Cumulative Distribution Function from arbitrary Probability Distribution Function - python

I'm trying to plot a Probability Distribution Function for a given set of data from a csv file
import numpy as np
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x_value1= data[:,1]
x_value2= data[:,2]
weight1= data[:,3]
weight2= data[:,4]
where weight1 is an array of data that represents the weight for data in x_value1 and weight2 represents the same for x_value2. I produce a histogram where I put the weights in the parameter
plt.hist(x_value1,bins=40,color='r', normed=True, weights=weight1, alpha=0.8, label='x_value1')
plt.hist(x_value2, bins=40,color='b', normed=True, weights=weight2, alpha=0.6, label='x_value2')
My problem now is converting this PDF to CDF. I read from one of the posts here that you can use numpy.cumsum() to convert a set of data to CDF, so I tried it together with np.histogram()
values1,base1= np.histogram(x_value1, bins=40)
values2,base2= np.histogram(x_value2, bins=40)
plt.title("CDF for x_value1 and x_value2")
I don't know if this plot is right because I didn't include the weights (weight1 and weight2) while doing the CDF. How can I include the weights while plotting the CDF?

If I understand your data correctly, you have a number of samples which have some weight associated with them. Maybe what you want is the experimental CDF of the sample.
The samples are in vector x and weights in vector w. Let us first construct a Nx2 array of them:
arr = np.column_stack((x,w))
Then we will sort this array by the samples:
arr = arr[arr[:,0].argsort()]
This sorting may look a bit odd, but argsort gives the sorted order (0 for the smallest, 1 for the second smallest, etc.). When the two-column array is indexed by this result, the rows are arranged so that the first column is ascending. (Using only sort with axis=0 does not work, as it sorts both columns independently.)
Now we can create the cumulative fraction by taking the cumulative sum of weights:
cum = np.cumsum(arr[:,1])
This must be normalized so that the full scale is 1.
cum /= cum[-1]
Now we can plot the cumulative distribution:
plt.plot(arr[:,0], cum)
Now X axis is the input value and Y axis corresponds to the fraction of samples below each level.


Numpy cumulative distribution function (CDF)

I have an array of values and have created a histogram of the data using numpy.histogram, as follows:
histo = numpy.histogram(arr, nbins)
where nbins is the number of bins derived from the range of the data (max-min) divided by a desired bin width.
From the output I create a cumulative distribution function using:
cdf = np.cumsum(histo[0])
normCdf = cdf/np.amax(cdf)
However, I need an array of normCdf values that corresponds with the values in the original array (arr). For example, if a value in the original array arr is near the minimum value of arr then its corresponding normCdf value will be high (i.e 0.95). (In this example, as I am working with radar data my data is in decibels and is negative. Therefore the lowest value is where the CDF reaches its maximum.)
Im struggling, conceptually, how I achieve an array whereby each value in the array has its corresponding value under the CDF (normCdf value). Any help would be appreciated. The histogram with the cdf is below.
This is old, but may still be of help to someone.
Consider the OP's last sentence:
Im struggling, conceptually, how I achieve an array whereby each value in the array has its corresponding value under the CDF (normCdf value).
If I understand correctly, what the OP is asking for, actually boils down to the (normalized) ordinal rank of the array elements.
The ordinal rank of an array element i basically indicates how many elements in the array have a value smaller than that of element i. This is equivalent to the discrete cumulative density.
Ordinal ranking is related to sorting by the following equality (where u is an unsorted list):
u == [sorted(u)[i] for i in ordinal_rank(u)]
Based on the implementation of scipy.stats.rankdata, the ordinal rank can be computed as follows:
def ordinal_rank(data):
rank = numpy.empty(data.size)
rank[numpy.argsort(data)] = numpy.arange(data.size)
return rank
So, to answer the OP's question:
The normalized (empirical) cumulative density corresponding to the values in the OP's arr can then be computed as follows:
normalized_cdf = ordinal_rank(arr) / len(arr)
And the result can be displayed using:
pyplot.plot(arr, normalized_cdf, marker='.', linestyle='')
Note, that, if you only need the plot, there is an easier way:
n = len(arr)
pyplot.plot(numpy.sort(arr), numpy.arange(n) / n)
And, finally, we can verify this by plotting the cumulative normalized histogram as follows (using an arbitrary number of bins):
pyplot.hist(arr, bins=100, cumulative=True, density=True)
Here's an example comparing the three approaches, using 30 bins for the cumulative histogram:

Calculate the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) in Python

How can I calculate in python the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)?
I want to calculate it from an array of points I have (discrete distribution), not with the continuous distributions that, for example, scipy has.
(It is possible that my interpretation of the question is wrong. If the question is how to get from a discrete PDF into a discrete CDF, then np.cumsum divided by a suitable constant will do if the samples are equispaced. If the array is not equispaced, then np.cumsum of the array multiplied by the distances between the points will do.)
If you have a discrete array of samples, and you would like to know the CDF of the sample, then you can just sort the array. If you look at the sorted result, you'll realize that the smallest value represents 0% , and largest value represents 100 %. If you want to know the value at 50 % of the distribution, just look at the array element which is in the middle of the sorted array.
Let us have a closer look at this with a simple example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# create some randomly ddistributed data:
data = np.random.randn(10000)
# sort the data:
data_sorted = np.sort(data)
# calculate the proportional values of samples
p = 1. * np.arange(len(data)) / (len(data) - 1)
# plot the sorted data:
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.plot(p, data_sorted)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.plot(data_sorted, p)
This gives the following plot where the right-hand-side plot is the traditional cumulative distribution function. It should reflect the CDF of the process behind the points, but naturally, it is not as long as the number of points is finite.
This function is easy to invert, and it depends on your application which form you need.
Assuming you know how your data is distributed (i.e. you know the pdf of your data), then scipy does support discrete data when calculating cdf's
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
x = np.random.randn(10000) # generate samples from normal distribution (discrete data)
norm_cdf = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x) # calculate the cdf - also discrete
# plot the cdf
sns.lineplot(x=x, y=norm_cdf)
We can even print the first few values of the cdf to show they are discrete
>>> array([0.39216484, 0.09554546, 0.71268696, 0.5007396 , 0.76484329,
0.37920836, 0.86010018, 0.9191937 , 0.46374527, 0.4576634 ])
The same method to calculate the cdf also works for multiple dimensions: we use 2d data below to illustrate
mu = np.zeros(2) # mean vector
cov = np.array([[1,0.6],[0.6,1]]) # covariance matrix
# generate 2d normally distributed samples using 0 mean and the covariance matrix above
x = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu, cov=cov, size=1000) # 1000 samples
norm_cdf = scipy.stats.norm.cdf(x)
>>> (1000, 2)
In the above examples, I had prior knowledge that my data was normally distributed, which is why I used scipy.stats.norm() - there are multiple distributions scipy supports. But again, you need to know how your data is distributed beforehand to use such functions. If you don't know how your data is distributed and you just use any distribution to calculate the cdf, you most likely will get incorrect results.
The empirical cumulative distribution function is a CDF that jumps exactly at the values in your data set. It is the CDF for a discrete distribution that places a mass at each of your values, where the mass is proportional to the frequency of the value. Since the sum of the masses must be 1, these constraints determine the location and height of each jump in the empirical CDF.
Given an array a of values, you compute the empirical CDF by first obtaining the frequencies of the values. The numpy function unique() is helpful here because it returns not only the frequencies, but also the values in sorted order. To calculate the cumulative distribution, use the cumsum() function, and divide by the total sum. The following function returns the values in sorted order and the corresponding cumulative distribution:
import numpy as np
def ecdf(a):
x, counts = np.unique(a, return_counts=True)
cusum = np.cumsum(counts)
return x, cusum / cusum[-1]
To plot the empirical CDF you can use matplotlib's plot() function. The option drawstyle='steps-post' ensures that jumps occur at the right place. However, you need to force a jump at the smallest data value, so it's necessary to insert an additional element in front of x and y.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_ecdf(a):
x, y = ecdf(a)
x = np.insert(x, 0, x[0])
y = np.insert(y, 0, 0.)
plt.plot(x, y, drawstyle='steps-post')
Example usages:
xvec = np.array([7,1,2,2,7,4,4,4,5.5,7])
df = pd.DataFrame({'x':[7,1,2,2,7,4,4,4,5.5,7]})
with output:
For calculating CDF for array of discerete numbers:
import numpy as np
pdf, bin_edges = np.histogram(
data, # array of data
bins=500, # specify the number of bins for distribution function
density=True # True to return probability density function (pdf) instead of count
cdf = np.cumsum(pdf*np.diff(bins_edges))
Note that the return array pdf has the length of bins (500 here) and bin_edges has the length of bins+1 (501 here).
So, to calculate the CDF which is nothing but the area below the PDF distribution curve, we can simply calculate the cumulative sum of bin widths (np.diff(bins_edges)) times pdf using Numpy cumsum function
Here's an alternative pandas solution to calculating the empirical CDF, using pd.cut to sort the data into evenly spaced bins first, and then cumsum to compute the distribution.
def empirical_cdf(s: pd.Series, n_bins: int = 100):
# Sort the data into `n_bins` evenly spaced bins:
discretized = pd.cut(s, n_bins)
# Count the number of datapoints in each bin:
bin_counts = discretized.value_counts().sort_index().reset_index()
# Calculate the locations of each bin as just the mean of the bin start and end:
bin_counts["loc"] = (pd.IntervalIndex(bin_counts["index"]).left + pd.IntervalIndex(bin_counts["index"]).right) / 2
# Compute the CDF with cumsum:
return bin_counts.set_index("loc").iloc[:, -1].cumsum()
Below is an example use of the function to discretize the distribution of 10000 datapoints into 100 evenly spaced bins:
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(10000))
cdf = empirical_cdf(s, n_bins=100)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(cdf.index, cdf.values)
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def get_discrete_cdf(values):
values = (values - np.min(values)) / (np.max(values) - np.min(values))
values_sort = np.sort(values)
values_sum = np.sum(values)
values_sums = []
cur_sum = 0
for it in values_sort:
cur_sum += it
cdf = [values_sums[np.searchsorted(values_sort, it)]/values_sum for it in values]
return cdf
rand_values = [np.random.normal(loc=0.0) for _ in range(1000)]
_ = plt.hist(rand_values, bins=20)
_ = plt.xlabel("rand_values")
_ = plt.ylabel("nums")
cdf = get_discrete_cdf(rand_values)
x_p = list(zip(rand_values, cdf))
x_p.sort(key=lambda it: it[0])
x = [it[0] for it in x_p]
y = [it[1] for it in x_p]
_ = plt.plot(x, y)
_ = plt.xlabel("rand_values")
_ = plt.ylabel("prob")

Frequency distribution in python - not adding to 100% [duplicate]

Taking a tip from another thread (#EnricoGiampieri's answer to cumulative distribution plots python), I wrote:
# plot cumulative density function of nearest nbr distances
# evaluate the histogram
values, base = np.histogram(nearest, bins=20, density=1)
#evaluate the cumulative
cumulative = np.cumsum(values)
# plot the cumulative function
plt.plot(base[:-1], cumulative, label='data')
I put in the density=1 from the documentation on np.histogram, which says:
"Note that the sum of the histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity width are chosen; it is not a probability mass function. "
Well, indeed, when plotted, they don't sum to 1. But, I do not understand the "bins of unity width." When I set the bins to 1, of course, I get an empty chart; when I set them to the population size, I don't get a sum to 1 (more like 0.2). When I use the 40 bins suggested, they sum to about .006.
Can anybody give me some guidance? Thanks!
You can simply normalize your values variable yourself like so:
unity_values = values / values.sum()
A full example would look something like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.normal(size=37)
density, bins = np.histogram(x, normed=True, density=True)
unity_density = density / density.sum()
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, figsize=(8,4))
widths = bins[:-1] - bins[1:][1:], density, width=widths)[1:], density.cumsum(), width=widths)[1:], unity_density, width=widths)[1:], unity_density.cumsum(), width=widths)
ax1.set_ylabel('Not normalized')
You need to make sure your bins are all width 1. That is:
To achieve this, you have to manually specify your bins:
bins = np.arange(np.floor(nearest.min()),np.ceil(nearest.max()))
values, base = np.histogram(nearest, bins=bins, density=1)
And you get:
In [18]: np.all(np.diff(base)==1)
Out[18]: True
In [19]: np.sum(values)
Out[19]: 0.99999999999999989
Actually the statement
"Note that the sum of the histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity width are chosen; it is not a probability mass function. "
means that the output that we are getting is the probability density function for the respective bins,
now since in pdf, the probability between two value say 'a' and 'b' is represented by the area under the pdf curve between the range 'a' and 'b'.
therefore to get the probability value for a respective bin, we have to multiply the pdf value of that bin by its bin width, and then the sequence of probabilities obtained can be directly used for calculating the cumulative probabilities(as they are now normalized).
note that the sum of the new calculated probabilities will give 1, which satisfies the fact that the sum of total probability is 1, or in other words, we can say that our probabilities are normalized.
see code below,
here i have use bins of different widths, some are of width 1 and some are of width 2,
import numpy as np
import math
rng = np.random.RandomState(10) # deterministic random data
a = np.hstack((rng.normal(size=1000),
rng.normal(loc=5, scale=2, size=1000))) # 'a' is our distribution of data
print(ar) # ar is the array of unequal widths, which is used below to generate the bin_edges
counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(a, bins=ar,
density = True)
print(counts) # the pdf values of respective bin_edges
print(bin_edges) # the corresponding bin_edges
print(np.sum(counts*np.diff(bin_edges))) #finding total sum of probabilites, equal to 1
print(np.cumsum(counts*np.diff(bin_edges))) #to get the cummulative sum, see the last value, it is 1.
Now the reason I think they try to mention by saying that the width of bins should be 1, is might be because of the fact that if the width of bins is equal to 1, then the value of pdf and probabilities for any bin are equal, because if we calculate the area under the bin, then we are basically multiplying the 1 with the corresponding pdf of that bin, which is again equal to that pdf value.
so in this case, the value of pdf is equal to the value of the respective bins probabilities and hence already normalized.

numpy histogram cumulative density does not sum to 1

Taking a tip from another thread (#EnricoGiampieri's answer to cumulative distribution plots python), I wrote:
# plot cumulative density function of nearest nbr distances
# evaluate the histogram
values, base = np.histogram(nearest, bins=20, density=1)
#evaluate the cumulative
cumulative = np.cumsum(values)
# plot the cumulative function
plt.plot(base[:-1], cumulative, label='data')
I put in the density=1 from the documentation on np.histogram, which says:
"Note that the sum of the histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity width are chosen; it is not a probability mass function. "
Well, indeed, when plotted, they don't sum to 1. But, I do not understand the "bins of unity width." When I set the bins to 1, of course, I get an empty chart; when I set them to the population size, I don't get a sum to 1 (more like 0.2). When I use the 40 bins suggested, they sum to about .006.
Can anybody give me some guidance? Thanks!
You can simply normalize your values variable yourself like so:
unity_values = values / values.sum()
A full example would look something like this:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.random.normal(size=37)
density, bins = np.histogram(x, normed=True, density=True)
unity_density = density / density.sum()
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, figsize=(8,4))
widths = bins[:-1] - bins[1:][1:], density, width=widths)[1:], density.cumsum(), width=widths)[1:], unity_density, width=widths)[1:], unity_density.cumsum(), width=widths)
ax1.set_ylabel('Not normalized')
You need to make sure your bins are all width 1. That is:
To achieve this, you have to manually specify your bins:
bins = np.arange(np.floor(nearest.min()),np.ceil(nearest.max()))
values, base = np.histogram(nearest, bins=bins, density=1)
And you get:
In [18]: np.all(np.diff(base)==1)
Out[18]: True
In [19]: np.sum(values)
Out[19]: 0.99999999999999989
Actually the statement
"Note that the sum of the histogram values will not be equal to 1 unless bins of unity width are chosen; it is not a probability mass function. "
means that the output that we are getting is the probability density function for the respective bins,
now since in pdf, the probability between two value say 'a' and 'b' is represented by the area under the pdf curve between the range 'a' and 'b'.
therefore to get the probability value for a respective bin, we have to multiply the pdf value of that bin by its bin width, and then the sequence of probabilities obtained can be directly used for calculating the cumulative probabilities(as they are now normalized).
note that the sum of the new calculated probabilities will give 1, which satisfies the fact that the sum of total probability is 1, or in other words, we can say that our probabilities are normalized.
see code below,
here i have use bins of different widths, some are of width 1 and some are of width 2,
import numpy as np
import math
rng = np.random.RandomState(10) # deterministic random data
a = np.hstack((rng.normal(size=1000),
rng.normal(loc=5, scale=2, size=1000))) # 'a' is our distribution of data
print(ar) # ar is the array of unequal widths, which is used below to generate the bin_edges
counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(a, bins=ar,
density = True)
print(counts) # the pdf values of respective bin_edges
print(bin_edges) # the corresponding bin_edges
print(np.sum(counts*np.diff(bin_edges))) #finding total sum of probabilites, equal to 1
print(np.cumsum(counts*np.diff(bin_edges))) #to get the cummulative sum, see the last value, it is 1.
Now the reason I think they try to mention by saying that the width of bins should be 1, is might be because of the fact that if the width of bins is equal to 1, then the value of pdf and probabilities for any bin are equal, because if we calculate the area under the bin, then we are basically multiplying the 1 with the corresponding pdf of that bin, which is again equal to that pdf value.
so in this case, the value of pdf is equal to the value of the respective bins probabilities and hence already normalized.

probability density function from histogram in python to fit another histrogram

I have a question concerning fitting and getting random numbers.
Situation is as such:
Firstly I have a histogram from data points.
import numpy as np
"""create random data points """
mu = 10
sigma = 5
n = 1000
datapoints = np.random.normal(mu,sigma,n)
""" create normalized histrogram of the data """
bins = np.linspace(0,20,21)
H, bins = np.histogram(data,bins,density=True)
I would like to interpret this histogram as probability density function (with e.g. 2 free parameters) so that I can use it to produce random numbers AND also I would like to use that function to fit another histogram.
Thanks for your help
You can use a cumulative density function to generate random numbers from an arbitrary distribution, as described here.
Using a histogram to produce a smooth cumulative density function is not entirely trivial; you can use interpolation for example scipy.interpolate.interp1d() for values in between the centers of your bins and that will work fine for a histogram with a reasonably large number of bins and items. However you have to decide on the form of the tails of the probability function, ie for values less than the smallest bin or greater than the largest bin. You could give your distribution gaussian tails based on for example fitting a gaussian to your histogram), or any other form of tail appropriate to your problem, or simply truncate the distribution.
import numpy
import scipy.interpolate
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
# create some normally distributed values and make a histogram
a = numpy.random.normal(size=10000)
counts, bins = numpy.histogram(a, bins=100, density=True)
cum_counts = numpy.cumsum(counts)
bin_widths = (bins[1:] - bins[:-1])
# generate more values with same distribution
x = cum_counts*bin_widths
y = bins[1:]
inverse_density_function = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(x, y)
b = numpy.zeros(10000)
for i in range(len( b )):
u = random.uniform( x[0], x[-1] )
b[i] = inverse_density_function( u )
# plot both
pyplot.hist(a, 100)
pyplot.hist(b, 100)
This doesn't handle tails, and it could handle bin edges better, but it would get you started on using a histogram to generate more values with the same distribution.
P.S. You could also try to fit a specific known distribution described by a few values (which I think is what you had mentioned in the question) but the above non-parametric approach is more general-purpose.
