I want to calculate the Inverse Fourier Transform of a Gaussian power spectrum, thus obtaining a Gaussian again. I want to use this fact to check that the IFFT of my Gaussian power spectrum is sensible, in the sense that it produces an array of data effectively distributed in Gaussian way.
Now, it turns out that the IFFT must be multiplied by a factor 2*pi*N, where N is the dimension of the array, in order to recover the analytic correlation function (which is the Inverse Fourier Transform of the power spectrum). Can someone explain why?
Here is the piece of code that first fills an array with the Gaussian power spectrum and then does the IFFT of the power spectrum.
power_spectrum_k = np.zeros(n, float)
for k in range(1, int(n/2+1)):
power_spectrum_k[k] = math.exp(-(2*math.pi*k*sigma/n)*(2*math.pi*k*sigma/n))
for k in range(int(n/2+1), n):
power_spectrum_k[k] = power_spectrum_k[int(k - n/2)]
inverse_transform2 = np.zeros(n, float)
inverse_transform2 = np.fft.ifft(power_spectrum_k)
where the symmetry of the power spectrum comes from the need to get a real correlation function, at the same time following the rules for the use of numpy.ifft (quoting from the documentation:
"The input should be ordered in the same way as is returned by fft, i.e., a[0] should contain the zero frequency term, a[1:n/2+1] should contain the positive-frequency terms, and a[n/2+1:] should contain the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency".)
The reason is the Plancherel theorem, which states that the Fourier transform conserves the signal's energy, i.e., the integral over |x(t)|² equals the integral over |X(f)|². If you have more samples (e.g., caused by higher sampling rate or a longer interval), you have more energy. For that reason your IFFT result is scaled by a factor of N. Your factor depends on hand on the convention of Fourier Integral used, as #pv already noted. On the other hand, on the length of your interval, since integral over the power of the sampled and the continuous interval need to be the same.
I'd recommend using an existing library for an fft. Not as its particularly difficult but there are some well optimised solutions.
Try scipy http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/fftpack.html or my favourite fftw https://hgomersall.github.io/pyFFTW/
I am trying to determine the total energy recorded by a detector in time domain by means of it's spectrum.
The first step after performing the Fast Fourier Transformation with Numpy's FFT library was to confirm Parseval's theorem.
According to the theorem, the total energy in time domain and in frequency domain must be the same. I have two problems that I am not able to solve.
I can confirm the theorem when I don't use the proper units for the x-Axis during the np.trapz() integration. As soon as I use my the actual sample points/frequencies, the result is off. I do not understand why this is the case and am wondering if I can apply a normalization to solve this error.
I cannot confirm the theorem when I apply a DC offset to the signal (uncomment the f = np.sin(np.pi**t)* line).
Below is my code with an examplatory Sine function.
# Python code
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Create a Sine function
dt = 0.001 # Time steps
t = np.arange(0,10,dt) # Time array
f = np.sin(np.pi*t) # Sine function
# f = np.sin(np.pi*t)+1 # Sine function with DC offset
N = len(t) # Number of samples
# Energy of function in time domain
energy_t = np.trapz(abs(f)**2)
# Energy of function in frequency domain
FFT = np.sqrt(2) * np.fft.rfft(f) # only positive frequencies; correct magnitude due to discarding of negative frequencies
FFT[0] /= np.sqrt(2) # DC magnitude does not have to be corrected
FFT[-1] /= np.sqrt(2) # Nyquist frequency does not have to be corrected
frq = np.fft.rfftfreq(N,d=dt) # FFT frequenices
# Energy of function in frequency domain
energy_f = np.trapz(abs(FFT)**2) / N
print('Parsevals theorem fulfilled: ' + str(energy_t - energy_f))
# Parsevals theorem with proper sample points
energy_t = np.trapz(abs(f)**2, x=t)
energy_f = np.trapz(abs(FFT)**2, x=frq) / N
print('Parsevals theorem NOT fulfilled: ' + str(energy_t - energy_f))
The FFT computes the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which is not the same as the (continuous-domain) Fourier Transform.
For the DFT, Parseval’s theorem states that the sum of the square magnitude of the discrete signal equals the sum of the square magnitude of the DFT of the signal. There is no integration involved, and therefore you should not use trapz. Just use sum.
Note that a discrete signal is a set of samples x[n] at n=0..N-1. Fourier analysis in the discrete domain, and all related operations, only consider n, not t. The sampling frequency and the actual times those samples were recorded is irrelevant in these analyses. Likewise, the DFT produces a set of samples X[k] at k=0..N-1, not at any specific f or ω related to any sampling frequency.
Now it is possible to relate n to t because we know the sampling frequency, and it is possible to relate k to f because we know the sampling frequency. But these conversions should not make us think that X[k] is a sampling of the continuous-domain Fourier transform of the original continuous-domain signal. And they should especially not make us think that we can interpolate X[k].
Reconstructing the samples x[n] is accomplished by adding N sinusoids with parameters given by X[k]. “In between” those DFT components should not be anything. Interpolating them would mean we add sinusoids that do not exist in the samples x[n].
trapz uses linear interpolation to obtain an estimate of the integral, and therefore is inappropriate to use in discrete Fourier analysis.
The power spectral density St of a signal u may be computed as the product of the FFT of the signal, u_fft with its complex conjugate u_fft_c. In Python, this would be written as:
import numpy as np
u = # Some numpy array containing signal
u_fft = np.fft.rfft(u-np.nanmean(u))
St = np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft))
However, the FFT definition in Numpy requires the multiplication of the result with a factor of 1/N, where N=u.size in order to have an energetically consistent transformation between u and its FFT. This leads to the corrected definition of the PSD using numpy's fft:
St = np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft))
St = np.divide(St, u.size)
On the other hand, Scipy's function signal.welch computes the PSD directly from input u:
from spicy.signal import welch
freqs_st, St_welch = welch(u-np.nanmean(u),
return_onesided=True, nperseg=seg_size, axis=0)
The resulting PSD, St_welch, is obtained by performing several FFTs in segments of the array u with size seg_size. Thus, my question is:
Should St_welch be multiplied by a factor of 1/seg_size to give an energetically consistent PSD? Should it be multiplied by 1/N? Should it not be multiplied at all?
PD: Comparison by performing both operations on a signal is not straightforward, since the Welch method also introduces smoothing of the signal and changes the display in the frequency domain.
Information on the necessity of the prefactor when using numpy.fft :
Journal article on the matter
The definition of the paramater scale of scipy.signal.welch suggests that the appropriate scaling is performed by the function:
scaling : { ‘density’, ‘spectrum’ }, optional
Selects between computing the power spectral density (‘density’) where Pxx has units of V^2/Hz and computing the power spectrum (‘spectrum’) where Pxx has units of V^2, if x is measured in V and fs is measured in Hz. Defaults to ‘density’
The correct sampling frequency is to be provided as argumentfs to retreive the correct frequencies and an accurate power spectral density.
To recover a power spectrum similar to that computed using np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft)), the length of the fft frame and the applied window must respectively be provided as the length of the frame and boxcar (equivalent to no window at all). The fact that scipy.signal.welch applies the correct scaling can be checked by testing a sine wave:
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def abs2(x):
return x.real**2 + x.imag**2
if __name__ == '__main__':
#power spectrum, after real2complex transfrom (factor )
freq=np.fft.fftfreq(len(y) , framelength/len(y) )
# power spectrum, via scipy welch. 'boxcar' means no window, nperseg=len(y) so that fft computed on the whole signal.
freq2,power2=scipy.signal.welch(y, fs=len(y)/framelength,window='boxcar',nperseg=len(y),scaling='spectrum', axis=-1, average='mean')
for i in range(len(freq2)):
print i, freq2[i], power2[i], freq[i], power[i]
print np.sum(power2)
For a real to complex transform, the correct scaling of np.multiply(u_fft, np.conj(u_fft)) is 2./(u.size*u.size). Indeed, the scaling of u_fft is 1./u.size. Furthermore, real to complex transforms only report half of the frequencies, because the magnitude of the bin N-k would be the complex conjugate of that of the bin k. The energy of that bin is therefore equal to that of bin k and it is to be summed to that of bin k. Hence the factor 2. For the tested sine wave signal of amplitude 1, the energy is reported as 0.5: it is indeed, the average of a squared sine wave of amplitude 1.
Windowing is useful if the length of the frame is not a multiple of the period of the signal or if the signal is not periodic. Using smaller fft frames is useful if the signal is made of damped waves: the signal could be considered as periodic on a characteristic time: choosing a fft frame smaller than that characteristic time but larger than the period of the waves seems judicious.
I try to convert matlab code to numpy and figured out that numpy has a different result with the std function.
in matlab
ans = 2.0817
in numpy
Is this normal? And how should I handle this?
The NumPy function np.std takes an optional parameter ddof: "Delta Degrees of Freedom". By default, this is 0. Set it to 1 to get the MATLAB result:
>>> np.std([1,3,4,6], ddof=1)
To add a little more context, in the calculation of the variance (of which the standard deviation is the square root) we typically divide by the number of values we have.
But if we select a random sample of N elements from a larger distribution and calculate the variance, division by N can lead to an underestimate of the actual variance. To fix this, we can lower the number we divide by (the degrees of freedom) to a number less than N (usually N-1). The ddof parameter allows us change the divisor by the amount we specify.
Unless told otherwise, NumPy will calculate the biased estimator for the variance (ddof=0, dividing by N). This is what you want if you are working with the entire distribution (and not a subset of values which have been randomly picked from a larger distribution). If the ddof parameter is given, NumPy divides by N - ddof instead.
The default behaviour of MATLAB's std is to correct the bias for sample variance by dividing by N-1. This gets rid of some of (but probably not all of) of the bias in the standard deviation. This is likely to be what you want if you're using the function on a random sample of a larger distribution.
The nice answer by #hbaderts gives further mathematical details.
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. The variance of a random variable X is defined as
An estimator for the variance would therefore be
where denotes the sample mean. For randomly selected , it can be shown that this estimator does not converge to the real variance, but to
If you randomly select samples and estimate the sample mean and variance, you will have to use a corrected (unbiased) estimator
which will converge to . The correction term is also called Bessel's correction.
Now by default, MATLABs std calculates the unbiased estimator with the correction term n-1. NumPy however (as #ajcr explained) calculates the biased estimator with no correction term by default. The parameter ddof allows to set any correction term n-ddof. By setting it to 1 you get the same result as in MATLAB.
Similarly, MATLAB allows to add a second parameter w, which specifies the "weighing scheme". The default, w=0, results in the correction term n-1 (unbiased estimator), while for w=1, only n is used as correction term (biased estimator).
For people who aren't great with statistics, a simplistic guide is:
Include ddof=1 if you're calculating np.std() for a sample taken from your full dataset.
Ensure ddof=0 if you're calculating np.std() for the full population
The DDOF is included for samples in order to counterbalance bias that can occur in the numbers.
I'm trying to get the correct FFT bin index based on the given frequency. The audio is being sampled at 44.1k Hz and the FFT size is 1024. Given the signal is real (capture from PyAudio, decoded through numpy.fromstring, windowed by scipy.signal.hann), I then perform FFT through scipy.fftpack.rfft, and compute the decibel of the result, in whole, magnitude = 20 * scipy.log10(abs(rfft(audio_sample)))
Based on this, and this, I originally had my mapping from the FFT bin index, k, to any frequency, F, as:
F = k*Fs/N for k = 0 ... N/2-1 where Fs is the sampling rate, and N is the FFT bin size, in this case, 1024. And the reverse as:
k = F*N/Fs for F = 0Hz ... Fs/2-Fs/N
However, realizing that the rfft's result is no symmetric like fft, and provides the result, in an N size array. I now have some questions in regarding the mapping and the function. Documentation unfortunately did not provide much information as I'm novice in this area.
My questions:
To me, the result of rfft on an audio sample can be used directly from the first bin to the last bin, as no symmetry occurs in the output, is that correct?
Given the lack of symmetry from the above, the frequency resolution appears to have increased, is this interpretation correct?
Because of using rfft, my mapping function from bin index k to frequency F is now F = k*Fs/(2N) for k = 0 ... N-1 is this correct?
Conversely, the reverse mapping function from frequency F to bin index k now becomes k = 2*F*N/Fs for F = 0Hz ... Fs/2-(Fs/2/N), what about the correctness of this?
My general confusion arises from how rfft is related to fft, and how the mapping can be done correctly while using rfft. I believe my mapping is offset by a small amount, and that is crucial in my application. Please point out the mistake or advise on the matter if possible, thank you very much.
First to clear up a few things for you:
A quick reference to the fftpack documentation reveals that rfft only gives you an output vector from 0..512 (in your case). The reason for this is exactly because of the symmetry present when calculating the discrete Fourier transform of a real-valued input:
y[k] = y*[N-k] (see Wikipedia page on DFTs). Therefore, the rfft function only calculates and stores N/2+1 values since you can calculate the other half by just taking the complex conjugates (should you really want it for plotting (say)). The fft function makes no assumption on the input values (they can have both a real and imaginary part) and therefore no symmetry can be assumed in the output and it gives you a full output vector with N values. Admittedly, most applications use a real input, so people tend to assume the symmetry is always there. Note that the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an (efficient) algorithm to calculate the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and the rfft function also uses the FFT to do the calculation.
In light of the above, your indices for accessing the output vector are out of bounds, i.e. > 512. The reasons why/how you can do this depends on your code. You should clearly distinguish between the 'logical N' (that you use to map the bin frequencies, define the DFT etc.) and the 'computational N' (the actual number of values in your output vector), then all your problems should disappear.
To concretely answer your questions:
No. There is symmetry and you need to use this to calculate the last bins (but they give you no extra information).
No. The only way to increase resolution of a DFT is to increase your sample length.
No, but almost. F = k*Fs/N for k = 0..N/2
For an output vector with N bins you get frequencies from 0 to (N-1)/N*Fs. Using the rfft you will have an output vector with N/2+1 bins. You do the maths, but I get 0..Fs/2
Hope things are clearer now.
I am doing some work, comparing the interpolated fft of the concentrations of some gases over a period, of which is unevenly sampled, with the lomb-scargle periodogram of the same data. I am using scipy's fft function to calculate the fourier transform and then squaring the modulus of this to give what I believe to be the power spectral density, in units of parts per billion(ppb) squared.
I can get the lomb-scargle plot to match almost the exact pattern as the FFT but never the same scale of magnitude, the FFT power spectral density always is higher, even though I thought the lomb-scargle power was power spectral density. Now the lomb code I am using:http://www.astropython.org/snippet/2010/9/Fast-Lomb-Scargle-algorithm, normalises the dataset taking away the average and dividing by 2 times the variance from the data, therefore I have normalised the FFT data in the same manner, but still the magnitudes do not match.
Therefore I did some more research and found that the normalised lomb-scargle power could unitless and therefore I cannot the plots match. This leads me to the 2 questions:
What units (if any) are the power spectral density of a normalised lim-scargle perioogram in?
How would I proceed to match my fft plot with my lomb-scargle plot, in terms of magnitude and pattern?
Thank you.
The squared modulus of the Fourier transform of a series is defined as the energy spectral density (ESD). You need to divide the ESD by the length of the series to convert to an estimate of power spectral density (PSD).
The units of a PSD are [units]**2/[frequency] where [units] represents the units of your original series.
To check for proper normalization, one can numerically integrate the PSD of a white noise (with known variance). If the integrated spectrum equals the variance of the series, the normalization is correct. A factor of 2 (too low) is not incorrect, though, and may indicate the PSD is normalized to be double-sided; in that case, just multiply by 2 and you have a properly normalized, single-sided PSD.
Using numpy, the randn function generates pseudo-random numbers that are Gaussian distributed. For example
10 * np.random.randn(1, 100)
produces a 1-by-100 array with mean=0 and variance=100. If the sampling frequency is, say, 1-Hz, the single-sided PSD will theoretically be flat at 200 units**2/Hz, from [0,0.5] Hz; the integrated spectrum would thus be 10, equaling the variance of the series.
I modified the example included in the python code you linked to demonstrate the normalization for a normally distributed series of length 20, with variance 1, and sampling frequency 10:
import numpy
import lomb
nd = 20
fs = 10
x = numpy.arange(nd)
y = numpy.random.randn(nd)
fx, fy, nout, jmax, prob = lomb.fasper(x, y, 1., fs)
fNy = fx[-1]
fy = fy/fs
Si = numpy.mean(fy)*fNy
print fNy, Si, Si*2
This gives, for me:
5.26315789474 0.482185882163 0.964371764327
which shows you a few things:
The "Nyquist" frequency asked for is actually the sampling frequency.
The result needs to be divided by the sampling frequency.
The output is normalized for a double-sided PSD, so multiplying by 2 makes the integrated spectrum nearly 1.
In the time since this question was asked and answered, the AstroPy project has gained a Lomb-Scargle method, and this question is addressed in the documentation: http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/stats/lombscargle.html#psd-normalization-unnormalized
In brief, you can compute a Fourier periodogram and compare it to the astropy Lomb-Scargle periodogram as follows
import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import LombScargle
def fourier_periodogram(t, y):
N = len(t)
frequency = np.fft.fftfreq(N, t[1] - t[0])
y_fft = np.fft.fft(y)
positive = (frequency > 0)
return frequency[positive], (1. / N) * abs(y_fft[positive]) ** 2
t = np.arange(100)
y = np.random.randn(100)
frequency, PSD_fourier = fourier_periodogram(t, y)
PSD_LS = LombScargle(t, y).power(frequency, normalization='psd')
np.allclose(PSD_fourier, PSD_LS)
# True
Since AstroPy is a common tool used in astronomy, I thought this might be more useful than an answer based on the code snippet mentioned above.