Design a one-time functional class - python

Imagine a class Interpreter that takes a Parser and evaluates the data yielded by the Parser into a Document. The Interpreter must be instantiated and is supposed to be executed immediately, with no reuse. The reason to not make it just a function is to be able to use sub-procedures during the interpretation phase (methods).
Below is a simple example of such an Interpreter class. I personally consider it bad to call from the constructor, but at the same time, I can not think of a better design. Can you advise?
class Interpreter():
def __init__(self, workspace, document, parser):
self.workspace = workspace
self.document = document
self.parser = parser
def run(self):
while True:
data =
if not data: break
def interpret(self, data):
if data['type'] == 'statement':
handler_name = 'statement_{0}'.format(data['name'])
method = getattr(self, handler_name, None)
if not method or not callable(method):
raise SyntaxError('unknown statement {0}'.format(data['name']))
elif data['type'] == 'assignment':
self.document.define(data['left'], data['right'])
raise RuntimeError('unexpected data from parser')
def statement_print(self, data):
def statement_load(self, data):
if len(data['args']) not in (1, 3):
raise SyntaxError('load statement requires 1 or 3 arguments')
name = data['args'][0]
dest = name
if len(data) == 3:
if data['args'][1] != 'as':
raise SyntaxError('load statement second argument must be "as"')
dest = data['args'][2]
doc = self.workspace.load(name)
self.document.alias(doc, dest)
def statement_if(self, data):
# todo: check if if-statement applies
# ...
next =
if next['indent'] <= data['indent']:
raise SyntaxError('need at least one line after if-statement')
indent = next['indent']
while next['indent'] == indent:
next =
if next['indent'] > indent:
raise SyntaxError('unexpected indent')


Modular Command-line Application in python

I have already written a simple python cmd program using the cmd module. However, I would like it to be modular. For Example, there would be a folder named script and any .py that contains a command would add the command to the application. How would I go about that?
I have figured out how to find and load modules that are within a folder using importlib.
First, you must understand how the cmd module works. I would not go into it here but the gist is command is entered, then split up into the actual command itself and its arguments. The command is then searched in the implementation of the cmd module using getattr(). The resulting function returned is then executed. Raises an error if the function(attribute) is not found.
Add the list of modules added to a list.
lst.append(importlib.importlib.import_module(<module path here>))
When cmd is finding a command, modify the code to get it to run through the list of imported modules and see if the function/command exists in that module. If so, execute it.
rough code to find func
def findfunc(funcname):
for module in lst:
if hasattr(<module class where func is stored>, "<funcname>"):
return getattr(<module class where func is stored>,"<funcname>")
However, I will leave my implementation here. It also includes the capability to reload modules(limited to a certain extent) and private commands that do not show up in help or autocomplete(I am using py prompt toolkit). A fair bit of warning, no docs or help in understanding this code as it is only meant for my personal use only. Meaning don't directly copy it and also It was a modification to the python cmd module.
import importlib
import os
import string
import sys
import time
from prompt_toolkit import PromptSession
from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter
from prompt_toolkit.styles import Style
from internal.logger import logger # my logger Implementation, ignore it
__all__ = ["cli2"]
PROMPT = '>>> '
IDENTCHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_'
style = Style.from_dict(
"completion-menu.completion": "bg:#008888 #ffffff",
"completion-menu.completion.current": "bg:#00aaaa #000000",
"scrollbar.background": "bg:#88aaaa",
"scrollbar.button": "bg:#222222",
def parse(arg):
return arg.split()
class Interpreter:
identchars = IDENTCHARS
ruler = '='
lastcmd = ''
doc_leader = ""
doc_header = "Available Commands (type help <topic> to get documentation for <topic> ):"
misc_header = "Miscellaneous help topics:"
nohelp = "*** No help on %s"
use_rawinput = 1
modulelst = []
internalcmdlst = ["help", "exit", "reload", "listmodules", "listvar"]
def __init__(self, intro=None, prompt=PROMPT, stdin=None, stdout=None):
"""Instantiate a line-oriented interpreter framework.
The optional arguments stdin and stdout
specify alternate input and output file objects; if not specified,
sys.stdin and sys.stdout are used.
self.prompt = prompt
self.intro = intro
if stdin is not None:
self.stdin = stdin
self.stdin = sys.stdin
if stdout is not None:
self.stdout = stdout
self.stdout = sys.stdout
self.cmdqueue = []
def cmdloop(self):
if self.intro:
self.stdout.write(str(self.intro) + "\n")
stop = None
while not stop:
if self.cmdqueue:
line = self.cmdqueue.pop(0)
line = self.session.prompt(self.prompt)
line = self.precmd(line)
stop = self.onecmd(line)
stop = self.postcmd(stop, line)
def precmd(self, line):
"""Hook method executed just before the command line is
interpreted, but after the input prompt is generated and issued.
# Parse command to argument
return self.parseline(line)
def postcmd(self, stop, line):
"""Hook method executed just after a command dispatch is finished."""
return stop
def preloop(self):
"""Hook method executed once when the cmdloop() method is called."""
self.autocommands = [item[3:] for item in self.get_names() if (item[-5:] != '__pvt') and (item[:3] == 'do_')]
self.session = PromptSession(completer=WordCompleter(self.autocommands, ignore_case=False))
def postloop(self):
"""Hook method executed once when the cmdloop() method is about to
self.autocommands, self.session = None, None
def parseline(self, line):
"""Parse the line into a command name and a string containing
the arguments. Returns a tuple containing (command, args, line).
'command' and 'args' may be None if the line couldn't be parsed.
line = line.strip()
if not line:
return None, None, line
elif line[0] == '?':
line = 'help ' + line[1:]
elif line[0] == '!':
if hasattr(self, 'do_shell'):
line = 'shell ' + line[1:]
return None, None, line
i, n = 0, len(line)
while i < n and line[i] in self.identchars: i = i + 1
cmd, arg = line[:i], line[i:].strip()
return cmd, arg, line
def onecmd(self, linecommand):
"""Interpret the argument as though it had been typed in response
to the prompt.
This may be overridden, but should not normally need to be;
see the precmd() and postcmd() methods for useful execution hooks.
The return value is a flag indicating whether interpretation of
commands by the interpreter should stop.
cmd, arg, line = linecommand
if not line:
return self.emptyline()
if cmd is None:
return self.default(line)
self.lastcmd = line
if line == 'EOF':
self.lastcmd = ''
if cmd == '':
return self.default(line)
if cmd in self.internalcmdlst:
return self.getfunc(cmd)(arg)
terminalclass, func = self.getfunc(cmd)
except AttributeError:
return self.default(line)
return func(terminalclass, arg)
def emptyline(self):
"""Called when an empty line is entered in response to the prompt.
If this method is not overridden, it repeats the last nonempty
command entered.
if self.lastcmd:
return self.onecmd(self.lastcmd)
def default(self, line):
"""Called on an input line when the command prefix is not recognized.
If this method is not overridden, it prints an error message and
self.stdout.write('*** Unknown syntax: %s\n' % line.split(" ")[0])
def get_names(self):
# This method used to pull in base class attributes
# at a time dir() didn't do it yet.
lst = [*dir(self.__class__)]
for modulejs in self.modulelst:
terminalclass = getattr(getattr(modulejs["module"], 'cli_helper'), "Terminal")
lst += dir(terminalclass)
return lst
def print_topics(self, header, cmds, maxcol):
if cmds:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(header))
if self.ruler:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.ruler * len(header)))
self.columnize(cmds, maxcol - 1)
def columnize(self, lst, displaywidth=80):
"""Display a list of strings as a compact set of columns.
Each column is only as wide as necessary.
Columns are separated by two spaces (one was not legible enough).
if not lst:
nonstrings = [i for i in range(len(lst))
if not isinstance(lst[i], str)]
if nonstrings:
raise TypeError("list[i] not a string for i in %s"
% ", ".join(map(str, nonstrings)))
size = len(lst)
if size == 1:
self.stdout.write('%s\n' % str(lst[0]))
# Try every row count from 1 upwards
for nrows in range(1, len(lst)):
ncols = (size + nrows - 1) // nrows
colwidths = []
totwidth = -2
for col in range(ncols):
colwidth = 0
for row in range(nrows):
i = row + nrows * col
if i >= size:
x = lst[i]
colwidth = max(colwidth, len(x))
totwidth += colwidth + 2
if totwidth > displaywidth:
if totwidth <= displaywidth:
nrows = len(lst)
ncols = 1
colwidths = [0]
for row in range(nrows):
texts = []
for col in range(ncols):
i = row + nrows * col
if i >= size:
x = ""
x = lst[i]
while texts and not texts[-1]:
del texts[-1]
for col in range(len(texts)):
texts[col] = texts[col].ljust(colwidths[col])
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(" ".join(texts)))
def addmodulesfromdirectory(self, directory):
directory_contents = os.listdir(directory)
for item in directory_contents:
self.addmodule(os.path.join(directory, item), "".join([directory[2:], ".", item]))
except OSError as e:
print("Something Happened\nPlease try again :)")
logger.error("OSErrot, {}".format(e))
except ImportError as e:
print("Something Went Wrong while importing modules\nPlease try again :)")
logger.error("ImportError, {}".format(e))
except Exception as e:
print("Oops, my fault\nPlease try again :)")
logger.error("Exception, {}".format(e))
finally:"Done importing cli modules")
def addmodule(self, pathdir, importdir):
if os.path.isdir(pathdir):
importedmodule = importlib.import_module(importdir)
modulejs = {
"module": importedmodule,
"name": importedmodule.__name__,
"importdir": importdir,
"pathdir": pathdir
def removemodule(self, modulename):
if modulename in [x["name"] for x in self.modulelst]:
del sys.modules[modulename]
raise ModuleNotFoundError
def replacemodule(self, modulename):
module = self.getmodulejs(modulename)
self.addmodule(module["pathdir"], module["importdir"])
def getmodulejs(self, modulename):
for i in self.modulelst:
if i['name'] == modulename:
return i
def getmoduledep(modulename):
unsortedscriptsysmodules = [module for module in sys.modules if (("script" in module) and ("script" != module))]
sortedlst = []
for scriptmodules in unsortedscriptsysmodules:
mod = sys.modules[scriptmodules]
if not (hasattr(mod, "__path__") and getattr(mod, '__file__', None) is None) and (
scriptmodules != "script.{}".format(modulename)):
return sortedlst
def reloadmoduledep(self, modulename):
for dep in self.getmoduledep(modulename):
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
def getfunc(self, command):
if "do_" in command:
command = command[3:]
if command in self.internalcmdlst:
return getattr(self, "_".join(['do', command]))
for modulejs in self.modulelst:
terminalclass = getattr(getattr(modulejs["module"], 'cli_helper'), "Terminal")
if hasattr(terminalclass, "_".join(['do', command])):
return terminalclass, getattr(terminalclass, "_".join(['do', command]))
raise AttributeError
def do_help(self, arg):
List available commands with "help" or detailed help with "help cmd".
if arg:
# XXX check arg syntax
func = self.getfunc('help_' + arg)
except AttributeError:
if arg[-5:] == '__pvt':
raise AttributeError
doc = self.getfunc('do_' + arg).__doc__
if doc:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(doc))
except AttributeError:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.nohelp % (arg,)))
names = self.get_names()
cmds_doc = []
funchelp = {}
for name in names:
if name[:5] == 'help_':
funchelp[name[5:]] = 1
# There can be duplicates if routines overridden
prevname = ''
for name in names:
if name[:3] == 'do_' and name[-5:] != '__pvt':
if name == prevname:
prevname = name
cmd = name[3:]
if cmd in funchelp:
del funchelp[cmd]
elif self.getfunc(name).__doc__:
self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.doc_leader))
self.print_topics(self.doc_header, cmds_doc, 80)
self.print_topics(self.misc_header, list(funchelp.keys()), 80)
def do_exit(self, arg):
if arg:
print(self.prompt + "No arguments please")
return True
def do_reload(self, arg):
if arg == "":
print("No Arguments found")
arg = parse(arg)
if arg[0] == "all":
localmodulelst = self.modulelst.copy()
self.modulelst = []
for i in localmodulelst:
print("Reloading", ".".join(i["name"].split(".")[1:]))
self.addmodule(i["pathdir"], i["importdir"])
self.autocommands = [item[3:] for item in self.get_names() if
(item[-5:] != '__pvt') and (item[:3] == 'do_')]
self.session = PromptSession(completer=WordCompleter(self.autocommands, ignore_case=False))
print("Only argument \'all\' is accepted")
def do_listmodules(self, arg):
arg = parse(arg)
if arg[0] == "sys":
for i in sys.modules:
elif len(arg) != 0:
print("No Argument Please")
print("Listing all imported Modules")
for i in self.modulelst:

How to decompose subroutines in object orientated approach to solve "Flake8 Function is too complex (C901)"?

I am writing a function build_hierarchy_config within a class 'P', that calls recursively recursive_build_hierarchy_config .
This function called on instance P1 iterates over complex dict structure ('config' attribute) and compares all items with same 'config' attribute from another 'P' instance (called P2), that is parent to P1.
The the comparison logic is split into few functions:
recursive call is recursive_build_hierarchy_config
comparison of dicts (iterating over complex structure) is in
comparing single item is in cmp_config_item
So the code looks like below:
import decimal
from typing import Optional
from attrdict import AttrDict
class Config(AttrDict):
"""Represent P config."""
def __init__(self, some_dict):
super(Config, self).__init__(some_dict)
class P(dict):
"""Represents P object."""
def build_hierarchy_config(self,
hierarchy_config_type: str):
"""Fill the hierarchy_config or parent_hierarchy_config attribute."""
def cmp_config_item(slave: Optional[decimal.Decimal],
master: Optional[decimal.Decimal],
cmp_func: str) -> Optional[decimal.Decimal]:
"""Compare two numbers with custom 'None' handling."""
if cmp_func not in ['min', 'max']:
raise Exception(
f'comparison function {cmp_func} not supported')
if slave is not None and master is not None:
return eval(cmp_func + '(' + str(slave) + ',' +
str(master) + ')')
elif slave is None and master is None:
return None
elif slave is None:
return master
elif master is None:
return slave
def get_more_strict_config(config, parent_config) -> Config:
"""Combine configs and return most strict combinaton of values."""
# some logic with few for and if/else
return config
def recursive_build_hierarchy_config(pieceId: Optional[str]):
if pieceId is None:
return None
p = P()
parent_config = recursive_build_hierarchy_config(
return get_more_strict_config(p.config, parent_config)
if hierarchy_config_type == 'hierarchy_config':
self.hierarchyConfig = recursive_build_hierarchy_config(
elif hierarchy_config_type == 'parent_hierarchy_config':
self.parenthierarchyConfig = recursive_build_hierarchy_config(
but then running flake8 gives me the error:
C901 'P.build_hierarchy_config' is too complex (12)
Which means that complexity for build_hierarchy_config sums complexity for all sub-functions.
Option 1
I can easily fix it by moving function cmp_config_item out of build_hierarchy_config namespace (not sure if this is proper wording) and locating in the main scope:
import decimal
from typing import Optional
from attrdict import AttrDict
class Config(AttrDict):
"""Represent P config."""
def __init__(self, some_dict):
super(Config, self).__init__(some_dict)
class P(dict):
"""Represents P object."""
def build_hierarchy_config(self,
hierarchy_config_type: str):
"""Fill the hierarchy_config or parent_hierarchy_config attribute."""
def get_more_strict_config(config, parent_config) -> Config:
"""Combine configs and return most strict combinaton of values."""
# some logic with few for and if/else
return config
def recursive_build_hierarchy_config(pieceId: Optional[str]):
if pieceId is None:
return None
p = P()
parent_config = recursive_build_hierarchy_config(
return get_more_strict_config(p.config, parent_config)
if hierarchy_config_type == 'hierarchy_config':
self.hierarchyConfig = recursive_build_hierarchy_config(
elif hierarchy_config_type == 'parent_hierarchy_config':
self.parenthierarchyConfig = recursive_build_hierarchy_config(
def cmp_config_item(slave: Optional[decimal.Decimal],
master: Optional[decimal.Decimal],
cmp_func: str) -> Optional[decimal.Decimal]:
"""Compare two numbers with custom 'None' handling."""
if cmp_func not in ['min', 'max']:
raise Exception(
f'comparison function {cmp_func} not supported')
if slave is not None and master is not None:
return eval(cmp_func + '(' + str(slave) + ',' +
str(master) + ')')
elif slave is None and master is None:
return None
elif slave is None:
return master
elif master is None:
return slave
Now flake8 does not complain anymore. But this makes function cmp_config_item available for the whole scope of the module, and makes code less structured (there is no indication that this function is designated to use in selected scope.
Option 2
I can silence this message for function by adding # noqa: ignore=C901 after def build_hierarchy_config as described in another thread.
But this suppress checking the function build_hierarchy_config itself, so will not be accepted.
Both solutions are trade offs.
I am not an OOP expert, so the question is:
Is there any proper/better way to organise those subroutines that would be
in line with object orientated programming rules

python - remain in base class when calling parent method from child

I have the following base class:
class ClientRepo(Repository):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.__clientList = []
def hasClientWithId(self, clientId):
for client in self.__clientList:
if client.getId() == clientId:
return True
return False
def addClient(self, client):
if type(client).__name__ == 'ClientDAO':
if not self.hasClientWithId(client.getId()):
client.setClientId(self.__maximumIndexInClientList() + 1)
raise ObjectAlreadyInCollectionException
raise TypeError
which basically only holds a list and can add a ClientDAO to it.
And the following, which derives from it:
class ClientFileRepository(ClientRepo):
def __init__(self, fileName) -> None:
self.__fileName = fileName
self.__file = None
def hasClientWithId(self, clientId):
hasClientWithId = super().hasClientWithId(clientId)
return hasClientWithId
def addClient(self, client):
def __loadFileReadMode(self):
self.__file = open(self.__fileName, "r")
def __loadFileWriteMode(self):
self.__file = open(self.__fileName, "w")
def __closeFile(self):
def __loadRepo(self):
for line in self.__file:
splitLine = line.split()
clientToAdd = ClientDAO(splitLine[1])
def __storeRepo(self):
for client in super().getList():
def clientToString(self, clientDAO):
return str(clientDAO.getId()) + " " + clientDAO.getName() + "\n"
a class which should load the list from a file, call addClient from parent, and store the updated list in the file. The problem is that after child class loads the file in addClient, it calls the method in the parent, which calls hasClientWithId, from the child, again. But I want it to call hasClientWithId, from the parent, that is, the context it is in. Can I achieve that?
I can think of several ways to achieve your goal. I ranked them from worst to best
1. Exactly what you asked for
You wanted that ClientRepo.addClient calls ClientRepo.hasClientWithId instead of ClientFileRepository.hasClientWithId. It is possible to enforce that:
class ClientRepo(Repository):
def addClient(self, client):
if type(client).__name__ == 'ClientDAO':
if not ClientRepo.hasClientWithId(self, client.getId()):
client.setClientId(self.__maximumIndexInClientList() + 1)
raise ObjectAlreadyInCollectionException
raise TypeError
This is not a good approach, because it's unintuitive and breaks the principles of OOP. Any other programmer writing a subclass of ClientRepo that overrides hasClientWithId would expect that this will have an effect for every call to hasClientWithId even inside of addClient
2. Let ClientFileRepository decide which function to use
Add a variable
self.__isFileOpen = False
in ClientFileRepository.__init__, set it to True when you open the file and to False when you close the file. Then change the hasClientWithId within ClientFileRepository to
def hasClientWithId(self, clientId):
if not self.__isFileOpen:
result = super().hasClientWithId(clientId)
return result
return super().hasClientWithId(clientId)
to avoid opening the same file again. This works, but it is pretty difficult to write new functions for this class, because you always need to be aware if the function call is a call from within your class or from somewhere else. Also this seems pretty inefficient, because you read and write the entire file, even when you only add one client.
3. Read the file only once and modify the underlying ClientRepo
class ClientFileRepository(ClientRepo):
def __init__(self, fileName) -> None:
self.__fileName = fileName
# No hasClientWithId needed
def addClient(self, client):
def __loadRepo(self):
with open(self.__filename) as file:
for line in file:
splitLine = line.split()
clientToAdd = ClientDAO(splitLine[1])
def __storeRepo(self):
with open(self.__filename, "w") as file:
for client in super().getList():
This obviously assumes that the file is not changed by someone else between calls to addClient and the program still overwrites the entire file for every addClient. If this is a problem for you it is best to be explicit and make loadRepo and storeRepo public. Then the programmer using this class can decide when loading and saving are necessary and useful. You can use context managers for this.
Extra: Read and save the file for every method
You can use function decorators to use solution 2 without writing the same code for every function:
import functools
def loadAndStore(function):
def wrappedFunction(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.__isFileOpen:
return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.__isFileOpen = True
return function(self, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e: # Only catch expected exceptions
self.clear() # some cleanup
self.__isFileOpen = False
return wrappedFunction
class ClientFileRepository(ClientRepo):
def __init__(self, fileName) -> None:
self.__fileName = fileName
self.__isFileOpen = False
def hasClientWithId(self, clientId):
return super().hasClientWithId(clientId)
def addClient(self, client):
def __loadRepo(self):
with open(self.__filename) as file:
for line in file:
splitLine = line.split()
clientToAdd = ClientDAO(splitLine[1])
def __storeRepo(self):
with open(self.__filename, "w") as file:
for client in super().getList():
Be careful here, using this is not very intuitive. For example self.__isFileOpen is defined in __init__, but none of the methods below directly use it. Instead its use is hidden in the loadAndStore decorator.
Some quick hints at the end:
type(client).__name__ == 'ClientDAO' is bad practice. Use isinstance(client, ClientDAO) to fully adopt OOP
If this is not part of a bigger project with given naming conventions use the python style guide
Using private variables like __fileName is generally considered unnecessary, just prefix the variable with one underscore to indicate "internal use". The same is true for functions.

Timeit module for qgis plugin

I'd like to use the python module timeit to time some functions in my QGIS plugin.
Here, I've called the time it function within a function that I call at the end of the last function. It seems, though, that the plugin is taking even longer to run than usual and I am wondering if i'm calling the timer in the wrong place. Is there a better way to set this up?
class myPluginName:
def firstFunction(self):
def secondFunction(self):
def run(self):
def timeThings(self):
QMessageBox.information(None, 'First Function', 'Time : %s' % timeit.timeit(self.firstFunction,number=1)
QMessageBox.information(None, 'Second Function', 'Time : %s' % timeit.timeit(self.secondFunction,number=1)
UPDATE: After following some advice, i've tried to implement the wrapper in the following way. I get however, a TypeError: firstFunction() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) on ret = func(**args, **kwargs)
def time_func(func):
name = func.__name__
name = func.f__name
def tf_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t = time.time()
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
QMessageLog.logMessage("{}: {}".format(name, time.time() - t))
return ret
return tf_wrapper
class myPlugin:
def initGui(self):
QObject.connect(self.dlg.ui.comboBox,SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(int)"), self.firstFunction)
def firstFunc(self):
registry = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()
firstID = str(self.dlg.ui.firstCombo.itemData(self.dlg.ui.firstCombo.currentIndex()))
secondID = str(self.dlg.ui.secondCombo.itemData(self.dlg.ui.secondCombo.currentIndex()))
self.firstLayer = registry.mapLayer(firstID)
self.secondLayer = registry.mapLayer(secondID)
def secondFunc(self):
def thirdFunct(self):
def run(self):
for layer in self.iface.legendInterface().layers():
if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer:
result = self.dlg.exec_()
if result == 1:
OK, I don't know your exact situation, but I'd set it up though decorators:
import time
def time_func(func):
name = func.__name__
name = func.f_name
def tf_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
t = time.time()
ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
print("{}: {}".format(name, time.time() - t)) # Or use QMessageBox
return ret
return tf_wrapper
class myPluginName:
def firstFunction(self):
def secondFunction(self):
def run(self):
With this code, any function wrapped in time_func will have the time taken to execute the function printed when it returns, along with its name. E.g. running it will print:
firstFunction: 1.430511474609375e-06
For your TypeError, you need to change;
def firstFunction(self):
def firstFunction(self, index):

Using one class from another class

I wrote a simple program to read through a log and to parse through and obtain the lowest beginning number (the head) and to print it. I am now editing that program and combining it with a class I wrote to parse an actual logfile. Essentially, as opposed to sorting based off of the simple number from the log from my previous program, I now need to reference the parsed information from one class into another class. I was wondering what the most convenient way to do this. I am a beginner programmer in python and don't know if I can explicitly reference the class.
Here are the classes.
class LogLine:
severity = 1
def __init__(self, line):
m = re.match(r"^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s*\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}),?(\d{3}),?(\s+\[(?:[^\]]+)\])+\s+[A-Z]+\s+(\s?[a-zA-Z0-9\.])+\s?(\((?:\s?\w)+\))\s?(\s?.)+", line)
timestr, msstr, sevstr, self.filename, linestr, self.message = m.groups()
self.line = int(linestr)
self.sev = self.SEVERITIES.index(sevstr)
self.time = float(calendar.timegm(time.strptime(timestr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f"))) + float(msstr)/1000.0
dt = datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%f")
except Exception:
print 'error',self.filename
def get_time(self):
return self.time
def get_severity(self):
return self.sev
def get_message(self):
return self.message
def get_filename(self):
return self.filename
def get_line(self):
return self.line
class LogFile:
def __init__(self,filepath):
self.logfile = open(filepath, "r")
self.head = None
def __str__(self):
return "x=" + str(self.x) + "y="+str(self.y)
def readline(self):
if self.head != None:
h = self.head
self.head = None
return h
return self.logfile.readline().rstrip(' ')
def get_line(self):
if self.head == None:
self.head = self.readline().rstrip(' ')
return self.head.get.line()
return self.head.get.line()
def close (self):
I have begun to edit my second class by adding the get_line function. Don't know if I'm on the right track.
In simpler terms, I need the head to become "LogLine"
It is okay to use one class from another class. You have one class that parses a single line from a log file and builds an object that represents the line; and you have another class that reads lines from a log file. It would be very natural for the second class to call the first class.
Here is a very simple class that reads all lines from a log file and builds a list:
class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self,filepath):
with open(filepath, "r") as f:
self.lst = [LogLine(line) for line in f]
You can see that self.lst is being set to a list of lines from the input log file, but not just the text of the line; the code is calling LogLine(line) to store instances of LogLine. If you want, you can sort the list after you build it:
If the log files are very large, it might not be practical to build the list. You have a .get_line() method function, and we can use that:
class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self,filepath):
self.logfile = open(filepath, "r")
def get_line(self):
line = next(self.logfile) # get next line from open file object
return LogLine(line)
except StopIteration: # next() raises this when you reach the end of the file
return None # return
def close(self):
An open file object (returned by the open() function) can be iterated. We can call next() on this object and it will give us the next input line. When the end of file is reached, Python will raise StopIteration to signal the end of the file.
Here the code will catch the StopIteration exception and return None when the end of the log file is reached. But I think this isn't the best way to handle this problem. Let's make the LogFile class work in for loops and such:
class LogFile(object):
def __init__(self,filepath):
self.f = open(filepath)
def __next__(self): # Python 3.x needs this to be named "__next__"
line = next(self.f)
return LogLine(line)
except StopIteration:
# when we reach the end of input, close the file object
# re-raise the exception
next = __next__ # Python 2.x needs this to be named "next"
A for loop in Python will repeatedly call the .__next__() method function (Python 3.x) or else the .next() method function (Python 2.x) until the StopIteration exception is raised. Here we have defined both method function names so this code should work in Python 2.x or in Python 3.x.
Now you can do this:
for ll in LogFile("some_log_file"):
... # do something with ll, which will always be a LogLine instance
