Subset sum for large sums - python

The subset sum problem is well-known for being NP-complete, but there are various tricks to solve versions of the problem somewhat quickly.
The usual dynamic programming algorithm requires space that grows with the target sum. My question is: can we reduce this space requirement?
I am trying to solve a subset sum problem with a modest number of elements but a very large target sum. The number of elements is too large for the exponential time algorithm (and shortcut method) and the target sum is too large for the usual dynamic programming method.
Consider this toy problem that illustrates the issue. Given the set A = [2, 3, 6, 8] find the number of subsets that sum to target = 11 . Enumerating all subsets we see the answer is 2: (3, 8) and (2, 3, 6).
The dynamic programming solution gives the same result, of course - ways[11] returns 2:
def subset_sum(A, target):
ways = [0] * (target + 1)
ways[0] = 1
ways_next = ways[:]
for x in A:
for j in range(x, target + 1):
ways_next[j] += ways[j - x]
ways = ways_next[:]
return ways[target]
Now consider targeting the sum target = 1100 the set A = [200, 300, 600, 800]. Clearly there are still 2 solutions: (300, 800) and (200, 300, 600). However, the ways array has grown by a factor of 100.
Is it possible to skip over certain weights when filling out the dynamic programming storage array? For my example problem I could compute the greatest common denominator of the input set and then reduce all items by that constant, but this won't work for my real application.
This SO question is related, but those answers don't use the approach I have in mind. The second comment by Akshay on this page says: the cases where n is very small (eg. 6) and sum is very large
(eg. 1 million) then the space complexity will be too large. To avoid
large space complexity n HASHTABLES can be used.
This seems closer to what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to actually implement the idea. Is this really possible?
Edited to add: A smaller example of a problem to solve. There is 1 solution.
target = 5213096522073683233230240000
A = [2316931787588303659213440000,
A real problem is:
target = 262988806539946324131984661067039976436265064677212251086885351040000
A = [116883914017753921836437627140906656193895584300983222705282378240000,

In the particular comment you linked to, the suggestion is to use a hashtable to only store values which actually arise as a sum of some subset. In the worst case, this is exponential in the number of elements, so it is basically equivalent to the brute force approach you already mentioned and ruled out.
In general, there are two parameters to the problem - the number of elements in the set and the size of the target sum. Naive brute force is exponential in the first, while the standard dynamic programming solution is exponential in the second. This works well when one of the parameters is small, but you already indicated that both parameters are too big for an exponential solution. Therefore, you are stuck with the "hard" general case of the problem.
Most NP-Complete problems have some underlying graph whether implicit or explicit. Using graph partitioning and DP, it can be solved exponential in the treewidth of the graph but only polynomial in the size of the graph with treewidth held constant. Of course, without access to your data, it is impossible to say what the underlying graph might look like or whether it is in one of the classes of graphs that have bounded treewidths and hence can be solved efficiently.
Edit: I just wrote the following code to show what I meant by reducing it mod small numbers. The following code solves your first problem in less than a second, but it doesn't work on the larger problem (though it does reduce it to n=57, log(t)=68).
target = 5213096522073683233230240000
A = [2316931787588303659213440000,
import itertools, time
from fractions import gcd
def gcd_r(seq):
return reduce(gcd, seq)
def miniSolve(t, vals):
vals = [x for x in vals if x and x <= t]
for k in range(len(vals)):
for sub in itertools.combinations(vals, k):
if sum(sub) == t:
return sub
return None
def tryMod(n, state, answer):
t, vals, mult = state
mods = [x%n for x in vals if x%n]
if (t%n or mods) and sum(mods) < n:
print 'Filtering with', n
print t.bit_length(), len(vals)
return state
newvals = list(vals)
tmod = t%n
if not tmod:
for x in vals:
if x%n:
if len(set(mods)) != len(mods):
#don't want to deal with the complexity of multisets for now
print 'skipping', n
mini = miniSolve(tmod, mods)
if mini is None:
return None
mini = set(mini)
for x in vals:
mod = x%n
if mod:
if mod in mini:
t -= x
g = gcd_r(newvals + [t])
t = t//g
newvals = [x//g for x in newvals]
mult *= g
return (t, newvals, mult)
def solve(t, vals):
answer = set()
mult = 1
for d in itertools.count(2):
if not t:
return answer
elif not vals or t < min(vals):
return None #no solution'
res = tryMod(d, (t, vals, mult), answer)
if res is None:
return None
t, vals, mult = res
if len(vals) < 23:
if (d % 10000) == 0:
print 'd', d
#don't want to deal with the complexity of multisets for now
assert(len(set(vals)) == len(vals))
rest = miniSolve(t, vals)
if rest is None:
return None
answer.update(x*mult for x in rest)
return answer
start_t = time.time()
answer = solve(target, A)
assert(answer <= set(A) and sum(answer) == target)
print answer


What is the math program I'm trying to solve in python?

I am trying to solve this math problem in python, and I'm not sure what it is called:
The answer X is always 100
Given a list of 5 integers, their sum would equal X
Each integer has to be between 1 and 25
The integers can appear one or more times in the list
I want to find all the possible unique lists of 5 integers that match.
These would match:
along with many more.
I looked at itertools.permutations, but I don't think that handles duplicate integers in the list. I'm thinking there must be a standard math algorithm for this, but my search queries must be poor.
Only other thing to mention is if it matters that the list size could change from 10 integers to some other length (6, 24, etc).
This is a constraint satisfaction problem. These can often be solved by a method called linear programming: You fix one part of the solution and then solve the remaining subproblem. In Python, we can implement this approach with a recursive function:
def csp_solutions(target_sum, n, i_min=1, i_max=25):
domain = range(i_min, i_max + 1)
if n == 1:
if target_sum in domain:
return [[target_sum]]
return []
solutions = []
for i in domain:
# Check if a solution is still possible when i is picked:
if (n - 1) * i_min <= target_sum - i <= (n - 1) * i_max:
# Construct solutions recursively:
solutions.extend([[i] + sol
for sol in csp_solutions(target_sum - i, n - 1)])
return solutions
all_solutions = csp_solutions(100, 5)
This yields 23746 solutions, in agreement with the answer by Alex Reynolds.
Another approach with Numpy:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
start = 1
end = 25
entries = 5
total = 100
a = np.arange(start, end + 1)
c = np.array(np.meshgrid(a, a, a, a, a)).T.reshape(-1, entries)
assert(len(c) == pow(end, entries))
s = c.sum(axis=1)
# filter all combinations for those that meet sum criterion
valid_combinations = c[np.where(s == total)]
print(len(valid_combinations)) # 23746
# filter those combinations for unique permutations
unique_permutations = set(tuple(sorted(x)) for x in valid_combinations)
print(len(unique_permutations)) # 376
You want combinations_with_replacement from itertools library. Here is what the code would look like:
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
values = [i for i in range(1, 26)]
candidates = []
for tuple5 in combinations_with_replacement(values, 5):
if sum(tuple5) == 100:
For me on this problem I get 376 candidates. As mentioned in the comments above if these are counted once for each arrangement of the 5-pair, then you'd want to look at all, permutations of the 5 candidates-which may not be all distinct. For example (20,20,20,20,20) is the same regardless of how you arrange the indices. However, (21,20,20,20,19) is not-this one has some distinct arrangements.
I think that this could be what you are searching for: given a target number SUM, a left treshold L, a right treshold R and a size K, find all the possible lists of K elements between L and R which sum gives SUM. There isn't a specific name for this problem though, as much as I was able to find.

Analyzing the complexity matrix path-finding

Recently in my homework, I was assinged to solve the following problem:
Given a matrix of order nxn of zeros and ones, find the number of paths from [0,0] to [n-1,n-1] that go only through zeros (they are not necessarily disjoint) where you could only walk down or to the right, never up or left. Return a matrix of the same order where the [i,j] entry is the number of paths in the original matrix that go through [i,j], the solution has to be recursive.
My solution in python:
def find_zero_paths(M):
n,m = len(M),len(M[0])
dict = {}
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
M_top,M_bot = blocks(M,i,j)
X,Y = find_num_paths(M_top),find_num_paths(M_bot)
dict[(i,j)] = X*Y
L = [[dict[(i,j)] for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)]
return L[0][0],L
def blocks(M,k,l):
n,m = len(M),len(M[0])
assert k<n and l<m
M_top = [[M[i][j] for i in range(k+1)] for j in range(l+1)]
M_bot = [[M[i][j] for i in range(k,n)] for j in range(l,m)]
return [M_top,M_bot]
def find_num_paths(M):
dict = {(1, 1): 1}
X = find_num_mem(M, dict)
return X
def find_num_mem(M,dict):
n, m = len(M), len(M[0])
if M[n-1][m-1] != 0:
return 0
elif (n,m) in dict:
return dict[(n,m)]
elif n == 1 and m > 1:
new_M = [M[0][:m-1]]
X = find_num_mem(new_M,dict)
dict[(n,m-1)] = X
return X
elif m == 1 and n>1:
new_M = M[:n-1]
X = find_num_mem(new_M, dict)
dict[(n-1,m)] = X
return X
new_M1 = M[:n-1]
new_M2 = [M[i][:m-1] for i in range(n)]
X,Y = find_num_mem(new_M1, dict),find_num_mem(new_M2, dict)
dict[(n-1,m)],dict[(n,m-1)] = X,Y
return X+Y
My code is based on the idea that the number of paths that go through [i,j] in the original matrix is equal to the product of the number of paths from [0,0] to [i,j] and the number of paths from [i,j] to [n-1,n-1]. Another idea is that the number of paths from [0,0] to [i,j] is the sum of the number of paths from [0,0] to [i-1,j] and from [0,0] to [i,j-1]. Hence I decided to use a dictionary whose keys are matricies of the form [[M[i][j] for j in range(k)] for i in range(l)] or [[M[i][j] for j in range(k+1,n)] for i in range(l+1,n)] for some 0<=k,l<=n-1 where M is the original matrix and whose values are the number of paths from the top of the matrix to the bottom. After analizing the complexity of my code I arrived at the conclusion that it is O(n^6).
Now, my instructor said this code is exponential (for find_zero_paths), however, I disagree.
The recursion tree (for find_num_paths) size is bounded by the number of submatrices of the form above which is O(n^2). Also, each time we add a new matrix to the dictionary we do it in polynomial time (only slicing lists), SO... the total complexity is polynomial (poly*poly = poly). Also, the function 'blocks' runs in polynomial time, and hence 'find_zero_paths' runs in polynomial time (2 lists of polynomial-size times a function which runs in polynomial time) so all in all the code runs in polynomial time.
My question: Is the code polynomial and my O(n^6) bound is wrong or is it exponential and I am missing something?
Unfortunately, your instructor is right.
There is a lot to unpack here:
Before we start, as quick note. Please don't use dict as a variable name. It hurts ^^. Dict is a reserved keyword for a dictionary constructor in python. It is a bad practice to overwrite it with your variable.
First, your approach of counting M_top * M_bottom is good, if you were to compute only one cell in the matrix. In the way you go about it, you are unnecessarily computing some blocks over and over again - that is why I pondered about the recursion, I would use dynamic programming for this one. Once from the start to end, once from end to start, then I would go and compute the products and be done with it. No need for O(n^6) of separate computations. Sine you have to use recursion, I would recommend caching the partial results and reusing them wherever possible.
Second, the root of the issue and the cause of your invisible-ish exponent. It is hidden in the find_num_mem function. Say you compute the last element in the matrix - the result[N][N] field and let us consider the simplest case, where the matrix is full of zeroes so every possible path exists.
In the first step, your recursion creates branches [N][N-1] and [N-1][N].
In the second step, [N-1][N-1], [N][N-2], [N-2][N], [N-1][N-1]
In the third step, you once again create two branches from every previous step - a beautiful example of an exponential explosion.
Now how to go about it: You will quickly notice that some of the branches are being duplicated over and over. Cache the results.

My program can't run that fast even with memoization

I tried a problem on project euler where I needed to find the sum of all the fibonacci terms under 4 million. It took me a long time but then I found out that I can use memoization to do it but it seems to take still a long time. After a lot of research, I found out that I can use a built-in module called lru_cache. My question is : why isn't it as fast as memoization ?
Here's my code:
from functools import lru_cache
def fibonacci_memo(input_value):
global value
fibonacci_cache = {}
if input_value in fibonacci_cache:
return fibonacci_cache[input_value]
if input_value == 0:
value = 1
elif input_value == 1:
value = 1
elif input_value > 1:
value = fibonacci_memo(input_value - 1) + fibonacci_memo(input_value - 2)
fibonacci_cache[input_value] = value
return value
def sumOfFib():
SUM = 0
for n in range(500):
if fibonacci_memo(n) < 4000000:
if fibonacci_memo(n) % 2 == 0:
SUM += fibonacci_memo(n)
return SUM
The code works by the way. It takes less than a second to run it when I use the lru_cache module.
The other answer is the correct way to calculate the fibonacci sequence, indeed, but you should also know why your memoization wasn't working. To be specific:
fibonacci_cache = {}
This line being inside the function means you were emptying your cache every time fibonacci_memo was called.
You shouldn't be computing the Fibonacci sequence, not even by dynamic programming. Since the Fibonacci sequence satisfies a linear recurrence relation with constant coefficients and constant order, then so will be the sequence of their sums.
Definitely don't cache all the values. That will give you an unnecessary consumption of memory. When the recurrences have constant order, you only need to remember as many previous terms as the order of the recurrence.
Further more, there is a way to turn recurrences of constant order into systems recurrences of order one. The solution of the latter is given by a power of a matrix. This gives a faster algorithm, for large values of n. Each step will be more expensive, though. So, the best method would use a combination of the two, choosing the first method for small values of n and the latter for large inputs.
O(n) using the recurrence for the sum
Denote S_n=F_0+F_1+...+F_n the sum of the first Fibonacci numbers F_0,F_1,...,F_n.
Observe that
Since F_{n+3}=F_{n+2}+F_{n+1} we get that S_{n+3}-S_{n+2}=S_{n+2}-S_n. So
with the initial conditions S_0=F_0=1, S_1=F_0+F_1=1+1=2, and S_2=S_1+F_2=2+2=4.
One thing that you can do is compute S_n bottom up, remembering the values of only the previous three terms at each step. You don't need to remember all of the values of S_k, from k=0 to k=n. This gives you an O(n) algorithm with O(1) amount of memory.
O(ln(n)) by matrix exponentiation
You can also get an O(ln(n)) algorithm in the following way:
Call X_n to be the column vector with components S_{n+2},S_{n+1},S_{n}
So, the recurrence above gives the recurrence
where A is the matrix
Therefore, X_n=A^nX_0. We have X_0. To multiply by A^n we can do exponentiation by squaring.
For the sake of completeness here are implementations of the general ideas described in #NotDijkstra's answer plus my humble optimizations including the "closed form" solution implemented in integer arithmetic.
We can see that the "smart" methods are not only an order of magnitude faster but also seem to scale better compatible with the fact (thanks #NotDijkstra) that Python big ints use better than naive multiplication.
import numpy as np
import operator as op
from simple_benchmark import BenchmarkBuilder, MultiArgument
B = BenchmarkBuilder()
def pow(b,e,mul=op.mul,unit=1):
if e == 0:
return unit
res = b
for bit in bin(e)[3:]:
res = mul(res,res)
if bit=="1":
res = mul(res,b)
return res
def mul_fib(a,b):
return (a[0]*b[0]+5*a[1]*b[1])>>1 , (a[0]*b[1]+a[1]*b[0])>>1
def fib_closed(n):
return pow((1,1),n+1,mul_fib)[1]
def fib_mat(n):
return pow(np.array([[1,1],[1,0]],'O'),n,op.matmul)[0,0]
def fib_sequential(n):
t1,t2 = 1,1
for i in range(n-1):
t1,t2 = t2,t1+t2
return t2
def sum_fib_direct(n):
t1,t2,res = 1,1,1
for i in range(n):
t1,t2,res = t2,t1+t2,res+t2
return res
def sum_fib(n,method="closed"):
if method == "direct":
return sum_fib_direct(n)
return globals()[f"fib_{method}"](n+2)-1
methods = "closed mat sequential direct".split()
def f(method):
def f(n):
return sum_fib(n,method)
f.__name__ = method
return f
for method in methods:
B.add_arguments('N')(lambda:(2*(1<<k,) for k in range(23)))
r =
import matplotlib.pylab as P
I am not sure how you are taking anything near a second. Here is the memoized version without fanciness:
class fibs(object):
def __init__(self):
self.thefibs = {0:0, 1:1}
def __call__(self, n):
if n not in self.thefibs:
self.thefibs[n] = self(n-1)+self(n-2)
return self.thefibs[n]
dog = fibs()
sum([dog(i) for i in range(40) if dog(i) < 4000000])

Complexity analysis of nested recursive functions

I've written out a recursive algorithm for a little homegrown computer algebra system, where I'm applying pairwise reductions to the list of operands of an algebraic operation (adjacent operands only, as the algebra is non-commutative). I'm trying to get an idea of the runtime complexity of my algorithm (but unfortunately, as a physicist it's been a very long time since I took any undergrad CS courses that dealt with complexity analysis). Without going into details of the specific problem, I think I can formalize the algorithm in terms of a function f that is a "divide" step and a function g that combines the results. My algorithm would then take the following formal representation:
f(1) = 1 # recursion anchor for f
f(n) = g(f(n/2), f(n/2))
g(n, 0) = n, g(0, m) = m # recursion ...
g(1, 0) = g(0, 1) = 1 # ... anchors for g
/ g(g(n-1, 1), m-1) if reduction is "non-neutral"
g(n, m) = | g(n-1, m-1) if reduction is "neutral"
\ n + m if no reduction is possible
In this notation, the functions f and g receive lists as arguments and return lists, with the length of the input/output lists being the argument and the right-hand-side of the equations above.
For the full story, the actual code corresponding to f and g is the following:
def _match_replace_binary(cls, ops: list) -> list:
"""Reduce list of `ops`"""
n = len(ops)
if n <= 1:
return ops
ops_left = ops[:n//2]
ops_right = ops[n//2:]
return _match_replace_binary_combine(
_match_replace_binary(cls, ops_left),
_match_replace_binary(cls, ops_right))
def _match_replace_binary_combine(cls, a: list, b: list) -> list:
"""combine two fully reduced lists a, b"""
if len(a) == 0 or len(b) == 0:
return a + b
if len(a) == 1 and len(b) == 1:
return a + b
r = _get_binary_replacement(a[-1], b[0], cls._binary_rules)
if r is None:
return a + b
if r == cls.neutral_element:
return _match_replace_binary_combine(cls, a[:-1], b[1:])
r = [r, ]
return _match_replace_binary_combine(
_match_replace_binary_combine(cls, a[:-1], r),
I'm interested in the worst-case number of times get_binary_replacement is
called, depending on the size of ops
So I think I've got it now. To restate the problem: find the number of calls to _get_binary_replacement when calling _match_replace_binary with an input of size n.
define function g(n, m) (as in original question) that maps the size of the the two inputs of _match_replace_binary_combine to the size of the output
define a function T_g(n, m) that maps the size of the two inputs of _match_replace_binary_combine to the total number of calls to g that is required to obtain the result. This is also the (worst case) number of calls to _get_binary_replacement as each call to _match_replace_binary_combine calls _get_binary_replacement at most once
We can now consider the worst case and best case for g:
best case (no reduction): g(n,m) = n + m, T_g(n, m) = 1
worst case (all non-neutral reduction): g(n, m) = 1, T_g(n, m) = 2*(n+m) - 1 (I determined this empirically)
Now, the master theorem (WP) applies:
Going through the description on WP:
k=1 (the recursion anchor is for size 1)
We split into a = 2 subproblems of size n/2 in constant (d = 1) time
After solving the subproblems, the amount of work required to combine the results is c = T_g(n/2, n/2). This is n-1 (approximately n) in the worst case and 1 in the best case
Thus, following the examples on the WP page for the master theorem, the worst case complexity is n * log(n), and the best case complexity is n
Empirical trials seem to bear out this result. Any objections to my line of reasoning?

What are some efficient algorithms for factoring an integer when the (short~) list of primes appearing in the factorisation is known?

I'm not strictly a beginner programmer, but I have no formal education outside of mathematics - so this is purely hobbyistic and potentially amateurish.
I recently developed an algorithm for the problem myself, but I'm wondering if there are any relatively simple algorithms which are notably more efficient/faster?
A very rough description of the strategy is a comparison to what you might use if someone asks you to determine what number they're thinking of, between 1 and 100: Is it greater than 50? "Yes". Is it greater than 75? "No". Is it greater than 62.5? "Yes". Is it greater than 68.75? etc. You halve the range of values containing the answer each time until you get to the answer.
(Commented) algorithm follows (in python):
import math
#### <parameters>
z = (2**28)*(3**45)*(5**21)*(7**22)*(11**41) # (example) number to factor
Pl = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] # list of primes in fatorisation (in order)
#### </parameters>
def a(z1, k1, p1): # roughly: gives the maximum possible power of p1 (in factorisation of z1), divided by 2^(k1)
return int(round(math.log(z1, p1)/2**k1, 0))
Fact = [] # this will be the list of powers of the primes in Pl
for i in range(len(Pl)-1):
p = Pl[i]
b = a(z, 1, p)
k = 2
while a(z, k, p) != 0:
if z % (p**b) == 0:
b += a(z, k, p)
b -= a(z, k, p)
k += 1
if z % (p**b) != 0: # the above while loop narrows down to two possible values, this narrows down between those two
b -= 1
z = z/(p**b)
Fact.append(int(round(math.log(z, Pl[-1]), 0)))
Also, I have little to no idea how to go about finding a "Big O" expression for the above.
It's not the core of this question, I'm just curious as to what it would be if anyone cares to figure it out.
This is known as Binary Search, it's a very well known algorithm that you can find all sorts of documentation on.
It has a big-O complexity of O(log N).
