Uninstalling Python - Do I loose my installed packages and code? - python

I have been having problems importing Tkinter. I have done research here and found that it's because I have had both 64 bit and 32 bit python on my machine. I currently use 32 bit but Tkinter is pointing to the 64 bit version. I think the easiest fix is to uninstall python and reinstall it. Will I loose all my downloaded libraries and code I've written if I do this?
It's python 2.7 on Windows 7.

All the downloaded libraries are in the C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages. You can check this folder before you uninstall a version of Python.
I agree with Rinzler, for Python, both versions will have its own Tkinter. Maybe it's just a problem of interpreter choice of your IDE.


How to completely uninstall Python 2.7 on Windows 10?

as Python 3 is out I'd like to completely uninstall 2.7 on windows 10 64 bit. How can I achieve this?
Removing paths and using the installer to uninstall solves the problem.
Python installations can be very difficult to remove on Windows. If you delete some of the obvious content, the Python Launcher for Windows may still run, but it won't be able to complete the uninstall successfully.
I installed the free [IObit Uninstaller], searched for all programs with py in the name, and was finally able to remove my old versions.

How to uninstall and/or manage multiple versions of python in OS X 10.10.3

I have installed the Python IDE Spyder. For me it's a great development environment.
Some how in this process I have managed to install three versions of Python on my system.These can be located as following:
Version 2.7.6 from the OS X Terminal;
Version 2.7.8 from the Spyder Console; and
Version 2.7.9rc1 from an IDL window.
The problem I have is (I think) that the multiple versions are preventing Spyder from working correctly.
So how do I confirm that 2.7.6 is the latest version supported by Apple and is there a simple way ('silver bullet') to remove other versions from my system.
I hope this is the correct forum for this question. If not I would appreciate suggestions where I could go for help.
I want to keep my life simple and to develop python software in the Spyder IDE. I am not an OS X guru and I really don't want to get into a heavy duty command line action. To that end I just want to delete/uninstall the 'unofficial versions' of Python. Surely there must be an easy way to do this - perhaps 'pip uninstall Python-2.7.9rc1' or some such. The problem is that I am hesitant to try this due to the fear that it will crash my system.
Help on this would be greatly appreciated.
(Spyder dev here) There is no simple way to do what you ask for, at least for the Python version that comes with Spyder.
I imagine you downloaded and installed our DMG package. That package comes with its own Python version as part of the application (along with several important scientific packages), so it can't be removed because that would imply to remove Spyder itself :-)
I don't know how you installed IDL(E?), so I can't advise you on how to remove it.

Python 3.3. not found in registry [duplicate]

I am trying to install biopython to run with Python 3.3 on a Windows7 computer.
I have downloaded the biopython executable biopython-1.61.win32-py3.3-beta.exe. When I attempt to run the executable, however, I get the message "Python version 3.3 is required, which is not found in the registry." Python version 3.3 is present on my computer. I have been running programs through it for a month or two. It was installed from the file python-3.3.0.amd64.msi, and is located in the Program Files (x86) directory.I have tried reinstalling Python 3.3 but get the same error message.
Does anyone know how to get around this problem?
Python.org provides Windows installers in two flavours, 32 bit ("win32") and 64 bit ("amd64"). You need matching library installers for your Python version. You are trying to use a 32 bit Biopython installer with a 64 bit Python.
As instructed here http://biopython.org/wiki/Download there are experimental 64 bit Windows installers for Biopython, NumPy, etc here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/
Or, you can install the 32-bit version of Python 3.3 for Windows, and then use biopython-1.61.win32-py3.3-beta.exe
You can try to solve this problem by fixing a blank option in the Windows registry.
https://stackoverflow.com/a/11507968/3962648 provide details of similar issue when installing numpy.
In short, you can just run the windows command line and type in: "reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python /s"
probelm is windows 64bit and biopython 32bit...
to get the 64bit version of biopython get this one:

How can I install Pygame on a 64-bit win7?

I have searched the forum and found some related questions, but seems no easy-to-understand answers to me.
I have come to https://bitbucket.org/pygame/pygame/downloads but it only provides 32-bit installer. I am on a 64-bit Win7, which is already installed Python 3.3.2. How can I install Pygame in this case? Thanks.
This site contains non-official binaries of many Python packages for 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows, and it is also mentioned in the downloads section of Pygame.org. The downloads for Pygame are here.

enthought python distribution wx

For some reason my 64 bit EPD can't import wx.
I also tried to install the wxPython2.8-osx-unicode-py2.7 version from the wx site.
It installed successfully, but is no where to be found on my harddrive.
I checked the sitepackes for 2.7 and the EPD 7.2.2. where all the modules usually should be installed.
I am confused.
This raises a similar question.
How can I install modules that are not part of EPD ?
I also didn't have luck to install other modules.
And every time I try to import older modules it doesn't work as well.
Often I get error message that architectures in universal rapper is wrong.
For example pygame doesn’t have a 64 bit version that works with 2.7, so I installed the 32 bit version.
If I try to do the trick arch -i386 /Path to python , I get "Bad CPU type in executable".
I am running a 64bit version of Python on a 64 bit Mac OS.
I wonder if the Enthougt 7.2 is equivalent with the 2.7 Python.
And if not, what I assume, what the differences are.
Any hints who can solve this, would be awesome.
Thanks for your patients.
I had the same problem. The only way around it that has worked for me is to uninstall your EPD version ($ sudo remove-EPD-7.2-1, or whichever version you have) and reinstall the 32 bit version. Wx comes as part of the EPD package, so once you have downloaded the 32 bit version there is no need to download and install wx.
