Execute a list of process without multiprocessing pool map - python

import multiprocessing as mp
if __name__ == '__main__':
#pool = mp.Pool(M)
p1 = mp.Process(target= target1, args= (arg1,))
p2 = mp.Process(target= target2, args= (arg1,))
p9 = mp.Process(target= target9, args= (arg9,))
p10 = mp.Process(target= target10, args= (arg10,))
pN = mp.Process(target= targetN, args= (argN,))
processList = [p1, p2, .... , p9, p10, ... ,pN]
I have N different target functions which consume unequal non-trivial amount of time to execute.
I am looking for a way to execute them in parallel such that M (1 < M < N) processes are running simultaneously. And as soon as a process is finished next process should start from the list, until all the processes in processList are completed.
As I am not calling the same target function, I could not use Pool.
I considered doing something like this:
for i in range(0, N, M):
limit = i + M
if(limit > N):
limit = N
for p in processList[i:limit]:
Since my target functions consume unequal time to execute, this method is not really efficient.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Question title has been changed to 'Execute a list of process without multiprocessing pool map' from 'Execute a list of process without multiprocessing pool'.

You can use proccess Pool:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
from multiprocessing import Pool
import random
import time
def target_1():
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
print('done target 1')
def target_2():
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
print('done target 1')
def target_3():
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
print('done target 1')
def target_4():
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 2))
print('done target 1')
pool = Pool(2) # maximum two processes at time.
Pool is created specifically for what you need to do - execute many tasks in limited number of processes.
I also suggest you take a look at concurrent.futures library and it's backport to Python 2.7. It has a ProcessPoolExecutor, which has roughly same capabilities, but it's methods returns Future objects, and they has a nicer API.

Here is a way to do it in Python 3.4, which could be adapted for Python 2.7 :
targets_with_args = [
(target1, arg1),
(target2, arg2),
(target3, arg3),
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=20) as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(target, arg) for target, arg in targets_with_args]
results = [future.result() for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures)]

I would use a Queue. adding processes to it from processList, and as soon as a process is finished i would remove it from the queue and add another one.
a pseudo code will look like:
from Queue import Queue
q = Queue(m)
# add first process to queue
i = 0
while not q.empty():
# check if process is finish. if not return it to the queue for later checking
if p.is_alive():
# add another process if there is space and there are more processes to add
if not q.full() and i < len(processList):

A simple solution would be to wrap the functions target{1,2,...N} into a single function forward_to_target that forwards to the appropriate target{1,2,...N} function according to the argument that is passed in. If you cannot infer the appropriate target function from the arguments you currently use, replace each argument with a tuple (argX, X), then in the forward_to_target function unpack the tuple and forward to the appropriate function indicated by the X.

You could have two lists of targets and arguments, zip the two together - and send them to a runner function (here it's run_target_on_args):
#!/usr/bin/env python
import multiprocessing as mp
# target functions
targets = [len, str, len, zip]
# arguments for each function
args = [["arg1"], ["arg2"], ["arg3"], [["arg5"], ["arg6"]]]
# applies target function on it's arguments
def run_target_on_args(target_args):
return target_args[0](*target_args[1])
pool = mp.Pool()
print pool.map(run_target_on_args, zip(targets, args))


How to start functions in parallel, check if they are done, and start a new function in python?

I want to write a python code that does the following:
At first, it starts, say, 3 processes (or threads, or whatever) in parallel.
Then in a loop, python waits until any of the processes have finished (and returned some value)
Then, the python code starts a new function
In the end, I want 3 processes always running in parallel, until all functions I need to run are run. Here is some pseudocode:
import time
import random
from multiprocessing import Process
# some random function which can have different execution time
def foo():
time.sleep(random.randint(10) + 2)
return 42
# Start 3 functions
p = []
# wait until one of the processes has finished
# then add a new process so that always 3 are running in parallel
I am pretty sure it is not clear what I want. Please ask.
What you really want is to start three processes and feed a queue with jobs that you want executed. Then there will only ever be three processes and when one is finished, it reads the next item from the queue and executes that:
import time
import random
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
# some random function which can have different execution time
def foo(a):
print('foo', a)
time.sleep(random.randint(1, 10) + 2)
return 42
def readQueue(q):
while True:
item = q.get()
if item:
f,*args = item
if __name__ == '__main__':
q = Queue()
for a in range(4): # create 4 jobs
q.put((foo, a))
for _ in range(3): # sentinel for 3 processes
# Start 3 processes
p = []
p.append(Process(target=readQueue, args=(q,)))
p.append(Process(target=readQueue, args=(q,)))
p.append(Process(target=readQueue, args=(q,)))
for j in p:
for j in p:
You can use the Pool of the multiprocessing module.
my_foos = [foo, foo, foo, foo]
def do_something(method):
from multiprocessing import Pool
with Pool(3) as p:
p.map(do_something, my_foos)
The number 3 states the number of parallel jobs.
map takes the inputs as arguments to the function do_something
In your case do_something can be a function which calls the functions you want to be processed, which are passed as a list to inputs.

Given N generators, is it possible to create a generator that runs them in parallel processes and yields the zip of those generators?

Suppose I have N generators gen_1, ..., gen_N where each on them will yield the same number of values. I would like a generator gen such that it runs gen_1, ..., gen_N in N parallel processes and yields (next(gen_1), next(gen_2), ... next(gen_N))
That is I would like to have:
def gen():
yield (next(gen_1), next(gen_2), ... next(gen_N))
in such a way that each gen_i is running on its own process. Is it possible to do this? I have tried doing this in the following dummy example with no success:
A = range(4)
def gen(a):
B = ['a', 'b', 'c']
for b in B:
yield b + str(a)
def target(g):
return next(g)
processes = [Process(target=target, args=(gen(a),)) for a in A]
for p in processes:
for p in processes:
However I get the error TypeError: cannot pickle 'generator' object.
I have modified #darkonaut answer's a bit to fit my needs. I am posting it in case some of you find it useful. We first define a couple of utility functions:
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import List, Generator
def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=iter([])):
"Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
args = [iter(iterable)] * n
return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)
def split_generators_into_batches(generators: List[Generator], n_splits):
chunks = grouper(generators, len(generators) // n_splits + 1)
return [zip_longest(*chunk) for chunk in chunks]
The following class is responsible for splitting any number of generators into n (number of processes) batches and proccessing them yielding the desired result:
import multiprocessing as mp
class GeneratorParallelProcessor:
def __init__(self, generators, n_processes = 2 * mp.cpu_count()):
self.n_processes = n_processes
self.generators = split_generators_into_batches(list(generators), n_processes)
self.queue = mp.SimpleQueue()
self.barrier = mp.Barrier(n_processes + 1)
self.sentinels = [self.SENTINEL] * n_processes
self.processes = [
mp.Process(target=self._worker, args=(self.barrier, self.queue, gen)) for gen in self.generators
def process(self):
for p in self.processes:
while True:
results = list(itertools.chain(*(self.queue.get() for _ in self.generators)))
if results != self.sentinels:
yield results
for p in self.processes:
def _worker(self, barrier, queue, generator):
for x in generator:
To use it just do the following:
parallel_processor = GeneratorParallelProcessor(generators)
for grouped_generator in parallel_processor.process():
It's possible to get such an "Unified Parallel Generator (UPG)" (attempt to coin a name) with some effort, but as #jasonharper already mentioned, you definitely need to assemble the sub-generators within the child-processes, since a running generator can't be pickled.
The pattern below is re-usable with only the generator function gen() being custom to this example. The design uses multiprocessing.SimpleQueue for returning generator results to the parent and multiprocessing.Barrier for synchronization.
Calling Barrier.wait() will block the caller (thread in any process) until the number of specified parties has called .wait(), whereupon all threads currently waiting on the Barrier get released simultaneously. The usage of Barrier here ensures further generator-results are only started to be computed after the parent has received all results from an iteration, which might be desirable to keep overall memory consumption in check.
The number of parallel workers used equals the number of argument-tuples you provide within the gen_args_tuples-iterable, so gen_args_tuples=zip(range(4)) will use four workers for example. See comments in code for further details.
import multiprocessing as mp
def gen(a):
"""Your individual generator function."""
lst = ['a', 'b', 'c']
for ch in lst:
for _ in range(int(10e6)): # some dummy computation
yield ch + str(a)
def _worker(i, barrier, queue, gen_func, gen_args):
for x in gen_func(*gen_args):
print(f"WORKER-{i} sending item.")
queue.put((i, x))
def parallel_gen(gen_func, gen_args_tuples):
"""Construct and yield from parallel generators
build from `gen_func(gen_args)`.
gen_args_tuples = list(gen_args_tuples) # ensure list
n_gens = len(gen_args_tuples)
sentinels = [SENTINEL] * n_gens
queue = mp.SimpleQueue()
barrier = mp.Barrier(n_gens + 1) # `parties`: + 1 for parent
processes = [
mp.Process(target=_worker, args=(i, barrier, queue, gen_func, args))
for i, args in enumerate(gen_args_tuples)
for p in processes:
while True:
results = [queue.get() for _ in range(n_gens)]
if results != sentinels:
yield tuple(r[1] for r in results) # sort and drop ids
barrier.wait() # all workers are waiting
# already, so this will unblock immediately
for p in processes:
if __name__ == '__main__':
for res in parallel_gen(gen_func=gen, gen_args_tuples=zip(range(4))):
WORKER-1 sending item.
WORKER-0 sending item.
WORKER-3 sending item.
WORKER-2 sending item.
('a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3')
WORKER-1 sending item.
WORKER-2 sending item.
WORKER-3 sending item.
WORKER-0 sending item.
('b0', 'b1', 'b2', 'b3')
WORKER-2 sending item.
WORKER-3 sending item.
WORKER-1 sending item.
WORKER-0 sending item.
('c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3')
Process finished with exit code 0
I went for a little different approach, you can modify the example below accordingly.
So somewhere in the main script initialize the pool according to your needs, you need just this 2 lines
from multiprocessing import Pool
pool = Pool(processes=4)
then you can define a generator function like this:
(Note that the generators input is assumed to be any iterable containing all the generators)
def parallel_generators(generators, pool):
results = ['placeholder']
while len(results) != 0:
batch = pool.map_async(next, generators) # defines the next round of values
results = list(batch.get) # actual calculation done here
yield results
We define the results condition in the while loop like this because map objects with next and generators return an empty list when the generators stop producing values. So at that point we just terminate the parallel generator.
So apparently multiproccecing pool, and map don't play good with generators making the above code not work as intended so do not use until later update.
As for the pickle error it seems some bound functions do not support pickle which is needed in the multiprocessing library in order to transfer objects and functions, for a workaround the pathos mutliprocessing library uses dill which solves the need for pickle and is an option you might want to try, searching in Stack Overflow for your error you can also find some more complicated solutions with custom code for pickling the functions needed.

Create different processes using a list of objects

I want to execute this function without having to rewrite all the code for each process.
def executeNode(node):
And the code that I don't feel the need to repeat n times the next one. I need to use Process not Threads.
a0 = Process(target=executeNode, args = (node1))
a1 = Process(target=executeNode, args = (node2))
a2 = Process(target=executeNode, args = (node3))
an = Process(target=executeNode, args = (nodeN))
So I decided to create a list of nodes but I don't know how to execute a process for each item (node) of the list.
sNodes = []
for i in range(0, n):
node = node("a"+ str(i), (4001 + i))
How can I execute a process for each item (node) of the list (sNodes).
Thank you all.
You can use a Pool:
from multiprocessing import Pool
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Pool(n) as p:
print(p.map(executeNode, sNodes))
Where n is the number of processes you want.
In case you want detached processes or you dont expect a result is better to simply use another loop:
processes = []
for node in sNodes:
p = Process(target=executeNode, args = (node1))
General tip: having a lot of processes will not speed up your code but make your processor start swaping and everything will be slower. Just in case you are looking for a code speedup instead of a logical architecture.
Try something like this:
from multiprocessing import Pool
process_number = 4
nodes = [...]
def execute_node(node):
pool = Pool(processes=process_number)
pool.starmap(execute_node, [(node,) for node in nodes])
You will find more intel here: https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html

Getting a pickle error when trying to run processes

What I'm trying to do is running a list of prime number decomposition in different processes at once. I have a threaded version that's working, but can't seem to get it working with processes.
import math
from Queue import Queue
import multiprocessing
def primes2(n):
primfac = []
num = n
d = 2
while d * d <= n:
while (n % d) == 0:
primfac.append(d) # supposing you want multiple factors repeated
n //= d
d += 1
if n > 1:
myfile = open('processresults.txt', 'a')
myfile.write(str(num) + ":" + str(primfac) + "\n")
return primfac
def mp_factorizer(nums, nprocs):
def worker(nums, out_q):
""" The worker function, invoked in a process. 'nums' is a
list of numbers to factor. The results are placed in
a dictionary that's pushed to a queue.
outdict = {}
for n in nums:
outdict[n] = primes2(n)
# Each process will get 'chunksize' nums and a queue to put his out
# dict into
out_q = Queue()
chunksize = int(math.ceil(len(nums) / float(nprocs)))
procs = []
for i in range(nprocs):
p = multiprocessing.Process(
args=(nums[chunksize * i:chunksize * (i + 1)],
# Collect all results into a single result dict. We know how many dicts
# with results to expect.
resultdict = {}
for i in range(nprocs):
# Wait for all worker processes to finish
for p in procs:
print resultdict
if __name__ == '__main__':
mp_factorizer((400243534500, 100345345000, 600034522000, 9000045346435345000), 4)
I'm getting a pickle error shown below:
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
You need to use multiprocessing.Queue instead of regular Queue. +more
This is due the Process doesn't run using the same memory space and there are some objects that aren't pickable, like the a regular queue (Queue.Queue). To overcome this, the multiprocessing library provide a Queue class that is actually a Proxy to a Queue.
And also, you could extract the def worker(.. out as any other method. This could be your main problem because on "how" a process is forked on a OS level.
You can also use a multiprocessing.Manager +more.
dynamically created functions cannot be pickled and therefore cannot be used as the target of a Process, the function worker needs to be defined in the global scope instead of inside the definition of mp_factorizer.

Python Multiprocessing - Cannot Join Current Thread

I am working segmenting large ctype arrays and processing them in parallel. I am receiving the error below and believe it it because one segment of the array is finishing processing before another. I tried using process.join() to have the first set of processes wait, but that is not working. Ideas?
Exception RuntimeError: RuntimeError('cannot join current thread',) in <Finalize object, dead> ignored
with closing(multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=init(array))) as p:
del array #Since the array is now stored in a shared array destroy the array ref for memory reasons
step = y // cores
if step != 0:
jobs =[]
for i in range (0, y, step):
process = p.Process(target=stretch, args= (shared_arr,slice(i, i+step)),kwargs=options)
for j in jobs:
del jobs
del process
#Create an ctypes array
array = ArrayConvert.SharedMemArray(array)
#Create a global of options
init_options(options) #options is a dict
with closing(multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=init(array))) as p:
del array #Since the array is not stored in a shared array destroy the array ref for memory reasons
step = y // cores
if step != 0:
for i in range (0, y, step):
#Package all the options into a global dictionary
p.map_async(stretch,[slice(i, i+step)])
#p.apply_async(stretch,args=(shared_arr,slice(i, i+step)),kwargs=options)
def init_options(options_):
global kwoptions
kwoptions = options_
The function that I am passing to map_async is stored in a different module, so I am struggling to get the global kwoptions passed to that function. It does not seem right to be passing globals around between modules like this (unpythonic). Is this the way to be able to pass kwargs through map_async.
Should I be reworking the multiprocessing using something different (apply or Process)?
So I got this working by reworking the code and removing pool (as per J.F. Sebastian's comment).
In pseudo code:
initialize the shared array
determine step size
create an empty list of jobs
create the process, pass it the kwargs, and append it to the job list
start the jobs
join the jobs
Here is the code if that helps any googler:
#Initialize the ctypes array
#Remove the reference to the array (to preserve memory on multiple iterations.
del array
step = y // cores
jobs = []
if step != 0:
for i in range(0,y,step):
p = multiprocessing.Process(target=stretch,args= (shared_arr,slice(i, i+step)),kwargs=options)
for job in jobs:
for job in jobs:
initializer argument for Pool() accepts a function; replace initializer=init(array) with initializer=init, initargs=(array,)
To pass keyword arguments to a function f() used with pool.*map* family you could create a wrapper mp_f():
#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging
import multiprocessing as mp
from contextlib import closing
def init(shared_array_):
# globals that should be available in worker processes should be
# initialized here
global shared_array
shared_array = shared_array_
def f(interval, a=None, b=None):
mp.get_logger().info("interval=%r, a=%r, b=%r" % (interval, a, b))
shared_array[interval] = [a + interval.start]*b # fake computations
def mp_f(arg_kwargs):
arg, kwargs = arg_kwargs
return f(arg, **kwargs) # pass keyword args to f()
except Exception:
mp.get_logger().error("f%r failed" % (arg_kwargs,))
def main():
N = 10**6
array = mp.RawArray('i', N) # create shared array
# create workers pool; use all available CPU cores
with closing(mp.Pool(initializer=init, initargs=(array,))) as p:
options = dict(a=5, b=N//4) # dummy options
step = options['b']
args = ((slice(i, i+step), options) for i in range(0, N, step))
for _ in p.imap_unordered(mp_f, args): # submit jobs
if __name__=="__main__":
mp.freeze_support() # for py2exe and the-like on Windows
