IJ.close() - Scripting python in ImageJ/FIJI - python

I'm exceptionally new to python/scripting and I'm having a problem. I'm writing the following in Fiji (shortened version of the script is below...)
from ij import IJ, ImagePlus
from java.lang import Runtime, Runnable
import os
filepaths = []
for folder, subs, files in os.walk('location/of/files/'):
for filename in files:
#the next part stops it appending DS files
if not filename.startswith('.'):
filepaths.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, filename,)))
for i in filepaths:
Basically I want to open an image, do stuff, and then close the processed image using IJ.close(). However it gives the following error:
AttributeError: type object 'ij.IJ' has no attribute 'close'
Any idea how to get around this?

The IJ class does not have a close() method. You probably want to call the close() method of ImagePlus, which is the class for the image objects themselves.
Try something like:
imp = IJ.getImage()
imp.getProcessor().setf(100, 100, 3.14159) # or whatever
IJ.save(imp, "/path/to/myShinyModifiedImage.tif")
If you need to operate over multiple slices of a multi-plane image, see also the "Loop over slices" template (Templates > Python menu of the Script Editor).
Note also that Jython does not have trailing semicolons on statements.

For anyone else who is scripting with jython (python in ImageJ/Fiji), the Java docs always help in getting an overview of the modules and their classes/functions:
Here for example for the module ij


Is it possible to display file size in a directory served using http.server in python?

I've served a directory using
python -m http.server
It works well, but it only shows file names. Is it possible to show created/modified dates and file size, like you see in ftp servers?
I looked through the documentation for the module but couldn't find anything related to it.
http.server is meant for dead-simple use cases, and to serve as sample code.1 That's why the docs link right to the source.
That means that, by design, it doesn't have a lot of configuration settings; instead, you configure it by reading the source and choosing what methods you want to override, then building a subclass that does that.
In this case, what you want to override is list_directory. You can see how the base-class version works, and write your own version that does other stuff—either use scandir instead of listdir, or just call stat on each file, and then work out how you want to cram the results into the custom-built HTML.
Since there's little point in doing this except as a learning exercise, I won't give you complete code, but here's a skeleton:
class StattyServer(http.server.HTTPServer):
def list_directory(self, path):
dirents = os.scandir(path)
except OSError:
# blah blah blah
# etc. up to the end of the header-creating bit
for dirent in dirents:
fullname = dirent.path
displayname = linkname = dirent.name
st = dirent.stat()
# pull stuff out of st
# build a table row to append to r
1. Although really, it's sample code for an obsolete and clunky way of building servers, so maybe that should be "to serve as sample code to understand legacy code that you probably won't ever need to look at but just in case…".

Maya Python mass .obj import how to turn off obj import warning?

Hey I am importing a list of files into a maya scene via python.
Each time a .obj is imported maya gives me following warning:
Warning: Option "Use legacy vertex order" will only take effect when option "Multiple Objects" is enabled.
My question: Is it possible to turn off this warning? Or a way to to not show the warning in the first place?
edit: The problem is that this warning will show up on each and every file that gets imported from the list. I added a screenshot from maya.
I am loading the files like this:
cmds.file(filePath, i = True)
edit2: Here is my function that loops through files in a directory.
def loadFiles(*args):
# load References into scene from savefile
files = 'c:/testfolder'
if os.path.exists(files):
filesInFolder = [f for f in listdir(files) if isfile(join(files, f))]
for file in filesInFolder:
filePath = files + '/' + file
#cmds.file(filePath, i = True)
mel.eval("catchQuiet(`python(\"cmds.file(filePath, i=True)\")`)")
#print filePath
Thank you for your time and have a nice day!
Maya has a function called catchQuiet which is the easiest way of suppressing warning/error messages. If the expression throws an error, it will return 1 otherwise 0.
catchQuiet(python("cmds.file(\"/drive/myfile.obj\", i=True)"))
Unfortunately this function does only exist in mel but you could wrap it in python by using maya.cmds.mel to execute it.
Python Wrapper
The Python variant looks a little nasty, but that should work.
mel.eval("catchQuiet(`python(\"cmds.file('/drive/myfile.obj', i=1)\")`)")
Try this to turn off errors, warnings, and info in Script Editor:
import maya.cmds as cmds
or try this method just for warnings:
print '',
Then, turn them on again:

Function not defined when Importing Maya Python Script

I have a tool I wrote in python that works completely fine when running in the maya script editor. However, I want to be able to import the script from the script directory. Which should be simple, and I am shocked I can't find the solution while searching the web.
My script format is like this example:
import maya.cmds as cmds
# GUI code with buttons, they call the functions below.
def function1():
#commands that do things
def function2():
#commands that do things
#List of functions continues
Like I said, the program functions perfectly when run in the script editor. When saving the script to the directory and using this method:
import module
reload (module)
The GUI loads fine, but then when pushing the gui buttons, it says the functions are not defined. I don't understand what I am missing? If the script was loaded, shouldn't the functions be defined? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Just because the GUI loads doesn't mean that all of your functions loaded properly. You need to put your file, (module.py) in a directory that is visible to your PYTHONPATH. If you're in Maya, you can also put it in the MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH
The PYTHONPATH / MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH are environment variables that you set before launching Maya. In a default Maya installation, some places where you could put your module.py file would be:
(Windows) C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\Documents\maya\scripts
(Linux) ~/maya/scripts
(Mac) - Not sure, put probably also ~/maya/scripts
If you want to know where else you can place it, you run this
import os
print(os.getenv('MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH', ''))
print(os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', ''))
Any location in that list that you have write permissions to is OK to add your module.py file.
Also, it's worth noting that in your example module.function() would fail. It'd need to be module.function1() or module.function2() but I assume you know that. Hope this helps
Sup guys
So i know this is an old question that has already been answered but I have some extra information that helps in regards to GUI functions not working. (same error)
and there's basically nothing on this anywhere.
so the script director only helps when loading in the module through the shelf but will still return the same error "fuction is not defined"
this has todo with how the function is called through the UI element.
this is will allow you to call function in the script editor
but gives you the function not defined error when the module is imported
def GUI_function():
pm.button( command = "function()")
def function():
do stuff
this on the other hand works.
def GUI_function():
pm.button( command = function)
def function(*_):
do stuff
i don't know why but maya tends to think function() is a nodetype
so remove the brackets if you not using arguments and you good to go

Making a GDB debugging helper for the QUuid class

I'm using the QUuid class in my project and for testing and debugging purposes it would be very nice to see the QUuid objects in human readable form instead of their low-level form.
For some reason, the people at Qt have not included a dump method for this type so I attempted to create one on my own, following this documentation and this guide.
I'm not familiar with Python so unfortunately, I could not get something running. Could someone help me create such a function that does nothing more than display the output of QUuid::toString() in the value column of Qt Creator?
Mitko's solution worked perfectly. I expanded it a bit so the details can still be read if so desired:
from dumper import *
import gdb
def qdump__QUuid(d, value):
this_ = d.makeExpression(value)
finalValue = gdb.parse_and_eval("%s.toString()" % (this_))
if d.isExpanded():
with Children(d):
d.putSubItem("data1", value["data1"])
d.putSubItem("data2", value["data2"])
d.putSubItem("data3", value["data3"])
d.putSubItem("data4", value["data4"])
The following python script should do the job:
from dumper import *
import gdb
def qdump__QUuid(d, value):
this = d.makeExpression(value)
stringValue = gdb.parse_and_eval("%s.toString()" % this)
The easiest way to use it with Qt Creator is to just paste these lines at the end of your <Qt-Creator-Install-Dir>/share/qtcreator/debugger/personaltypes.py file. In this case you can skip the first line, as it's already in the file.
As the personaltypes.py file is overwritten when you update Qt Creator you might want to put the script above in its own file. In that case you'll need to configure Qt Creator to use your file. You can do this by going to Tools > Options... > Debugger > GDB > Extra Debugging Helpers > Browse and selecting your file.
This script will only work inside Qt Creator, since we use its specific dumper (e.g. putStringValue).
We call QUuid::toString() which creates a QString object. I'm not sure exactly how gdb and python handle this, and if there is a need to clean this up in order to avoid leaking memory. It's probably not a big deal for debugging, but something to be aware of.

How do I execute all the code inside a python file?

How do I execute all the code inside a python file so I can use def's in my current code? I have about 100 scripts that were all written like the script below.
For a simple example, I have a python file called:
His code looks like this:
def bt_test():
test = 2;
test += addFive(test)
def addFive(test):
Now, I want to from a completely new file, run bt_test()
I've tried doing this:
def openPyFile(script):
But this doesn't work.
I've tried doing this as well:
def openPyFile(script):
name = script.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
command = 'from ' + name + ' import *'
exec command
Does anyone know why this isn't working?
Here's a link to a quicktime video that will help explain what's happening.
You should put those files somewhere on your Python path, and then import them. That's what the import statement is for. BTW: the same directory as your main program is on the Python path, that could be a good place to put them.
# Find and execute bt_test.py, and make a module object of it.
import bt_test
# Use the bt_test function in the bt_test module.
The reason that execfile doesn't work is because the functions inside bt_test are limited by the scope of the openPyFile function. One simple test would be to try to run bt_test() from inside openPyFile. Since openPyFile doesn't really do anything other than execfile you could get rid of it altogether, or you could alias execfile
Note putting the file in your python path and importing it is definitely your best bet -- I only post this answer here to hopefully point out why you're not seeing what you want to see.
In addition to Ned's answer, __import__() might be useful if you don't want the file names hardcoded.
Update based on the video.
I don't have access to Maya, but i can try and speculate.
cmds.button(l='print', c='bt_press()') is where the issue seems to lurk. bt_press() is passed as a string object, and whatever way the interpreter uses to resolve that identifier doesn't look in the right namespace.
1) Try passing bt_press() with the module prepended: cmds.button(l='print', c='bt_test.bt_press()')
2) See if you can bind c directly to the function object: cmds.button(l='print', c=bt_press)
Good luck.
>>> from bt_test import bt_test
>>> bt_test()
