graded = [ (fitness(x, target), x) for x in p]
graded = [ x[1] for x in sorted(graded)]
retain_length = int(len(graded)*retain)
parents = graded[:retain_length]
# randomly add other individuals to
# promote genetic diversity
for individual in graded[retain_length:]:
if random_select > random():
# mutate some individuals
for individual in parents:
if mutate > random():
pos_to_mutate = randint(0, len(individual)-1)
individual[pos_to_mutate] = chr(ord(individual[pos_to_mutate]) + np.random.randint(-1,1))
parents_length = len(parents)
desired_length = len(pop) - parents_length
children = []
while len(children) < desired_length:
male = randint(0, parents_length-1)
female = randint(0, parents_length-1)
if male != female:
male = parents[male]
female = parents[female]
half = len(male) / 2
child = male[:half] + female[half:]
return parents
target = "Hello, World"
p = population(GENSIZE,target)
fitness_history = [grade(p, target),]
for i in xrange(20):
p = evolve(p, target)
fitness_history.append(grade(p, target))
# print p
for datum in fitness_history:
print datum
But it seems that the result can't fit targetwell.
I tried to change the GENESIZE and loop time(more generation).
But the result always get stuck. Sometimes, enhance the loop time can help to find a optimum solution. But when I change the loop time to an much larger number like for i in xrange(10000). The result shows the error like:
individual[pos_to_mutate] = chr(ord(individual[pos_to_mutate]) + np.random.randint(-1,1))
ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256)
Anyway, how to modify my code and get an good result.
Any advice would be appreciate.
The chr function in Python2 only accepts values in the range 0 <= i < 256.
You are passing:
ord(individual[pos_to_mutate]) + np.random.randint(-1,1)
So you need to check that the result of
ord(individual[pos_to_mutate]) + np.random.randint(-1,1)
is not going to be outside that range, and take corrective action before passing to chr if it is outside that range.
A reasonable fix for the ValueError might be to take the amended value modulo 256 before passing to chr:
chr((ord(individual[pos_to_mutate]) + np.random.randint(-1, 1)) % 256)
There is another bug: the fitness calculation doesn't take the final element of the candidate list into account: it should be:
def fitness(source, target):
fitval = 0
for i in range(0,len(source)): # <- len(source), not len(source) -1
fitval += (ord(target[i]) - ord(source[i])) ** 2
return (fitval)
Given that source and target must be of equal length, the function can be written as:
def fitness(source, target):
return sum((ord(t) - ord(s)) ** 2 for (t, s) in zip(target, source))
The real question was, why doesn't the code provided evolve random strings until the target string is reached.
The answer, I believe, is it may, but will take a lot of iterations to do so.
Consider, in the blog post referenced in the question, each iteration generates a child which replaces the least fit member of the gene pool if the child is fitter. The selection of the child's parent is biased towards fitter parents, increasing the likelihood that the child will enter the gene pool and increase the overall "fitness" of the pool. Consequently the members of the gene pool converge on the desired result within a few thousand iterations.
In the code in the question, the probability of mutation is much lower, based on the initial conditions, that is the defaults for the evolve function.
Parents that are retained have only a 1% chance of mutating, and one third of the time the "mutation" will not result in a change (zero is a possible result of random.randint(-1, 1)).
Discard parents are replaced by individuals created by merging two retained individuals. Since only 20% of parents are retained, the population can converge on a local minimum where each new child is effectively a copy of an existing parent, and so no diversity is introduced.
So apart from fixing the two bugs, the way to converge more quickly on the target is to experiment with the initial conditions and to consider changing the code in the question to inject more diversity, for example by mutating children as in the original blog post, or by extending the range of possible mutations.

What are some efficient algorithms for factoring an integer when the (short~) list of primes appearing in the factorisation is known?

I'm not strictly a beginner programmer, but I have no formal education outside of mathematics - so this is purely hobbyistic and potentially amateurish.
I recently developed an algorithm for the problem myself, but I'm wondering if there are any relatively simple algorithms which are notably more efficient/faster?
A very rough description of the strategy is a comparison to what you might use if someone asks you to determine what number they're thinking of, between 1 and 100: Is it greater than 50? "Yes". Is it greater than 75? "No". Is it greater than 62.5? "Yes". Is it greater than 68.75? etc. You halve the range of values containing the answer each time until you get to the answer.
(Commented) algorithm follows (in python):
import math
#### <parameters>
z = (2**28)*(3**45)*(5**21)*(7**22)*(11**41) # (example) number to factor
Pl = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] # list of primes in fatorisation (in order)
#### </parameters>
def a(z1, k1, p1): # roughly: gives the maximum possible power of p1 (in factorisation of z1), divided by 2^(k1)
return int(round(math.log(z1, p1)/2**k1, 0))
Fact = [] # this will be the list of powers of the primes in Pl
for i in range(len(Pl)-1):
p = Pl[i]
b = a(z, 1, p)
k = 2
while a(z, k, p) != 0:
if z % (p**b) == 0:
b += a(z, k, p)
b -= a(z, k, p)
k += 1
if z % (p**b) != 0: # the above while loop narrows down to two possible values, this narrows down between those two
b -= 1
z = z/(p**b)
Fact.append(int(round(math.log(z, Pl[-1]), 0)))
Also, I have little to no idea how to go about finding a "Big O" expression for the above.
It's not the core of this question, I'm just curious as to what it would be if anyone cares to figure it out.
This is known as Binary Search, it's a very well known algorithm that you can find all sorts of documentation on.
It has a big-O complexity of O(log N).

Subset sum for large sums

The subset sum problem is well-known for being NP-complete, but there are various tricks to solve versions of the problem somewhat quickly.
The usual dynamic programming algorithm requires space that grows with the target sum. My question is: can we reduce this space requirement?
I am trying to solve a subset sum problem with a modest number of elements but a very large target sum. The number of elements is too large for the exponential time algorithm (and shortcut method) and the target sum is too large for the usual dynamic programming method.
Consider this toy problem that illustrates the issue. Given the set A = [2, 3, 6, 8] find the number of subsets that sum to target = 11 . Enumerating all subsets we see the answer is 2: (3, 8) and (2, 3, 6).
The dynamic programming solution gives the same result, of course - ways[11] returns 2:
def subset_sum(A, target):
ways = [0] * (target + 1)
ways[0] = 1
ways_next = ways[:]
for x in A:
for j in range(x, target + 1):
ways_next[j] += ways[j - x]
ways = ways_next[:]
return ways[target]
Now consider targeting the sum target = 1100 the set A = [200, 300, 600, 800]. Clearly there are still 2 solutions: (300, 800) and (200, 300, 600). However, the ways array has grown by a factor of 100.
Is it possible to skip over certain weights when filling out the dynamic programming storage array? For my example problem I could compute the greatest common denominator of the input set and then reduce all items by that constant, but this won't work for my real application.
This SO question is related, but those answers don't use the approach I have in mind. The second comment by Akshay on this page says: the cases where n is very small (eg. 6) and sum is very large
(eg. 1 million) then the space complexity will be too large. To avoid
large space complexity n HASHTABLES can be used.
This seems closer to what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to actually implement the idea. Is this really possible?
Edited to add: A smaller example of a problem to solve. There is 1 solution.
target = 5213096522073683233230240000
A = [2316931787588303659213440000,
A real problem is:
target = 262988806539946324131984661067039976436265064677212251086885351040000
A = [116883914017753921836437627140906656193895584300983222705282378240000,
In the particular comment you linked to, the suggestion is to use a hashtable to only store values which actually arise as a sum of some subset. In the worst case, this is exponential in the number of elements, so it is basically equivalent to the brute force approach you already mentioned and ruled out.
In general, there are two parameters to the problem - the number of elements in the set and the size of the target sum. Naive brute force is exponential in the first, while the standard dynamic programming solution is exponential in the second. This works well when one of the parameters is small, but you already indicated that both parameters are too big for an exponential solution. Therefore, you are stuck with the "hard" general case of the problem.
Most NP-Complete problems have some underlying graph whether implicit or explicit. Using graph partitioning and DP, it can be solved exponential in the treewidth of the graph but only polynomial in the size of the graph with treewidth held constant. Of course, without access to your data, it is impossible to say what the underlying graph might look like or whether it is in one of the classes of graphs that have bounded treewidths and hence can be solved efficiently.
Edit: I just wrote the following code to show what I meant by reducing it mod small numbers. The following code solves your first problem in less than a second, but it doesn't work on the larger problem (though it does reduce it to n=57, log(t)=68).
target = 5213096522073683233230240000
A = [2316931787588303659213440000,
import itertools, time
from fractions import gcd
def gcd_r(seq):
return reduce(gcd, seq)
def miniSolve(t, vals):
vals = [x for x in vals if x and x <= t]
for k in range(len(vals)):
for sub in itertools.combinations(vals, k):
if sum(sub) == t:
return sub
return None
def tryMod(n, state, answer):
t, vals, mult = state
mods = [x%n for x in vals if x%n]
if (t%n or mods) and sum(mods) < n:
print 'Filtering with', n
print t.bit_length(), len(vals)
return state
newvals = list(vals)
tmod = t%n
if not tmod:
for x in vals:
if x%n:
if len(set(mods)) != len(mods):
#don't want to deal with the complexity of multisets for now
print 'skipping', n
mini = miniSolve(tmod, mods)
if mini is None:
return None
mini = set(mini)
for x in vals:
mod = x%n
if mod:
if mod in mini:
t -= x
g = gcd_r(newvals + [t])
t = t//g
newvals = [x//g for x in newvals]
mult *= g
return (t, newvals, mult)
def solve(t, vals):
answer = set()
mult = 1
for d in itertools.count(2):
if not t:
return answer
elif not vals or t < min(vals):
return None #no solution'
res = tryMod(d, (t, vals, mult), answer)
if res is None:
return None
t, vals, mult = res
if len(vals) < 23:
if (d % 10000) == 0:
print 'd', d
#don't want to deal with the complexity of multisets for now
assert(len(set(vals)) == len(vals))
rest = miniSolve(t, vals)
if rest is None:
return None
answer.update(x*mult for x in rest)
return answer
start_t = time.time()
answer = solve(target, A)
assert(answer <= set(A) and sum(answer) == target)
print answer
