Most pythonic way to write a function to either pass in arguments or a tuple of arguments - python

What is a most pythonic way to write a function to either pass in arguments or a tuple/list of arguments?
For example, a function add could either take in an argument of add(1, 2) or add((1, 2)) and both output 3.
What I have so far: (it works, but does not look nice)
def add(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
return (args[0][0] + args[0][1])
if len(args) == 2:
return args[0] + args[1]
print "error: add takes in one or two arguments"
What I don't like about it is:
I have to print the error about passing in one or two arguments
The args[0][0] looks very unreadable
This way, it is hard to tell what the arguments passed in represent (they don't have names)

I dont know if this is the most "pythonic" way but it will do what you want:
def add(a, b=None):
return a+b if b is not None else sum(a)

If your function takes a specific number of arguments, then the most pythonic way to do this is to not do it. Rather if the user has a tuple with the arguments, you make them unpack them when they call the function. E.g.
def add(a, b):
return a + b
Then the caller can do
t = (1,2)
The only time you want to accept either a sequence of params or individual params is when you can have any arbitrary (non-zero) number of arguments (e.g. the max and min builtin functions) in which case you'd just use *args

If you can only take a finite number of arguments, it makes more sense to ask for those specifically. If you can accept an arbitrary number of arguments, then the *args paradigm works well if you loop through it. Mixing and matching those two aren't very elegant.
def add(*args):
total = 0
for i in args:
total += i
return total
>>> add(1, 2, 3)
(I know we could just use sum() there, but I'm trying to make it look a bit more general)

In the spirit of python duck typing, if you see 1 argument, assume its something that expands to 2 arguments. If its then 2, assume its two things that add together. If it violates your rules, raise an exception like python would do on a function call.
def add(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
args = args[0]
if len(args) != 2:
raise TypeError("add takes 2 arguments or a tuple of 2 arguments")
return args[0] + args[1]

A decorator would be best suited for this job.
from functools import wraps
def tupled_arguments(f):
#wraps(f) # keeps name, docstring etc. of f
def accepts_tuple(tup, *args):
if not args: # only one argument given
return f(*tup)
return f(tup, *args)
return accepts_tuple
def add(a, b):
return a + b


Default values for iterable unpacking

I've often been frustrated by the lack of flexibility in Python's iterable unpacking.
Take the following example:
a, b = range(2)
Works fine. a contains 0 and b contains 1, just as expected. Now let's try this:
a, b = range(1)
Now, we get a ValueError:
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
Not ideal, when the desired result was 0 in a, and None in b.
There are a number of hacks to get around this. The most elegant I've seen is this:
a, *b = function_with_variable_number_of_return_values()
b = b[0] if b else None
Not pretty, and could be confusing to Python newcomers.
So what's the most Pythonic way to do this? Store the return value in a variable and use an if block? The *varname hack? Something else?
As mentioned in the comments, the best way to do this is to simply have your function return a constant number of values and if your use case is actually more complicated (like argument parsing), use a library for it.
However, your question explicitly asked for a Pythonic way of handling functions that return a variable number of arguments and I believe it can be cleanly accomplished with decorators. They're not super common and most people tend to use them more than create them so here's a down-to-earth tutorial on creating decorators to learn more about them.
Below is a decorated function that does what you're looking for. The function returns an iterator with a variable number of arguments and it is padded up to a certain length to better accommodate iterator unpacking.
def variable_return(max_values, default=None):
# This decorator is somewhat more complicated because the decorator
# itself needs to take arguments.
def decorator(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
actual_values = f(*args, **kwargs)
# This will fail if `actual_values` is a single value.
# Such as a single integer or just `None`.
actual_values = list(actual_values)
actual_values = [actual_values]
extra = [default] * (max_values - len(actual_values))
return actual_values
return wrapper
return decorator
# This would be a function that actually does something.
# It should not return more values than `max_values`.
def ret_n(n):
return list(range(n))
a, b, c = ret_n(1)
print(a, b, c)
a, b, c = ret_n(2)
print(a, b, c)
a, b, c = ret_n(3)
print(a, b, c)
Which outputs what you're looking for:
0 None None
0 1 None
0 1 2
The decorator basically takes the decorated function and returns its output along with enough extra values to fill in max_values. The caller can then assume that the function always returns exactly max_values number of arguments and can use fancy unpacking like normal.
Here's an alternative version of the decorator solution by #supersam654, using iterators rather than lists for efficiency:
def variable_return(max_values, default=None):
def decorator(f):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
actual_values = f(*args, **kwargs)
for count, value in enumerate(actual_values, 1):
yield value
except TypeError:
count = 1
yield actual_values
yield from [default] * (max_values - count)
return wrapper
return decorator
It's used in the same way:
def ret_n(n):
return tuple(range(n))
a, b, c = ret_n(2)
This could also be used with non-user-defined functions like so:
a, b, c = variable_return(3)(range)(2)
Shortest known to me version (thanks to #KellyBundy in comments below):
a, b, c, d, e, *_ = *my_list_or_iterable, *[None]*5
Obviously it's possible to use other default value than None if necessary.
Also there is one nice feature in Python 3.10 which comes handy here when we know upfront possible numbers of arguments - like when unpacking sys.argv
Previous method:
import sys.argv
_, x, y, z, *_ = *sys.argv, *[None]*3
New method:
import sys
match sys.argv[1:]: #slice needed to drop first value of sys.argv
case [x]:
case [x,y]:
print(f'x={x}, y={y}')
case [x,y,z]:
print(f'x={x}, y={y}, z={z}')
case _:
print('No arguments')

Function that accepts both expanded arguments and tuple

Is there a Pythonic way to create a function that accepts both separate arguments and a tuple? i.e to achieve something like this:
def f(*args):
"""prints 2 values
1 2
f( (1,2) )
1 2"""
if len(args) == 1:
if len(args[0]) != 2:
raise Exception("wrong number of arguments")
print args[0][0],args[0][1]
elif len(args) == 2:
print args[0],args[1]
raise Exception("wrong number of arguments")
First of all I don't know if it is very wise to do so. Say a person calls a function like:
As you can see the tuple contains two elements. But now for some reason, the person calls it with only one element (because for instance the generator did not generated two elements):
Then the user would likely want your function to report this, but now it will simply accept it (which can lead to complicated and unexpected behavior). Okay printing the elements of course will not do much harm. But in a general case the consequences might be more severe.
Nevertheless an elegant way to do this is making a simple decorator that first checks if one element is fed it checks if one tuple element is feeded and if so expands it:
def one_tuple(f):
def g(*args):
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],tuple):
return f(*args[0])
return f(*args)
return g
And apply it to your f:
def f(*args):
if len(args) == 2:
print args[0],args[1]
raise Exception("wrong number of arguments")
The decorator one_tuple thus checks if one tuple is fed, and if so unpacks it for you before passing it to your f function.
As a result f does not have to take the tuple case into account: it will always be fed expanded arguments and handle these (of course the opposite could be done as well).
The advantage of defining a decorator is its reuse: you can apply this decorator to all kinds of functions (and thus make it easier to implement these).
The Pythonic way would be to use duck typing. This will only work if you are sure that none of the expanded arguments are going to be iterable.
def f(*args):
def g(*args):
# play with guaranteed expanded arguments
if len(args) == 1:
except TypeError:
return g(*args[0])
return g(*args)
This implementation offers a slight improvement on #Ev.Kounis's answer for cases where a single non-tuple argument is passed in. It can also easily be turned into the equivalent decorator described by #WillemVanOnsem. Use the decorator version if you have more than one function like this.
I do not agree to the idea myself (even though I like the fact that python does not require the definition of variable types and thus allows such a thing) but there might be cases where such a thing is needed. So here you go:
def my_f(a, *b):
def whatever(my_tuple):
# check tuple for conformity
# do stuff with the tuple
if hasattr(a, '__iter__'):
elif b:
whatever((a,) + b)
raise TypeError('malformed input')
Restructured it a bit but the logic stays the same. if "a" is an iterable consider it to be your tuple, if not take "b" into account as well. if "a" is not an iterable and "b" is not defined, raise TypeError
my_f((1, 2, 3)) # (1, 2, 3)
my_f(1, 2, 3) # (1, 2, 3)

Python currying with any number of variables

I am trying to use currying to make a simple functional add in Python. I found this curry decorator here.
def curry(func):
def curried(*args, **kwargs):
if len(args) + len(kwargs) >= func.__code__.co_argcount:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return (lambda *args2, **kwargs2:
curried(*(args + args2), **dict(kwargs, **kwargs2)))
return curried
def foo(a, b, c):
return a + b + c
Now this is great because I can do some simple currying:
>>> foo(1)(2, 3)
>>> foo(1)(2)(3)
But this only works for exactly three variables. How do I write the function foo so that it can accept any number of variables and still be able to curry the result? I've tried the simple solution of using *args but it didn't work.
Edit: I've looked at the answers but still can't figure out how to write a function that can perform as shown below:
>>> foo(1)(2, 3)
>>> foo(1)(2)(3)
>>> foo(1)(2)
>>> foo(1)(2)(3)(4)
Arguably, explicit is better than implicit:
from functools import partial
def example(*args):
print("This is an example function that was passed:", args)
one_bound = partial(example, 1)
two_bound = partial(one_bound, 2)
#JohnKugelman explained the design problem with what you're trying to do - a call to the curried function would be ambiguous between "add more curried arguments" and "invoke the logic". The reason this isn't a problem in Haskell (where the concept comes from) is that the language evaluates everything lazily, so there isn't a distinction you can meaningfully make between "a function named x that accepts no arguments and simply returns 3" and "a call to the aforementioned function", or even between those and "the integer 3". Python isn't like that. (You could, for example, use a zero-argument call to signify "invoke the logic now"; but that would break special cases aren't special enough, and require an extra pair of parentheses for simple cases where you don't actually want to do any currying.)
functools.partial is an out-of-box solution for partial application of functions in Python. Unfortunately, repeatedly calling partial to add more "curried" arguments isn't quite as efficient (there will be nested partial objects under the hood). However, it's much more flexible; in particular, you can use it with existing functions that don't have any special decoration.
You can implement the same thing as the functools.partial example for yourself like this:
def curry (prior, *additional):
def curried(*args):
return prior(*(args + additional))
return curried
def add(*args):
return sum(args)
x = curry(add, 3,4,5)
y = curry(b, 100)
print y(200)
# 312
It may be easier to think of curry as a function factory rather than a decorator; technically that's all a decorator does but the decorator usage pattern is static where a factory is something you expect to be invoking as part of a chain of operations.
You can see here that I'm starting with add as an argument to curry and not add(1) or something: the factory signature is <callable>, *<args> . That gets around the problem in the comments to the original post.
FACT 1: It is simply impossible to implement an auto currying function for a variadic function.
FACT 2: You might not be searching for curry, if you want the function that will be passed to it * to know* that its gonna be curried, so as to make it behave differently.
In case what you need is a way to curry a variadic function, you should go with something along these lines below (using your own snipped):
def curryN(arity, func):
"""curries a function with a pre-determined number of arguments"""
def curried(*args, **kwargs):
if len(args) + len(kwargs) >= arity:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return (lambda *args2, **kwargs2:
curried(*(args + args2), **dict(kwargs, **kwargs2)))
return curried
def curry(func):
"""automatically curries a function"""
return curryN(func.__code__.co_argcount, func);
this way you can do:
def summation(*numbers):
return sum(numbers);
sum_two_numbers = curryN(2, summation)
sum_three_numbers = curryN(3, summation)
increment = curryN(2, summation)(1)
decrement = curryN(2, summation)(-1)
I think this is a decent solution:
from copy import copy
import functools
def curry(function):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
partial = functools.partial(function, *args, **kwargs)
signature = inspect.signature(partial.func)
signature.bind(*partial.args, **partial.keywords)
except TypeError as e:
return curry(copy(partial))
return partial()
return inner
This just allow you to call functools.partial recursively in an automated way:
def f(x, y, z, info=None):
if info:
print(info, end=": ")
return x + y + z
g = curry_function(f)
print(g(2, 3)(4))
print(g(2)(3, 4))
print(g(2, info="test A")(3, 4))
print(g(2, info="test A")(3, 4, info="test B"))
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019aa6f28>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a158>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a158>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a158>
<function curry.<locals>.inner at 0x7f6019a9a0d0>
test A: 9
test B: 9

Professor used "The binary version of a function". Does that even exist?

Our professor used this in the assignment. I don't think "The binary version of a function" exist after searching about it in Google. What do you think it means?
Say we have a function add that adds a bunch of numbers. Rather than
writing add(3, 5, 4, 1) we want to use currying to create an adder
function that can be extended using a chain of calls. We would then
have adder(3)(5)(4)(1)(). Let us assume we have the currying function
that can create this adder given the add2 function (the binary version
of add) and a start value. Let us call it curry. Then we have adder =
curry(add2, 0).
I think he means a function that accepts only two arguments, so it just adds two numbers. His example function add(3, 5, 4, 1) would be a function that accepts any number of arguments and adds them all, but add2 would only accept two arguments, so add2(3, 5) would be 8. "The binary version of a function" in this case means a binary function (a function accepting two arguments).
In this case "binary function" refers to an argument that accepts two arguments. In this case your professor is probably referring to something like this:
def add2(x, y):
return x + y
# equivalently: add2 = lambda x,y: x+y
def curry(func, num):
def wrapped(*args):
if len(args) == 0:
return num
elif len(args) > 1:
raise TypeError('{} takes 1 positional argument but '
'{} were given'.format(
func.__name__, len(args)))
arg = args[0]
return curry(func, func(num, arg))
return wrapped
#AdamSmith and #BrenBarn have already pointed out what binary function means. A simple and clear assignment solution can be write by using object instead of decorator.
class curry():
def __init__(self, func, default):
self._f = func
self._default = default
def __call__(self, val=None):
if val is None:
return self._default
return curry(self._f,self._f(self._default,val))
print(curry(lambda x,y:x+y, 0)(3)(5)(4)(1)())
Neat and simple!
IMHO functors should be used only when the increase readability, simplicity or hide tedious work. In that case the object and functor implementations are really the same but the object version is more readable and straight to understand.

optional arguments function

I am searching how I could use optional arguments in python.
I have read this question but it is not clear to me.
Lets say I have a function f that can take 1 or more arguments to understand time series. Am i obliged to specify the number of arguments and set default values for each argument?
What I aim to do is being able to write a function this way:
simple function:
def f(x,y):
return x + y
#f(1,2) returns 3
What i want is also f(1,2,3) to return me 6 and f(7) returning me 7
Is it possible to write it without setting a predefined number of mandatory/optional parameters?
Is it possible to write it without having to set default values to 0 ?
How to write this function?
Its a simple example with numbers but the function i need to write is comparing a set of successive objects. After comparison is done, the data set will feed a neural network.
Thanks for reading.
Objects I am feeding my function with are tuples like this (float,float,float,bool,string)
You can put *args in your function and then take arbitrary (non-keyword) arguments. *args is a tuple, so you can iterate over it like any Python tuple/list/iterable. IE:
def f(*args):
theSum = 0
for arg in args:
theSum += arg
return theSum
print f(1,2,3,4)
def f(*args):
>>> f(1, 2)
>>> f(7)
>>> f(1, 2, 3)
>>> f(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
return sum(args)
If you need to do something more complicated than sum you could just iterate over args like this:
def f(*args):
r = 0
for arg in args:
r += arg
return r
See this question for more information on *args and **kwargs
Also see this sections on the Python tutorial: Arbitray Argument List
You can use the follow syntax:
def f(*args):
return sum(args)
The * before args tells it to "swallow up" all arguments, makng args a tuple. You can also mix this form with standard arguments, as long as the *args goes last. For example:
def g(a,b,*args):
return a * b * sum(args)
The first example uses the built-in sum function to total up the arguments. sum takes a sequence as adds it up for you:
>>> sum([1,3,5])
>>> sum(range(100))
The args name is not mandatory but is used by convention so best to stick with it. There is also **kwargs for undefined keyword arguments.
