Python scipy.fftpack.rfft frequency bin mapping - python

I'm trying to get the correct FFT bin index based on the given frequency. The audio is being sampled at 44.1k Hz and the FFT size is 1024. Given the signal is real (capture from PyAudio, decoded through numpy.fromstring, windowed by scipy.signal.hann), I then perform FFT through scipy.fftpack.rfft, and compute the decibel of the result, in whole, magnitude = 20 * scipy.log10(abs(rfft(audio_sample)))
Based on this, and this, I originally had my mapping from the FFT bin index, k, to any frequency, F, as:
F = k*Fs/N for k = 0 ... N/2-1 where Fs is the sampling rate, and N is the FFT bin size, in this case, 1024. And the reverse as:
k = F*N/Fs for F = 0Hz ... Fs/2-Fs/N
However, realizing that the rfft's result is no symmetric like fft, and provides the result, in an N size array. I now have some questions in regarding the mapping and the function. Documentation unfortunately did not provide much information as I'm novice in this area.
My questions:
To me, the result of rfft on an audio sample can be used directly from the first bin to the last bin, as no symmetry occurs in the output, is that correct?
Given the lack of symmetry from the above, the frequency resolution appears to have increased, is this interpretation correct?
Because of using rfft, my mapping function from bin index k to frequency F is now F = k*Fs/(2N) for k = 0 ... N-1 is this correct?
Conversely, the reverse mapping function from frequency F to bin index k now becomes k = 2*F*N/Fs for F = 0Hz ... Fs/2-(Fs/2/N), what about the correctness of this?
My general confusion arises from how rfft is related to fft, and how the mapping can be done correctly while using rfft. I believe my mapping is offset by a small amount, and that is crucial in my application. Please point out the mistake or advise on the matter if possible, thank you very much.

First to clear up a few things for you:
A quick reference to the fftpack documentation reveals that rfft only gives you an output vector from 0..512 (in your case). The reason for this is exactly because of the symmetry present when calculating the discrete Fourier transform of a real-valued input:
y[k] = y*[N-k] (see Wikipedia page on DFTs). Therefore, the rfft function only calculates and stores N/2+1 values since you can calculate the other half by just taking the complex conjugates (should you really want it for plotting (say)). The fft function makes no assumption on the input values (they can have both a real and imaginary part) and therefore no symmetry can be assumed in the output and it gives you a full output vector with N values. Admittedly, most applications use a real input, so people tend to assume the symmetry is always there. Note that the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is an (efficient) algorithm to calculate the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and the rfft function also uses the FFT to do the calculation.
In light of the above, your indices for accessing the output vector are out of bounds, i.e. > 512. The reasons why/how you can do this depends on your code. You should clearly distinguish between the 'logical N' (that you use to map the bin frequencies, define the DFT etc.) and the 'computational N' (the actual number of values in your output vector), then all your problems should disappear.
To concretely answer your questions:
No. There is symmetry and you need to use this to calculate the last bins (but they give you no extra information).
No. The only way to increase resolution of a DFT is to increase your sample length.
No, but almost. F = k*Fs/N for k = 0..N/2
For an output vector with N bins you get frequencies from 0 to (N-1)/N*Fs. Using the rfft you will have an output vector with N/2+1 bins. You do the maths, but I get 0..Fs/2
Hope things are clearer now.


scipy.stats.wasserstein_distance implementation

I am trying to understand the implementation that is used in
for p=1 and no weights, with u_values, v_values the two 1-D distributions, the code comes down to
u_sorter = np.argsort(u_values) (1)
v_sorter = np.argsort(v_values)
all_values = np.concatenate((u_values, v_values)) (2)
deltas = np.diff(all_values) (3)
u_cdf_indices = u_values[u_sorter].searchsorted(all_values[:-1], 'right') (4)
v_cdf_indices = v_values[v_sorter].searchsorted(all_values[:-1], 'right')
v_cdf = v_cdf_indices / v_values.size (5)
u_cdf = u_cdf_indices / u_values.size
return np.sum(np.multiply(np.abs(u_cdf - v_cdf), deltas)) (6)
What is the reasoning behind this implementation, is there some literature?
I did look at the paper cited which I believe explains why calculating the Wasserstein distance in its general definition in 1D is equivalent to evaluating the integral,
\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} |U-V|,
with U and V the cumulative distribution functions for the distributions u_values and v_values,
but I don't understand how this integral is evaluated in scipy implementation.
In particular,
a) why are they multiplying by the deltas in (6) to solve the integral?
b) how are v_cdf and u_cdf in (5) the cumulative distribution functions U and V?
Also, with this implementation the element order of the distribution u_values and v_values is not preserved. Shouldn't this be the case in the general Wasserstein distance definition?
Thank you for your help!
The order of the PDF, histogram or KDE is preserved and is important in Wasserstein distance. If you only pass the u_values and v_values then it has to calculate something like a PDF, KDE or histogram. Normally you would provide the PDF and the range of U and V as the 4 arguments to the function wasserstein_distance. So in the case where samples are provided you are not passing a real datapoint, simply a collection of repeated "experiments". Numbers 1 and 4 in your list of code blocks basically bins your data by the number of discrete values. A CDF is the number of discrete values until that point or P(x<X). The CDF is basically the cumulative sum of a PDF, histogram or KDE. Number 5 does the normalization of the CDF to between 0.0 and 1.0 or said another way it divides the bin by the number of bins.
So the order of the discrete values is preserved, not the original order in the datapoint.
B) It may make more sense if you plot the CDF's of a datapoint such as an image file by using the code above.
The transportation problem however may not need a PDF, but rather a datapoint of ordered features or some way to measure distance between features in which case you would calculate it differently.

Find plateau in Numpy array

I am looking for an efficient way to detect plateaus in otherwise very noisy data. The plateaus are always relatively broad A simple example of what this data could look like:
Note that there can be multiple plateaus (which should all be detected) which can have different values.
I've tried using scipy.signal.argrelextrema, but it doesn't seem to be doing what I want it to:
plt.vlines(peaks,ymin=0, ymax=1)
I don't need the exact interval of the plateau- a rough range estimate would be enough, as long as that estimate is bigger or equal than the actual plateau range. It should be relatively efficient however.
There is a method scipy.signal.find_peaks that you can try, here is an exmple
import numpy
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
test = numpy.random.uniform(0.9, 1.0, 100)
test[10 : 20] = 0
peaks, peak_plateaus = find_peaks(- test, plateau_size = 1)
although find_peaks only finds peaks, it can be used to find valleys if the array is negated, then you do the following
for i in range(len(peak_plateaus['plateau_sizes'])):
if peak_plateaus['plateau_sizes'][i] > 1:
print('a plateau of size %d is found' % peak_plateaus['plateau_sizes'][i])
print('its left index is %d and right index is %d' % (peak_plateaus['left_edges'][i], peak_plateaus['right_edges'][i]))
it will print
a plateau of size 10 is found
its left index is 10 and right index is 19
This is really just a "dumb" machine learning task. You'll want to code a custom function to screen for them. You have two key characteristics to a plateau:
They're consecutive occurrences of the same value (or very nearly so).
The first and last points deviate strongly from a forward and backward moving average, respectively. (Try quantifying this based on the standard deviation if you expect additive noise, for geometric noise you'll have to take the magnitude of your signal into account too.)
A simple loop should then be sufficient to calculate a forward moving average, stdev of points in that forward moving average, reverse moving average, and stdev of points in that reverse moving average.
Read until you find a point well outside the regular noise (compare to variance). Start buffering those indices into a list.
Keep reading and buffering indices into that list while they have the same value (or nearly the same, if your plateaus can be a little rough; you'll want to use some tolerance plus the standard deviation of your plateaus, or just some tolerance if you expect them all to behave similarly).
If the variance of the points in your buffer gets too high, it's not a plateau, too rough; throw it out and start scanning again from your current position.
If the last value was very different from the previous (on the order of the change that triggered your code to start buffering indices) and in the opposite direction of the original impulse, cap your buffer here; you've got a plateau there.
Now do whatever you want with the points at those indices. Delete them, replace them with a linear interpolation between the two boundary points, whatever.
I could generate some noise and give you some sample code, but this is really something you're going to have to adapt to your application. (For example, there's a shortcoming in this method that a plateau which captures a point on the middle of the "cliff edge" may leave that point when it removes the rest of the plateau. If that's something you're worried about, you'll have to do a little more exploring after you ID the plateau.) You should be able to do this in a single pass over the data, but it might be wise to get some statistics on the whole set first to intelligently tweak your thresholds.
If you have an exact definition of what constitutes a plateau, you can make this a lot less hand-wavey and ML-looking, but so long as you're trying to identify fuzzy pattern, you're gonna have to take a statistics-based approach.
I had a similar problem, and found a simple heuristic solution shared below. I find plateaus as ranges of constant gradient of the signal. You could change the code to also check that the gradient is (close to) 0.
I apply a moving average (uniform_filter_1d) to filter out noise. Also, I calculate the first and second derivative of the signal numerically, so I'm not sure it matches the requirement of efficiency. But it worked perfectly for my signal and might be a good starting point for others.
def find_plateaus(F, min_length=200, tolerance = 0.75, smoothing=25):
Finds plateaus of signal using second derivative of F.
F : Signal.
min_length: Minimum length of plateau.
tolerance: Number between 0 and 1 indicating how tolerant
the requirement of constant slope of the plateau is.
smoothing: Size of uniform filter 1D applied to F and its derivatives.
plateaus: array of plateau left and right edges pairs
dF: (smoothed) derivative of F
d2F: (smoothed) Second Derivative of F
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import uniform_filter1d
# calculate smooth gradients
smoothF = uniform_filter1d(F, size = smoothing)
dF = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(smoothF),size = smoothing)
d2F = uniform_filter1d(np.gradient(dF),size = smoothing)
def zero_runs(x):
Helper function for finding sequences of 0s in a signal
iszero = np.concatenate(([0], np.equal(x, 0).view(np.int8), [0]))
absdiff = np.abs(np.diff(iszero))
ranges = np.where(absdiff == 1)[0].reshape(-1, 2)
return ranges
# Find ranges where second derivative is zero
# Values under eps are assumed to be zero.
eps = np.quantile(abs(d2F),tolerance)
smalld2F = (abs(d2F) <= eps)
# Find repititions in the mask "smalld2F" (i.e. ranges where d2F is constantly zero)
p = zero_runs(np.diff(smalld2F))
# np.diff(p) gives the length of each range found.
# only accept plateaus of min_length
plateaus = p[(np.diff(p) > min_length).flatten()]
return (plateaus, dF, d2F)

IFFT of a Gaussian power spectrum - Python

I want to calculate the Inverse Fourier Transform of a Gaussian power spectrum, thus obtaining a Gaussian again. I want to use this fact to check that the IFFT of my Gaussian power spectrum is sensible, in the sense that it produces an array of data effectively distributed in Gaussian way.
Now, it turns out that the IFFT must be multiplied by a factor 2*pi*N, where N is the dimension of the array, in order to recover the analytic correlation function (which is the Inverse Fourier Transform of the power spectrum). Can someone explain why?
Here is the piece of code that first fills an array with the Gaussian power spectrum and then does the IFFT of the power spectrum.
power_spectrum_k = np.zeros(n, float)
for k in range(1, int(n/2+1)):
power_spectrum_k[k] = math.exp(-(2*math.pi*k*sigma/n)*(2*math.pi*k*sigma/n))
for k in range(int(n/2+1), n):
power_spectrum_k[k] = power_spectrum_k[int(k - n/2)]
inverse_transform2 = np.zeros(n, float)
inverse_transform2 = np.fft.ifft(power_spectrum_k)
where the symmetry of the power spectrum comes from the need to get a real correlation function, at the same time following the rules for the use of numpy.ifft (quoting from the documentation:
"The input should be ordered in the same way as is returned by fft, i.e., a[0] should contain the zero frequency term, a[1:n/2+1] should contain the positive-frequency terms, and a[n/2+1:] should contain the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency".)
The reason is the Plancherel theorem, which states that the Fourier transform conserves the signal's energy, i.e., the integral over |x(t)|² equals the integral over |X(f)|². If you have more samples (e.g., caused by higher sampling rate or a longer interval), you have more energy. For that reason your IFFT result is scaled by a factor of N. Your factor depends on hand on the convention of Fourier Integral used, as #pv already noted. On the other hand, on the length of your interval, since integral over the power of the sampled and the continuous interval need to be the same.
I'd recommend using an existing library for an fft. Not as its particularly difficult but there are some well optimised solutions.
Try scipy or my favourite fftw

Sign on results of fft

I am attempting to calculate the MTF from a test target. I calculate the spread function easily enough, but the FFT results do not quite make sense to me. To summarize,the values seem to alternate giving me a reflection of what I would expect. To test, I used a simple square wave and numpy:
from numpy import fft
data = []
for x in range (0, 20):
data[9] = 10
data[10] = 10
data[11] = 10
dataFFT = fft.fft(data)
The results look correct, with the exception of the sign... I am seeing the following for the first 4 values as an example:
30.00000000 +0.00000000e+00j
-29.02113033 +7.10542736e-15j
26.18033989 -1.24344979e-14j
-21.75570505 +1.24344979e-14j
So my question is why positive->negative->positive->negative in the real plane? This is not what I would expect... It I plot it, it almost appears that the correct function is mirrored around the x axis.
Note: I was expecting the following as an example:
This is what I am getting:
Your pulse is symmetric and positioned in the center of your FFT window (around N/2). Symmetric real data corresponds to only the cosine or "real" components of an FFT result. Note that the cosine function alternates between being -1 and 1 at the center of the FFT window, depending on the frequency bin index (representing cosine periods per FFT width). So the correlation of these FFT basis functions with a positive going pulse will also alternate as long as the pulse is narrower than half the cosine period.
If you want the largest FFT coefficients to be mostly positive, try centering your narrow rectangular pulse around time 0 (or circularly, time N), where the cosine function is always 1 for any frequency.
It works if you shift the data around 0 instead of half your array, with:
dataFFT = fft.fft(np.fftshift(data))
This isn't all that unexpected. If you want to check against conventional plots, make sure you convert that info to magnitude and phase before coming to any conclusions.
I did a quick check using your code and numpy.abs for mag, numpy,angle for phase. It sure looks like a sinc() function to me, which is what would be expected if the time-domain is a square pulse. If you do this, you'll find a pretty wide sinc, as would be expeceted for a short duration pulse on so few samples.
you forget to specify if your data is Real or Complex
not everyone code in python/numpy (including me) and if you do not know this then you probably handle data to/from FFT the wrong way.
FFT input can be both real or complex domain
FFT output is complex domain
so check the docs for your FFT implementation and specify it and also repair your data handling accordingly. Complex domain usually have first value Re and Second Im but that depends on FFT implementation/configuration.
here is an example of impulse response from FFT
first is input Real domain signal (Im=0) single finite nonzero width pulse and second is the Re part of FFT output. The third is the Im part of FFT output. If you zoom it a bit then you will see amplitude range of y axis of each signal (on left).
Do not forget that different FFT implementations can have different normalization constants which will change the amplitude of signal. If you want magnitude and phase convert it like this:
mag=sqrt(Re*Re+Im*Im); // power
ang=atanxy(Re,Im); // phase angle
atanxy(dx,dy) is 4 quadrant arctan also called atan2 but be careful to get the operand order the same as your atanxy/atan2 implementation needs. Also can use mine C++ atanxy implementation
if your input signal is Real domain then FFT output is symmetric. Both Re and Im signals will be like:
{ a0,a1,a2,a3,...,a(n-1),a(n-1)...,a3,a2,a1,a0 }
exactly like on the image above. On the left are low frequencies and in the middle is the top frequency. If your input signal is Complex domain then the output can be anything.

Clipping FFT Matrix

Audio processing is pretty new for me. And currently using Python Numpy for processing wave files. After calculating FFT matrix I am getting noisy power values for non-existent frequencies. I am interested in visualizing the data and accuracy is not a high priority. Is there a safe way to calculate the clipping value to remove these values, or should I use all FFT matrices for each sample set to come up with an average number ?
from numpy import *
import wave
import as sound
import time, struct
from pylab import ion, plot, draw, show
fp ="500-200f.wav", "rb")
sample_rate = fp.getframerate()
total_num_samps = fp.getnframes()
fft_length = 2048.
num_fft = (total_num_samps / fft_length ) - 2
temp = zeros((num_fft,fft_length), float)
for i in range(num_fft):
tempb = fp.readframes(fft_length);
data = struct.unpack("%dH"%(fft_length), tempb)
temp[i,:] = array(data, short)
pts = fft_length/2+1
data = (abs(fft.rfft(temp, fft_length)) / (pts))[:pts]
x_axis = arange(pts)*sample_rate*.5/pts
spec_range = pts
plot(x_axis, data[0])
Here is the plot in non-logarithmic scale, for synthetic wave file containing 500hz(fading out) + 200hz sine wave created using Goldwave.
Simulated waveforms shouldn't show FFTs like your figure, so something is very wrong, and probably not with the FFT, but with the input waveform. The main problem in your plot is not the ripples, but the harmonics around 1000 Hz, and the subharmonic at 500 Hz. A simulated waveform shouldn't show any of this (for example, see my plot below).
First, you probably want to just try plotting out the raw waveform, and this will likely point to an obvious problem. Also, it seems odd to have a wave unpack to unsigned shorts, i.e. "H", and especially after this to not have a large zero-frequency component.
I was able to get a pretty close duplicate to your FFT by applying clipping to the waveform, as was suggested by both the subharmonic and higher harmonics (and Trevor). You could be introducing clipping either in the simulation or the unpacking. Either way, I bypassed this by creating the waveforms in numpy to start with.
Here's what the proper FFT should look like (i.e. basically perfect, except for the broadening of the peaks due to the windowing)
Here's one from a waveform that's been clipped (and is very similar to your FFT, from the subharmonic to the precise pattern of the three higher harmonics around 1000 Hz)
Here's the code I used to generate these
from numpy import *
from pylab import ion, plot, draw, show, xlabel, ylabel, figure
sample_rate = 20000.
times = arange(0, 10., 1./sample_rate)
wfm0 = sin(2*pi*200.*times)
wfm1 = sin(2*pi*500.*times) *(10.-times)/10.
wfm = wfm0+wfm1
# int test
#wfm *= 2**8
#wfm = wfm.astype(int16)
#wfm = wfm.astype(float)
# abs test
#wfm = abs(wfm)
# clip test
#wfm = clip(wfm, -1.2, 1.2)
fft_length = 5*2048.
total_num_samps = len(times)
num_fft = (total_num_samps / fft_length ) - 2
temp = zeros((num_fft,fft_length), float)
for i in range(num_fft):
temp[i,:] = wfm[i*fft_length:(i+1)*fft_length]
pts = fft_length/2+1
data = (abs(fft.rfft(temp, fft_length)) / (pts))[:pts]
x_axis = arange(pts)*sample_rate*.5/pts
spec_range = pts
plot(x_axis, data[2], linewidth=3)
xlabel("freq (Hz)")
FFT's because they are windowed and sampled cause aliasing and sampling in the frequency domain as well. Filtering in the time domain is just multiplication in the frequency domain so you may want to just apply a filter which is just multiplying each frequency by a value for the function for the filter you are using. For example multiply by 1 in the passband and by zero every were else. The unexpected values are probably caused by aliasing where higher frequencies are being folded down to the ones you are seeing. The original signal needs to be band limited to half your sampling rate or you will get aliasing. Of more concern is aliasing that is distorting the area of interest because for this band of frequencies you want to know that the frequency is from the expected one.
The other thing to keep in mind is that when you grab a piece of data from a wave file you are mathmatically multiplying it by a square wave. This causes a sinx/x to be convolved with the frequency response to minimize this you can multiply the original windowed signal with something like a Hanning window.
It's worth mentioning for a 1D FFT that the first element (index [0]) contains the DC (zero-frequency) term, the elements [1:N/2] contain the positive frequencies and the elements [N/2+1:N-1] contain the negative frequencies. Since you didn't provide a code sample or additional information about the output of your FFT, I can't rule out the possibility that the "noisy power values at non-existent frequencies" aren't just the negative frequencies of your spectrum.
EDIT: Here is an example of a radix-2 FFT implemented in pure Python with a simple test routine that finds the FFT of a rectangular pulse, [1.,1.,1.,1.,0.,0.,0.,0.]. You can run the example on codepad and see that the FFT of that sequence is
[0j, Negative frequencies
(1+0.414213562373j), ^
0j, |
(1+2.41421356237j), |
(4+0j), <= DC term
(1-2.41421356237j), |
0j, v
(1-0.414213562373j)] Positive frequencies
Note that the code prints out the Fourier coefficients in order of ascending frequency, i.e. from the highest negative frequency up to DC, and then up to the highest positive frequency.
I don't know enough from your question to actually answer anything specific.
But here are a couple of things to try from my own experience writing FFTs:
Make sure you are following Nyquist rule
If you are viewing the linear output of the FFT... you will have trouble seeing your own signal and think everything is broken. Make sure you are looking at the dB of your FFT magnitude. (i.e. "plot(10*log10(abs(fft(x))))" )
Create a unitTest for your FFT() function by feeding generated data like a pure tone. Then feed the same generated data to Matlab's FFT(). Do a absolute value diff between the two output data series and make sure the max absolute value difference is something like 10^-6 (i.e. the only difference is caused by small floating point errors)
Make sure you are windowing your data
If all of those three things work, then your fft is fine. And your input data is probably the issue.
Check the input data to see if there is clipping
Time doamin clipping shows up as mirror images of the signal in the frequency domain at specific regular intervals with less amplitude.
