From the documentation, it's very clear that:
match() -> apply pattern match at the beginning of the string
search() -> search through the string and return first match
And search with '^' and without re.M flag would work the same as match.
Then why does python have match()? Isn't it redundant?
Are there any performance benefits to keeping match() in python?
The pos argument behaves differently in important ways:
>>> s = "a ab abc abcd"
>>> re.compile('a').match(s, pos=2)
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(2, 3), match='a'>
>>> re.compile('^a').search(s, pos=2)
match makes it possible to write a tokenizer, and ensure that characters are never skipped. search has no way of saying "start from the earliest allowable character".
Example use of match to break up a string with no gaps:
def tokenize(s, patt):
at = 0
while at < len(s):
m = patt.match(s, pos=at)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Did not expect character at location {}".format(at))
at = m.end()
yield m
"Why" questions are hard to answer. As a matter of fact, you could define the function re.match() like this:
def match(pattern, string, flags):
return"\A(?:" + pattern + ")", string, flags)
(because \A always matches at the start of the string, regardless of the re.M flag statusĀ“).
So re.match is a useful shortcut but not strictly necessary. It's especially confusing for Java programmers who have Pattern.matches() which anchors the search to the start and end of the string (which is probably a more common use case than just anchoring to the start).
It's different for the match and search methods of regex objects, though, as Eric has pointed out.
I am trying to create a list of regexp pattern which I can use for patter matching like below one
'port .\d+',
'te\d+-\d+ \d+ [#]?\d+',
Now while I am checking the o/p of it, its shows
['port .\\d+', 'te\\d+-\\d+ \\d+ [#]?\\d+', 'te\\d+.-\\d+']
And using below code
msg = "Aborting Test: checkDutPort: Invalid dutBladeAndPort: te3932-213 0 #4, not found in global ::dutPortMap"
combined = "(" + ")|(".join(REGEXES) + ")"
re.match(combined, msg)
it not able to match the pattern.
I check but for raw input also python escaped the "\".
How can I prevent this.
From the docs:
re.match(pattern, string, flags=0)
If zero or more characters at the beginning of string match the regular expression pattern, return a corresponding match object.
None of your patterns can be found at the beginning of msg, so it returns None.
If instead you use, it will find the part of the string I assume you're looking for:
>>>, msg)
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(54, 69), match='te3932-213 0 #4'>
I am trying to do the following with a regular expression:
import re
x = re.compile('[^(going)|^(you)]') # words to replace
s = 'I am going home now, thank you.' # string to modify
print re.sub(x, '_', s)
The result I get is:
The result I want is:
Since the ^ can only be used inside brackets [], this result makes sense, but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
I even tried '([^g][^o][^i][^n][^g])|([^y][^o][^u])' but it yields '_g_h___y_'.
Not quite as easy as it first appears, since there is no "not" in REs except ^ inside [ ] which only matches one character (as you found). Here is my solution:
import re
def subit(m):
stuff, word = m.groups()
return ("_" * len(stuff)) + word
s = 'I am going home now, thank you.' # string to modify
print re.sub(r'(.+?)(going|you|$)', subit, s)
To explain. The RE itself (I always use raw strings) matches one or more of any character (.+) but is non-greedy (?). This is captured in the first parentheses group (the brackets). That is followed by either "going" or "you" or the end-of-line ($).
subit is a function (you can call it anything within reason) which is called for each substitution. A match object is passed, from which we can retrieve the captured groups. The first group we just need the length of, since we are replacing each character with an underscore. The returned string is substituted for that matching the pattern.
Here is a one regex approach:
>>> re.sub(r'(?!going|you)\b([\S\s]+?)(\b|$)', lambda x: (x.end() - x.start())*'_', s)
The idea is that when you are dealing with words and you want to exclude them or etc. you need to remember that most of the regex engines (most of them use traditional NFA) analyze the strings by characters. And here since you want to exclude two word and want to use a negative lookahead you need to define the allowed strings as words (using word boundary) and since in sub it replaces the matched patterns with it's replace string you can't just pass the _ because in that case it will replace a part like I am with 3 underscore (I, ' ', 'am' ). So you can use a function to pass as the second argument of sub and multiply the _ with length of matched string to be replace.
I'm trying to match a pattern where the non word characters in the first bracket never repeat and the pattern must end with a the second set in the brackets. I just don't understand why this test case is failing:
regexString = '([\-\._]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*'
rgx = re.compile(regexString)
assert(rgx.match('dan--') == None)
Documentation for re.match:
If zero or more characters at the beginning of string match the regular expression pattern, return a corresponding MatchObject instance.
In your case '([-._]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*' clearly matches 'dan' part of 'dan--' hence the result is not None but a MatchObject. If you don't want it to match anything other than what's in your group put your group between ^ and $.
If you want to check that the pattern match the whole string use ^, $ anchor.
>>> import re
>>> regexString = r'^([\-\._]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$'
>>> rgx = re.compile(regexString)
>>> rgx.match('dan--')
>>> rgx.match('dan')
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x00000000029E0D50>
BTW, ^ is not strictly required becasue match matches only at the beginning of the string.
Try to match '--dan--'. This would indeed fail and the result of the assertion would be true.
Reason is the ?, meaning zero or one (but not two or more).
[\-\._]? is one or none of the following characters which are in the brackets, which must be followed by one or more letter or number. Anything or nothing of all of the stuff in parentheses will match nothing, as well. But, rgx.match('dan--') == None fails because you it's okay to have -- after dan since your not specifying if anything should come after [a-zA-Z0-9]+. You need anchors. If you don't mind the underscore the you could change [a-zA-Z0-9]+ to (\w|\d)+.
# also matches '-underscore_dan'
How would I go about using regx to return all characters between two brackets.
Here is an example:
needs to return infoNeededHere
I found a regex to do it between curly brackets but all attempts at making it work with square brackets have failed. Here is that regex: (?<={)[^}]*(?=}) and here is my attempt to hack it
Final Solution:
import re
str = "foobar['InfoNeeded'],"
match = re.match(r"^.*\['(.*)'\].*$",str)
If you're new to REG(gular) EX(pressions) you learn about them at Python Docs. Or, if you want a gentler introduction, you can check out the HOWTO. They use Perl-style syntax.
The expression that you need is .*?\[(.*)\].*. The group that you want will be \1.
- .*?: . matches any character but a newline. * is a meta-character and means Repeat this 0 or more times. ? makes the * non-greedy, i.e., . will match up as few chars as possible before hitting a '['.
- \[: \ escapes special meta-characters, which in this case, is [. If we didn't do that, [ would do something very weird instead.
- (.*): Parenthesis 'groups' whatever is inside it and you can later retrieve the groups by their numeric IDs or names (if they're given one).
- \].*: You should know enough by now to know what this means.
First, import the re module -- it's not a built-in -- to where-ever you want to use the expression.
Then, use, string_to_be_tested) to search for the pattern in the string to be tested. This will return a MatchObject which you can store to a temporary variable. You should then call it's group() method and pass 1 as an argument (to see the 'Group 1' we captured using parenthesis earlier). I should now look like:
>>> import re
>>> pat = r'.*?\[(.*)].*' #See Note at the bottom of the answer
>>> s = "foobar['infoNeededHere']ddd"
>>> match =, s)
An Alternative
You can also use findall() to find all the non-overlapping matches by modifying the regex to (?>=\[).+?(?=\]).
- (?<=\[): (?<=) is called a look-behind assertion and checks for an expression preceding the actual match.
- .+?: + is just like * except that it matches one or more repititions. It is made non-greedy by ?.
- (?=\]): (?=) is a look-ahead assertion and checks for an expression following the match w/o capturing it.
Your code should now look like:
>>> import re
>>> pat = r'(?<=\[).+?(?=\])' #See Note at the bottom of the answer
>>> s = "foobar['infoNeededHere']ddd[andHere] [andOverHereToo[]"
>>> re.findall(pat, s)
["'infoNeededHere'", 'andHere', 'andOverHereToo[']
Note: Always use raw Python strings by adding an 'r' before the string (E.g.: r'blah blah blah').
10x for reading! I wrote this answer when there were no accepted ones yet, but by the time I finished it, 2 ore came up and one got accepted. :( x<
^.*\['(.*)'\].*$ will match a line and capture what you want in a group.
You have to escape the [ and ] with \
The documentation at the proof link will explain how the expression is formed.
If there's only one of these [.....] tokens per line, then you don't need to use regular expressions at all:
In [7]: mystring = "Bacon, [eggs], and spam"
In [8]: mystring[ mystring.find("[")+1 : mystring.find("]") ]
Out[8]: 'eggs'
If there's more than one of these per line, then you'll need to modify Jarrod's regex ^.*\['(.*)'\].*$ to match multiple times per line, and to be non greedy. (Use the .*? quantifier instead of the .* quantifier.)
In [15]: mystring = "[Bacon], [eggs], and [spam]."
In [16]: re.findall(r"\[(.*?)\]",mystring)
Out[16]: ['Bacon', 'eggs', 'spam']
I need to be able to tell the difference between a string that can contain letters and numbers, and a string that can contain numbers, colons and hyphens.
>>> def checkString(s):
... pattern = r'[-:0-9]'
... if,s):
... print "Matches pattern."
... else:
... print "Does not match pattern."
# 3 Numbers seperated by colons. 12, 24 and minus 14
>>> s1 = "12:24:-14"
# String containing letters and string containing letters/numbers.
>>> s2 = "hello"
>>> s3 = "hello2"
When I run the checkString method on each of the above strings:
Matches Pattern.
Does not match Pattern.
Matches Pattern
s3 is the only one that doesn't do what I want. I'd like to be able to create a regex that allows numbers, colons and hyphens, but excludes EVERYTHING else (or just alphabetical characters). Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Therefore, I need a regex that would accept:
229 // number
187:657 //two numbers
187:678:-765 // two pos and 1 neg numbers
and decline:
Car //characters
Car2 //characters and numbers
you need to match the whole string, not a single character as you do at the moment:
>>>'^[-:0-9]+$', "12:24:-14")
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x01013758>
>>>'^[-:0-9]+$', "hello")
>>>'^[-:0-9]+$', "hello2")
To explain regex:
within square brackets (character class): match digits 0 to 9, hyphen and colon, only once.
+ is a quantifier, that indicates that preceding expression should be matched as many times as possible but at least once.
^ and $ match start and end of the string. For one-line strings they're equivalent to \A and \Z.
This way you restrict content of the whole string to be at least one-charter long and contain any permutation of characters from the character class. What you were doing before hand was to search for a single character from the character class within subject string. This is why s3 that contains a digit matched.
SilentGhost's answer is pretty good, but take note that it would also match strings like "---::::" with no digits at all.
I think you're looking for something like this:
^ Matches the beginning of the line.
(-?\d+:)* Possible - sign, at least one digit, a colon. That whole pattern 0 or many times.
-?\d+ Then the pattern again, at least once, without the colon
$ The end of the line
This will better match the strings you describe.
pattern = r'\A([^-:0-9]+|[A-Za-z0-9])\Z'
Your regular expression is almost fine; you just need to make it match the whole string. Also, as a commenter pointed out, you don't really need a raw string (the r prefix on the string) in this case. Voila:
def checkString(s):
if re.match('[-:0-9]+$', s):
print "Matches pattern."
print "Does not match pattern."
The '+' means "match one or more of the previous expression". (This will make checkString return False on an empty string. If you want True on an empty string, change the '+' to a '*'.) The '$' means "match the end of the string".
re.match means "the string must match the regular expression starting at the first character"; means "the regular expression can match a sequence anywhere inside the string".
Also, if you like premature optimization--and who doesn't!--note that 're.match' needs to compile the regular expression each time. This version compiles the regular expression only once:
__checkString_re = re.compile('[-:0-9]+$')
def checkString(s):
global __checkString_re
if __checkString_re.match(s):
print "Matches pattern."
print "Does not match pattern."