Checking if clicks are within a graphic object [Python Graphics Module] - python

Here is the module I'm using:
I want to see whether a user's clicks are within a shape or not. I used the in operator, but I know that is incorrect. Below is a chunk of my code:
win = GraphWin("Click Speed", 700, 700)
theTarget = drawTarget(win, random.randrange(0,685), random.randrange(0,685))
while theTarget in win:
click = win.getMouse()
if click in theTarget:
print("Good job")
I left out the code that draws theTarget shape because it is length and unnecessary. It is a moving circle.
I'm using a while loop so it allows me to constantly get the user's clicks.
How do I go about checking whether or not a user's clicks are in the specified Target shape by using the getMouse() command?
I'm going to have to use this in the future for more abstract shapes (not simple circles).

For the simple case of a circle, you can determine whether the mouse is inside using the distance formula. For example:
# checks whether pt1 is in circ
def inCircle(pt1, circ):
# get the distance between pt1 and circ using the
# distance formula
dx = pt1.getX() - circ.getCenter().getX()
dy = pt1.getY() - circ.getCenter().getY()
dist = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
# check whether the distance is less than the radius
return dist <= circ.getRadius()
def main():
win = GraphWin("Click Speed", 700, 700)
# create a simple circle
circ = Circle(Point(350,350),50)
while True:
mouse = win.getMouse()
if inCircle(mouse,circ):
print ("Good job")
For the more advanced example of an ellipse we will need to use a formula found here. Here is the function implemting that:
def inOval(pt1, oval):
# get the radii
rx = abs(oval.getP1().getX() - oval.getP2().getX())/2
ry = abs(oval.getP1().getY() - oval.getP2().getY())/2
# get the center
h = oval.getCenter().getX()
k = oval.getCenter().getY()
# get the point
x = pt1.getX()
y = pt1.getY()
# use the formula
return (x-h)**2/rx**2 + (y-k)**2/ry**2 <= 1
For a polygon of abitrary shape we need to reference this. I have converted that to a python equivalent for you. Check the link to see why it works because I am honestly not sure
def inPoly(pt1, poly):
points = poly.getPoints()
nvert = len(points) #the number of vertices in the polygon
#get x and y of pt1
x = pt1.getX()
y = pt1.getY()
# I don't know why this works
# See the link I provided for details
result = False
for i in range(nvert):
# note: points[-1] will give you the last element
# convenient!
j = i - 1
#get x and y of vertex at index i
vix = points[i].getX()
viy = points[i].getY()
#get x and y of vertex at index j
vjx = points[j].getX()
vjy = points[j].getY()
if (viy > y) != (vjy > y) and (x < (vjx - vix) * (y - viy) / (vjy - viy) + vix):
result = not result
return result


Add sprite to the group that it doesn't collide with any sprites in the group [duplicate]

A video by Sebastion Lague explained the Bridson's algorithm really well.
To oversimplify,
Create cell grid that has sides of radius/sqrt(2).
Place initial point and list as spawnpoint.
Place point into cell in grid.
For any spawnpoint, spawn a point between radius and 2*radius.
Look at the cells 2 units away from cell of new point.
If contains other points, compare distance.
If any point is closer to new point than the radius, new point is invalid.
If new point is valid, new point is listed as spawnpoint and placed into cell in grid.
If spawnpoint spawns too many invalid points, spawnpoint is removed and turns into point.
Repeat until no more spawnpoints exists.
Return points.
I basically written the same thing down in Python 3.7.2 and pygame 1.7~, but as said in the title, I'm stuck in recursive purgatory.
I used one Point() class for this algorithm, which might seem redundant given that pygame.Vector2() exists, but I needed some elements for a separate algorithm (Delaunay's with infinite vertices) that required this class to work.
For the sake of simplicity I'm going to cut away all the Delaunay-specific elements and show the bare-bones of this class that is needed for this algorithm:
class Point:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def DistanceToSquared(self,other):
return (self.x-other.x)**2 + (self.y-other.y)**2
The code that is related to the Bridson's algorithm is:
def PoissonDiskSampling(width, height, radius, startPos = None, spawnAttempts = 10):
if startPos == None:
startPos = [width//2,height//2]
cellSize = radius / math.sqrt(2)
cellNumberX = int(width // cellSize + 1) # Initialise a cells grid for optimisation
cellNumberY = int(height // cellSize + 1)
cellGrid = [[None for x in range(cellNumberX)] for y in range(cellNumberY)]
startingPoint = Point(startPos[0],startPos[1]) # Add an iniial point for spawning purposes
cellGrid[startingPoint.x//radius][startingPoint.y//radius] = startingPoint
points = [startingPoint] # Initialise 2 lists tracking all points and active points
spawnpoints = [startingPoint]
while len(spawnpoints) > 0:
spawnIndex = random.randint(0,len(spawnpoints)-1)
spawnpoint = spawnpoints[spawnIndex]
spawned = False
for i in range(spawnAttempts):
r = random.uniform(radius,2*radius)
radian = random.uniform(0,2*math.pi)
newPoint = Point(spawnpoint.x + r*math.cos(radian),
spawnpoint.y + r*math.sin(radian))
if 0 <= newPoint.x <= width and 0 <= newPoint.y <= height:
isValid = True
newPointIndex = [int(newPoint.x//cellSize), int(newPoint.y//cellSize)]
neighbours = FindNeighbours(cellNumberX,cellNumberY,newPointIndex,cellGrid)
for neighbour in neighbours:
if newPoint.DistanceToSquared(neighbour) < radius**2:
isValid = False
if isValid:
spawned = True
if spawned == False:
return points
def FindNeighbours(cellNumberX, cellNumberY, index, cellGrid):
neighbours = []
for cellX in range(max(0,(index[0]-2)), min(cellNumberX,(index[1]+2))):
for cellY in range(max(0,(index[0]-2)), min(cellNumberY,(index[1]+2))):
if cellGrid[cellX][cellY] != None:
return neighbours
Please help.
The probably most important step is missing in your code:
If new point is valid, new point is listed as spawnpoint and placed into cell in grid.
I suggest to add the point to the cellGrid if it is valid:
if isValid:
cellGrid[newPointIndex[0]][newPointIndex[1]] = newPoint
spawned = True
Further, you have to verify if the cell with the index newPointIndex is not already occupied before a point can be add:
newPointIndex = [int(newPoint.x/cellSize), int(newPoint.y/cellSize)]
if cellGrid[newPointIndex[0]][newPointIndex[1]] != None:
neighbours = FindNeighbours(cellNumberX,cellNumberY,newPointIndex,cellGrid)
Finally there is an issue in the function FindNeighbours. range(start, stop) creates a range for x in start <= x < stop.
So the stop has to be index[0]+3 rather than index[0]+2.
Further the ranges which control the 2 nested for loops, run both from x-2 to y+2 rather than from x-2 to x+2 respectively from y-2 to y+2:
for cellX in range(max(0,(index[0]-2)), min(cellNumberX,(index[1]+2))):
for cellY in range(max(0,(index[0]-2)), min(cellNumberY,(index[1]+2)))
The fixed function has to be:
def FindNeighbours(cellNumberX, cellNumberY, index, cellGrid):
neighbours = []
for cellX in range(max(0, index[0]-2), min(cellNumberX, index[0]+3)):
for cellY in range(max(0, index[1]-2), min(cellNumberY, index[1]+3)):
if cellGrid[cellX][cellY] != None:
return neighbours
See the result, for a size of 300 x 300 and a radius of 15:
An even better result can be achieve, if always the 1st point of spawnpoints is used to rather than a random point:
# spawnIndex = random.randint(0,len(spawnpoints)-1)
spawnIndex = 0 # 0 rather than random
spawnpoint = spawnpoints[spawnIndex]

Why is the tower defense path all messy when I try to eliminate the tower placment on the path?

I want to finish my tower defense game as fast as I can.
I have trouble with if the tower is on the path with a given path list.
It will never work even is I try as hard as I can.
I already tried a lot of times to solve that problem like tech with tim's tower defense youtube tutorial. It made almost perfect sense why it was not working.
But no matter how hard I try, It seems to never work properly.
Find the link to the tutorial here.
WARNING:The video is pretty long.
x, y = tower.x, tower.y
for n, point in enumerate(path):
point_x, point_y = point[0], point[1]
dis_x = abs(point_x - x)
dis_y = abs(point_y - y)
dis = math.sqrt((dis_x - x)**2 + (dis_y - y)**2)
if dis < 130:
return False
return True
You might be thinking 'Why did I do this' so I changed it a bit:
import numpy as np
closest = []
x, y = tower.x, tower.y
for n, point in enumerate(path):
point_x, point_y = point[0], point[1]
dis_x = abs(point_x - x)
dis_y = abs(point_y - y)
dis = math.sqrt((dis_x - x)**2 + (dis_y - y)**2)
if len(closest) <= 2:
if dis < 130:
p1 = np.array([x, y])
p2 = np.array(closest[0])
p3 = np.array(closest[1])
dis = np.cross(p2-p1,p3-p1)/np.linalg.norm(p2-p1)
if dis < 90:
return False
return True
I did not recive any error messages, but you can still place towers on some spots on the path,
and you can't place towers on some points not on the path, and I was expecting it to be pretty neat.
As #ImperishableNight stated, the issue is that your function only compares each point on the path and checks if the distance is less than a certain threshold (130 pixels in your case). But this is not enough, since we are not only interested in the end points in each segment of the path, but also all of the points in between. For that, we need to calculate the distance between a point and a line segment.
I have written and commented on the following code using a simple Point class to replace whatever pygame provides. I break the problem up into a bunch of tiny functions to solve your problem. Please let me know if any of this is unclear.
import math
import random
class Point:
def __init__(self, x=0, y=0):
A really simple Point class.
Replaces whatever pygame provides for this example.
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
A convenient representation of a Point class.
So we see the x and y values when printing these objects.
return "({0}, {1})".format(self.x, self.y)
def gen_rand_point(width, height):
Creates random x and y values for a Point object
rand_x = random.randint(0, width)
rand_y = random.randint(0, height)
point = Point(x=rand_x, y=rand_y)
return point
def gen_rand_point_list(width, height, num_points):
Creates a list of random points using the previous function.
points = []
for i in range(num_points):
point = gen_rand_point(width, height)
return points
def points_to_segments(points, loop=False):
Converts a list of points into a list of segments.
Offsets the point list and zips it to create "segments".
A segment is just a tuple containing two Point objects.
starts = points
ends = points[1:] + [points[0]]
segments = list(zip(starts, ends))
if loop:
return segments
return segments[:-1]
def calc_sqr_dist(point_a, point_b):
Calculates the square distance between two points.
Can be useful to save a wasteful math.sqrt call.
delta_x = point_b.x - point_a.x
delta_y = point_b.y - point_a.y
sqr_dist = (delta_x ** 2) + (delta_y ** 2)
return sqr_dist
def calc_dist(point_a, point_b):
Calculates the distance between two points.
When you need a wasteful math.sqrt call.
sqr_dist = calc_sqr_dist(point_a, point_b)
dist = math.sqrt(sqr_dist)
return dist
def calc_dot_product(segment_a, segment_b):
Calculates the dot product of two segments.
Info about what the dot product represents can be found here:
a0, a1 = segment_a
b0, b1 = segment_b
ax = a1.x - a0.x
ay = a1.y - a0.y
bx = b1.x - b0.x
by = b1.y - b0.y
dot = (ax * bx) + (ay * by)
return dot
def calc_point_segment_dist(point, segment):
Gets the distance between a point and a line segment.
Some explanation can be found here:
start, end = segment
sqr_dist = calc_sqr_dist(start, end)
#what if the segment's start and end are the same?
if sqr_dist == 0:
dist = calc_dist(point, start)
return dist
#what if it is not that easy?
segment_a = (start, point)
segment_b = (start, end)#really is just segment...
dot = calc_dot_product(segment_a, segment_b)
t = float(dot) / sqr_dist
clamped_t = max(0, min(1, t))#clamps t to be just within the segment
#the interpolation is basically like a lerp (linear interpolation)
projection = Point(
x = start.x + (t * (end.x - start.x)),
y = start.y + (t * (end.y - start.y)),
dist = calc_dist(point, projection)
return dist
def calc_point_path_dist(point, path):
Gets the distances between the point and each segment.
Then returns the minimum distance of all of these distances.
dists = [calc_point_segment_dist(point, segment) for segment in path]
min_dist = min(dists)
return min_dist
if __name__ == "__main__":
A fun example!
width = 800
height = 600
num_path_points = 5
tower_range = 50
tower = gen_rand_point(width, height)
path_points = gen_rand_point_list(width, height, num_path_points)
path = points_to_segments(path_points)
dist = calc_point_path_dist(tower, path)
in_range = dist <= tower_range
print(dist, in_range)

Click-Circle game - clicking outside and inside the circle

I am trying to code a game that has a red circle in which the user is supposed to click up to 7 times in the window. If the user clicks outside the circle, the circle will change its position to where the user clicked. And the game should end when the user has clicked 3 times inside the circle (does not have to be in a row) or when the user has clicked 7 times in total.
I have coded and done quite most of it I think, its just I cant seem to make it work as I want to.
from graphics import *
def draw_circle(win, c=None):
x = random.randint(0,500)
y = random.randint(0,500)
if var is None:
centa = Point(x,y)
var = Circle(centa,50)
p1 = c.p1
x_dif = (p1.x - x) * -1
y_dif = (p1.y - y) * -1
var.move(x_dif, y_dif)
return (var, x, y)
def main():
win= GraphWin("game",800,800)
score = 0
var,x,y = draw_circle(win)
while score <= 7:
if mouseClick2.y >= y-50 and mouseClick2.y <= y +50 and
mouseClick2.x >= x-50 and mouseClick2.x <= x+50:
score=score + random.randint(0,5)
var,x,y = draw_circle(win, c)
print ("Success!")
print (("the score is, {0}").format(score))
thanks for the help in advance!
I see a couple problems.
your if mouseClick2.y >= y-50... conditional is spread out on two lines, but you don't have a line continuation character.
You never call main().
You don't import random.
You call draw_circle in the while loop with an argument of c, but there is no variable by that name in the global scope. You probably meant to pass in var.
c in draw_circle ostensibly refers to the circle object you want to manipulate, but half the time you manipulate var instead of c.
you assign a value to cvar in the loop, but never use it.
Your else block in draw_circle calculates the movement delta by subtracting the cursor coordinates from c.p1. But c.p1 is the upper-left corner of the circle, not the center of the circle. So your hit detection is off by fifty pixels.
import random
from graphics import *
def draw_circle(win, c=None):
x = random.randint(0,500)
y = random.randint(0,500)
if c is None:
centa = Point(x,y)
c = Circle(centa,50)
center_x = c.p1.x + 50
center_y = c.p1.y + 50
x_dif = (center_x - x) * -1
y_dif = (center_y - y) * -1
c.move(x_dif, y_dif)
return (c, x, y)
def main():
win= GraphWin("game",800,800)
score = 0
var,x,y = draw_circle(win)
while score <= 7:
if mouseClick2.y >= y-50 and mouseClick2.y <= y +50 and \
mouseClick2.x >= x-50 and mouseClick2.x <= x+50:
score=score + random.randint(0,5)
var,x,y = draw_circle(win, var)
print ("Success!")
print (("the score is, {0}").format(score))
Additional possible improvements:
Your hit detection checks whether the cursor is in a 50x50 rectangle centered on the circle. You could instead check whether the cursor is inside the circle if you measured the distance between the cursor and the center, and checked whether it was less than the radius.
var and c could stand to have more descriptive names.
mouseClick2 doesn't make much sense as a name, considering there's no mouseClick1.
The movement delta arithmetic could be simplified: (a-b) * -1 is the same as (b-a).
If you only use a variable's value once, you can sometimes avoid creating the variable at all if you nest expressions.
it might be nice to define constants, such as for the circle's radius, instead of having magic numbers in your code.
You can save five characters by using += to increment the score.
import math
import random
from graphics import *
def draw_circle(win, circle=None):
x = random.randint(0,500)
y = random.randint(0,500)
if circle is None:
circle = Circle(Point(x,y),RADIUS)
x - circle.p1.x - RADIUS,
y - circle.p1.y - RADIUS
return (circle, x, y)
def main():
win= GraphWin("game",800,800)
score = 0
circle,x,y = draw_circle(win)
while score <= 7:
cursor = win.getMouse()
if math.hypot(cursor.x - x, cursor.y - y) <= RADIUS:
score += random.randint(0,5)
circle,x,y = draw_circle(win, circle)
print ("Success!")
print (("the score is, {0}").format(score))
I'm not really a python guy, but I see that your hitbox is wrong. If there are any other issues then comment it/them to me.
Solving hitbox to be circle:
What you have already written is good to have thing but you should check if click was in circle not square. Pythagoras triangle is solution for this.
if (math.sqrt(delta_x **2 + delta_y **2) <= circle_radius)
where delta_x and delta_y is center coordinate minus mouse position Check if point is in Object

In short, I want to make a radar of sorts, using specifically the library, that detects if pre-drawn Shape exists at a Point.
Below I've drafted up a code that will show me all the points within a radar (and return it as an array), but I want to be able to take a point/coordinate and check if it is inside a Circle or Rectangle etc without knowing anything else (i.e only x and y parameters, no knowledge of other existing Shapes). Something like:
if Point(x,y).getObject() is None:
return False
or even
if Point(x,y).getObject().config["fill"] == "#f00":
return True
Here's what I've done so far:
from graphics import *
def getAllPointsInRadius(circle, win):
cx = int(circle.getCenter().getX())
cy = int(circle.getCenter().getY())
r = circle.getRadius()# + 2
points = []
print cx, cy
for i in range(cx-r, cx+r):
for j in range(cy-r, cy+r):
x = i-circle.getRadius()
y = j - circle.getRadius()
if ((i - cx) * (i - cx) + (j - cy) * (j - cy) <= r * r):
points.append(Point(i,j)) #if within, append as Point
p = Point(i, j)
p.draw(win) #illustrate all points inside radar
p = Point(i, j)
p.draw(win) #points outside
return points
win = GraphWin('Radar', width = 500, height = 500)
win.setCoords(0, 0, 30, 30)
#object to be detected
objectCircle = Circle(Point(11, 12), 2)
#radius within objects may be detected
radiusCircle = Circle(Point(10, 10), 3)
print getAllPointsInRadius(radiusCircle, win)
#print Point(11, 12).config["outline"]
Addendum: I think maybe by making Point(x,y) I'm actually creating a point and not returning the coordinates. I'm not sure how to do it otherwise, though.

drawing a slope in random circles python

So my program is designed to manipulate certain coordinates in order to create this image:
So basically my program draw a bunch of random circles and I have to manipulate the line of equation to create the red sections. So far my image is the following:
I can't seem to figure out how to add another line equation to create the other red section. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
# using the SimpleGraphics library
from SimpleGraphics import *
# tell SimpleGraphics to only draw when I use the update() function
# use the random library to generate random numbers
import random
# size of the circles drawn
diameter = 15
resize(600, 400)
# returns a vaid color based on the input coordinates
# #param x is an x-coordinate
# #param y is a y-coordinate
# #return a colour based on the input x,y values for the given flag
def define_colour(x,y):
#add your code to this method and change the return value
slopeOne = (200 - 300)/(0-150)
b = 0 - (slopeOne * 200)
slopeTwo = (0-300)/(200 - 800)
b = 150 - (slopeTwo * 40)
lineEquationOne = (slopeOne * x) + b
lineEquationTwo = (slopeTwo * x) + b
if y > lineEquationOne:
return "red"
elif y > lineEquationTwo:
return "red"
return 'white'
# Do NOT change anything below this line
# repeat until window is closed
while not closed():
for i in range(500):
# generate random x and y values
x = random.randint(0, getWidth())
y = random.randint(0, getHeight())
# set colour for current circle
setFill( define_colour(x,y) )
# draw the current circle
ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter)
You're almost there. Add back in the commented lines for your second slope and equation and make sure your variable names match up. Then you just need to add an OR condition for your if statement to set the color based on each equation.
# using the SimpleGraphics library
from SimpleGraphics import *
# tell SimpleGraphics to only draw when I use the update() function
# use the random library to generate random numbers
import random
# size of the circles drawn
diameter = 15
resize(600, 400)
# returns a valid color based on the input coordinates
# #param x is an x-coordinate
# #param y is a y-coordinate
# #return a colour based on the input x,y values for the given flag
def define_colour(x, y):
slopeOne = (200 - 300) / (0 - 150)
b = 0 - (slopeOne * 200)
slopeTwo = (200 - 300) / (0 - 150)
b2 = -50 - (slopeTwo * 200)
lineEquationOne = (slopeOne * x) + b
lineEquationTwo = (slopeTwo * x) + b2
if (y > lineEquationOne) | (y < lineEquationTwo):
return "white"
return 'red'
# Do NOT change anything below this line
# repeat until window is closed
while not closed():
for i in range(500):
# generate random x and y values
x = random.randint(0, getWidth())
y = random.randint(0, getHeight())
# set colour for current circle
setFill(define_colour(x, y))
# draw the current circle
ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter)
