Imagine you have two sacks (A and B) with N and M balls respectively in it. Each ball with a known numeric value (profit). You are asked to extract (with replacement) the pair of balls with the maximum total profit (given by the multiplication of the selected balls).
The best extraction is obvious: Select the greatest valued ball from A as well as from B.
The problem comes when you are asked to give the 2nd or kth best selection. Following the previous approach you should select the greatest valued balls from A and B without repeating selections.
This can be clumsily solved calculating the value of every possible selection, ordering and ordering it (example in python):
def solution(A,B,K):
if K < 1:
return 0
pool = []
for a in A:
for b in B:
if K>len(pool):
return 0
return pool[K-1]
This works but its worst time complexity is O(N*M*Log(M*M)) and I bet there are better solutions.
I reached a solution based on a table where A and B elements are sorted from higher value to lower and each of these values has associated an index representing the next value to test from the other column. Initially this table would look like:
The first element from A is 25 and it has to be tested (index 2 select from b = 0) against 20 so 25*20=500 is the first greatest selection and, after increasing the indexes to check, the table changes to:
Using these indexes we have a swift way to get the best selection candidates:
25 * 20 = 500 #first from A and second from B
20 * 20 = 400 #second from A and first from B
I tried to code this solution:
def solution(A,B,K):
if K < 1:
return 0
sa = sorted(A,reverse=true)
sb = sorted(B,reverse=true)
for k in xrange(K):
i = xfrom
j = yfrom
if i >= n and j >= n:
ret = 0
best = None
while i < n and j < n:
selected = False
#From left
nexti = i
nextj = sa[i][1]
a = sa[nexti][0]
b = sb[nextj][0]
if best is None or best[2]<a*b:
selected = True
best = [nexti,nextj,a*b,'l']
#From right
nexti = sb[j][1]
nextj = j
a = sa[nexti][0]
b = sb[nextj][0]
if best is None or best[2]<a*b:
selected = True
best = [nexti,nextj,a*b,'r']
#Keep looking?
if not selected or abs(best[0]-best[1])<2:
i = min(best[:2])+1
j = i
print("Continue with: ", best, selected,i,j)
if best[3] == 'l':
dx[best[0]][1] = best[1]+1
dy[best[1]][1] += 1
dx[best[0]][1] += 1
dy[best[1]][1] = best[0]+1
if dx[best[0]][1]>= n:
xfrom = best[0]+1
if dy[best[1]][1]>= n:
yfrom = best[1]+1
ret = best[2]
return ret
But it did not work for the on-line Codility judge (Did I mention this is part of the solution to an, already expired, Codility challenge? Sillicium 2014)
My questions are:
Is the second approach an unfinished good solution? If that is the case, any clue on what I may be missing?
Do you know any better approach for the problem?
You need to maintain a priority queue.
You start with (sa[0], sb[0]), then move onto (sa[0], sb[1]) and (sa[1], sb[0]). If (sa[0] * sb[1]) > (sa[1] * sb[0]), can we say anything about the comparative sizes of (sa[0], sb[2]) and (sa[1], sb[0])?
The answer is no. Thus we must maintain a priority queue, and after removing each (sa[i], sb[j]) (such that sa[i] * sb[j] is the biggest in the queue), we must add to the priority queue (sa[i - 1], sb[j]) and (sa[i], sb[j - 1]), and repeat this k times.
Incidentally, I gave this algorithm as an answer to a different question. The algorithm may seem to be different at first, but essentially it's solving the same problem.
I'm not sure I understand the "with replacement" bit...
...but assuming this is in fact the same as "How to find pair with kth largest sum?", then the key to the solution is to consider the matrix S of all the sums (or products, in your case), constructed from A and B (once they are sorted) -- this paper (referenced by #EvgenyKluev) gives this clue.
(You want A*B rather than A+B... but the answer is the same -- though negative numbers complicate but (I think) do not invalidate the approach.)
An example shows what is going on:
for A = (2, 3, 5, 8, 13)
and B = (4, 8, 12, 16)
we have the (notional) array S, where S[r, c] = A[r] + B[c], in this case:
6 ( 2+4), 10 ( 2+8), 14 ( 2+12), 18 ( 2+16)
7 ( 3+4), 11 ( 3+8), 15 ( 3+12), 19 ( 3+16)
9 ( 5+4), 13 ( 5+8), 17 ( 5+12), 21 ( 5+16)
12 ( 8+4), 16 ( 8+8), 20 ( 8+12), 14 ( 8+16)
17 (13+4), 21 (13+8), 25 (13+12), 29 (13+16)
(As the referenced paper points out, we don't need to construct the array S, we can generate the value of an item in S if or when we need it.)
The really interesting thing is that each column of S contains values in ascending order (of course), so we can extract the values from S in descending order by doing a merge of the columns (reading from the bottom).
Of course, merging the columns can be done using a priority queue (heap) -- hence the max-heap solution. The simplest approach being to start the heap with the bottom row of S, marking each heap item with the column it came from. Then pop the top of the heap, and push the next item from the same column as the one just popped, until you pop the kth item. (Since the bottom row is sorted, it is a trivial matter to seed the heap with it.)
The complexity of this is O(k log n) -- where 'n' is the number of columns. The procedure works equally well if you process the rows... so if there are 'm' rows and 'n' columns, you can choose the smaller of the two !
NB: the complexity is not O(k log k)... and since for a given pair of A and B the 'n' is constant, O(k log n) is really O(k) !!
If you want to do many probes for different 'k', then the trick might be to cache the state of the process every now and then, so that future 'k's can be done by restarting from the nearest check-point. In the limit, one would run the merge to completion and store all possible values, for O(1) lookup !
I am trying to solve this math problem in python, and I'm not sure what it is called:
The answer X is always 100
Given a list of 5 integers, their sum would equal X
Each integer has to be between 1 and 25
The integers can appear one or more times in the list
I want to find all the possible unique lists of 5 integers that match.
These would match:
along with many more.
I looked at itertools.permutations, but I don't think that handles duplicate integers in the list. I'm thinking there must be a standard math algorithm for this, but my search queries must be poor.
Only other thing to mention is if it matters that the list size could change from 10 integers to some other length (6, 24, etc).
This is a constraint satisfaction problem. These can often be solved by a method called linear programming: You fix one part of the solution and then solve the remaining subproblem. In Python, we can implement this approach with a recursive function:
def csp_solutions(target_sum, n, i_min=1, i_max=25):
domain = range(i_min, i_max + 1)
if n == 1:
if target_sum in domain:
return [[target_sum]]
return []
solutions = []
for i in domain:
# Check if a solution is still possible when i is picked:
if (n - 1) * i_min <= target_sum - i <= (n - 1) * i_max:
# Construct solutions recursively:
solutions.extend([[i] + sol
for sol in csp_solutions(target_sum - i, n - 1)])
return solutions
all_solutions = csp_solutions(100, 5)
This yields 23746 solutions, in agreement with the answer by Alex Reynolds.
Another approach with Numpy:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
start = 1
end = 25
entries = 5
total = 100
a = np.arange(start, end + 1)
c = np.array(np.meshgrid(a, a, a, a, a)).T.reshape(-1, entries)
assert(len(c) == pow(end, entries))
s = c.sum(axis=1)
# filter all combinations for those that meet sum criterion
valid_combinations = c[np.where(s == total)]
print(len(valid_combinations)) # 23746
# filter those combinations for unique permutations
unique_permutations = set(tuple(sorted(x)) for x in valid_combinations)
print(len(unique_permutations)) # 376
You want combinations_with_replacement from itertools library. Here is what the code would look like:
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
values = [i for i in range(1, 26)]
candidates = []
for tuple5 in combinations_with_replacement(values, 5):
if sum(tuple5) == 100:
For me on this problem I get 376 candidates. As mentioned in the comments above if these are counted once for each arrangement of the 5-pair, then you'd want to look at all, permutations of the 5 candidates-which may not be all distinct. For example (20,20,20,20,20) is the same regardless of how you arrange the indices. However, (21,20,20,20,19) is not-this one has some distinct arrangements.
I think that this could be what you are searching for: given a target number SUM, a left treshold L, a right treshold R and a size K, find all the possible lists of K elements between L and R which sum gives SUM. There isn't a specific name for this problem though, as much as I was able to find.
You want to have a list of the ordered products n x m so that both n and m are natural numbers and 1 < (n x m) < upper_limit, say uper_limit = 100. Also both n and m cannot be bigger than the square root of the upper limit (therefore n <= 10 and m <= 10).
The most straightforward thing to do would be to generate all the products with a list comprehension and then sort the result.
sorted(n*m for n in range(1,10) for m in range(1,n))
However when upper_limit becomes very big then this is not very efficient, especially if the objective is to found only one number given certain criteria (ex. find the max product such that ... -> I would want to generate the products in descending order, test them and stop the whole process as soon as I find the first one that respects the criteria).
So, how to generate this products in order?
The first thing I have done was to start from the upper_limit and go backwards one by one, making a double test:
- checking if the number can be a product of n and m
- checking for the criteria
Again, this is not very efficient ...
Any algorithm that solves this problem?
I found a slightly more efficient solution to this problem.
For a and b being natural numbers:
S = a + b
D = abs(a - b)
If S is constant, the smaller D is, the bigger a*b is.
For each S (taken in decreasing order) it is therefore possible to iterate through all the possible tuples (a, b) with increasing D.
First I plug the external condition and if the product ab respects the condition I then iterate through other (a,b) tuples with smaller decreasing S and smaller increasing D to check if I find other numbers that respect the same condition but have a bigger ab. I repeat the iteration until I find a number with D == 0 or 1 (because in that case there cannot be tuples with smaller S that have a higher product)
The following code will check all the possible combinations without repetition and will stop when the condition is met. In this code if the break is executed in the inner loop, the break statement in the outer loop is executed as well, otherwise continue statement is executed.
from math import sqrt
n = m = round(sqrt(int(input("Enter upper limit"))))
for i in range(n, 0, -1):
for j in range(i - 1, 0, -1):
if * required condition:
n = i
m = j
I am solving the following bubble sort algorithm.
However, this algorithm does not seem to be a common bubble sort implementation. I have implemented the following code, but it will time out. The reason is that the time complexity of my code is still O (n^2).
How do I write code for a bubble sort to correctly understand and solve the problem?
Bubble sorting is an algorithm that sorts sequences of length N in such a way that two adjacent elements are examined to change their positions. Bubble sorting can be performed N times as shown below.
Compare the first value with the second value, and change the position if the first value is greater.
Compares the second value with the third value, and changes the position if the second value is greater.
Compare the N-1 and N-th values, and change the position if the N-1th value is greater.
I know the result of bubble sorting, so I know the intermediate process of bubble sorting. However, since N is very large, it takes a long time to perform the above steps K times. Write a program that will help you to find the intermediate process of bubble sorting.
N and K are given in the first line.
The second line gives the status of the first sequence. That is, N integers forming the first sequence are given in turn, with spaces between them.
1 <= N <= 100,000
1 <= K <= N
Each term in the sequence is an integer from 1 to 1,000,000,000.
The above steps are repeated K times and the status of the sequence is output.
Example input
4 1
62 23 32 15
Example output
23 32 15 62
My Code
n_k = input() # 4 1
n_k_s = [int(num) for num in n_k.split()]
progression = input() # 62 23 32 15 => 23 32 15 62
progressions = [int(num) for num in progression.split()]
def bubble(n_k_s, progressions):
for i in range(0, n_k_s[1]):
for j in range(i, n_k_s[0]-1):
if (progressions[j] > progressions[j+1]):
temp = progressions[j]
progressions[j] = progressions[j+1]
progressions[j+1] = temp
for k in progressions:
print(k, end=" ")
bubble(n_k_s, progressions)
I'm confused as to why you're saying "The reason is that the time complexity of my code is still O (n^2)"
The time complexity is always O(n²), unless you add a flag to check if your list is already sorted (complexity would now be 0(n) if the list is sorted at the beginning of your program)
As best I can tell, you have implemented the algorithm requested. It is O(nk); Phillippe already covered the rationale I was typing.
Yes, you can set a flag to indicate whether you've made any exchanges on this pass. That doesn't change any complexity except for best-case -- although it does reduce the constant factor in many other cases.
One possibility I see for speeding up your process is to use a more efficient value exchange: use the Python idiom a, b = b, a. In your case, the inner loop might become:
done = True
for j in range(i, n_k_s[0]-1):
if progressions[j] > progressions[j+1]:
progressions[j], progressions[j+1] = progressions[j+1], progressions[j]
done = False
if done:
So I'm trying to solve a challenge and have come across a dead end. My solution works when the list is small or medium but when it is over 50000. It just "time out"
a = int(input().strip())
b = list(map(int,input().split()))
result = []
flag = []
for i in range(len(b)):
temp = a - b[i]
if(temp >=0 and temp in flag):
for i in result:
a = 10
and b = [ 2, 4 ,6 ,8, 5 ]
Solution sum any two element in b which matches a
**Edit: ** Updated full code
flag is a list, of potentially the same order of magnitude as b. So, when you do temp in flag that's a linear search: it has to check every value in flag to see if that value is == temp. So, that's 50000 comparisons. And you're doing that once per loop in a linear walk over b. So, your total time is quadratic: 50,000 * 50,000 = 2,500,000,000. (And flag.remove is also linear time.)
If you replace flag with a set, you can test it for membership (and remove from it) in constant time. So your total time drops from quadratic to linear, or 50,000 steps, which is a lot faster than 2 billion:
flagset = set(flag)
for i in range(len(b)):
temp = a - b[i]
if(temp >=0 and temp in flagset):
flag = list(flagset)
If flag needs to retain duplicate values, then it's a multiset, not a set, which means you can implement with Counter:
flagset = collections.Counter(flag)
for i in range(len(b)):
temp = a - b[i]
if(temp >=0 and flagset[temp]):
flagset[temp] -= 1
flagset[temp] += 1
flag = list(flagset.elements())
In your edited code, you’ve got another list that’s potentially of the same size, result, and you’re sorting that list every time through the loop.
Sorting takes log-linear time. Since you do it up to 50,000 times, that’s around log(50;000) * 50,000 * 50,000, or around 30 billion steps.
If you needed to keep result in order throughout the operation, you’d want to use a logarithmic data structure, like a binary search tree or a skiplist, so you could insert a new element in the right place in logarithmic time, which would mean just 800.000 steps.
But you don’t need it in order until the end. So, much more simply, just move the result.sort out of the loop and do it at the end.
I'm having difficulties with an assignment I've received, and I am pretty sure the problem's text is flawed. I've translated it to this:
Consider a list x[1..2n] with elements from {1,2,..,m}, m < n. Propose and implement in Python an algorithm with a complexity of O(n) that groups the elements into pairs (pairs of (x[i],x[j]) with i < j) such as every element is present in a single pair. For each set of pairs, calculate the maximum sum of the pairs, then compare it with the rest of the sets. Return the set that has the minimum of those.
For example, x = [1,5,9,3] can be paired in three ways:
(1,5),(9,3) => Sums: 6, 12 => Maximum 12
(1,9),(5,3) => Sums: 10, 8 => Maximum 10
(1,3),(5,9) => Sums: 4, 14 => Maximum 14
Minimum 10
Solution to be returned: (1,9),(5,3)
The things that strike me oddly are as follows:
Table contents definition It says that there are elements of 1..2n, from {1..m}, m < n. But if m < n, then there aren't enough elements to populate the list without duplicating some, which is not allowed. So then I would assume m >= 2n. Also, the example has n = 2 but uses elements that are greater than 1, so I assume that's what they meant.
O(n) complexity? So is there a way to combine them in a single loop? I can't think of anything.
My Calculations:
For n = 4:
Number of ways to combine: 6
Valid ways: 3
For n = 6
Number of ways to combine: 910
Valid ways: 15
For n = 8
Number of ways to combine: >30 000
Valid ways: ?
So obviously, I cannot use brute force and then figure out if it is valid after then. The formula I used to calculate the total possible ways is
Is this problem wrongly written and impossible to solve? If so, what conditions should be added or removed to make it feasible? If you are going to suggest some code in python, remember I cannot use any prebuilt functions of any kind. Thank you
Assuming a sorted list:
def answer(L):
return list(zip(L[:len(L)//2], L[len(L)//2:][::-1]))
Or if you want to do it more manually:
def answer(L):
answer = []
for i in range(len(L)//2):
answer.append((L[i], L[len(L)-i-1)]))
return answer
In [3]: answer([1,3,5,9])
Out[3]: [(1, 9), (3, 5)]