Finding the index of the second match of a regular expression in python - python

So I am trying to rename files to match the naming convention for plex mediaserver. ( SxxEyy )
Now I have a ton of files that use eg. 411 for S04E11. I have written a little function that will search for an occurrence of this pattern and replace it with the correct convention. Like this :
pattern1 = re.compile('[Ss]\\d+[Ee]\\d+')
pattern2 = re.compile('[\.\-]\d{3,4}')
def plexify_name(string):
#If the file matches the pattern we want, don't change it
return string
piece_to_change =
endpos = piece_to_change.end()
startpos = piece_to_change.start()
#Cut out the piece to change
cut = string[startpos+1:endpos-1]
if len(cut) == 4:
cut = 'S'+cut[0:2] + 'E' + cut[2:4]
if len(cut) == 3:
cut = 'S0'+cut[0:1] + 'E' + cut[1:3]
return string[0:startpos+1] + cut + string[endpos-1:]
And this works very well. But it turns out that some of the filenames will have a year in them eg. the.flash.2014.118.mp4 In which case it will change the 2014.
I tried using
Which does return a list of strings like this --> ['.2014', '.118'] but what I want is a list of matchobjects so I can check if there is 2 and in that case use the start/end of the second. I can't seem to find something to do this in the re documentation. I am missing something or do I need to take a totally different approach?

You could try anchoring the match to the file extension:
pattern2 = re.compile(r'[.-]\d{3,4}(?=[.]mp4$)')
Here, (?= ... ) is a look-ahead assertion, meaning that the thing has to be there for the regex to match, but it's not part of the match:
>>> pattern2.findall('test.118.mp4')
>>> pattern2.findall('test.2014.118.mp4')
>>> pattern2.findall('test.123.mp4.118.mp4')
Of course, you want it to work with all possible extensions:
>>> p2 = re.compile(r'[.-]\d{3,4}(?=[.][^.]+$)')
>>> p2.findall('test.2014.118.avi')
>>> p2.findall('')
If there is more stuff between the episode number and the extension, regexes for matching that start to get tricky, so I would suggest a non-regex approach for dealing with that:
>>> f = 'test.123.castle.2014.118.x264.mp4'
>>> [p for p in f.split('.') if p.isdigit()][-1]
Or, alternatively, you can get match objects for all matches by using finditer and expanding the iterator by converting it to a list:
>>> p2 = re.compile(r'[.-]\d{3,4}')
>>> f = 'test.2014.712.x264.mp4'
>>> matches = list(p2.finditer(f))
>>> matches[-1].group(0)


How to combine multiple regex into single one in python?

I'm learning about regular expression. I don't know how to combine different regular expression to make a single generic regular expression.
I want to write a single regular expression which works for multiple cases. I know this is can be done with naive approach by using or " | " operator.
I don't like this approach. Can anybody tell me better approach?
You need to compile all your regex functions. Check this example:
import re
re1 = r'\d+\.\d*[L][-]\d*\s[A-Z]*[/]\d*'
re2 = '\d*[/]\d*[A-Z]*\d*\s[A-Z]*\d*[A-Z]*'
re3 = '[A-Z]*\d+[/]\d+[A-Z]\d+'
re4 = '\d+[/]\d+[A-Z]*\d+\s\d+[A-Z]\s[A-Z]*'
sentences = [string1, string2, string3, string4]
for sentence in sentences:
generic_re = re.compile("(%s|%s|%s|%s)" % (re1, re2, re3, re4)).findall(sentence)
To findall with an arbitrary series of REs all you have to do is concatenate the list of matches which each returns:
re_list = [
'\d+\.\d*[L][-]\d*\s[A-Z]*[/]\d*', # re1 in question,
'\d+[/]\d+[A-Z]*\d+\s\d+[A-z]\s[A-Z]*', # re4 in question
matches = []
for r in re_list:
matches += re.findall( r, string)
For efficiency it would be better to use a list of compiled REs.
Alternatively you could join the element RE strings using
generic_re = re.compile( '|'.join( re_list) )
I see lots of people are using pipes, but that seems to only match the first instance. If you want to match all, then try using lookaheads.
>>> fruit_string = "10a11p"
>>> fruit_regex = r'(?=.*?(?P<pears>\d+)p)(?=.*?(?P<apples>\d+)a)'
>>> re.match(fruit_regex, fruit_string).groupdict()
{'apples': '10', 'pears': '11'}
>>> re.match(fruit_regex, fruit_string).group(0)
>>> re.match(fruit_regex, fruit_string).group(1)
(?= ...) is a look ahead:
Matches if ... matches next, but doesn’t consume any of the string. This is called a lookahead assertion. For example, Isaac (?=Asimov) will match 'Isaac ' only if it’s followed by 'Asimov'.
find a number followed a p anywhere in the string and name the number "pears"
You might not need to compile both regex patterns. Here is a way, let's see if it works for you.
>>> import re
>>> text = 'aaabaaaabbb'
>>> A = 'aaa'
>>> B = 'bbb'
>>> re.findall(A+B, text)
further read read_doc
If you need to squash multiple regex patterns together the result can be annoying to parse--unless you use P<?> and .groupdict() but doing that can be pretty verbose and hacky. If you only need a couple matches then doing something like the following could be mostly safe:
bucket_name, blob_path = tuple(item for item in matches.groups() if item is not None)

Python regex to find only second quotes of paired quotes

I wondering if there is some way to find only second quotes from each pair in string, that has paired quotes.
So if I have string like '"aaaaa"' or just '""' I want to find only the last '"' from it. If I have '"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa""' I want only the second, fourth and sixth '"'s. But if I have something like this '"aaaaaaaa' or like this 'aaa"aaa' I don't want to find anything, since there are no paired quotes. If i have '"aaa"aaa"' I want to find only second '"', since the third '"' has no pair.
I've tried to implement lookbehind, but it doesn't work with quantifiers, so my bad attempt was '(?<=\"a*)\"'.
You don't really need regex for this. You can do:
[i for i, c in enumerate(s) if c == '"'][1::2]
To get the index of every other '"'. Example usage:
>>> for s in ['"aaaaa"', '"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa""', 'aaa"aaa', '"aaa"aaa"']:
print(s, [i for i, c in enumerate(s) if c == '"'][1::2])
"aaaaa" [6]
"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa"" [5, 12, 18]
aaa"aaa []
"aaa"aaa" [4]
import re
reg = re.compile(r'(?:\").*?(\")')
for match in reg.findall('"this is", "my test"'):
If your necessity is to change the second quote you can also match the whole string and put the pattern before the second quote into a capture group. Then making the substitution by the first match group + the substitution string would archive the issue.
For example, this regex will match everything before the second quote and put it into a group
if you replace whole the match (which includes the second quote) by only the value of the capture group (which does not include the second quote), then you would just cut it off.
See the online example
import re
p = re.compile(ur'(\"[^"]*)\"')
test_str = u"\"test1\"test2\"test3\""
subst = r"\1"
result = re.sub(p, subst, test_str)
print result #result -> "test1test2"test3
Please read my answer about why you don't want to use regular expressions for such a problem, even though you can do that kind of non-regular job with it.
Ok then you probably want one of the solutions I give in the linked answer, where you'll want to use a recursive regex to match all the matching pairs.
Edit: the following has been written before the update to the question, which was asking only for second double quotes.
Though if you want to find only second double quotes in a string, you do not need regexps:
>>> s1='aoeu"aoeu'
>>> s2='aoeu"aoeu"aoeu'
>>> s3='aoeu"aoeu"aoeu"aoeu'
>>> def find_second_quote(s):
... pos_quote_1 = s2.find('"')
... if pos_quote_1 == -1:
... return -1
... pos_quote_2 = s[pos_quote_1+1:].find('"')
... if pos_quote_2 == -1:
... return -1
... return pos_quote_1+1+pos_quote_2
>>> find_second_quote(s1)
>>> find_second_quote(s2)
>>> find_second_quote(s3)
here it either returns -1 if there's no second quote, or the position of the second quote if there is one.
a parser is probably better, but depending on what you want to get out of it, there are other ways. if you need the data between the quotes:
import re
re.findall(r'".*?"', '"aaaa""aaaaa"aaaa""')
if you need the indices, you could do it as a generator or other equivalent like this:
def count_quotes(mystr):
count = 0
for i, x in enumerate(mystr):
if x == '"':
count += 1
if count % 2 == 0:
yield i
[5, 12, 18]

Number of repeats in a regex in python

Say I have the following regex:
Is there a way to see how many repeats are being done with for the part .{5,13}?
Looking to know how far between GGAGG and a start codon. I could go and search for it manually later but wondering if there's a better way within the original regex.
You could do
and then use code like
rem = re.match(pat, s)
dist_between_ggagg_and_start_codon = len(
You can get the position of the entire match or groups using match.start method. Using that information:
>>> import re
>>> seq = 'xxxxGGAGGxxxxxxxATGxxxTGA'
>>> pattern = "GGAGG.{5,13}?(ATG|GTG|TTG)(...)+?(TGA|TAA|TAG)"
>>> match =, seq)
>>> match.start(1) - match.start() - 5 # 5 = len(GGAGG)

Python Regular Expression - right-to-left

I am trying to use regular expressions in python to match the frame number component of an image file in a sequence of images. I want to come up with a solution that covers a number of different naming conventions. If I put it into words I am trying to match the last instance of one or more numbers between two dots (eg .0100.). Below is an example of how my current logic falls down:
import os
import re
def sub_frame_number_for_frame_token(path, token='#'):
folder = os.path.dirname(path)
name = os.path.basename(path)
pattern = r'\.(\d+)\.'
matches = list(re.finditer(pattern, name) or [])
if not matches:
return path
# Get last match.
match = matches[-1]
frame_token = token * len(
start, end = match.span()
apetail_name = '%s.%s.%s' % (name[:start], frame_token, name[end:])
return os.path.join(folder, apetail_name)
# Success
eg1 = 'xx01_010_animation.0100.exr'
eg1 = sub_frame_number_for_frame_token(eg1) # result: xx01_010_animation.####.exr
# Failure
eg2 = 'xx01_010_animation.123.0100.exr'
eg2 = sub_frame_number_for_frame_token(eg2) # result: xx01_010_animation.###.0100.exr
I realise there are other ways in which I can solve this issue (I have already implemented a solution where I am splitting the path at the dot and taking the last item which is a number) but I am taking this opportunity to learn something about regular expressions. It appears the regular expression creates the groups from left-to-right and cannot use characters in the pattern more than once. Firstly is there anyway to search the string from right-to-left? Secondly, why doesn't the pattern find two matches in eg2 (123 and 0100)?
finditer will return an iterator "over all non-overlapping matches in the string".
In your example, the last . of the first match will "consume" the first . of the second. Basically, after making the first match, the remaining string of your eg2 example is 0100.exr, which doesn't match.
To avoid this, you can use a lookahead assertion (?=), which doesn't consume the first match:
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'\.(\d+)(?=\.)')
>>> pattern.findall(eg1)
>>> pattern.findall(eg2)
['123', '0100']
>>> eg3 = 'xx01_010_animation.123.0100.500.9000.1234.exr'
>>> pattern.findall(eg3)
['123', '0100', '500', '9000', '1234']
# and "right to left"
>>> pattern.findall(eg3)[::-1]
['1234', '9000', '500', '0100', '123']
My solution uses a very simple hackish way of fixing it. It reverses the string path in the beginning of your function and reverses the return value at the end of it. It basically uses regular expressions to search the backwards version of your given strings. Hackish, but it works. I used the syntax shown in this question to reverse the string.
import os
import re
def sub_frame_number_for_frame_token(path, token='#'):
path = path[::-1]
folder = os.path.dirname(path)
name = os.path.basename(path)
pattern = r'\.(\d+)\.'
matches = list(re.finditer(pattern, name) or [])
if not matches:
return path
# Get last match.
match = matches[-1]
frame_token = token * len(
start, end = match.span()
apetail_name = '%s.%s.%s' % (name[:start], frame_token, name[end:])
return os.path.join(folder, apetail_name)[::-1]
# Success
eg1 = 'xx01_010_animation.0100.exr'
eg1 = sub_frame_number_for_frame_token(eg1) # result: xx01_010_animation.####.exr
# Failure
eg2 = 'xx01_010_animation.123.0100.exr'
eg2 = sub_frame_number_for_frame_token(eg2) # result: xx01_010_animation.123.####.exr
I believe the problem is that finditer returns only non-overlapping matches. Because both '.' characters are part of the regular expression, it doesn't consider the second dot as a possible start of another match. You can probably use the lookahead construct ?= to match the second dot without consuming it with "?=.".
Because of the way regular expressions work, I don't think there is an easy way to search right-to-left (though I suppose you could reverse the string and write the pattern backwards...).
If all you care about is the last \.(\d+)\., then anchor your pattern from the end of the string and do a simple
where (?:.*?) is non-capturing and non-greedy, so it will consume as few characters as possible between your real target and the end of the string, and those characters will not show up in matches.
(Caveat 1: I have not tested this. Caveat 2: That is one ugly regex, so add a comment explaining what it's doing.)
UPDATE: Actually I guess you could just do a ^.*(\.\d\.) and let the implicitly greedy .* match as much as possible (including matches that occur earlier in the string) while still matching your group. That makes for a simpler regex, but I think it makes your intentions less clear.

replacing all regex matches in single line

I have dynamic regexp in which I don't know in advance how many groups it has
I would like to replace all matches with xml tags
re.sub("(this).*(string)","this is my string",'<markup>\anygroup</markup>')
>> "<markup>this</markup> is my <markup>string</markup>"
is that even possible in single line?
For a constant regexp like in your example, do
Note that you need to enclose .* in parentheses as well if you don't want do lose it.
Now if you don't know what the regexp looks like, it's more difficult, but should be doable.
pattern = "(this)(.*)(string)"
lambda m: ''.join('<markup>%s</markup>' % s if n % 2 == 0
else s for n, s in enumerate(m.groups())),
If the first thing matched by your pattern doesn't necessarily have to be marked up, use this instead, with the first group optionally matching some prefix text that should be left alone:
pattern = "()(this)(.*)(string)"
lambda m: ''.join('<markup>%s</markup>' % s if n % 2 == 1
else s for n, s in enumerate(m.groups())),
You get the idea.
If your regexps are complicated and you're not sure you can make everything part of a group, where only every second group needs to be marked up, you might do something smarter with a more complicated function:
pattern = "(this).*(string)"
def replacement(m):
s =
n_groups = len(m.groups())
# assume groups do not overlap and are listed left-to-right
for i in range(n_groups, 0, -1):
lo, hi = m.span(i)
s = s[:lo] + '<markup>' + s[lo:hi] + '</markup>' + s[hi:]
return s
re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)
If you need to handle overlapping groups, you're on your own, but it should be doable.
re.sub() will replace everything it can. If you pass it a function for repl then you can do even more.
Yes, this can be done in a single line.
>>> re.sub(r"\b(this|string)\b", r"<markup>\1</markup>", "this is my string")
'<markup>this</markup> is my <markup>string</markup>'
\b ensures that only complete words are matched.
So if you have a list of words that you need to mark up, you could do the following:
>>> mywords = ["this", "string", "words"]
>>> myre = r"\b(" + "|".join(mywords) + r")\b"
>>> re.sub(myre, r"<markup>\1</markup>", "this is my string with many words!")
'<markup>this</markup> is my <markup>string</markup> with many <markup>words</markup>!'
