simple Authentication and ACL using cornice - python

I have a RESTful API written in pyramid/cornice. It provides an API for an Ember client.
I have followed the cornice tutorial and have a valid_token validator which I use on many views as methods of resource classes.
def valid_token(request):
header = 'Authorization'
token = request.headers.get(header)
if token is None:
request.errors.add('headers', header, "Missing token")
request.errors.status = 401
session = DBSession.query(Session).get(token)
if not session:
request.errors.add('headers', header, "invalid token")
request.errors.status = 401
request.validated['session'] = session
Now I want to start selectively protecting resources. The Pyramid way seems to be to register authentication/authorization policies. The ACLAuthorizationPolicy seems to provide access to the nice ACL tooling in pyramid. However, it seems that pyramid needs both authentication and authorization policies to function. Since I'm authenticating with my validator this is confusing me.
Can I use ACL to control authorization whilst authenticating using my cornice valid_token validator? Do I need to register pyramid authentication or authorization policies?
I'm a bit confused, having little experience of using ACL in pyramid.

It is not an easy question :)
What you implemented in your validator is already taken care of by Pyramid with an AuthenticationPolicy
Start setting up a SessionAuthenticationPolicy with your custom callback (see code)
Once this authn setup, you will have those 401 responses, and your session value in the request.authenticated_userid attribute. You can also custom stuff in the request.registry object.
The only reason to keep your validator is if you want to return the invalid token messages in the 401 response. But for that, you can define a custom 401 pyramid view (using #forbidden_view_config)
Once you have that, you can setup a custom authorization for your views. You can find a very simple example in Cliquet first versions here : authz code and view perm
Good luck!

You may wanna do something like:
from pyramid.authentication import SessionAuthenticationPolicy
from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy
from your_module import valid_token
authn_policy = SessionAuthenticationPolicy(debug=True, callback=valid_token)
authz_policy = ACLAuthorizationPolicy()
config = Configurator(authentication_policy=authn_policy,authorization_policy=authz_policy)
And ofcourse in the Configuration will receive other arguments like settigns, locale_negociator, ...........
Hope this will help


How do I authorize a Google user in Python backend with ID token coming from iOS application?

So I don't think its a surprise to anyone but Google's documentation is god awful. It's so scattered and the Python docs still reference their old depreciated library. Anyways.
So what I really needed to look at was this link "Enabling Server Side Access for your App". This is not linked to anywhere. Keep in mind this is entirely different than "Authenticating with a Backend Server"
This was a start. On the iOS side of things, we need to specify the server or backend's client_id.
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().clientID = SBConstants.Google.IOS_CLIENT_ID
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().serverClientID = SBConstants.Google.SERVER_CLIENT_ID
And capture serverAuthCode from the sign method inside your sign-in delegate.
self.googleUser.userID = user.userID
self.googleUser.token = user.authentication.idToken
self.googleUser.serverAuthCode = user.serverAuthCode
Now when you want to perform some action in the backend on behalf of the frontend, we pass the captured serverAuthCode and send it as a parameter.
That was the easy part. In the backend, Google seems to have 13 different OAuth2 libraries for Python documented. Their example uses oauth2client which of course is deprecated.
What we want to use is their 'new' library google-api-python-client.
When the auth_token is passed to the backend we need to check if the user already has an access token in our database. If it does, we need to refresh. Otherwise, we need to request a new access token based on the auth_code. After much trial and error, here is the code to do so:
# we have record of this user
# we have record of this user
if user.exists:
# create new credentials, and refresh
credentials = Credentials(
# now we have an access token
# get the auth_token
token_obj = json.loads(request.body)
code = token_obj.get('auth_code')
# request access token given auth_token
auth_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes)
# now have access token
credentials = auth_flow.credentials
A warning: Pass or fail, the auth_token is only good for one request. This totally burned me. This also means once you have a successful backend interaction, you must store the user's token information to then request a refresh not a new access token.
Hope this helps someone.
Original Post
Following the documentation here, I am trying to authenticate a user in my iOS app and pass their ID token to my backend. The backend handles the Google API interactions for the iOS app.
I am missing how to actually authenticate that user in the backend. I read over the docs here regarding ID tokens but I am confused on where the service account comes into play.
Current endpoint:
def google_token_info(request):
token_obj = json.loads(request.body)
token = token_obj['id_token']
id_info = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(token, requests.Request(), settings.IOS_CLIENT_ID)
# create session here - how?
This is all working fine. The ID info returns the expected decrypted JWT contents, and I have the user's unique Google ID at this point.
While testing I had authentication set up via my backend. I had code like this:
def google_auth(request):
web_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes)
web_flow.redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('api.auth:oauth_callback'))
auth_url, state = web_flow.authorization_url(access_type='offline', include_granted_scopes='true', prompt='consent')
request.session['state'] = state
return redirect(auth_url)
def oauth_callback(request):
success_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes, state=request.session.get('state'))
success_flow.redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('api.auth:oauth_callback'))
auth_response = request.build_absolute_uri()
credentials = success_flow.credentials
if not request.session.get('google_credentials'):
request.session['google_credentials'] = _credentials_to_dict(credentials)
return redirect(reverse('api.auth:success'))
Which setup session credentials for the user. I'm assuming I need something similar, but I am unsure how to create a session without actual credentials.
So I don't think its a surprise to anyone but Google's documentation is god awful. It's so scattered and the Python docs still reference their old depreciated library. Anyways.
So what I really needed to look at was this link "Enabling Server Side Access for your App". This is not linked to anywhere. Keep in mind this is entirely different than "Authenticating with a Backend Server"
This was a start. On the iOS side of things, we need to specify the server or backend's client_id.
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().clientID = SBConstants.Google.IOS_CLIENT_ID
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance().serverClientID = SBConstants.Google.SERVER_CLIENT_ID
And capture serverAuthCode from the sign method inside your sign-in delegate.
self.googleUser.userID = user.userID
self.googleUser.token = user.authentication.idToken
self.googleUser.serverAuthCode = user.serverAuthCode
Now when you want to perform some action in the backend on behalf of the frontend, we pass the captured serverAuthCode and send it as a parameter.
That was the easy part. In the backend, Google seems to have 13 different OAuth2 libraries for Python documented. Their example uses oauth2client which of course is deprecated.
What we want to use is their 'new' library google-api-python-client.
When the auth_token is passed to the backend we need to check if the user already has an access token in our database. If it does, we need to refresh. Otherwise, we need to request a new access token based on the auth_code. After much trial and error, here is the code to do so:
# we have record of this user
# we have record of this user
if user.exists:
# create new credentials, and refresh
credentials = Credentials(
# now we have an access token
# get the auth_token
token_obj = json.loads(request.body)
code = token_obj.get('auth_code')
# request access token given auth_token
auth_flow = flow.Flow.from_client_secrets_file(creds, scopes=scopes)
# now have access token
credentials = auth_flow.credentials
A warning: Pass or fail, the auth_token is only good for one request. This totally burned me. This also means once you have a successful backend interaction, you must store the user's token information to then request a refresh not a new access token.

Falcon CORS middleware does not work properly

I'm using Falcon CORS to allow access to my web service only from several domains. But it does not work properly.
Let me explain, if we take a look at my implementation:
crossdomain_origin = CORS(allow_origins_list=[ALLOWED_ORIGINS], log_level='DEBUG')
app = falcon.API(middleware=[RequireJSON(), JSONTranslator(), cors.middleware])
When I make any post request to my API service, I get this warning:
Aborting response due to origin not allowed
But, then I get the correct response from my API.
Here is an official docs about this module:
Your code does not match the falcon-cors documentation's example:
import falcon
from falcon_cors import CORS
cors = CORS(allow_origins_list=[''])
api = falcon.API(middleware=[cors.middleware])
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Note the cors.middleware variable is being passed into the api call. In your code you are creating crossdomain_origin but not passing it into the API setup.
If this does not solve it, please provide a working code example, including the Falcon resource classes, that is easy to test and reproduce, and I'm happy to try to assist.
From comments below, it sounds like falcon-cors is working properly, rather the problem may be origin header was being omitted from the request.
The Origin header indicates the origin of the cross-site access request or preflight request.
I tried as guided by lwcolton on github here
And also set allow_all_headers=True, allow_all_methods=True
i.e. same as #Ryan comment
from falcon_cors import CORS
cors = CORS(
api = falcon.API(middleware=[cors.middleware])
Side note:
ORIGIN '*' does not work on some browsers.. notably IE. In the past I've had to dynamically set the ORIGIN header to the 'host' name requested in the HTTP headers in order to support a wildcard domain host for a site I setup.
There's is another way to implement this without using falcon-cors
You might want to look at this on the official documentation - how-do-i-implement-cors-with-falcon
class CORSComponent:
def process_response(self, req, resp, resource, req_succeeded):
resp.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
if (req_succeeded
and req.method == 'OPTIONS'
and req.get_header('Access-Control-Request-Method')
# NOTE: This is a CORS preflight request. Patch the
# response accordingly.
allow = resp.get_header('Allow')
allow_headers = req.get_header(
('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', allow),
('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', allow_headers),
('Access-Control-Max-Age', '86400'), # 24 hours
When using the above approach, OPTIONS requests must also be special-cased in any other middleware or hooks you use for auth, content-negotiation, etc. For example, you will typically skip auth for preflight requests because it is simply unnecessary; note that such request do not include the Authorization header in any case.
You can now put this in middleware
api = falcon.API(middleware=[

Getting user info with Cloud Endpoints (using other API Endpoints)

I'm trying to setup endpoints api (with google app engine, python), but I'm having some trouble getting user profile info. API is working, I can create entities through API Explorer on my localhost.
My goal is to allow user to register for my app by providing just an email, and authorizing the app to get the reset of the info from their profile. I have this endpoints method:
def UserRegister(self, instance): 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' ))
# 'Beared __TOKEN__'
# '__TOKEN__'
return instance
This works fine, I receive authorization token and user is created in datastore, but I can't figure out how to get the profile info. If I enter the token in OAuth2 API (through API Explorer):
I get token info with some data I need { "user_id": "__ID__", "verified_email": true, ...}, and if I use user_id in +API:
I can get the rest of the data I need (name, image, etc).
What do I need to do to achieve this in my UserRegister() method? I'd prefer to return just entity ID and do the rest of registration asynchronously, but that's another issue, I'll figure it out (; Just need some guidance how to call other endpoints from my code...
I've managed to figure out how to call other APIs (code on Gist), now only have one issue with Plus API:
I did some queries and eventually got anonymous quota error. Then I added key parameter and set it to WEB_CLIENT_ID or SERVICE_ACCOUNT:
WEB_CLIENT_ID is OAuth2 Client ID (type: Web Application) from,
SERVICE_ACCOUNT is default App Engine service account -
and now I'm getting following error:
HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting returned "Bad Request">
When I use +API explorer I get results as expected:
200 OK + json data for user...
Anyone knows why is this happening?
Why am I getting BadRequest response?
Problem with BadRequest was that I didn't send authorization token... I did try to send it as access_token, but seams like +api docs are outdated - it should be oauth_token. When I included this parameter issue was resolved:
build('plus', 'v1').people().get(userId=user_id, key=SERVICE_ACCOUNT, oauth_token=token).execute()
HINT: Use http://localhost:8001/_ah/api/discovery/v1/apis/, and discoveryRestUrl property it has to see real properties of your API - this is where I found the answer.
oauth_token can be obtained like this:
token = os.getenv('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION').split(" ")[1]
# or like in my question:
token = endpoints.users_id_token._get_token(None)
I'd suggest HTTP_AUTHORIZATION variable, because users_id_token docs state that it's a:
Utility library for reading user information from an id_token.
This is an experimental library that can temporarily be used to extract
a user from an id_token. The functionality provided by this library
will be provided elsewhere in the future.
How to call other API Endpoints?
This is also an answer to my first question:
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
service = build('plus', 'v1')
request = service.people().get(userId=user_id, key=SERVICE_ACCOUNT, oauth_token=token)
response = request.execute()
data = dict(self.response.POST)
Code that worked for me is here.
NOTE: WEB_CLIENT_ID obtained from (OAuth2 Client ID of type Web Application) will NOT work in this case. I had to use SERVICE_ACCOUNT - I didn't try to generate one through console, default service account I got from App Engine worked fine.
...things are much clearer now that I got this working. Hope it will help someone else (;

Authenticating connection in PySolr

This is the first time I am using Python and Solr. I have my Solr instance set up within tomcat on GCE. I am trying to connect to it from my Python code using PySolr. However, I am not sure how to send authentication parameters via PySolr.
This is the exception I get:
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://MY INSTANCE IP/solr/News', timeout=10)
Apache Tomcat/7.0.28 - Error report HTTP Status 401 - type Status reportmessage description This request requires HTTP authentication ().Apache Tomcat/7.0.28
Please advise.
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://user:pass#IP:8983/solr/')
That's all you need ...
You can pass Solr authentication as part of the Solr connection parameter.
You don't have proper documentation in pySolr on how to carry out authentication. Since pySolr internally uses requests for authentication you can follow authentication in requests.
Here is a small example on custom authentication as well.
In the case of Basic Authentication, you can use it as
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://IP:8983/solr/collection',auth=('username','password'))
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
solr = pysolr.Solr('http://IP:8983/solr/collection',auth=HTTPBasicAuth('username','password'))
This is the proper way of authentication. Passing username and password as a part of URL is not recommended as it might create issues if # or ' are used in any of those may create issues in the authentication.Refer this GitHub issue

Looking for advice to secure a private REST API written in python-flask

I am currently writing a rest API in python with the microframework Flask. It's a private API and it deals with user data. I plan to use this API to build a web and an Android app.
For now I use digest auth to secure private user data. For example if you want to post data on my service with the user bob you make a post request at myapi/story/create and provide bob's credentials with the digest pattern.
I am aware this is not a good solution because :
-Digest auth is not secure
-The client is not authenticated (How to secure requests not related with current user, for example create a new user ?)
I read a lot of stuff about oAuth but the 3-legged authentication seems overkill because I don't plan to open my API to third party.
The 2-legged oAuth won't fit because it only provides authentification for clients and not for users.
Another problem with oAuth is that I haven't found a comprehensive guide for implementing it in Python. I found the python-oauth2 library, but I don't understand the server example and I can't find additional documentation. Plus it seems that many aspects of oAuth are not covered in this example.
So my questions are :
Is there alternative scheme (not oAuth) for authenticate both client and user with a reasonable level of security ?
If oAuth is the best solution :
How to skip the authorization process (because users won't have to authorize third party clients)?
Is there detailled documentation for python-oauth2 or for any other Python library?
Any help or advice will be appreciated.
The simple answer is to expose your API via HTTPS only, and then use HTTP Basic authentication. I don't think there's really any reason to bother with Digest. Basic authentication is insecure, but is submitted with every request so you never need to worry about your authentication going stale or whatever. By tunneling it over HTTPS, you have a secure connection.
If you want to authenticate the client, you could use SSL client certificates. That said, in general it's pretty tough to really lock down the client against malicious users, so I would consider making the sign-up functions openly accessible and protect yourself from DOS etc via out-of-band account verification.
Have you already considered to use the Basic Authentication?
I haven't used yet the framework you mentioned, but I used the basic auth to protect some urls in an app based on and worked fine.
Basically, you can use a token in base64 which is actually a standard http heeader.
Maybe this example can help you:
class Login:
def GET(self):
auth = web.ctx.env.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
authreq = False
if auth is None:
authreq = True
auth = re.sub('^Basic ','',auth)
username,password = base64.decodestring(auth).split(':')
if (username,password) in settings.allowed:
raise web.seeother('/eai')
authreq = True
if authreq:
web.header('WWW-Authenticate','Basic realm="Auth example"')
web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
If you are interested in basic authentication, here is a quick attribute which you can use to decorate your handlers This example is primarily written in context, but I guess it can be easily tweaked.
def check_auth(username, password):
return username == 'username' and password == 'password'
def requires_auth(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
auth = web.ctx.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in web.ctx.env else None
if auth:
auth = re.sub('^Basic ', '', auth)
username, password = base64.decodestring(auth).split(':')
if not auth or not check_auth(username, password):
web.header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="admin"')
web.ctx.status = '401 Unauthorized'
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
