What I want to check for is if the user input is an empty string. I want the code to execute and output: "No input", however whenever I enter no input it goes to the next if statement and executes that with a blank value.
import urllib
import re
myString = " "
i = 0
def getStockPrice():
text_file = open("data.txt", "w")
url = "http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=" + symbolslist
htmlfile = urllib.urlopen(url)
htmltext = htmlfile.read()
regex = '<span id="yfs_l84_' + symbolslist+ '">(.+?)</span>'
pattern = re.compile(regex)
price = re.findall(pattern,htmltext)
if str(price) == myString:
print "No input"
print "the price of", symbolslist," is ", price
dino = raw_input("What stock would you like to Check?: ")
symbolslist = dino
while i < 1000:
lilly = raw_input("What other stocks do you want to check?: ")
symbolslist = lilly
"Empty string is the one which len(String) == 0. In your case len(MyString) == 1"_wanderlust2
This gave me some insight on the issue, it was very amateurish for me to make this mistake. Thanks!
In Python, an empty string evaluates to False. That means that you can use a simple code to improve your if statement:
user_input = raw_input("Stock to check")
user_input = user_input.strip() # be sure to clear any whitespace!
if user_input:
# continue on with your program
If you use this Python idiom, your code will be more concise and easier to read. If you get used to it, you'll understand other Python programs that use the feature too.
For your code, I would refactor what you have to something like this:
while True:
user_input = raw_input("Stock to check")
user_input = user_input.strip() # be sure to clear any whitespace!
if user_input:
if user_input.lower() == 'quit':
That would rely on you changing your getStockPrice function to accept an argument though! That's a simple change. Try adding an extra word within your parentheses:
def getStockPrice(symbolslist):
Thank you #Idor I am making some progress but I am not 100% there yet. Right now my code looks as following:
def easy_game(easy_text, parts_of_speech1):
replaced = []
easy_text = easy_text.split()
i = 0
for word in easy_text:
replacement = word_in_pos_easy(word, parts_of_speech1)
if replacement != None:
user_input = raw_input("Type in: " + replacement + " ")
word = word.replace(replacement, user_input)
while word != solutions[i]:
print "Sorry, you are wrong"
user_input = raw_input("Type in: " + replacement + " ")
print i
i = i + 1
print i
replaced = " ".join(replaced)
print "Ok, lets see your results. Does it make sense?"
return replaced
print easy_game(easy_text, parts_of_speech1)
You can see I added the while loop. I also added an index and for troubleshooting I added print i to see what the program is doing. It still confuses me a bit or doesn't work as I would expect it. But being a newbie to programming my expectations are probably wrong. Here's what's happening:
When you enter the correct answer the program continues to question 2 and also increases i by 1
This works from beginning to end if you enter everything correctly
When you enter the wrong answer you are prompted to enter it again. Good!
However the user then gets stuck in this very question although i has been increased to the right value.
I don't really understand why the user would be stuck at this point when i has been increased, i.e. we would check at the right position in the list for the correct answer.
This is the full code of the game. I can successfully run it on my Mac but see the above behavior. Any thoughts on this by any chance? thanks in advance!
parts_of_speech1 = ["Word1", "Word2", "Word3", "Word4"]
# The following is the text for the easy text..
easy_text = "Python is a Word1 language that provides constructs intended to enable clear programs on both small and large scale. Python implementation was started in December Word2 by Guido von Rossum. The most simple Word3 in Python is Word4 and normally used at the beginning to tell Python to write 'Hello World' on the screen."
solutions = ["programming", "1989", "function", "print"]
# Checks if a word in parts_of_speech is a substring of the word passed in.
def word_in_pos_easy(word, parts_of_speech1):
for pos in parts_of_speech1:
if pos in word:
return pos
return None
# Plays a full game of mad_libs. A player is prompted to replace words in the easy text,
# which appear in parts_of_speech with their own words.
def easy_game(easy_text, parts_of_speech1):
replaced = []
easy_text = easy_text.split()
i = 0
for word in easy_text:
replacement = word_in_pos_easy(word, parts_of_speech1)
if replacement != None:
user_input = raw_input("Type in: " + replacement + " ")
word = word.replace(replacement, user_input)
while word != solutions[i]:
print "Sorry, you are wrong"
user_input = raw_input("Type in: " + replacement + " ")
print i
i = i + 1
print i
replaced = " ".join(replaced)
print "Ok, lets see your results. Does it make sense?"
return replaced
print easy_game(easy_text, parts_of_speech1)
I am building out a quiz based on raw_input using several different list operations. I also want to validate the user input against a list before moving on to the next question in the quiz.
The function currently looks like this:
def play_game(ml_string, parts_of_speech):
replaced = []
ml_string = ml_string.split()
for word in ml_string:
replacement = word_in_pos(word, parts_of_speech)
if replacement != None:
user_input = raw_input("Type in a: " + replacement + " ")
word = word.replace(replacement, user_input)
if word != solution_list1[0]:
print "Sorry, you are wrong. Try again!"
replaced = " ".join(replaced)
return replaced
In Line 9 I am checking against the List containing the solution words. Whereas the validation itself works the function just continues to the next question but I need it to repeat the question until getting the correct answer. I tried to reposition the different lines but simply can't get my head around it at this point in time. Where or how do I need to place the validation of the user input correctly to prompt the user for the same question again?
It seems to me that what you are looking for is a while loop.
Instead of:
if word != solution_list1[0]:
print "Sorry, you are wrong. Try again!"
while word != solution_list1[0]:
print "Sorry, you are wrong. Try again!"
user_input = raw_input("Type in a: " + replacement + " ") # ask the user again
word = word.replace(replacement, user_input)
This way the user will have to answer the question again (raw_input) until he gets it right.
My code does not write to a file, what am I doing wrong? I am trying to program to continue to ask for products until the user does not enter a product code. I want all products to be saved in the file.
store_file = open("Database.txt", "w")
NewProduct = ""
while NewProduct != False:
contine = input("Press 1 to enter a new product press 2 to leave: ")
if contine == "1":
print("Enter your product information")
information = []
product = input("What's the product code: ")
description = input("Give a description of the product: ")
price = input("Enter price of product: ")
information = str(information)
clean = information.replace("]","").replace("[","").replace(",","").replace("'","")
elif contine == "2":
NewProduct = False
print("Your input is invalid")
I got the program working with the following adjustments. See comments for explanations:
store_file = open("Database.txt", "w")
NewProduct = ""
while NewProduct != False:
continue = raw_input("Press 1 to enter a new product press 2 to leave: ")
#Changed to raw_input because input was reading in an integer for 1 rather than a
#string like you have set up. This could be specific to my IDE
if continue == "1":
print("Enter your product information")
information = []
product = raw_input("What's the product code: ")
description = raw_input("Give a description of the product: ")
price = raw_input("Enter price of product: ")
information = str(information)
clean = information.replace("]","").replace("[","").replace(",","").replace("'","")
store_file.write(clean + "\n")
#Added a line break at the end of each file write
elif contine == "2":
NewProduct = False
print("Your input is invalid")
store_file.close() #Added parentheses to call the close function
I'm assuming the problem here is that you're using Python 2, and input isn't doing what you think it does. In Python 2, input evals the input as if it were Python source code, so if someone enters 2, it's going to return the int value 2, not "2". In Python 2, you want to use raw_input, always (eval-ing random user input not being secure/reliable).
Also, while on CPython (the reference interpreter) files tend to naturally close themselves when they go out of scope, you made an effort to close, but forgot to actually call the close method; store_file.close looks up the method without calling it, store_file.close() would actually close it. Of course, explicit close is usually the wrong approach; you should use a with statement to avoid the possibility of forgetting to close (or of an exception skipping the close). You can replace:
store_file = open("Database.txt", "w")
with open("Database.txt", "w") as store_file:
... do all your work that writes to the file indented within the with block ...
... When you dedent from the with block, the file is guaranteed to be closed ...
There are other issues though. What you're doing with:
information = str(information)
information = information.replace("]","").replace("[","").replace(",","").replace("'","")
is terrible. I'm 99% sure what you really wanted was to just join the inputs with spaces. If you switch all your input calls to raw_input (only on Python 2, on Python 3, input is like raw_input on Python 2), then your list is a list of str, and you can just join them together instead of trying to stringify the list itself, then remove all the list-y bits. You can replace both lines above with just:
information = ' '.join(information)
I will be more specific, this is a shortened edited bit of my code from my text based game:
var = ""
class example:
def: example2(self):
raw = raw_input("Enter something")
if raw == "something":
raw2 = raw_input("Enter something again")
if raw2 == "something again"
I want to store the input of raw2 in the variable var because I need that input later in my code. Actually I want to save the input, so I can use it later.
Remove the '"" raw =' part:
test = raw_input("Put in a word")
I have a program that I'm working on that takes an input and checks it to see if it spelled correctly with a dictionary inside of a file. However, I want to return a suggestion or two as well of what the person means. Any suggestions of how to do this? I have found some modules that can do it, but not for a specific dictionary from a file. Any help is appreciated!!
Here is what I have now:
def getDictionary():
theDictionary = open("theDictionary.txt", "r")
dictionaryList = []
for eachLine in theDictionary:
splitLines = eachLine.split()
return dictionaryList
def spellChecker(theFile, theDictionary):
lowerItems = theFile.lower()
wordList = lowerItems.split()
wrongList = []
for item in wordList:
if item not in theDictionary:
result = False
result = True
wrongItem = ""
return (result, wrongList)
def main():
theDictionary = getDictionary()
theText = getFile()
theInput = input("Input some words here:")
result, wrongList=spellChecker(theInput,theDictionary)
if result:
print("There are no spelling errors in the sentence! Hooray!")
if len(wrongList) == 1:
print('There is a spelling error in the sentence! The word that is wrong is "' + str(wrongList) + '".')
elif len(wrongList) > 1:
print('There are some spelling errors in the sentence! The words that are wrong are"' + str(wrongList) + '".')
You might want to have a look at the difflib module in the Standard Library. It allows you to do approximate string matching, which seems to be what you want.
It really does not matter if your dictionary is inside a file or not, since you are loading it into a list anyway. Maybe have a look at the get_close_matches() method in the said module.
I'm having trouble getting an "Else" statement to work.
My code looks like this so far:
roomNumber = (input("Enter the room number: "))
def find_details(id2find):
rb_text = open('roombookings2.txt', 'r')
for line in rb_text:
s = {}
(s['Date'], s['Room'], s['Course'], s['Stage']) = line.split(",")
if id2find == (s['Room']):
for room in find_details(roomNumber):
print("Date: " + room['Date'])
print("Room: " + room['Room'])
print("Course: " + room['Course'])
print("Stage: " + room['Stage'])
So when i do a positive search and get multiple matches in my text file, i get well organised results.
However, i'm trying to get it to tell me if invalid input data is entered and re-ask for the room number until the correct data is input.
I tried using an "Else" statement about the "Yield(s)" but it wont accept it.
Any ideas?
Python blocks are delineated by indentation so the "else:" (note lowercase and with a colon to indicate the start of a block) should be at the same indent level as the if statement.
def find_details(id2find):
rb_text = open('roombookings2.txt', 'r')
for line in rb_text:
s = {}
(s['Date'], s['Room'], s['Course'], s['Stage']) = line.split(",")
if id2find == (s['Room']):
print "this print will execute if d2find != (s['Room'])"
# ... also see DrTyrsa's comment on you question.
But I suspect you don't really want to use an else clause anyway, where would you go from there? This looks an awful lot like an assignment so I'm not going to post an exact solution.
You can do it like this:
def find_details(id2find):
found = False
with open('roombookings2.txt', 'r') as rb_text:
for line in rb_text:
s = {}
(s['Date'], s['Room'], s['Course'], s['Stage']) = line.split(",")
if id2find == s['Room']:
found = True
if not found:
raise ValueError("No such room number!")
while True:
roomNumber = (input("Enter the room number: "))
for room in find_details(roomNumber):
print("Date: " + room['Date'])
print("Room: " + room['Room'])
print("Course: " + room['Course'])
print("Stage: " + room['Stage'])
except ValueError as e:
print str(e)