I want to select features and to zoom on them and do all these steps using PyQgis.
And I'm able to do both of them separatly but it doesn't seems to work when I try to mix the two of them.
Both of the codes I use for them are from the internet. Here's what I use to select features of a layer :
from qgis.core import *
import qgis.utils
lyrMap = QgsVectorLayer('C:/someplace', 'MapName', 'ogr')
expr = QgsExpression("'Attribute' IS NOT NULL")
it = lyrMap.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest(expr))
ids = [i.id() for i in it] #select only the features for which the expression is true
And it seems to do the trick as features appear selected on QGis.
In order to zoom the code is much more simple, it's just :
canvas = qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas()
But it seems that canvas doesn't consider that there's a selection on lyrMap and simply do nothing. I've tried to do the selection manually in QGis, and then zoom using zoomToSelected, and it worked.
But my objective is to do it without needing to do the selection manually...
Note : I don't think that's the issue, but the attribute I'm doing the selection on is from a join between lyrMap and another layer (I didn't put the code here because I don't think it's linked).
Thanks in advances for answers, clues or anything really :) !
This is working for my plugin. I am using python 2.7 and QGIS 1.8 and 2.0.1.You can use this code after including using vector file and adding it to the registry.
self.rubberBand = None
#create vertex marker for point..older versons..
self.vMarker = None
#add rubberbands
self.crossRb = QgsRubberBand(iface.mapCanvas(),QGis.Line)
def pan(self):
print "pan button clicked!"
x = self.dlg.ui.mTxtX.text()
y = self.dlg.ui.mTxtY.text()
if not x:
if not y:
print x + "," + y
canvas = self.canvas
currExt = canvas.extent()
canvasCenter = currExt.center()
dx = float(x) - canvasCenter.x()
dy = float(y) - canvasCenter.y()
xMin = currExt.xMinimum() + dx
xMax = currExt.xMaximum() + dx
yMin = currExt.yMinimum() + dy
yMax = currExt.yMaximum() + dy
newRect = QgsRectangle(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)
pt = QgsPoint(float(x),float(y))
def zoom(self,point):
canvas = self.canvas
currExt = canvas.extent()
leftPt = QgsPoint(currExt.xMinimum(),point.y())
rightPt = QgsPoint(currExt.xMaximum(),point.y())
topPt = QgsPoint(point.x(),currExt.yMaximum())
bottomPt = QgsPoint(point.x(),currExt.yMinimum())
horizLine = QgsGeometry.fromPolyline( [ leftPt , rightPt ] )
vertLine = QgsGeometry.fromPolyline( [ topPt , bottomPt ] )
if QGis.QGIS_VERSION_INT >= 10900:
rb = self.rubberBand
self.vMarker = QgsVertexMarker(self.canvas)
# wait .5 seconds to simulate a flashing effect
def resetRubberbands(self):
print "resetting rubberbands.."
canvas = self.canvas
if QGis.QGIS_VERSION_INT >= 10900:
print "completed resetting.."
I'm trying to create a fishnet grid to aggregate some geospatial data. I am using the following code from the GDAL/OGR Python cookbook however it returns only one polygon object which is basically a huge rectangle. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
source: https://pcjericks.github.io/py-gdalogr-cookbook/vector_layers.html#create-fishnet-grid
import os, sys
import ogr
from math import ceil
def main(outputGridfn,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,gridHeight,gridWidth):
# convert sys.argv to float
xmin = float(xmin)
xmax = float(xmax)
ymin = float(ymin)
ymax = float(ymax)
gridWidth = float(gridWidth)
gridHeight = float(gridHeight)
# get rows
rows = ceil((ymax-ymin)/gridHeight)
# get columns
cols = ceil((xmax-xmin)/gridWidth)
# start grid cell envelope
ringXleftOrigin = xmin
ringXrightOrigin = xmin + gridWidth
ringYtopOrigin = ymax
ringYbottomOrigin = ymax-gridHeight
# create output file
outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
if os.path.exists(outputGridfn):
outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(outputGridfn)
outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer(outputGridfn,geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon )
featureDefn = outLayer.GetLayerDefn()
# create grid cells
countcols = 0
while countcols < cols:
countcols += 1
# reset envelope for rows
ringYtop = ringYtopOrigin
ringYbottom =ringYbottomOrigin
countrows = 0
while countrows < rows:
countrows += 1
ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing)
ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop)
ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYtop)
ring.AddPoint(ringXrightOrigin, ringYbottom)
ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYbottom)
ring.AddPoint(ringXleftOrigin, ringYtop)
poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon)
# add new geom to layer
outFeature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn)
outFeature = None
# new envelope for next poly
ringYtop = ringYtop - gridHeight
ringYbottom = ringYbottom - gridHeight
# new envelope for next poly
ringXleftOrigin = ringXleftOrigin + gridWidth
ringXrightOrigin = ringXrightOrigin + gridWidth
# Save and close DataSources
outDataSource = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
# example run : $ python grid.py <full-path><output-shapefile-name>.shp xmin xmax ymin ymax gridHeight gridWidth
if len( sys.argv ) != 8:
print "[ ERROR ] you must supply seven arguments: output-shapefile-name.shp xmin xmax ymin ymax gridHeight gridWidth"
sys.exit( 1 )
main( sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5], sys.argv[6], sys.argv[7] )
The code look good to me, perhaps it's a "flushing" issue. Try also closing the layer by setting it to None:
outLayer = None
The code you are using is quite elaborate, a nice demonstration of how OGR works, but you could simply it quite a bit. Consider the example below:
Define the grid and output:
# settings
output_shp = r'D:\tmp_grid_v5.shp'
drv = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile')
if os.path.exists(output_shp):
# DeleteDataSource will delete related files, compared to os.remove
# grid definition
# extent
ulx, uly, lrx, lry = -180, 90, 180, -90
# resolution 1 degree grid
xres = 1
yres = -1
# half the resolution
dx = xres/2
dy = yres/2
Calculate the center coordinates of each polygon. Using Numpy meshgrid is convenient but calculates all at once. If memory is an issue you could do this one by one.
# center coordinates
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(ulx+dx, lrx+dx, xres),
np.arange(uly+dy, lry+dy, yres),
Initialize the output shapefile:
ds = drv.CreateDataSource(output_shp)
lyr = ds.CreateLayer(output_shp, geom_type=ogr.wkbPolygon)
fdefn = lyr.GetLayerDefn()
Loop over each center coordinate and add the polygon to the output:
for x,y in zip(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()):
poly_wkt = f'POLYGON (({x-dx} {y-dy}, {x+dx} {y-dy}, {x+dx} {y+dy}, {x-dx} {y+dy}, {x-dx} {y-dy}))'
ft = ogr.Feature(fdefn)
ft = None
Close the output
lyr = None
ds = None
import maya.cmds as cmds
sel = cmds.ls(sl = True)
cmds.spaceLocator(n = 'driver')
for i in sel:
cmds.parentConstraint(i, 'driver', n = 'delPs', mo = False)
#until this line, the 'driver' keeps its position at the centre of i
#after this line, the 'driver' moves to the pivot point of the last item on the selection.
I'm trying to keep locator(driver) at the centre of the selected objects after delete constraint node.Can I get some advise?
im not sure to understand your problem but here is some solutions, hope one will help you, im using math instead of constraint
from __future__ import division
import maya.cmds as cmds
# =========================
#just to illustrate an exemple selection of 10 sphere combined
import random
psph = [cmds.polySphere()[0] for i in range(4)]
for i in psph:
cmds.setAttr(i+'.t', random.uniform(0.0, 10), random.uniform(0.0, 10), random.uniform(0.0, 10))
# sph_comb = cmds.polyUnite(psph)
cmds.delete(psph , ch=True)
# ===============================
def getCentroid(sel):
obj = cmds.ls(sel, o=True)
sel = cmds.polyListComponentConversion(sel, tv=True)
sel = cmds.ls(sel, flatten=1)
if len(obj) > 1:
pos = []
for s in sel:
p = cmds.xform(s, q=1, t=1, ws=1)
pos += p
pos = cmds.xform(sel, q=1, t=1, ws=1)
nb = len(sel)
myCenter = sum(pos[0::3]) / nb, sum(pos[1::3]) / nb, sum(pos[2::3]) / nb
return myCenter
# example for each sphere
sel= cmds.ls(psph)
for i in sel:
loc = cmds.spaceLocator(n = 'driver')[0]
coord = getCentroid(i)
cmds.setAttr(loc+'.t', *coord)
# for only one at the center of all sphres
sel= cmds.ls(psph)
coord = getCentroid(sel)
loc = cmds.spaceLocator()[0]
cmds.setAttr(loc+'.t', *coord)
EDIT : fix some code issue on my function getCentroid because xform can get multiple object
I'm trying to make a Sankey-plot using Plotly, which follows the filtering of certain documents into either being in scope or out of scope, i.e. 1 source, 2 targets, however some documents are filtered during step 1, some during step 2 etc. This leads to the following Sankey-plot:
Current output
Now what I would ideally like is for it to look something like this:
Ideal output
I've already tried to look through the documentation on : https://plot.ly/python/reference/#sankey but I fail to find what I'm looking for, ideally I would like to implement a feature to prevent the plot from overlapping nodes and links.
This is the code I'm using the generate the plot object:
def genSankeyPlotObject(df, cat_cols=[], value_cols='', visible = False):
colorPalette = ['472d3c', '5e3643', '7a444a', 'a05b53', 'bf7958', 'eea160', 'f4cca1', 'b6d53c', '71aa34', '397b44',
'3c5956', '302c2e', '5a5353', '7d7071', 'a0938e', 'cfc6b8', 'dff6f5', '8aebf1', '28ccdf', '3978a8',
'394778', '39314b', '564064', '8e478c', 'cd6093', 'ffaeb6', 'f4b41b', 'f47e1b', 'e6482e', 'a93b3b',
'827094', '4f546b']
labelList = []
for catCol in cat_cols:
labelListTemp = list(set(df[catCol].values))
labelList = labelList + labelListTemp
labelList = list(dict.fromkeys(labelList))
colorNum = len(df[cat_cols[0]].unique()) + len(df[cat_cols[1]].unique()) + len(df[cat_cols[2]].unique())
TempcolorPallet = colorPalette * math.ceil(len(colorPalette)/colorNum)
colorList = TempcolorPallet[0:colorNum]
for i in range(len(cat_cols)-1):
if i==0:
sourceTargetDf = df[[cat_cols[i],cat_cols[i+1],value_cols]]
sourceTargetDf.columns = ['source','target','count']
tempDf = df[[cat_cols[i],cat_cols[i+1],value_cols]]
tempDf.columns = ['source','target','count']
sourceTargetDf = pd.concat([sourceTargetDf,tempDf])
sourceTargetDf = sourceTargetDf.groupby(['source','target']).agg({'count':'sum'}).reset_index()
sourceTargetDf['sourceID'] = sourceTargetDf['source'].apply(lambda x: labelList.index(x))
sourceTargetDf['targetID'] = sourceTargetDf['target'].apply(lambda x: labelList.index(x))
data = go.Sankey(node = dict(pad = 15,
thickness = 20,
line = dict(color = "black",
width = 0.5),
label = labelList,
color = colorList),
link = dict(source = sourceTargetDf['sourceID'],
target = sourceTargetDf['targetID'],
value = sourceTargetDf['count']),
valuesuffix = ' ' + value_cols,
visible = visible)
return data
I am fairly new to Processing but I have managed to make a good amount of a GUI in the Python Mode. I wanted to graph some data on a white box. I don't want to use background(0) because that'll make the entire window white. Using a rectangular in the draw() function also did not help as the rectangular kept on refreshing the graph. I am trying to simulate the hold on function as in MATLAB
Here's my pseudo code:
class plotEverything:
def __init__
def plotAxis
def plotGraph
def clearGraph
def setup():
size (800,600)
p1 = plotEverything()
def draw():
rect (100,100,200,200)
Is there any way I can make that rectangle fixed in the background?
EDIT Added graph class | Ignore indents(Assume they are all properly indented) --
class graphData:
def __init__(self, originX, originY, xUpper, yUpper):
self.originX = originX
self.originY = originY
self.xUpper = xUpper
self.yUpper = yUpper
self.pointX1 = originX
self.pointX2 = xUpper
self.pointY1 = originY
self.pointY2 = yUpper
self.scaleFactorX = 10.0/(xUpper - originX) #Assuming data is between is 0 and 10
self.scaleFactorY = 10.0/(originY - yUpper) #Assuming data is between is 0 and 1
def drawAxis(self):
line(self.originX, self.originY, self.originX, self.yUpper) #y axis
line(self.originX, self.originY, self.xUpper, self.originY) #x axis
def plotStaticData(self,data2Plot): #X-axis static
ab = zip(data2Plot,data2Plot[1:],data2Plot[2:],data2Plot[3:])[::2]
if ab:
(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) = ab[-1]
print (X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
self.pointX1 = self.originX + ceil((float(X1) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorX)
self.pointX2 = self.originX + ceil((float(X2) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorX)
self.pointY1 = self.originY - ceil((float(Y1) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorY)
self.pointY2 = self.originY - ceil((float(Y2) - 0.0)/self.scaleFactorY)
def clearPlot(self):
I'm using pyBarcode to generate PNGs and the number below the barcode is getting cut off on the right. How do I nudge it left a few pixels?
According to the documentation I need to do something like this:
And define a callback like this:
my_callback(xpos, ypos)
use self.text as text
How exactly do I apply all of that to my Django view (below)?
def barcode(request):
import barcode
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter
from cStringIO import StringIO
def mm2px(mm, dpi=300):
return (mm * dpi) / 25.4
class MyImageWriter(ImageWriter):
def calculate_size(self, modules_per_line, number_of_lines, dpi=300):
width = 2 * self.quiet_zone + modules_per_line * self.module_width
height = 1.0 + self.module_height * number_of_lines
if self.text:
height += (self.font_size + self.text_distance) / 3
return int(mm2px(width, dpi)), int(mm2px(height, dpi))
f = BarcodeForm(request.GET)
if f.is_valid():
i = StringIO()
bc_factory = barcode.get_barcode_class(f.PYBARCODE_TYPE[f.cleaned_data['barcode_type']])
bc_factory.default_writer_options['quiet_zone'] = 1.0
bc_factory.default_writer_options['text_distance'] = 1.0
bc_factory.default_writer_options['module_height'] = 15.0
bc_factory.default_writer_options['module_width'] = 0.3
bc_factory.default_writer_options['font_size'] = 46
bc = bc_factory(f.cleaned_data['text'], writer=MyImageWriter())
return HttpResponse(i.getvalue(), mimetype='image/png')
except Exception, e:
return HttpResponseBadRequest(str(e))
return HttpResponseBadRequest('Missing text or unsupported barcode type: %s' % f.errors)
Edit: After answering I noticed you've got a factory that's setting the quiet_zone to 1.0. Change that back to 6.5 and I'd imagine it will look fine.
Edit2: I misunderstood the exact problem you were experiencing.
For whatever reason the author of pyBarcode is putting the text centered in the middle of the bar code. When the render method calls _paint_text() it passes in xpos/2, which sets it in the middle of the barcode. I guess this is okay with the default font he's using, but when you increased the font, it no longer fits.
Instead I was able to place it on the left side, by overriding the _paint_text() method. In the last line below, the variable pos is just a tuple containing an (x,y) coordinate that tells PIL where to draw the text on the bar code. So I've made sure x is lined up with the bar code. If you need it right aligned, you could play around with the xpos variable to get it where you need.
Give this a shot:
class MyImageWriter(ImageWriter):
def calculate_size(self, modules_per_line, number_of_lines, dpi=300):
width = 2 * self.quiet_zone + modules_per_line * self.module_width
height = 1.0 + self.module_height * number_of_lines
if self.text:
height += (self.font_size + self.text_distance) / 3
return int(mm2px(width, dpi)), int(mm2px(height, dpi))
def _paint_text(self, xpos, ypos):
# this should align your font to the left side of the bar code:
xpos = self.quiet_zone
pos = (mm2px(xpos, self.dpi), mm2px(ypos, self.dpi))
font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT, self.font_size)
self._draw.text(pos, self.text, font=font, fill=self.foreground)