I want to perform bagging using python scikit-learn.
I want to combine RFE(), recursive feature selection algorithm.
The step is like below.
Make 30 subsets allowing redundant selection (bagging)
Perform RFE for each data set
Get output of each classification
find top 5 features from each output
I tried to use BaggingClassifier approach like below, but it took a lot of time and may not seem to work. Using only RFE works without problems(rfe.fit()).
cf1 = LinearSVC()
rfe = RFE(estimator=cf1)
bagging = BaggingClassifier(rfe, n_estimators=30)
bagging.fit(trainx, trainy)
Also, step 4 may be difficult to find top feature, because Bagging classifier does not offer the attribute like ranking_ in RFE().
Is there some other good ways to achieve those 4 steps?
Without bagging, one would access the ranking given by RFE with the following line:
This order can be used to sort the features names, and then take the five first features. See the documentation for sklearn RFE for an example of this parameter.
With bagging, you would want access to each of your 30 estimators. Based on the documentation for sklearn BaggingClassifier, you can have access to them with:
So: for each bagging in bagging.estimators_, get the ranking, sort the features based on this ranking, and take the first five elements !
Hope this helps.
This question already has an answer here:
Retrieving specific classifiers and data from GridSearchCV
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV has best_estimator_ that :
Returns only the best estimator/model
Find the best estimator via one of the simple scoring methods : accuracy, recall, precision, etc.
Evaluate based on training sets only
I would like to enrich those limitations with
My own definition of scoring methods
Evaluate further on test set rather than training as done by GridSearchCV. Eventually it's the test set performance that counts. Training set tends to give almost perfect accuracy on my Grid Search.
I was thinking of achieving it by :
Get the individual estimators/models in GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV
With every estimator/model, predict on test set and evaluate with my customized score
My question is:
Is there a way to get all individual models from GridSearchCV ?
If not, what is your thought to achieve the same thing as what I wanted ? Initially I wanted to exploit existing GridSearchCV because it handles automatically multiple parameter grid, CV and multi-threading. Any other recommendation to achieve the similar result is welcome.
You can use custom scoring methods already in the XYZSearchCVs: see the scoring parameter and the documentation's links to the User Guide for how to write a custom scorer.
You can use a fixed train/validation split to evaluate the hyperparameters (see the cv parameter), but this will be less robust than a k-fold cross-validation. The test set should be reserved for scoring only the final model; if you use it to select hyperparameters, then the scores you receive will not be unbiased estimates of future performance.
There is no easy way to retrieve all the models built by GridSearchCV. (It would generally be a lot of models, and saving them all would generally be a waste of memory.)
The parallelization and parameter grid parts of GridSearchCV are surprisingly simple; if you need to, you can copy out the relevant parts of the source code to produce your own approach.
Training set tends to give almost perfect accuracy on my Grid Search.
That's a bit surprising, since the CV part of the searches means the models are being scored on unseen data. If you get very high best_score_ but low performance on the test set, then I would suspect your training set is not actually a representative sample, and that'll require a much more nuanced understanding of the situation.
I am using LinearRegression() from sklearn to predict. I have created different features for X and trying to understand how can i select the best features automatically? Let's say i have defined 50 different features for X and only one output for y. Is there a way to select the best performing features automatically instead of doing it manually?
Also I can get rmse using following command:
scores = np.sqrt(-cross_val_score(lm, X, y, cv=20, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')).mean()
From now on, how can i use this RMSE scores? I mean do i have to make multiple predictions? How am i going to use this rmse? There must be a way to predict() using some optimisations but couldn't findout.
Actually sklearn doesn't seem to have a stepwise algorithm, which helps in understanding the importance of features. However, it does provide recursive feature elimination, which is a greedy feature elimination algorithm similar to sequential backward selection.
See the documentation here:
Recursive Feature Elimination
Note that it is not necessary that it will reduce your RMSE. You might try different techniques like Ridge and Lasso Regression as well.
RMSE measures the average magnitude of the prediction error.
RMSE gives high weight to high errors, lower the values it's always better. RMSE can be improved only if you have a decent model. For feature selection, you can use PCA or stepwise regression or basic correlation technique. If you see a lot of multi-collinearity then go for Lasso or Ridge regression. Also, make sure you have a decent split of test and train data. If you have bad testing data you will get poor results. Also, check training data R-sq and testing data R-sq to make sure the model doesn't over-fit.
It would be helpful if you add information on no. of observations in your test and train data and r-sq value. Hope this helps
Is there a straightforward way to view the top features of each class? Based on tfidf?
I am using KNeighbors classifer, SVC-Linear, MultinomialNB.
Secondly, I have been searching for a way to view documents that have not been classified correctly? I can view the confusion matrix but I would like to see specific documents to see what features are causing the misclassification.
classifier = SVC(kernel='linear')
counts = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(data['text'].values).toarray()
targets = data['class'].values
classifier.fit(counts, targets)
counts = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(test['text'].values).toarray()
predictions = classifier.predict(counts)
EDIT: I have added the code snippet where I am only creating a tfidf vectorizer and using it to traing the classifier.
Like the previous comments suggest, a more specific question would result in a better answer, but I use this package all the time so I will try and help.
I. Determining top features for classification classes in sklearn really depends on the individual tool you are using. For example, many ensemble methods (like RandomForestClassifier and GradientBoostingClassifer) come with the .feature_importances_ attribute which will score each feature based on its importance. In contrast, most linear models (like LogisticRegression or RidgeClassifier) have a regularization penalty which penalizes for the size of coefficients, meaning that the coefficient sizes are somewhat a reflection of feature importance (although you need to keep in mind the numeric scales of individual features) which can be accessed using the .coef_ attribute of the model class.
In summary, almost all sklearn models have some method to extract the feature importances but the methods are different from model to model. Luckily the sklearn documentation is FANTASTIC so I would read up on your specific model to determine your best approach. Also, make sure to read the User Guide associated with your problem type in addition to the model specific API.
II. There is no out of the box sklearn method to provide the mis-classified records but if you are using a pandas DataFrame (which you should) to feed the model it can be accomplished in a few lines of code like this.
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import RandomForestClassifier
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
x = df[[<list of feature columns>]]
y = df[<target column>]
mod = RandomForestClassifier()
mod.fit(x.values, y.values)
df['predict'] = mod.predict(x.values)
incorrect = df[df['predict']!=df[<target column>]]
The resultant incorrect DataFrame will contain only records which are misclassified.
Hope this helps!
I have two classifiers for a multimedia dataset. One for visual material and one for textual material. I want to combine the predictions of these classifiers to make a final prediction. I have been reading about bagging, boosting and stacking ensembles and all seem useful and I would like to try them. However, I can only seem to find rather theoretical examples for my specific problem, nothing concrete enough for me to understand how to actually implement it (in python with scikit-learn). My two classifiers both use 10 KFold CV with SVM classification. Both outputting a list of n_samples = 1000 with predictions (either 1's or 0's). Also, I made them both produce a list of probabilities on which the predictions are based, looking like this:
[[ 0.96761819 0.03238181]
[ 0.96761819 0.03238181]
[ 0.96761819 0.03238181]
[ 0.96761819 0.03238181]]
How would I go about combining these in an ensemble. What should I use as input? Ive tried concatenating the label predictions horizontally and input them as features, but with no luck (same for the probabilities).
If you're looking for combining strictly, I recomend using brew because it is built on top of sklearn (meaning that you can use your sklearn classifiers), and, last time I checked, sklearn was good for creating ensembles (Bagging, AdaBoost, RandomForest ...), but not many combining rules were provided for your own custom ensemble (such as hybrid ensembles).
from brew.base import Ensemble
from brew.base import EnsembleClassifier
from brew.combination.combiner import Combiner
# create your Ensemble
clfs = your_list_of_classifiers # [clf1, clf2]
ens = Ensemble(classifiers = clfs)
# create your Combiner
# the rules can be 'majority_vote', 'max', 'min', 'mean' or 'median'
comb = Combiner(rule='mean')
# now create your ensemble classifier
ensemble_clf = EnsembleClassifier(ensemble=ens, combiner=comb)
It depends entirely on the ensemble method you want to implement. Have you taken a look at the sklearn-ensemble documentation?
There is a classifier called 'VotingClassifier' in sklearn.ensemble which can be used to club multiple classifiers and the predicted labels will be based on voting from the enlisted classifiers. Here is the example:
I have almost 900,000 rows of information that I want to run through scikit-learn's Random Forest Classifier algorithm. Problem is, when I try to create the model my computer freezes completely, so what I want to try is running the model every 50,000 rows but I'm not sure if this is possible.
So the code I have now is
# This code freezes my computer
#what I want is
model = rfc.fit(X.ix[0:50000],Y.ix[0:50000])
model = rfc.fit(X.ix[0:100000],Y.ix[0:100000])
model = rfc.fit(X.ix[0:150000],Y.ix[0:150000])
#... and so on
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume you're not using the most current version of scikit-learn (0.16.1 as of writing this), that you're on a Windows machine and using n_jobs=-1 (or a combination of all three). So my suggestion would be to first upgrade scikit-learn or set n_jobs=1 and try fitting on the whole dataset.
If that fails, take a look at the warm_start parameter. By setting it to True and gradually incrementing n_estimators you can fit additional trees on subsets of your data:
# First build 100 trees on the first chunk
clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, warm_start=True)
# add another 100 estimators on chunk 2
# and so forth...
Another possibility is to fit a new classifier on each chunk and then simply average the predictions from all classifiers or merging the trees into one big random forest like described here.
Another method similar to the one linked in Andreus' answer is to grow the trees in the forest individually.
I did this a while back: basically I trained a number of DecisionTreeClassifier's one at a time on different partitions of the training data. I saved each model via pickling, and afterwards I loaded them into a list which was assigned to the estimators_ attribute of a RandomForestClassifier object. You also have to take care to set the rest of the RandomForestClassifier attributes appropriately.
I ran into memory issues when I built all the trees in a single python script. If you use this method and run into that issue, there's a work-around, I posted in the linked question.
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
boston = load_iris()
X, y = boston.data, boston.target
### RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
rfc = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, warm_start=True)
rfc.fit(X[:50], y[:50])
print(rfc.score(X, y))
rfc.n_estimators += 10
rfc.fit(X[51:100], y[51:100])
print(rfc.score(X, y))
rfc.n_estimators += 10
rfc.fit(X[101:150], y[101:150])
print(rfc.score(X, y))
Below is differentiation between warm_start and partial_fit.
When fitting an estimator repeatedly on the same dataset, but for multiple parameter values (such as to find the value maximizing performance as in grid search), it may be possible to reuse aspects of the model learnt from the previous parameter value, saving time. When warm_start is true, the existing fitted model attributes an are used to initialise the new model in a subsequent call to fit.
Note that this is only applicable for some models and some parameters, and even some orders of parameter values. For example, warm_start may be used when building random forests to add more trees to the forest (increasing n_estimators) but not to reduce their number.
partial_fit also retains the model between calls, but differs: with warm_start the parameters change and the data is (more-or-less) constant across calls to fit; with partial_fit, the mini-batch of data changes and model parameters stay fixed.
There are cases where you want to use warm_start to fit on different, but closely related data. For example, one may initially fit to a subset of the data, then fine-tune the parameter search on the full dataset. For classification, all data in a sequence of warm_start calls to fit must include samples from each class.
Some algorithms in scikit-learn implement 'partial_fit()' methods, which is what you are looking for. There are random forest algorithms that do this, however, I believe the scikit-learn algorithm is not such an algorithm.
However, this question and answer may have a workaround that would work for you. You can train forests on different subsets, and assemble a really big forest at the end:
Combining random forest models in scikit learn