Python Re: Overwrite Issue - python

I am having an issue with replacing a part of a string. Right now this code. My goal is for every string that includes a key in this dictionary.
mapping = { "St": "Street",
"St.": "Street",
'Rd': 'Road',
'Rd.': 'Road',
'Ave': 'Avenue',
'Ave.': 'Avenue',
'Blvd.': 'Boulevard',
'Blvd': 'Boulevard'
To replace that part of the string with the value in the dictionary.
street_type_re = re.compile(r'\b\S+\.?$', re.IGNORECASE)
def update_name(name, mapping):
for key,value in mapping.iteritems():
if key in name:
newname = re.sub(street_type_re,value,name)
print name,'==>',newname
return name
Right now the code is doing stuff like this
National Rd SW ==> National Rd Road
I need to fix it so that it returns this
National Rd SW ==> National Road SW

newname = re.sub(key,value,name)
You can simply replace key instead of matching it with precompiled regex or
newname = re.sub(r"\b"+key+r"\b",value,name)
Yours replaces the last as you have $


want to add left out string in matched string

Below is my example code:
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import json
from itertools import zip_longest
synonyms = open("synonyms.json","r")
synonyms = json.loads(
vendor_data = ["i7 processor","solid state","Corei5 :1135G7 (11th
drive","ddr 8gb","something1", "something2",
"something3","HT (100W) DDR4-2400"]
buyer_data = ["i7 processor 12 generation","corei7:latest technology"]
vendor = []
buyer = []
for item,value in synonyms.items():
for k,k2 in zip_longest(vendor_data,buyer_data):
for v in value:
if fuzz.token_set_ratio(k,v) > 70:
if item in k:
vendor.append(item+" "+k)
#didnt get only "something" strings here !
if fuzz.token_set_ratio(k2,v) > 70:
if item in k2:
buyer.append(item+" "+k2)
vendor = list(set(vendor))
buyer = list(set(buyer))
Note: "something" string can be anything like "battery" or "display"etc
synonyms json
"processor":["corei5","core","corei7","i5","i7","ryzen5","i5 processor","i7
processor","processor i5","processor i7","core generation","core gen"],
"ram":["DDR4","memory","DDR3","DDR","DDR 8gb","DDR 8 gb","DDR 16gb","DDR 16 gb","DDR
32gb","DDR 32 gb","DDR4-"],
"ssd":["solid state drive","solid drive"],
"hdd":["Hard Drive"]
what do i need ?
I want to add all "something" string inside vendor list dynamically.
! NOTE -- "something" string can be anything in future.
I want to add "something" string in vendor array which is not a matched value in fuzz>70! I want to basically add left out data also.
for example like below:
current output
['processor Corei5 :1135G7 (11th Generation)',
'i7 processor',
'ram HT (100W) DDR4-2400',
'ram ddr 8gb',
'hdd hard drive',
'ssd solid state']
expected output below
['processor Corei5 :1135G7 (11th Generation)',
'i7 processor',
'ram HT (100W) DDR4-2400',
'ram ddr 8gb',
'hdd hard drive',
'ssd solid state',
'something3'] #something string need to be added in vendor list dynamically.
what silly mistake am I doing ? Thank you.
Here's my attempt:
from fuzzywuzzy import process, fuzz
synonyms = {'processor': ['corei5', 'core', 'corei7', 'i5', 'i7', 'ryzen5', 'i5 processor', 'i7 processor', 'processor i5', 'processor i7', 'core generation', 'core gen'], 'ram': ['DDR4', 'memory', 'DDR3', 'DDR', 'DDR 8gb', 'DDR 8 gb', 'DDR 16gb', 'DDR 16 gb', 'DDR 32gb', 'DDR 32 gb', 'DDR4-'], 'ssd': ['solid state drive', 'solid drive'], 'hdd': ['Hard Drive']}
vendor_data = ['i7 processor', 'solid state', 'Corei5 :1135G7 (11th Generation)', 'hard drive', 'ddr 8gb', 'something1', 'something2', 'something3', 'HT (100W) DDR4-2400']
buyer_data = ['i7 processor 12 generation', 'corei7:latest technology']
def find_synonym(s: str, min_score: int = 60):
results = process.extractBests(s, choices=synonyms, score_cutoff=min_score)
if not results:
return None
return results[0][-1]
def process_data(l: list, min_score: int = 60):
matches = []
no_matches = []
for item in l:
syn = find_synonym(item, min_score=min_score)
if syn is not None:
new_item = f'{syn} {item}' if syn not in item else item
elif any(fuzz.partial_ratio(s, item) >= min_score for s in synonyms.keys()):
# one of the synonyms is already in the item string
return matches, no_matches
For process_data(vendor_data) we get:
(['i7 processor',
'ssd solid state',
'processor Corei5 :1135G7 (11th Generation)',
'hdd hard drive',
'ram ddr 8gb',
'ram HT (100W) DDR4-2400'],
['something1', 'something2', 'something3'])
And for process_data(buyer_data):
(['i7 processor 12 generation', 'processor corei7:latest technology'], [])
I had to lower the cut-off score to 60 to also get results for ddr 8gb. The process_data function returns 2 lists: One with matches with words from the synonyms dict and one with items without matches. If you want exactly the output you listed in your question, just concatenate the two lists like this:
matches, no_matches = process_data(vendor_data)
matches + no_matches # ['i7 processor', 'ssd solid state', 'processor Corei5 :1135G7 (11th Generation)', 'hdd hard drive', 'ram ddr 8gb', 'ram HT (100W) DDR4-2400', 'something1', 'something2', 'something3']
I have tried to come up with a decent answer (certainly not the cleanest one)
import json
from itertools import zip_longest
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
synonyms = open("synonyms.json", "r")
synonyms = json.loads(
vendor_data = ["i7 processor", "solid state", "Corei5 :1135G7 (11thGeneration)", "hard drive", "ddr 8gb", "something1",
"something3", "HT (100W) DDR4-2400"]
buyer_data = ["i7 processor 12 generation", "corei7:latest technology"]
vendor = []
buyer = []
for k, k2 in zip_longest(vendor_data, buyer_data):
has_matched = False
for item, value in synonyms.items():
for v in value:
if fuzz.token_set_ratio(k, v) > 70:
if item in k:
vendor.append(item + " " + k)
if has_matched or k2 is None:
has_matched = True
if fuzz.token_set_ratio(k2, v) > 70:
if item in k2:
buyer.append(item + " " + k2)
if has_matched or k is None:
has_matched = True
continue # match not found
break # match is found
else: # only evaluates on normal loop end
# Only something strings
# do something with the new input values
vendor = list(set(vendor))
buyer = list(set(buyer))
I hope you can achieve what you want with this code. Check the docs if you don't know what a for else loop does. TLDR: the else clause executes when the loop terminates normally (not with a break). Note that I put the synonyms loop inside the data loop. This is because we can't certainly know in which synonym group the data belongs, also somethimes the vendor data entry is a processor while the buyer data is memory. Also note that I have assumed an item can't match more than 1 time. If this could be the case you would need to make a more advanced check (just make a counter and break when the counter equals 2 for example).
I took another look at the question and came up with maybe a better answer:
v_dict = dict()
for spec in vendor_data[:]:
for item, choices in synonyms.items():
if process.extractOne(spec, choices)[1] > 70: # don't forget to import process from fuzzywuzzy
v_dict[spec] = item
v_dict[spec] = "Something new"
This code matches the strings to the correct type. for example {'i7 processor': 'processor', 'solid state': 'ssd', 'Corei5 :1135G7 (11thGeneration)': 'processor', 'hard drive': 'ssd', 'ddr 8gb': 'ram', 'something1': 'Something new', 'something2': 'Something new', 'something3': 'Something new', 'HT (100W) DDR4-2400': 'ram'}. You can change the "Something new" with watherver you like. You could also do: v_dict[spec] = 0 (on a match) and v_dict[spec] = 1 (on no match). You could then sort the dict ->
it = iter(v_dict.values())
print(sorted(v_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: next(it)))
Which would give the wanted results (more or less), all the recognised items will be first, and then all the unrecognised items. You could do some more advanced sorting on this dict if you want. I think this code gives you enough flexibility to reach your goal.
If I understand correctly, what you are trying to do is match keywords specified by a customer and/or vendor against a predefined database of keywords you have.
First, I would highly recommend using a reversed mapping of the synonyms, so it's faster to lookup, especially when the dataset will grow.
Second, considering the fuzzywuzzy API, it looks like you simply want the best match, so extractOne is a solid choice for that.
Now, extractOne returns the best match and a score:
>>> process.extractOne("cowboys", choices)
("Dallas Cowboys", 90)
I would split the algorithm into two:
A generic part that simply gets the best match, which should always exist (even if it's not a great one)
A filter, where you could adjust the sensitivity of the algorithm, based on different criteria of your application. This sensitivity threshold should set the minimal match quality. If you're below this threshold, just use "untagged" for the category for example.
Here is the final code, which I think is very simple and easy to understand and expand:
import json
from fuzzywuzzy import process
def load_synonyms():
with open('synonyms.json') as fin:
synonyms = json.load(fin)
# Reversing the map makes it much easier to lookup
reversed_synonyms = {}
for key, values in synonyms.items():
for value in values:
reversed_synonyms[value] = key
return reversed_synonyms
def load_vendor_data():
return [
"i7 processor",
"solid state",
"Corei5 :1135G7 (11thGeneration)",
"hard drive",
"ddr 8gb",
"HT (100W) DDR4-2400"
def load_customer_data():
return [
"i7 processor 12 generation",
"corei7:latest technology"
def get_tag(keyword, synonyms):
DEFAULT = 'general'
tag, score = process.extractOne(keyword, synonyms.keys())
return synonyms[tag] if score > THRESHOLD else DEFAULT
def main():
synonyms = load_synonyms()
customer_data = load_customer_data()
vendor_data = load_vendor_data()
data = customer_data + vendor_data
tags_dict = { keyword: get_tag(keyword, synonyms) for keyword in data }
print(json.dumps(tags_dict, indent=4))
if __name__ == '__main__':
When running with the specified inputs, the output is:
"i7 processor 12 generation": "processor",
"corei7:latest technology": "processor",
"i7 processor": "processor",
"solid state": "ssd",
"Corei5 :1135G7 (11thGeneration)": "processor",
"hard drive": "hdd",
"ddr 8gb": "ram",
"something1": "general",
"something2": "general",
"something3": "general",
"HT (100W) DDR4-2400": "ram"

Remove punctation from every value in Python dictionary

I have a long dictionary which looks like this:
name = 'Barack.'
name_last = 'Obama!'
street_name = "President Streeet?"
list_of_slot_names = {'name':name, 'name_last':name_last, 'street_name':street_name}
I want to remove the punctation for every slot (name, name_last,...).
I could do it this way:
name = name.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
name_last = name_last.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
street_name = street_name.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
Do you know a shorter (more compact) way to write this?
>>> print(name, name_last, street_name)
>>> Barack Obama President Streeet
Use a loop / dictionary comprehension
{k: v.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) for k, v in list_of_slot_names.items()}
You can either assign this back to list_of_slot_names if you want to overwrite existing values or assign to a new variable
You can also then print via
name = 'Barack.'
name_last = 'Obama!'
empty_slot = None
street_name = "President Streeet?"
print([str_.strip('.?!') for str_ in (name, name_last, empty_slot, street_name) if str_ is not None])
-> Barack Obama President Streeet
Unless you also want to remove them from the middle. Then do this
import re
name = 'Barack.'
name_last = 'Obama!'
empty_slot = None
street_name = "President Streeet?"
print([re.sub('[.?!]+',"",str_) for str_ in (name, name_last, empty_slot, street_name) if str_ is not None])
import re, string
s = 'hell:o? wor!d.'
clean = re.sub(rf"[{string.punctuation}]", "", s)
hello world

Extracting text after string

I want to extract the string after "name=" from the following text. I have written the following regular expression but it isn't really working. The desired output is [Taal, Muntinlupa city]
text = [ "id='00e5885868b4d7ed', url='', place_type='city', name='Taal', full_name='Taal, Calabarzon', country_code='PH', country='Republic of the Philippines'",
"id='00c699d656122ebe', url='', place_type='city', name='Muntinlupa City', full_name='Muntinlupa City, National Capital Region', country_code='PH', country='Republic of the Philippines']
matched_vals = [re.findall(r'(?<=name\=).*(?=\s)',tweet) for tweet in text]
Use pattern r"name='(.+?)'"
import re
text = [ "id='00e5885868b4d7ed', url='', place_type='city', name='Taal', full_name='Taal, Calabarzon', country_code='PH', country='Republic of the Philippines'",
"id='00c699d656122ebe', url='', place_type='city', name='Muntinlupa City', full_name='Muntinlupa City, National Capital Region', country_code='PH', country='Republic of the Philippines'"
for i in text:
print("name='(.+?)'", i).group(1))
Muntinlupa City
Create a dictionary out of the string, and that take the value of the key 'name':
dicts = []
for dic in text:
and then you can you these name (and other data very efficient):
for d in dicts:

Append items to dictionary Python

I am trying to write a function in python that opens a file and parses it into a dictionary. I am trying to make the first item in the list block the key for each item in the dictionary data. Then each item is supposed to be the rest of the list block less the first item. For some reason though, when I run the following function, it parses it incorrectly. I have provided the output below. How would I be able to parse it like I stated above? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
def parseData() :
for line in file:
if line in ('\n', '\r\n'):
print data
Bob Dylan
1966 Blonde on Blonde
-Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
-Pledging My Time
-Visions of Johanna
-One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)
-I Want You
-Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
-Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat
-Just Like a Woman
-Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)
-Temporary Like Achilles
-Absolutely Sweet Marie
-4th Time Around
-Obviously 5 Believers
-Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands
{'-Rainy Day Women #12 & 35\n': '1966 Blonde on Blonde\n',
'-Whole Lotta Love\n': '1969 II\n', '-In the Evening\n': '1979 In Through the Outdoor\n'}
You can use groupby to group the data using the empty lines as delimiters, use a defaultdict for repeated keys extending the rest of the values from each val returned from groupby after extracting the key/first element.
from itertools import groupby
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(list)
with open("file.txt") as f:
for k, val in groupby(f, lambda x: x.strip() != ""):
# if k is True we have a section
if k:
# get key "k" which is the first line
# from each section, val will be the remaining lines
k,*v = val
# add or add to the existing key/value pairing
from pprint import pprint as pp
{'Bob Dylan\n': ['1966 Blonde on Blonde',
'-Rainy Day Women #12 & 35',
'-Pledging My Time',
'-Visions of Johanna',
'-One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)',
'-I Want You',
'-Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again',
'-Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat',
'-Just Like a Woman',
"-Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)",
'-Temporary Like Achilles',
'-Absolutely Sweet Marie',
'-4th Time Around',
'-Obviously 5 Believers',
'-Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands'],
'Led Zeppelin\n': ['1979 In Through the Outdoor',
'-In the Evening',
'-South Bound Saurez',
'-Fool in the Rain',
'-Hot Dog',
'-All My Love',
"-I'm Gonna Crawl",
'1969 II',
'-Whole Lotta Love',
'-What Is and What Should Never Be',
'-The Lemon Song',
'-Thank You',
"-Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)",
'-Ramble On',
'-Moby Dick',
'-Bring It on Home']}
For python2 the unpack syntax is slightly different:
with open("file.txt") as f:
for k, val in groupby(f, lambda x: x.strip() != ""):
if k:
k, v = next(val), val
d[k].extend(map(str.rstrip, v))
If you want to keep the newlines remove the map(str.rstrip..
If you want the album and songs separately for each artist:
from itertools import groupby
from collections import defaultdict
d = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
with open("file.txt") as f:
for k, val in groupby(f, lambda x: x.strip() != ""):
if k:
k, alb, songs = next(val),next(val), val
d[k.rstrip()][alb.rstrip()] = list(map(str.rstrip, songs))
from pprint import pprint as pp
{'Bob Dylan': {'1966 Blonde on Blonde': ['-Rainy Day Women #12 & 35',
'-Pledging My Time',
'-Visions of Johanna',
'-One of Us Must Know (Sooner or '
'-I Want You',
'-Stuck Inside of Mobile with the '
'Memphis Blues Again',
'-Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat',
'-Just Like a Woman',
'-Most Likely You Go Your Way '
"(And I'll Go Mine)",
'-Temporary Like Achilles',
'-Absolutely Sweet Marie',
'-4th Time Around',
'-Obviously 5 Believers',
'-Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands']},
'Led Zeppelin': {'1969 II': ['-Whole Lotta Love',
'-What Is and What Should Never Be',
'-The Lemon Song',
'-Thank You',
"-Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)",
'-Ramble On',
'-Moby Dick',
'-Bring It on Home'],
'1979 In Through the Outdoor': ['-In the Evening',
'-South Bound Saurez',
'-Fool in the Rain',
'-Hot Dog',
'-All My Love',
"-I'm Gonna Crawl"]}}
I guess this is what you want?
Even if this is not the format you wanted, there are a few things you might learn from the answer:
use with for file handling
nice to have:
PEP8 compilant code, see
a shebang
if __name__ == '__main__'
And SE does not like a list being continued by code...
#!/usr/bin/env python
""""Parse text files with songs, grouped by album and artist."""
def add_to_data(data, block):
data : dict
block : list
artist = block[0]
album = block[1]
songs = block[2:]
if artist in data:
data[artist][album] = songs
data[artist] = {album: songs}
return data
def parseData(filename='testdata.txt'):
filename : string
Path to a text file.
data = {}
with open(filename) as f:
block = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line == '':
data = add_to_data(data, block)
block = []
data = add_to_data(data, block)
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = parseData()
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
which gives:
{ 'Bob Dylan': { '1966 Blonde on Blonde': [ '-Rainy Day Women #12 & 35',
'-Pledging My Time',
'-Visions of Johanna',
'-One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later)',
'-I Want You',
'-Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again',
'-Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat',
'-Just Like a Woman',
"-Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine)",
'-Temporary Like Achilles',
'-Absolutely Sweet Marie',
'-4th Time Around',
'-Obviously 5 Believers',
'-Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands']},
'Led Zeppelin': { '1969 II': [ '-Whole Lotta Love',
'-What Is and What Should Never Be',
'-The Lemon Song',
'-Thank You',
"-Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)",
'-Ramble On',
'-Moby Dick',
'-Bring It on Home'],
'1979 In Through the Outdoor': [ '-In the Evening',
'-South Bound Saurez',
'-Fool in the Rain',
'-Hot Dog',
'-All My Love',
"-I'm Gonna Crawl"]}}

Using regex to extract information from a string

This is a follow-up and complication to this question: Extracting contents of a string within parentheses.
In that question I had the following string --
"Will Farrell (Nick Hasley), Rebecca Hall (Samantha)"
And I wanted to get a list of tuples in the form of (actor, character) --
[('Will Farrell', 'Nick Hasley'), ('Rebecca Hall', 'Samantha')]
To generalize matters, I have a slightly more complicated string, and I need to extract the same information. The string I have is --
"Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary),
with Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah)"
I need to format this as follows:
[('Will Farrell', 'Nick Hasley'), ('Rebecca Hall', 'Samantha'), ('Glenn Howerton', 'Gary'),
('Stephen Root',''), ('Lauren Dern', 'Delilah')]
I know I can replace the filler words (with, and, &, etc.), but can't quite figure out how to add a blank entry -- '' -- if there is no character name for the actor (in this case Stephen Root). What would be the best way to go about doing this?
Finally, I need to take into account if an actor has multiple roles, and build a tuple for each role the actor has. The final string I have is:
"Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary, Brad), with
Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah, Stacy)"
And I need to build a list of tuples as follows:
[('Will Farrell', 'Nick Hasley'), ('Rebecca Hall', 'Samantha'), ('Glenn Howerton', 'Gary'),
('Glenn Howerton', 'Brad'), ('Stephen Root',''), ('Lauren Dern', 'Delilah'), ('Lauren Dern', 'Stacy')]
Thank you.
import re
credits = """Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary, Brad), with
Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah, Stacy)"""
# split on commas (only if outside of parentheses), "with" or "and"
splitre = re.compile(r"\s*(?:,(?![^()]*\))|\bwith\b|\band\b)\s*")
# match the part before the parentheses (1) and what's inside the parens (2)
# (only if parentheses are present)
matchre = re.compile(r"([^(]*)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?")
# split the parts inside the parentheses on commas
splitparts = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*")
characters = splitre.split(credits)
pairs = []
for character in characters:
if character:
match = matchre.match(character)
if match:
actor =
parts = splitparts.split(
for part in parts:
pairs.append((actor, part))
pairs.append((actor, ""))
[('Will Ferrell', 'Nick Halsey'), ('Rebecca Hall', 'Samantha'),
('Glenn Howerton', 'Gary'), ('Glenn Howerton', 'Brad'), ('Stephen Root', ''),
('Laura Dern', 'Delilah'), ('Laura Dern', 'Stacy')]
Tim Pietzcker's solution can be simplified to (note that patterns are modified too):
import re
credits = """ Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary, Brad), with
Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah, Stacy)"""
# split on commas (only if outside of parentheses), "with" or "and"
splitre = re.compile(r"(?:,(?![^()]*\))(?:\s*with)*|\bwith\b|\band\b)\s*")
# match the part before the parentheses (1) and what's inside the parens (2)
# (only if parentheses are present)
matchre = re.compile(r"\s*([^(]*)(?<! )\s*(?:\(([^)]*)\))?")
# split the parts inside the parentheses on commas
splitparts = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*")
pairs = []
for character in splitre.split(credits):
gr = matchre.match(character).groups('')
for part in splitparts.split(gr[1]):
pairs.append((gr[0], part))
import re
credits = """ Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary, Brad), with
Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah, Stacy)"""
# split on commas (only if outside of parentheses), "with" or "and"
splitre = re.compile(r"(?:,(?![^()]*\))(?:\s*with)*|\bwith\b|\band\b)\s*")
# match the part before the parentheses (1) and what's inside the parens (2)
# (only if parentheses are present)
matchre = re.compile(r"\s*([^(]*)(?<! )\s*(?:\(([^)]*)\))?")
# split the parts inside the parentheses on commas
splitparts = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*")
gen = (matchre.match(character).groups('') for character in splitre.split(credits))
pp = [ (gr[0], part) for gr in gen for part in splitparts.split(gr[1])]
print pp
The trick is to use groups('') with an argument ''
What you want is identify sequences of words starting with a capital letter, plus some complications (IMHO you cannot assume each name is made of Name Surname, but also Name Surname Jr., or Name M. Surname, or other localized variation, Jean-Claude van Damme, Louis da Silva, etc.).
Now, this is likely to be overkill for the sample input you posted, but as I wrote above I assume things will soon get messy, so I would tackle this using nltk.
Here's a very crude and not very well tested snippet, but it should do the job:
import nltk
from nltk.chunk.regexp import RegexpParser
_patterns = [
(r'^[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*[A-Z]?[a-zA-Z]+.?$', 'NNP'), # proper nouns
(r'^[(]$', 'O'),
(r'[,]', 'COMMA'),
(r'^[)]$', 'C'),
(r'.+', 'NN') # nouns (default)
_grammar = """
NAME: {<NNP>+}
ROLE: {<O> <NAME>+ <C>}
text = "Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary, Brad), with Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah, Stacy)"
tagger = nltk.RegexpTagger(_patterns)
chunker = RegexpParser(_grammar)
text = text.replace('(', '( ').replace(')', ' )').replace(',', ' , ')
tokens = text.split()
tagged_text = tagger.tag(tokens)
tree = chunker.parse(tagged_text)
for n in tree:
if isinstance(n, nltk.tree.Tree) and n.node in ['ROLE', 'NAME']:
print n
# output is:
# (NAME Will/NNP Ferrell/NNP)
# (ROLE (/O (NAME Nick/NNP Halsey/NNP) )/C)
# (NAME Rebecca/NNP Hall/NNP)
# (ROLE (/O (NAME Samantha/NNP) )/C)
# (NAME Glenn/NNP Howerton/NNP)
# (ROLE (/O (NAME Gary/NNP ,/COMMA Brad/NNP) )/C)
# (NAME Stephen/NNP Root/NNP)
# (NAME Laura/NNP Dern/NNP)
# (ROLE (/O (NAME Delilah/NNP ,/COMMA Stacy/NNP) )/C)
You must then process the tagged output and put names and roles in a list instead of printing, but you get the picture.
What we do here is do a first pass where we tag each token according to the regex in _patterns, and then do a second pass to build more complex chunks according to your simple grammar. You can complicate the grammar and the patterns as you want, ie. catch variations of names, messy inputs, abbreviations, and so on.
I think doing this with a single regex pass is going to be a pain for non-trivial inputs.
Otherwise, Tim's solution is solving the issue nicely for the input you posted, and without the nltk dependency.
In case you want a non-regex solution ... (Assumes no nested parenthesis.)
in_string = "Will Ferrell (Nick Halsey), Rebecca Hall (Samantha), Glenn Howerton (Gary, Brad), with Stephen Root and Laura Dern (Delilah, Stacy)"
in_list = []
is_in_paren = False
item = {}
next_string = ''
index = 0
while index < len(in_string):
char = in_string[index]
if in_string[index:].startswith(' and') and not is_in_paren:
actor = next_string
if actor.startswith(' with '):
actor = actor[6:]
item['actor'] = actor
item = {}
next_string = ''
index += 4
elif char == '(':
is_in_paren = True
item['actor'] = next_string
next_string = ''
elif char == ')':
is_in_paren = False
item['part'] = next_string
item = {}
next_string = ''
elif char == ',':
if is_in_paren:
item['part'] = next_string
next_string = ''
item = item.copy()
next_string = "%s%s" % (next_string, char)
index += 1
out_list = []
for dict in in_list:
actor = dict.get('actor')
part = dict.get('part')
if part is None:
part = ''
out_list.append((actor.strip(), part.strip()))
print out_list
[('Will Ferrell', 'Nick Halsey'), ('Rebecca Hall', 'Samantha'), ('Glenn Howerton', 'Gary'), ('Glenn Howerton', 'Brad'), ('Stephen Root', ''), ('Laura Dern', 'Delilah'), ('Laura Dern', 'Stacy')]
