I trying call stored procedure in Django, but this showed this message (1305, 'PROCEDURE storedprocedureservice.MyStoredProcedure does not exist')
This is my code:
class StoredProcedureService():
def close_service(self, param1, param2, param3):
cursor = connection.cursor()
ret = cursor.callproc("StoredProcedureService.MyStoredProcedure", (self, param1, param2, param3))
return ret
def service(request):
if request.is_ajax:
value = request.POST.get('value')
stored_procedure = StoredProcedureService()
ret = stored_procedure.close_service(value, 1, 'Lorem Ipsum')
return JsonResponse({"status":"ok"})
My procedure is in other database, I ready configure it, but don't know how call it.
I try it, but not working:
cursor = connection.using("myOtherDatabase").cursor()
I resolved my question thanks this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/28029109/3464573
My code was this way:
class StoredProcedureService():
def close_service(self, param1, param2, param3):
cursor = connections["mydatabase"].cursor()
cursor.callproc("StoredProcedureService.MyStoredProcedure", [param1, param2, param3])
results = cursor.fetchall()
return results
def service(request):
if request.is_ajax:
value = request.POST.get('value')
stored_procedure = StoredProcedureService()
ret = stored_procedure.close_service(value, 1, 'Lorem Ipsum')
return JsonResponse({"status":"ok"})
im trying to make custom class wrapper for "django.db.connection",
but im keep getting "django.db.utils.InterfaceError: cursor already closed".
the working code is something like this if without custom class wrapper (copied from ./manage.py shell) :
>>> from django.db import (connection as con)
>>> with con.cursor() as q:
... q.execute('select * from master.years a where a.years = %s', [str(2019)])
... f = [f.name for f in q.description]
... for b in q:
... print(dict(zip(f,b)))
my wrapper webapp/mine/db.py :
class query_00:
def __init__(self, db_con, db_sql, db_stmt = []):
self.db_con = db_con
self.db_sql = db_sql
self.fields = []
with db_con.cursor() as self.query:
self.query.execute(db_sql, db_stmt)
self.fields = [f.name for f in self.query.description]
# for entry in self.query:
# yield dict(zip(self.fields, entry))
# self.query = db_con.cursor()
# must return self, because
# AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'result'
def __enter__(self):
return self
# self.query.execute(self.db_sql, self.db_stmt)
# self.fields = [f.name for f in self.query.description]
# pass
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
# is this necessary?
# self.db_con.close()
def result(self):
for entry in self.query.fetchall():
yield dict(zip(self.fields, entry))
# not working
# for entry in self.query:
# yield dict(zip(self.fields, entry))
# not working
# yield dict(zip(self.fields, entry))
# pass
then i try it on ./manage.py shellby typing
from django.db import (connection as con)
from mine.db import query_00
# expected usage, attempt 1
q = query_00(con, 'SELECT * FROM master.years a where a.year = %s', [str(2019),])
for b in q.result():
# expected usage, attempt 2
with query_00(con, 'SELECT * FROM master.years a where a.year = %s', [str(2019),]) as q:
for b in q.result():
(sorry for my english)
so, after reading the documentation, i realize that the connection was closed inside my init method.
class query_00:
def __init__(self, db_con, db_sql, db_stmt = []):
self.db_con = db_con
self.db_sql = db_sql
self.fields = []
with db_con.cursor() as self.query:
self.query.execute(db_sql, db_stmt)
self.fields = [f.name for f in self.query.description]
# the connection only happend inside "with:" block
# the connection, was already closed here (after with:)
so, i just have to keep cursor() on a variable
class query_01:
def __init__(self, db_sql, db_stmt):
self.db_sql = db_sql
self.db_stmt = db_stmt
self.query = connection.cursor()
put query.execute() on another method
def execute(self):
self.query.execute(self.db_sql, self.db_stmt)
self.fields = [f.name for f in self.query.description]
on result()
def result(self):
for entry in self.query:
yield self.keyvalue(entry)
then my class is working
with query_00('SELECT * FROM master.years a where a.year = %s', [str(2019),]) as q:
for b in q.result():
import sqlite3, time, datetime, random, random
class DatabaseManager(object):
def __init__(self, db):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
self.conn.execute('pragma foreign_keys = on')
self.c = self.conn.cursor()
def query(self, arg):
return self.c
def fetch(self):
return self.c
def __del__(self):
dbmgr = DatabaseManager("connect.db")
while 1 > 0:
def quantity():
x = 1
file = open("john.txt", "r")
for line in file:
x = random.randint(100,10000000)
func = "INSERT INTO test (playerNAME) VALUES (?, ?)", line, x
You can ignore the while 1 > 0, that was part of the code I deleted to specifically ask my question. When I call the function quantity() (in another part of code I also deleted for the questions sake), I get an error that states:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\senarsky.CAL\Documents\2016Sem2\Sqlite-connect.py", line 210, in
File "C:\Users\senarsky.CAL\Documents\2016Sem2\Sqlite-connect.py", line 68, in quantity
File "C:\Users\senarsky.CAL\Documents\2016Sem2\Sqlite-connect.py", line 14, in query
ValueError: operation parameter must be str
I am not sure how to make the func line a string without using insecure sql formatting...
Enclose your query parameters in a tuple:
query = "INSERT INTO test (playerNAME) VALUES (?, ?)"
parameters = (line, x)
Modify the query method to accept both query and parameters:
def query(self, query, params=None):
self.c.execute(query, params)
return self.c
And then call as:
dbmgr.query(query, parameters)
I'd like to use the python module timeit to time some functions in my QGIS plugin.
Here, I've called the time it function within a function that I call at the end of the last function. It seems, though, that the plugin is taking even longer to run than usual and I am wondering if i'm calling the timer in the wrong place. Is there a better way to set this up?
class myPluginName:
def firstFunction(self):
def secondFunction(self):
def run(self):
def timeThings(self):
QMessageBox.information(None, 'First Function', 'Time : %s' % timeit.timeit(self.firstFunction,number=1)
QMessageBox.information(None, 'Second Function', 'Time : %s' % timeit.timeit(self.secondFunction,number=1)
UPDATE: After following some advice, i've tried to implement the wrapper in the following way. I get however, a TypeError: firstFunction() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) on ret = func(**args, **kwargs)
def time_func(func):
name = func.__name__
name = func.f__name
def tf_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t = time.time()
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
QMessageLog.logMessage("{}: {}".format(name, time.time() - t))
return ret
return tf_wrapper
class myPlugin:
def initGui(self):
QObject.connect(self.dlg.ui.comboBox,SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.firstFunction)
def firstFunc(self):
registry = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()
firstID = str(self.dlg.ui.firstCombo.itemData(self.dlg.ui.firstCombo.currentIndex()))
secondID = str(self.dlg.ui.secondCombo.itemData(self.dlg.ui.secondCombo.currentIndex()))
self.firstLayer = registry.mapLayer(firstID)
self.secondLayer = registry.mapLayer(secondID)
def secondFunc(self):
def thirdFunct(self):
def run(self):
for layer in self.iface.legendInterface().layers():
if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer:
self.dlg.ui.firstCombo.addItem(layer.name(), layer.id())
self.dlg.ui.secondCombo.addItem(layer.name(), layer.id())
result = self.dlg.exec_()
if result == 1:
OK, I don't know your exact situation, but I'd set it up though decorators:
import time
def time_func(func):
name = func.__name__
name = func.f_name
def tf_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t = time.time()
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
print("{}: {}".format(name, time.time() - t)) # Or use QMessageBox
return ret
return tf_wrapper
class myPluginName:
def firstFunction(self):
def secondFunction(self):
def run(self):
With this code, any function wrapped in time_func will have the time taken to execute the function printed when it returns, along with its name. E.g. running it will print:
firstFunction: 1.430511474609375e-06
For your TypeError, you need to change;
def firstFunction(self):
def firstFunction(self, index):
I think I may be overlooking something simple. I have a class with a constructor defined. In one of the functions I make a call to an api an store the response in a variable. I'd like to return that variable. kind of like, info = MyClass(), data = info.somefunctuon(). In my case data always returns None.
here is a snippet of what I have.
class SomeAPI(object):
def __init__(self, br, cj, username, password, logged_in='', api_id='', data=''):
self.br = br
self.cj = cj
self.logged_in = False
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.api_id = api_id
def _login_check(f):
def wrapper(self):
if self.log_in():
raise MyError('Not Logged In')
return wrapper
def log_in(self):
auth_data = {'cmd': 'auth', 'params': {'username': self.username,
'password': self.password}}
if not self.logged_in:
self.br.open('https://someurl.com/auth', dumps(auth_data))
data = loads(self.br.response().read())
status = data['response']['status']
if status == 'OK':
api_id = data['response']['api_id']
self.logged_in = True
self.api_id = api_id
raise MyError(status)
return self.logged_in
def campaigns_list(self):
campaigns_list_data = {'cmd': 'ab_campaigns'}
raw = self.br.open('https://someurl.com/{}'.format(self.api_id),
json_resp = raw.read()
resp = loads(json_resp)
status = resp['response']['status']
if status == 'OK':
data = resp['response']['Ad Campaigns']
return data
when I do:
info = SomeAPI(mechanize.Browser(), cookielib.LWPCookieJar(), 'MyName', '12345')
data = info.campaigns_list()
print data
I always get None. I know that I get the data because when i replace return with print I get the expected response. I thought maybe I'd need to define data on the constructor, but then each function of my class would need its own variable defined. I think it would get messy.
Any suggestions please let me know. Thank you!
Your decorator _login_check calls the function it wraps, but it doesn't return whatever the function returns.
def _login_check(f):
def wrapper(self):
if self.log_in():
raise MyError('Not Logged In')
return wrapper
def _login_check(f):
def wrapper(self):
if self.log_in():
return f(self)
raise MyError('Not Logged In')
return wrapper
The following is my config, slave is read-only:
engines = {
'master': create_engine(
settings.MASTER_URL, echo=settings.ECHO_SQL, pool_recycle=3600),
'slave': create_engine(
settings.SLAVE_URL, echo=settings.ECHO_SQL, pool_recycle=3600),
class RoutingSession(Session):
def get_bind(self, mapper=None, clause=None):
#return engines['master']
if self._flushing:
return engines['master']
return engines['slave']
DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(class_=RoutingSession))
When I do :
s = DBSession()
#synchronize_session=False makes execution faster
s.query(Model).filter(Model.id == 1).delete(synchronize_session=False)
it raises an exception that it couldn't delete because of "read-only".
How to rewrite my RoutingSession to make the above 'delete' use 'master' database
I've done more test. The above 'delete' is different from the following 'delete' which RoutingSession will return 'master':
model = s.query(Model).filter(Model.id == 1).first()
A query.delete() is not part of a "flush", so typically if you're using the routing session recipe, you want to implement using_bind() and call upon that before an operation like a delete():
class RoutingSession(Session):
def get_bind(self, mapper=None, clause=None ):
if self._name:
return engines[self._name]
# other cases here
_name = None
def using_bind(self, name):
s = RoutingSession()
s._name = name
return s
then to use: