I know this is gonna be a doozy of a question to answer, but I'm wondering how I would make a simple 3D environment out of pygame to place an image at different points on the X, Y, and Z axes. (Yes, axis plural is axes.) I'd really rather have this all done by hand, with no pre-made modules or libraries. What I'm looking for as an answer is something like a link to a page about how to do 3D stuff, or just about it. So what sort of formulas would be required, the formulas themselves, information, etc. Thanks!
Pygame, by default, is a 2D game engine so there is no built-in support for 3D but you can implement your own 3D operations with extensive math. Take a look here.
Currently I'm developing a library to manage some stream of data, but at some point I'd like to represent my findings on 3d. I would like to develop a 3D view of my project:
I have:
- All the 3D vertices of one single block
- All the properties related with the object
The question is: Can I do this on python? Which library should I use? Is there any other solution rather than
Depending on what kind of display you are looking for.
if you need to display it as scientific data, there is VTK which propose a great variety of ways to display
if you want to operate your 3d data, display and inspect it at the same time, you can go for pymadcad (a lot of other modules are available for mesh manipulation only, but without display)
if you want a highly flexible rendering pipeline, you can take a look at moderngl, which is very close to the hardware reality by makes everything extremely simple
if you want a high interaction and flexibility in displaying meshes, maybe a game engine, like Panda3D can be more convenient
I have a .obj file specifying 3D vertex locations and corresponding faces, along with a projection matrix. I'm looking for a fast way of determining which vertices/faces are visible and which are occluded. I've looked into openGL, but most tutorials I'm looking at focus on full-blown rendering, and I'm not sure which direction I should be searching in.
Would love a solution using python, but happy to take a native openGL solution and wrap it/port from a different language :).
I want to write a tool in Python that will help me create isometric tiles from 3D-models. You see, I'm not a very proficient artist and free 3D-models are plentisome, and creating something like a table or chair is much easer in 3D than in painting.
This script will load a 3D model in orthographic projection and take pictures from four directions so it can be used in a game. I've tried this in Blender, but the results are inconsistent, very difficult to control and take very long time to create simple sprites.
Rolling my own script will probably let me do neat things too, especially batch-genetration, maybe on texture changes, shading, etc. The game itself will probably be made in Python tpp, so maybe I could generate on the fly. (Edit: and automatically creat cut out see-through walls for when they face camera)
Now my question, what Python libraries can do something like this? I've checked both Pyglet and Panda3D, but I haven't even been able to load a model, let alone set it to orthographic projection.
I found this code:
It let me load and display an .obj file of a cube from Blender with ease. It runs PyOpenGL so it should let me do everything OpenGL can. Never knew OpenGL was so low-level, didn't realize I'd have to write my own loaders and everything.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure I can modify this to project isometrically, rotate the object and grab shots and combine them into sprites. Thanks you guys!
Since you looked at Panda3D - if you can convert your model to the 'egg' format (which blender/maya may do), then you could be able to import it.
Note: sources of this was 'python 3d mesh loader' in a popular search engine - this looks viable to me. I now need to try installing it and some code...
I'm looking for a Python 2D graphics library that can basically do the following and not necessarily anything more:
Create a window of specified width and height
Set the RGB of pixel X, Y on the back buffer.
Swap buffers
...and that's it basically. I can't find anything that doesn't come with a massive amount of complex baggage.
I recommend PyQt for this - it's a GUI library/framework but it has very good drawing capabilities. If you look at the examples coming with PyQt, focusing on the graphics & drawing samples, it's quite amazing what you can do with very few lines of code.
Oh, and it does the double-buffering you mention automatically so you don't have to worry about it.
Alternatively, you can use PyGame - a library wrapping SDL, used for game development. Naturally it has very strong 2D graphics capabilities.
I'm looking for a Python library that would allow me to visualise geometrical data. Nothing extremely complicated, just a bunch of points in the plane or space and a few basic shapes that I would generate.
I had a look at this question and the answers to it, but the focus over there seems to be on computation.
How about Matplotlib/mplot3D?